Treatment of thrombophlebitis with folk remedies: recipes, advice and feedback from patients

The venous system of the human body has superficial veins and deep-lying veins.

Thrombophlebitis most often affects the veins of the subcutaneous( more than 85 percent).The purpose of treatment of this disease is to prevent possible consequences, in some cases lethal, arising from free migration of severed thrombi through the venous system of a person.

The nature of this disease can be aseptic( without any infectious intervention) and infectious. Aseptic can occur:

  • in the presence of varicose veins;
  • for veins of closed type( compression, impact);
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system or hematopoietic.

Infectious thrombophlebitis may appear:

  • in the postoperative period, postpartum or after an abortion;
  • after the transfer of such diseases as erysipelas or purulent( abscesses, phlegmon, furunculosis), influenza, tuberculosis and others.

Depending on the severity of thrombophlebitis, treatment is prescribed. It can be medicated( conservative) or operative. In any case, he is appointed by a doctor specializing in the treatment of this type of disease.

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In its task is to remove the inflammatory process, preventing the defeat of deep veins.

Self-medication with thrombophlebitis is not allowed.


  • Traditional medicine in the treatment of the disease
  • Diet for thrombophlebitis
  • Herbal and other substance-based recipes
  • Lifestyle
  • Reviews of folk methods of treatment
  • Preventative measures

The place of traditional medicine in the treatment of

disease The specialist, having conducted appropriate examinations and appointing treatment for thrombophlebitis, will help you to approach this issue in a comprehensive manner.

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The use of anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants, the wearing of special bandages or bandages can be supplemented by treatment of thrombophlebitis with folk remedies.

Use of infusions and decoctions of herbs, ointments and compresses, exercise therapy can be an effective addition to conservative medical treatment.

Diet with thrombophlebitis

One of the factors contributing to thrombophlebitis is overweight.

Therefore, treatment of thrombophlebitis in the home should start with weight loss. Necessary nutrition and diet, aimed at weight loss, strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, improving blood flow.

Preferred are products:

  • vegetables, fruits, greens - low-batch, rich in vitamins and minerals, promote peristalsis of the intestine( except for a large amount of spinach, cabbage, kiwi, bananas);
  • low-fat meat, seafood( not in large portions, up to 3 times a week) - help in strengthening the vessels, restoring their elasticity;
  • porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal( rich in substances necessary for hematopoiesis);
  • bulbs and root vegetables - onions, garlic, ginger( help in liquefying the blood).
It is supposed to eat at least five times a day. Portions should not be large. The recommended fluid intake is about two liters. Thus it is desirable to drink water, green tea, fruit drinks. Avoid smoked, fried, very sharp and salty foods.

Recipes based on herbs and other substances

Tinctures, decoctions, compresses based on all known herbs and other ingredients are good in the treatment of thrombophlebitis.

Every folk thrombophlebitis medication that is suggested below has been tested by time and by many patients.

Infusions, decoctions and mixtures for compresses:

  • boil half a liter of water, pour into it two tablespoons( st.l) bodypages, insist about two hours and put a compress;
  • through a meat grinder to pass bitter wormwood( or steaming a spoonful of dry grass), mix the gruel with a small amount of sour milk or other fermented milk product, put the mixture on gauze, put a compress;
  • honey gently warm( up to 30-35 degrees), apply to the fabric and put a compress;
  • cabbage leaf mash, apply vegetable oil and apply a lubricated side to the body.
In our material, we discuss what preparations venenotics are and which ones should be preferred.

Before taking Escuzane, instructions for use on the drug are required. In the article also about the analogues of the drug, its pros and cons and a lot of useful information.

Ointments and rubbers:

  • two st.l.any fat to heat, pour into it two tablespoons of fried comfrey root medicinal, mix, let it brew for one or three days;
  • several fruits of horse chestnut( 5-6 pieces) to grind, in a water bath heat half a cup of olive oil, add chestnuts to it and, stirring, heat for about an hour - after percolation can be used;
  • a half-liter bottle filled with acacia flowers, pour vodka, insist for about two weeks in the light - the flour is ready.

Decoctions, tinctures and other substances for intake:

  • flower pollen( to strengthen the walls of blood vessels), take 3-4 teaspoons a day;
  • one st.l.verbena medicinal to put in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water, insist and after filtering the infusion take within a day( help anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • 10 grams of horse chestnut flowers( or its detailed fruit) pour vodka( half a cup) and put it on( 10 days) in a place remote from the sun - take 30 drops before meals, washed down with water( to help antithrombotic drugs).


Also popular methods of treating thrombophlebitis include the changes in the entire lifestyle of a person .

We have already considered one of the components - power supply .The second is the movement .

Stagnation of blood in the veins leads to thrombosis, which means stimulation of the muscular and vascular systems:

  • moderate, but constant physical activity( walking, special physical exercises, easy running);
  • if possible - change the job, which involves a constant sitting or standing;
  • avoid places with elevated or dramatically reduced temperature conditions( hot mud, steam baths, cryotherapy), dehydration.

Reviews about folk methods of treatment

Let's study the patients' reviews about the treatment of thrombophlebitis with folk remedies.

Our readers recommend!
For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Opinion of doctors. .. "

For several years I suffer from varicose veins, after my acute respiratory viral infection was swollen and my leg ached, I was diagnosed with thrombophlebitis. He was treated at home, fulfilling all the prescriptions of the doctor. In addition, he rubbed his legs with a tincture of horse chestnut seeds, at night Vyshnevsky ointment was applied to the most painful place.

Brewed an herbal collection of anti-inflammatory( bought at the pharmacy).I do not know what helped more quickly - pills or ointments, but after three days passed the pain and swelling, gradually the leg came to a normal state, moving freely. The main thing is not to start a disease!

Valery K, 48 years old, 11.04.14

My mom was diagnosed with thrombophlebitis - suddenly the temperature rose, the left leg swelled, there were red spots on the inside of the calf. The doctor prescribed treatment with medications and advised in passing the folk remedies.

Made her compresses from decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs( sage, chamomile, calendula), for the night broth from oak and willow bark was diluted with warm water and kept her legs in it( 30-40 minutes), then the most painful places were applied with honey compresses.

For the night at the feet laid a small pillow. They drank decoction from the colors of horse chestnut( bought in a drugstore, drank according to the recipe on the package).The acute process took place in 8-9 days. Now I help my mother not to forget about the prevention of this insidious disease.

Marina S., 32 years old, 06.07.14

Many years she suffered from varicose veins, when it became very hard - she decided to change her life. I do exercises( "birch" is my favorite exercise), I drink herbal teas that liquefy the blood and strengthen the walls of the vessels( green tea + a little clover + flowers of chestnut + ginger + cinnamon + mint leaves + raspberry leaves), try not to eat smoked food anda lot of fried and fat, after working a kilometer two or three go on foot. I now know that health is really in our hands.

Svetlana P., 42, 04.08.14

Preventive measures

To prevent the disease should:

  • use any opportunity for movement;
  • shoes to choose a comfortable, preferably with orthopedic insoles, on a low heel;
  • if necessary, use special compression knitwear;
  • to train the vessels - several times a week to do a contrast shower for the legs;
  • to avoid physical activities associated with weight transfer, stressful situations;
  • giving rest to the feet to raise them as high as possible, improving the outflow of blood;
  • discard bad habits;
  • foot massage will help you activate reflex points, improve the vital functions of the body.

Healthy way of life, prevention of pre-existing venous diseases, timely calls to specialists for help will help you avoid serious consequences in such a serious disease as thrombophlebitis.

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