A complete table of alkaline, strongly alkaline and slightly alkaline foods

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Pineapples low base
Oranges low base
Watermelon high alkalinity
Bananas low base
Broccoli high alkalinity
Grapes average alkalinity
Cherry low base
Peas low base
Grapefruit high alkalinity
Mushrooms low alkalinity
Breast milk Medium alkalinity
Wild rice
Low alkalinity
Melon Average alkalinity
Zelefirst tea average alkalinity
Greens average alkalinity
Raisins average alkalinity
Ginger tea low base
Tavern average alkalinity
Canola Oil low base
Cabbage low base
Chestnuts low base
Kiwi average alkalinity
Maple Syrup Medium alkalinity
Goat milk
Low alkalinity
Lemon High alkalinity
Lemon juice
High alkalines
Onion high alkalinity
Linseed oil
average alkalinity
Mango high alkalinity
Almond average alkalinity
Young wheat low base
Carrots low base
Vegetable juices high alkalinity
Olives low base
Olive oil is high alkalinity
Papaya High alkalinity
Peaches Medium alkalinity
Parsley High alkalinity
Millet low base
rice syrup average alkalinity
average alkalinity
Sugar beet
average alkalinity
Fresh fruit juices low base
Fresh honey in the comb low base
Celery average alkalinity
Asparagus high alkalinity
Stevia High alkalinity
Low alkalinity
Goat Cheese low base
raw spinach high alkalinity
average alkalinity
Green haricot
average alkalinity
Dates average alkalinity
Flower teas
high alkalinity
average alkalinity
high alkalinity

Apples Averagealkalinity
Medium alkalinity
Product name Alkalinity type

Having digestive characteristics associated with alkalinity or acidity, it is necessary to take these factors into account in the consumed products. In this complete table, constructed in alphabetical order, all common products are collected and the degree of alkalinity from low to high is indicated. Using it, you can avoid problems in building a diet.

Find out the list of the most harmful food products http://woman-l.ru/spisok-vrednyx-produktov-pitaniya/
  • May 23, 2018
  • 11
  • 174