What is heather? Heather ordinary: medicinal properties, indications and contraindications for use

Useful properties and diseases from which heals the heather.

Species of the heather species: photos and description

  • Healing properties of the heather ordinary
  • Indications for the use of heather
  • Heather, contraindications
  • Heather in traditional medicine
  • Grass, flowers and heather root, application of
  • Properties of the heather drink: recipe
  • How to use a decoction,tincture and heather oil: recipes
  • Video: Features and benefits of heather
  • Heather is not only beautiful and hardy, but also extremely useful. You will learn about all useful properties, indications and contraindications to the application from the article.

    Varieties of heather: photos and description

    There are about 300 varieties of heather, all of which are distinguished by a variety of colors, leaves and flowering periods. The nature of Europe and Russia is famous:

    • An ornamental plant that looks like a small evergreen shrub with a bright goblet blossom. Can grow like in a forest, field or at home, indoors blooms until the winter
    instagram viewer
    Decorative heather
    • Tree heather is a tall tree that blooms white bells and has needle leaves. One of the most ancient species, memories of it appeared back in 1658 AD
    Tree heather
    • Pink heather in which the flowers are collected in a brush with pink-white cylindrical flowers. Flowering time - late spring - mid-summer, known as excellent honey plant
    Pink heather
    • Garden heather, which is frost-resistant and can be of different heights.
    . Garden heather
    • . Scotch heather with fine thin leaves and pink bells. The medium-tall bush is perennial and evergreen
    The Scottish heather
    • Heather is an unusually beautiful flower, despite its name, of an extremely unusual beauty with lilac bells and dark green leaves
    Heather ordinary
    • Graceful heather with light green leaves and bright redgoblet flowers collected in bundles of 4 flowers. It looks very nice in the winter garden, in such a room blooms from October to February.
    . Elegant heather.

    . These are just some types of flowering shrubs, if you collect all these varieties and plant on the site, then the blooming glade will gladden the eye year round with a bright bloom.

    Healing properties of heather ordinary

    In folk and official medicine, both leaves, flowers and even heather juice are used. Extremely useful:

    • Tincture of heather color ordinary
    • Decoction of shrub leaves
    • Tea with heather colors
    • Compresses with leaves and juice of plant
    • Bath with any component of plant

    All this is effectively used, because it is known that heather ordinary has such healing properties:

    • Disinfectant
    • Well healing wounds
    • Quickly relieving inflammation
    • Sweat and diuretic
    • Expectorant
    • Soothing
    • Stabilizing acidity level
    Cheathers and heather leaves have a number of useful properties of

    . These are the main healing properties of heather ordinary, which for such purposes are better collected in late July and mid-September. About the testimony to the application we'll talk further, it will be interesting.

    Indications for the use of heather

    Heather ordinary is extremely unpretentious and grows in the forest, as well as in the swamp or in the wasteland. But despite such conditions, the use of heather ordinary is significant, it is used for such health problems:

    • atherosclerosis
    • Insomnia
    • Problems of digestive tract, a very effective is the decoction heather with gastritis and colitis
    • hyperacidity
    • excess weight
    • sore throat or buccal cavity
    • tuberculosis
    • ulcer
    • rheumatism, radiculitis
    • Gout, edema
    • In case of problems with the throat, oralcavity and gastrointestinal problems use teas and tinctures for rinsing
    Heather will help with health problems

    With gout and swelling help to cope with the bath with flowers of the plant. Very good for allergies and ulcers decoction with heather leaves. Teas with flowers of the bush heals from insomnia, thanks to the calming effect and normalization of the nervous system.

    Heather, contra-indications

    Heather is so unique that there are practically no contraindications to the use of tea or tinctures with its ingredients. The only contraindication is gastritis, in which you have decreased acidity, but still it is worth remembering such important rules:

    • It is not necessary with the first techniques to get involved in a lot of tincture or tea with heather, minimize the dose of treatment at the beginning
    • After you have taken the remedywith heather, monitor your health, if there are no visible negative changes
    • If after taking you feel unwell, or if there is an allergic reaction, do not self-medicate, but immediatelyNamely, consult a doctor
    Even in such a harmless plant, as heather, there are contraindications

    Any medicine with a wrong reception can become a poison. Consider also individual intolerance, protect yourself from side effects and do not self-medicate without consulting a doctor.

    Heather in folk medicine

    Since ancient times there are recipes for infusions, broth, tea with the use of heather. Consider some of them:

    • Tincture: take 20 g of crushed dry plant and pour 200 ml of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave to infuse 2h, after strain. Now the preparation is ready for use.
    • Tincture on alcohol with dry heather roots is prepared as follows: 10 g of roots pour 70% alcohol, infuse 2 weeks in a dark place. Eat 3 r daily before meals for 30-40 drops.
    • Tea from insomnia with heather leaves: 1 tsp of dry leaves, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Take before bedtime and your sleep will be strong and calm
    • Decoction for relaxation can be poured while taking a bath, prepare as follows: 50 g of dried heather flowers, insist in a bucket of boiling water for 30 minutes, strain and pour into a bath. After you feel light throughout the body
    • Tincture of dried heather flowers to normalize the nervous system: 1 tbsp of flowers pour a glass of boiling water and insist 2-3 hours Drink this tincture 3-4 r per day for 100 ml
    • If you are concernedgout, folk medicine advises the following: make a lotion from the above alcoholic infusion and apply to the joints
    Teas and decoctions with heather are extremely useful and effective.

    Heather is widely used in folk medicine. But the main rule of effective treatment - in any case do not exceed these dosages, otherwise you can damage the stomach mucosa.

    Grass, flowers and heather root, application

    Grass, flowers and plant roots serve as a medicinal product. Collect them should be during flowering, after drying and use in such cases:

    • To treat the GIT system - 10 G of flowers fill with 50% alcohol and insist 2 weeks, strain and consume 1 tsp per day.
    • . Tea with this recipe is an anti-inflammatory drug: 1 tsp of heather grass soak in 250 ml of boiling water, leaveinfuse for 10 minutes, strain. Drink such tea 3 r daily after meals.
    • . As a cosmetic remedy, mix the broth on heather flowers with a decoction of nettles and burdock root. By this means you can perfectly strengthen the hair
    • If you have problems with the spleen, then use a tincture with leaves and flowers of heather: in 500 ml of hot water, pour 2 tbsp of dry heather and insist 2 h, strain and consume half a glass of 3 r inday before meals
    • During the tonsillitis or other viral diseases, use this aforementioned tincture 4 r per day
    • If you have found sand in the kidneys, then the tincture of flowers and bush leaves will help solve this problem, for this in a glass of hot water add 1tsp of dry raw materials and insist 2 hours. Use tincture 4 r per day
    Dried heather

    For treatment of health problems you can use both the indicated methods and recipes of traditional medicine. Be healthy!

    Properties of the heather drink: recipe

    From heather in Scotland produced such a drink as ale. Instead of hops in ale add heather, which gives the drink an amazing floral fragrance. Drink can be prepared if you take into account certain rules:

    • For a flower drink it is necessary to collect flowering heather, and the length of twigs should not be more than 5 cm.
    • To drink it was fragrant it is necessary to process the flower for 1.5 days.
    • Moss growing on heatherpromotes fermentation of the drink, but the composition of the components of such moss is a weak narcotic, so for the production of ale is used a clone of yeast
    • From the obtained malt and heather colors produce wort
    • Above you should pour freshly picked flowers of heather and leave to wander for 2 weeks in a barrel
    • If you saw a black drink in the barrel, it means that the ale is ready for use.
    El from the heather

    This drink turns out to be a beautiful amber color, slightly carbonated with bitterness. If you manage to visit Scotland and try real heather ale, then you will remember this taste for a long time.
    Heather honey: healing properties and recipes
    Heather honey is obtained with heather flowers and has a dark yellow color. The taste of the product is not very similar to honey - it is tart and feels slightly bitter, but despite this it has extremely useful properties.
    Honey contains many microelements and vitamin. Honey from heather, as well as the components of the plant themselves, helps in the treatment of various diseases, this is:

    • Kidney Diseases
    • Joint Problems
    • Asthma Asthma
    • Gastrointestinal Disorders
    • Mucosal Inflammation
    Honey from heather - a find in medicine and cosmetology

    Alsohoney is also used in cosmetology, it is a part of many creams and masks for face and body.
    In cooking it is used as a filling for baking, desserts or an exquisite addition in the preparation of meat.
    In order to sleep soundly and calmly just put a spoonful of honey under your tongue, and a good sleep will not keep you waiting.
    If you have stomatitis or other inflammation, prepare this tincture: dilute 1 teaspoon honey in 500 ml of warm water and leave to infuse. Rinse your throat with this tincture and after 2 days you will see a noticeable improvement.

    How to use decoction, tincture and heath oil: recipes

    In folk and official medicine, the main form for heather application is infusion, butter and broth:

    • In the first case, the cooking process is as follows: 2 tablespoons dried flowers and heather leaves, pour into a thermos and pour boiling water. Leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. Take the tincture before eating 2-3 r per day, the daily dosage is not more than 300 ml.
    • For broth, take 1 tbsp of dried heather flowers and pour 1 l of boiling water, boil after boiling for 3 minutes.1 liter of boiling water requires 1 tbsp of raw material. After boiling boil 2 - 3 minutes, then insist half an hour. Take the broth before eating 3 r per day, the daily dosage is not more than 350 ml.
    • Essential oils are also created from the heather. It is believed that the oil in the composition of which is heather is a kind of love binding that even friendly relations can lead to the wedding
    The application of heather is diverse

    It can be summed up that the heather is not only a very beautiful and unusual shrub, but also a very useful substance for the treatment of manydiseases. If it is reasonable to use the plant for medicinal purposes, then it is possible to get rid of many ailments.

    Video: Features and Benefits of Heather

    • May 23, 2018
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