Is it possible to wash the sneakers in the washing machine machine without damaging them

Despite all the prohibitions and warnings, they try to put everything in the washing machine that can be laundered, and even a "brick".But sports shoes can still be washed in a typewriter machine, only it is necessary to take into account some rules of such washing, so that you can not get your shoes in parts later.

What shoes can not be washed in the typewriter

  • Washing rules
  • Washing modes
  • Drying shoes for women
  • What shoes can not be washed in the machine

    In a washing machine, the machine should never be washed:

    • leather - including sports,because after washing, the shoes get bored by the temperature and lose their original appearance;
    • suede - such shoes are very susceptible to water and after such washing it will already be unfit for further use, it is better to clean the suede with special brushes;
    • damaged - if there are any defects on the shoes, then it's worth to refrain from washing in the machine, as this will only exacerbate the situation;

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    • with ornaments - if there are rhinestones, locks, reflective tapes on the shoes, then during the washing they can fly off;
    • of poor quality - cheap shoes after washing just fall apart and it will only be left.
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    Washing rules

    To wash the running shoes in the typewriter it is necessary: ​​

    • to unbind the sneakers( it is necessary to completely remove the laces so that the lace ring does not come off during washing);
    • remove the insoles( if they are glued, then you can leave them);
    • remove, if possible, reflectors, stickers, chains and other ornaments, fasten all locks and Velcro;
    • to inspect for any flaws and defects( if the shoes are glued, then it is best to wash it by hand);
    • to clean from various stains on the surface with the help of laundry soap, vinegar or soda;
    • pre-rinse to remove any loose dirt from the sole;
    • put the sneakers in a special bag for washing, you can use an old pillow case or make such a bag with your own hand from a rag or old towel;
    • do not wash several pairs of shoes at the same time;
    • program for washing choose "Delicate", a special program for washing sports shoes or a simple program with a temperature of 30-40 degrees;
    • powder pour in the usual amount or use a liquid gel;
    • turn off the "Spin" mode, as this can damage the bearings due to vibration;
    • turn off the "Drying" mode, because the shoes can be deformed from the heat;
    • Do not wash only shoes.
    In the drum to the sneakers you need to add some more things or rags so that there is no unnecessary vibration and do not knock out the glass in the door.
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    Washing modes

    • Special mode "Sports shoes" - if this mode is present on your washing machine, you must select it. This mode is designed for washing shoes and perfectly copes with the task. When washing a sneaker in a car with this mode, you can not be afraid for the integrity of the item being washed.
    • Washing mode "Delicate" - in this mode, shoes will not roll around the drum and will not lead to any breakdown of the washing machine and damage to the shoes themselves.
    • Normal mode at 30-40 degrees - in the normal mode for washing cotton, it is necessary to turn off the "Drying" and "Spin" modes, as both sneakers and machine bearings can be damaged. Alternatively, you can leave the "Spin" to the minimum value( 400 or 600 rpm).

    Read also how to clean a cashmere coat
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    Drying of running shoes

    To wash your running shoes have not lost their shape, it is necessary to dry them properly:

    • after the end of washing sneakers to straighten, inside put crumpled white paper, periodically changing it as it becomes wet. The newspaper is best not to use, the paint from it can stain shoes from the inside;
    • in the summer to dry shoes on the balcony, hanging for a special tail on the back or for the tongue. In winter, sneakers can be put on a battery, pre-woven with a towel;
    • the optimum temperature for drying shoes is 18-25 degrees. At this temperature, the shoes will not crack or deform.
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    • May 23, 2018
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