Fingers fingers: causes. What should I do if my fingers become numb?

The causes of numbness in the fingers are very diverse: from injuries, to hormonal bursts. If a regular puffiness is found, you should consult a neurologist.


  • What to do if your fingers become numb
  • Video: "3 causes of numbness in the hands. Diagnosis "on the fingers"
  • Why do my index and middle fingers become numb?
  • Why are the fingers on the left arm numb?
  • Why are the fingers on the right arm numb?
  • Why are the fingers of both hands constantly numb?
  • Why do your fingers become numb in a dream?
  • Why do my fingers get numb after sleeping?
  • Video: "Tunnel Syndrome"
  • What causes dumbness in pregnant women?
  • How should I contact a doctor if my fingers become numb?
  • Video: "Nemyut fingers and hands. Causes and consequences »
  • What to do if your fingers become numb: advice and feedback
  • Video:" Nemyut fingers "

What to do if your fingers become numb

Such unpleasant sensations as numbness of fingers are familiar to many. They can begin with the usual tingling and result in a loss of full sensitivity. Various diseases can serve as the reasons for this, as well as some circumstances.

instagram viewer

Important: In some cases, the fingers can be drowsy from the banal awkward position of the hands in a dream.

kneading hands will help get rid of numbness

If in a dream you do not purposely squeeze the nerve, the hand or fingers can go numb. In order to get rid of the numbness associated with the "uncomfortable" sleep, you just need to perform the gymnastics. If it does not help you, then you need to look for a reason in your state of health.

Important: Numbness of fingers on the hands: left and right, is typical mainly for people who have reached the elderly.

As everything in the human body is interconnected, numbness of the fingers is not a disease, but the consequence of a problem. Most often, it is associated with problems of the cardiovascular system and diseases of the spine.

But you should pay attention to exactly what finger or fingers grow numb. It is this feature that can tell you about where to look for the disease.

Video: "3 causes of numbness in the arms. Diagnosis "on the fingers"

Why do the indexed and middle fingers become numb?

Important: The numb middle finger often spreads its sensations to the index and nameless. Not infrequently, numbness spreads to the outside of the hand.

If the index finger is numb, this is an obvious "bell", talking about problems or reloading of the neuromuscular apparatus. This happens if a person performs a monotonous work based on the same movements for a long time.

An example of such work can be knitting, embroidery or any other needlework. Not infrequently the numbness of the index and middle finger can deteriorate and at times appear as convulsions and fetter movements.

As for the middle finger, it is very often possible to feel numbness in the middle of the night. At this time, the muscles are relaxed after active physical activity. The edema of the middle finger on the hand symbolizes the problems:

  • of the
  • system of the
  • nervous system
of the bony and articular system
spread of numbness

Important: If numbness causes vascular disorders, the pads of the middle and index fingers may become cold. Hands can even freeze and visually acquire a shade of blue. Fingers and limbs can swell, in some cases blush.

Why are the fingers on the left arm numb?

If you periodically notice numbness of the fingers on your left arm, do not ignore it. A rare and not long numbness can be a cause of pinching of the nerve, this happens when an uncomfortable dream or heavy load occurs. It can be eliminated, in comparison with lingering, especially on the left hand.

If symptoms are found, you should contact your neurologist in time to find out:

  • pathological causes of circulatory disorders
  • pathology of the nervous system
  • osteochondrosis of parts of the spine: thoracic and cervical department
  • jamming of the neurovascular bundles in the hands
  • of salt deposits
  • of the intervertebral hernia
  • of scoliosis
pinch of the nerve

Important: The most dangerous in the numbness of the fingers of the left arm is thatthis can be a harbinger of a stroke.

Why are the fingers on the right arm numb?

Such a phenomenon as the numbness of the right arm and fingers on it appears most often due to poor blood circulation of the hand, as well as causing problems with the spine. Moreover, it is safe to say that this symptom can constitute a complete clinical picture of many diseases. Some diseases lead to serious complications.

The neurologist will be able to determine the cause of numbness of the right hand fingers and identify:

  • hand or spinal injuries
  • inflamed joints
  • disorders of the nervous system
  • spine diseases
  • circulatory disorders
  • endocrine diseases

Depending on how numb the finger, you can determine the cause of the problem andcorrectly to appoint or nominate treatment. Not a rare cause of numbness of the fingers on the right hand is inflammation of the elbow joint. A neuropathologist will accurately determine the cause of your unpleasant sensations.

pinching of the nerve of the neck-collar zone

Important: If the head has been in an uncomfortable position for a long time, it is quite possible to pinch the nerve of the cervical collar zone, giving it to the right arm.

Why are the fingers of both hands constantly numb?

The fingers of both hands can dumb at any age and absolutely any person. The reasons for this may be the most common diseases:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome - the consequences of monotonous brush work at the seamstresses, office workers, secretaries or accountants
  • Osteochondrosis - jamming of the neurovascular bundles in the cervical spine
  • Intervertebral hernia
  • Scoliosis
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Whatever the reason for the numbness of the fingers in your case, you should address this problem even to the therapist. Only then you can do the course of getting rid of the disease.

Why do your fingers become numb in a dream?

Each person during sleep can have an uncomfortable position that he does not control. This position helps to "flow" limbs of the phalanxes of the hands. The most common causes of numbed fingers in a dream:

  • Inconvenient posture, compressive nerve endings
  • Osteochondrosis of nerve vertebrae
  • Professional activity: same type of muscle strain
  • Endocrine disruption: overweight
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Changing the hormonal background: pregnancy, menopause, feeding period
  • Lack in the body of vitamin B2 and iron
  • Injury of the spine
  • Arthritis
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
not convenient and comfortable laidie in a dream Why

numb fingers after a dream?

The causes of swelling in and after sleep are the same. If the body was in an uncomfortable position all night, it is possible to feel tingling at the fingertips, loss of sensitivity of the brush. If such feelings do not catch you often, use exercises and warm-up. Such exercises will help restore normal blood circulation and quickly eliminate swelling.

If you observe persistent swelling after sleep, then this is a symptom of a disease such as tunnel syndrome. This is a neuropathic condition that requires treatment. Treatment passes by stimulating the nerve endings with small discharges of current, puffiness goes away and sensitivity returns to the fingers.

Video: "Tunnel Syndrome"

What causes dumbness in pregnant women?

  • During pregnancy, the female body works in an "enhanced mode".That's why very often some systems come out of the fret
  • Numbness of the limbs and fingers is a common phenomenon. Often, pregnant women in the second and third trimester complain that they feel tingling, pain, burning sensation and a complete lack of sensitivity.
  • Tunnel syndrome - nerve compression, is characteristic of pregnant women, as well as those who have a monotonous job. Basically, the working hand is numb because it often suffers tension. Fight with numbness during pregnancy - you need
  • If you run the problem, it is realistic to get complications. With pain swelling that is not removed by physical exercises, it is worthwhile to seek the help of a doctor

. How should a doctor be treated if fingers become numb?

First of all, if you have not previously treated your health problems with a doctor, you need to go to an appointment with the therapist. It is this doctor that gives direction to a specialist. If the nature of your disease is neurological, the neurologist is engaged in it.

Depending on which fingers are numb and on which arm, the doctor prescribes proper examination: a blood test for hormones, an X-ray of the spine and limbs, a cardiogram. Depending on your clinical card, specialists prescribe effective treatment and relieve you of the problem.

Video: "Nemyut fingers and hands. Causes and consequences »

What to do if your fingers become numb: advice and feedback

If you feel numbness in your fingers and hands, try to do exercises to restore blood circulation:

  1. Do 10 times in a row exercise" Tree ": sit up straight, raise handsup and shake them over your head several times, relax your arms downwards along the trunk and shake them
  2. Practice the Castle several times: clasp your fingers in the lock, pull it out in front of you and make some circular motions
  3. ytyanite arms forward and squeeze them a few times in his fists. Repeat the movement with arms outstretched to the sides
  4. Make a few head turns to the right and left, as well as circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise

These exercises will allow you to develop joints and increase blood flow to the extremities, eliminating puffiness and numbness.

Video: "Nemyut fingers"

  • May 23, 2018
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