Can I get pregnant with a spiral, what is the probability? Signs of pregnancy with a spiral

The intrauterine device is a modern method of contraception, however it does not give absolute protection against unwanted fertilization. Whether pregnancy with a spiral is possible or probable we shall try to understand this article.


  • Principle of operation of the intrauterine device
  • Contraindications for the intrauterine device
  • What is the probability of becoming pregnant with a spiral?
  • Signs of pregnancy with a spiral
  • What if I get pregnant with a spiral?
  • How is pregnancy with a spiral?
  • Consequences of pregnancy with a spiral
  • Video: Intrauterine spiral

Science does not stand still, with each year the discoveries in the field of contraception impress with its diversity. And it is not surprising - since ancient times mankind in the most diverse ways tried to protect itself from unwanted pregnancy, but at times despite the protection of pregnancy all the same comes.

Principle of operation of the intrauterine device

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Unfortunately, in ancient times there were no such medical and laboratory facilities in which it was possible to consult a physician and choose a more sparing method of contraception for yourself . Used means: lemon juice, crocodile swabs or elephant manure, which adversely affected the health of women.

Modern contraceptives

Fortunately, now there is no need to use such dangerous methods of protection, because in the XXI century there are various methods of contraception for both men and women.

Condoms, oral contraceptives or intrauterine spirits are 's most common methods of protecting from unwanted pregnancy.

The intrauterine device is one of the most effective means of contraception, according to many experts and lay people. This is justified by the fact that its protection level approaches 98% with proper use.

Intrauterine spiral

In order to be sure of the reliability of this method it is better to conduct this procedure in the clinic with the help of a qualified gynecologist .The doctor will conduct a gynecological examination, exclude the presence of viral and gynecological diseases or pregnancy.

The principle of the helix is ​​designed to prevent the progress of spermatozoa into the uterine region. Thus, is practically excluded from attaching the egg after fertilization to the uterine wall.

Introduction of a spiral into the uterine cavity of the

The shape of the spiral may be different, but more often than not the resembles the letter "T" of the .Thus, with the introduction of a spiral, its tendrils seem to open up inside.

The most common is the helix with copper content. It is a plastic wand wrapped in copper thread. Copper is used as a contraceptive, because its effect on spermatozoa is destructive.

There is also the hormonal spiral .Its functioning is carried out on the basis of the release of the hormone of progesterone , which, in turn, makes the uterus slim thick and prevents sperm from passing through the thickened mucous membrane.

Intrauterine spiral with copper filament

And yet it is important to understand that although the spiral is a reliable protection, but still has enough many contraindications to .Therefore, before installing a spiral, consult a doctor in order not to harm your health.

Contraindications for intrauterine device

As mentioned earlier, the intrauterine device has a large number of contraindications to , which are associated with an individual woman's condition or health problems. All the nuances and details you can discuss with your doctor-gynecologist.

Doctors insist that if a woman has promiscuous sexual intercourse or is not completely sure of her partner, it is better to use barrier contraceptive methods ( condom).After all, all medical research indicates that the intrauterine device does not protect against infections of , which are transmitted sexually.

Main contraindication for spiral placement - pregnancy

Contraindications for intrauterine device use:

  1. Gynecological tumors - if present, the spiral setting is strictly prohibited. In order not to provoke non-negotiable negative consequences, many medical and cosmetic services are applied only with absolute certainty that no cancer has been detected in the field of application and in the entire body of the woman. One of these procedures is the installation of the spiral
  2. Inflammatory processes of in the pelvic organs
  3. Bleeding
  4. The pregnancy of is one of the most important reasons to abandon the spiral. After all, this is not only not advisable, since the pregnancy has already taken place, but, anyway, this foreign body, which causes the muscles of the uterus to contract more intensively. In turn, this can lead to miscarriage
Diseases of the genital area before the spiral should be cured

Doctors also do not prohibit, but do not recommend putting the spiral to girls who did not give birth to the .Since in the future this can lead to complications in planning pregnancy and bearing a child.

Thus, it can be concluded that before the spiral is needed, should be carefully examined by the doctor in order to exclude pregnancy on short terms or gynecological diseases.

What is the probability of getting pregnant with a spiral?

"And there is an old woman on an old woman", "Once a year and a stick shoots" - ancient Russian folk expressions, which mean that, despite the experience, age and beliefs in life there are gaffes. And when using the helix, there is a risk of pregnancy.

Even with a spiral there is a risk of pregnancy

In order to understand which method of contraception is the most reliable, the special calculation table was developed. It in percentage terms shows which method is best used to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. These calculations were made by the American biologist Raymond Perle , due to which they received the name Perl index.

And although according to the calculation of the Pearl index, this contraceptive method, like the intrauterine device, has only 0.3-1% fluctuations, the probability of pregnancy still persists in one woman out of 100.

Only the barrier contraception

can be prevented from sexual infections. Also importantunderstand that the spiral is not a barrier method of contraception. That is, in other words, interrupts the onset of pregnancy in the early term, and does not rule out conception in principle. Thus, it is similar to abortion.

Objective causes the onset of pregnancy gynecologists are most often called two:

  • is not the correct installation of the spiral
  • expiration of its expiration date

The first reason is the misuse of the spiral. For example, if a woman initially uses it without the supervision of a specialist, and performed this procedure not in the clinic, but in at home .At the same time, there is no complete guarantee that the spiral is installed correctly and fully performs its protective functions.

Incorrect spiral placement can lead to unwanted pregnancy

It should be remembered that nothing eternal can happen and everything has a shelf life - the intrauterine device is not an exception. On average, the spiral life is 5 years. Hormonal spirals can last for no more than 7 years.

After this period, the contraceptive properties of the spiral are already lost and hope for protection is not worth it. Also, the spiral will begin to grow into the wall of the uterus , which can lead to infection and inflammation.

Intrauterine spiral

It can be concluded that the intrauterine device is sufficient reliable method of protection .But do not forget that the probability of an unplanned pregnancy remains for any form of contraception.

In turn, every woman should monitor her health and visit the gynecologist at least twice a year. This will protect her from various gynecological diseases and the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy with a spiral

For women who are confident in their partner and do not want to deprive themselves of certain sensations in the barrier method of contraception, the intrauterine device becomes a priority.

In addition, this method of contraception does not give the woman a negative effect and any dangers, except for one - in case of pregnancy to keep it will be quite difficult.

Delay in menstruation even in the presence of a spiral - an occasion to test for pregnancy

One of the main signs of the onset of pregnancy when using any type of contraceptive or interrupted sexual intercourse is the delay in menstruation. It can be assumed that a woman who uses a spiral does not plan to give birth to a child. Thus, the delay in menstruation can be an exciting news for her.

First of all, it is important to exclude from various reasons that influence from outside:

  • stresses
  • climate change
  • severe diet or post
  • failure in the menstrual cycle of a woman
All traditional signs of pregnancy are characteristic for fertilization in the presence of a spiral

Delayed menstruation for up to 7 days doctorsDo not consider critical if it does not occur every month.

Probable, but not an accurate sign of pregnancy are nausea, vomiting, profuse discharge, enlarged mammary glands.

But still, every woman who does not wait for the onset of menstruation on time, first of all, should conduct the pregnancy test .This product in quite a variety of options is sold in pharmacies and it is better to do several tests of different manufacturers in order to be as confident as possible.

Modern pregnancy tests

Another way to test is analysis of hCG - an analysis of a hormone that is secreted by the membranes of the fetus after conception. It gives a more accurate and early result than the test, but in order to achieve an accurate result, is recommended to undergo this analysis twice and to check whether the hormone index increases.

For any of the results - negative or positive, is necessary to visit the gynecologist .This will make it possible to exclude inflammatory diseases, tumors or pregnancy in the early stages.

What if I get pregnant with a spiral?

If there is a situation like this and you are pregnant with a spiral, first of all the question is important: is it a coveted child? If for some reason you are not yet ready to become a mother, you need to turn to a gynecologist for abortion. In this case, the doctor will also remove the spiral.

The earlier the spiral is removed during pregnancy, the greater the chances of its preservation

If nevertheless you decide in favor of the child, you need to discuss with the doctor the question of the need to remove the spiral. In certain cases, the doctor may advise you to leave the spiral until a certain time. This occurs in the case when the ultrasound shows that she does not interfere with the development of the fetus.

The hormonal intrauterine device is removed without fail, because the release of the hormonal substance occurs, which adversely affects the child's development.

How is pregnancy with a spiral?

  • Spiral preservation during pregnancy entails risk of miscarriage - in the first trimester of pregnancy this figure is from 50 to 70% of .In this case, it is best to remove the contraceptive as early as possible, because in this case the risk of termination of pregnancy is minimal
  • Unfortunately, among the spiral pregnancies, a large number is intrauterine pregnancy , which carries a great danger to the life of the woman and which can not be saved
  • Diagnostics with the help of ultrasound in the early period allows us to identify the location of the fetal egg and in case of detection of pregnancy outside the womb all measures will be taken to interrupt it
Bbelt with spiral must pass under the special supervision of a specialist

No way woman should not produce the removal of the helix alone .To exclude the risk of miscarriage or damage to health, it is recommended to do this in the clinic.

If a woman still does not want to remove the spiral and doctors do not see a threat to the development and health of the baby, it can be left. But it is necessary to constantly consult a doctor and in case of pain or increase in discharge immediately contact the clinic.

Spiral removal during pregnancy

Starting with the second trimester of pregnancy, the intrauterine device spiral is gradually displaced by the shells of the fetus and is spontaneously evacuated from the woman's body at the time of delivery.

Consequences of pregnancy with a spiral

In summary, we can say that retention of pregnancy in the presence of a spiral - is a heavy, but quite possible process. The future mother will need to devote more time to her health and well-being and consult with a doctor with the slightest ailments.

Pregnancy that occurs during the spiral of the spiral can end safely

In most cases, with under the supervision of an experienced physician, the spiral pregnancy is still preserved and has every chance of being successful, most important is that it was the coveted - thenall obstacles and difficulties on the way to the birth of a child will be successfully passed.

Video: Intrauterine device

  • May 23, 2018
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