Beautiful eyebrows

Thin eyebrows have yielded their place more natural broad and dense, with a smooth curve.

Wide eyebrows attract attention to the eyes and enhance their expressiveness. Thick, well-groomed eyebrows give the image elegance, without making it too emasculated. And you do not need tons of makeup to look good. The form that maximally follows the natural growth of eyebrows is very easy to maintain.

Thin, carefully plucked eyebrows with a very clear bend above the pupil and sharply coming to naught over the outer corner of the eye, are in the past. Hello naturalness! Wide, thick eyebrows, which gradually rise above the iris of the eye and slightly narrow at the ends, look super natural.

To pluck your eyebrows better in that case. If you need to remove a few overgrown hairs. And the wax is more suitable for thick black eyebrows, which quickly grow. And also to remove the "gun" on the bridge of the nose. Plucking eyebrows, stop every two hairs to evaluate the result.

If you dye your hair, you also need to shade your eyebrows a little. The key word is a little: if the eyebrows will exactly repeat the color of the hair, you will look unnatural. Do not be tempted to use the clarifying agent on them, which is included in the hair dye kit. It can cause an allergic reaction or get into the eyes. Better go to the salon or tint your eyebrows with a toning gel, shadows or pencil.

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No time to visit the salon? Then use the tips to give the eyebrows the right shape:

  • 1. Take a soft eyebrow pencil and place it along the nose wing parallel to the nose. It is from this point that the eyebrow should begin. To determine its highest point, move the pencil parallel to the outer part of the iris. Turning the pencil diagonally from the nostril to the outer corner of the eye and temple, you will get to where the eyebrow should end.

  • 2. Mark the points that you have defined, and pull out the extra hairs, adhering to the intended trajectory. The main secret is not to remove more than two rows, otherwise the eyebrows will turn into strings. Remove a few hairs from above on the tips of the eyebrows to cut them down.

  • 3. Comb your eyebrows up and manicure scissors gently cut the ends of long hairs that are knocked out of the general picture.

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  • May 23, 2018
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