How to impress? Do not be like everyone else!

Everyone probably knows that our body is able to give out any information about us even against our will.

The body language tells the truth, even if we are timeless.

Knowing this feature, many employees of recruitment companies have the basics of body language.

Such people perfectly know when we are, afraid or nervous!

Often we feel uneasy in unfamiliar surroundings or in a critical situation.

And wondering, how to impress , we start looking for ways to change the body language.

In fact, there are certain gestures that have to talk, as well as persuading an opponent in your self-confidence.

How to impress - instruction

To impress, you need:

  • smile
  • look into the eyes
  • stop stooping
  • do not put your hands in pockets
  • be well dressed
  • not close
  • be calm
  • cease to melt.

What is charisma or how to become a charismatic person?

And now we will analyze this in more detail.

Let's go!

Smile always makes an impression

A smile is a symbol of a person happy with life.

instagram viewer

Smile as if says that you are not afraid of anything, you feel like a fish in the water, you are self-confident.

Smiling people shine from within and place to themselves.

Stop skuikozhivatsya

Sure person will never become stooping or hunching.

He will also never drag his feet.

Try to straighten your shoulders, straighten up and smile.

You will immediately see how the world will change and play with colors.

Let the interlocutor look away, not you

Confident and an impressing person never hides anything.

He does not hide his eyes, but calmly withstands any view of the opponent.

Looking opponent in the eye, you convince him of the sincerity of their intentions.

Impressive people keep their hands in sight

Always keep your hands in sight.

Hiding your hands behind your back, you give your opponent reason to doubt your words.

The best solution is to keep your hands on your knees or in a relaxed and relaxed state.

Be sure to follow your appearance

Tell me, do you like unwashed people with unkempt hair and dirty clothes?


That's what other people do not like!

Of course, now you can argue that the Americans are not even combed in the morning.

And now tell me, how successful are these Americans?

Do not know?

That's the same!

How to pass an interview - great advice

Therefore, never look at anyone.

Look after yourself and watch your wardrobe!

Calmness is the best friend of a good impression of

90% of people during an important conversation often jerk their foot.

They can also swing their hands too much. All these gestures distract from a sense of fear and insecurity, but the interlocutor produces not the best impression.

Any person on such gestures will immediately guess about the nervousness of the interlocutor and may himself begin to get nervous.

In such a situation, it certainly will not make an impression!

Be always open

Crossed arms on the chest signal about the closedness of a person, or whether the topic of conversation can be unpleasant.

When passing an interview or communicating with a client, do not take such a pose.

It does not bring benefits, but it can alienate a person from you.

Stop flashing

The bulk of people during a conversation try to twist something in their hands, constantly adjusts their hair or grabs their face.

All these gestures signal a person's insecurities.

Therefore during any important conversation it will be more correct to take control of your own hands.

Can not?

Pick up the folder!

This little trick will help you look more serious and confident.

For girls!

In order for to impress the guy - be versatile! !!

A person who constantly develops, keeps pace with the times, goes to various trainings and seminars, learns to cook deliciously( to surprise the people every day with different delicacies), or takes vocal lessons - will ALWAYS have an interest in his personality!

And finally, I want to offer a useful video,

which gives only 5 tips on how to make a good impression on people!

In conclusion, I want to tell you that it is simply impossible to please everyone.

However, in some situations, we just need to impress the interlocutor.

It is in these situations, tune in to the positive, smile, and the scales are bound to lean towards your side.

  • Mar 05, 2018
  • 40
  • 177