Article on how to weld jam from pine cones, and how to use it.
- Useful properties and contraindications to pine cone jam
- Picking time for pine cones for jam
- How much to cook jam from pine cones?
- Recipe for cooking jam from green pine cones
- Jam from pine cones with honey, recipe
- Pine cone jam with lemon, recipe
- Pine cone jam in a multivariate, recipe
- Pine cone jam for children
- How to take jam from pine cones for coldsand coughing?
- Video: Healing jam from pine cones
We know that in the coniferous forest is even air curative, it is saturated with phytoncides that prevent the development of harmful bacteria .
Of coniferous trees, pine is the most common. In the pine, the healing ones are: resin, needles, young branches and young cones .And do you know what tasty and useful jam can be made from young cones?
Useful properties and contraindications to jam from pine cones
Jam from pine cones is undoubtedly useful for our body.
Here its useful properties :
- Many Vitamin C.
- Even in the candied form in the cones contain phytoncides and essential oils, treating for colds, flu, dry cough.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect.
- It is useful for the stomach with gastritis and ulcer, as it treats the diseased mucous and eliminates bile stagnation.
- Increases hemoglobin.
- Strengthens the heart and blood vessels.
- Antioxidant.
- Antitumor effect.
Contraindications, or who needs to eat jam from pine cones with caution :
- Those with kidney diseases
- With acute form of hepatitis
- Pregnant women
- Nursing mothers
- Children aged 3-7 years
It is generally not recommended to eat jam from pinecones :
- For people aged 60 and over
- To children under 3 years old
- To people who are allergic to pine
Remember that if you eat jam more than 2 tbsp.spoons, some people may have headaches, and stomach pain.
If you eat jam from pine cones for the first time , you need to eat half a teaspoon of jam, and if the allergy is not manifested in a day, then it can be consumed, but not more than it's supposed to.
For children, the dose of jam from cones per day to 2 teaspoons, for adults - 2-3 st.spoons.
Picking time for pine cones for jam
Pine cones are cut off from April to June, depending on the region you are in .
If the bumps have grown larger than the jammed length, then you missed the season for collecting cones, since large and hard jams are not suitable.
Important .Cones should be no more than 4 cm in length, soft( easily cut with a knife), green, not damaged, without plaque.
How much to cook jam from pine cones?
In most recipes, jam from pine cones should be cooked for a long time in one or several receptions. Coniferous pine cones jam that does not require cooking
Recipe for :
- Pine cones( 1 kg) , young and still green, sorted, mine, cut into small pieces.
- Cut the cones into the sugar( 2 kg) and add it to the jar, pouring more sugar and in the jar.
- Above in the bank, too, pour a thick layer of sugar. In the bank above should be free space.
- We cover the jar with a clean cloth, put it in a warm place to get the sun's rays, and every day we shake the jar to better melt the sugar.
- When all the sugar has melted( 2-4 weeks), the jam is ready, put it in the refrigerator.
Recipe for cooking jam from green pine cones
Pine cone jam
Recipe, method 1 :
- 1 kg of young pine cones wash under running water, allow it to drain.
- Each knob is cut into 4 pieces and folded in an enameled basin or pan.
- Fill the cones with boiling syrup, and leave covered for 4 hours.
- After the due time, the cones in the syrup are boiled, and immediately set aside, and leave to infuse for another 2 hours.
- After the second time infusion, cook the future jam on low heat for about 1 hour.
- Jam is considered ready if the bumps are soft, and the jam itself is amber.
- Syrup cook from 2 glasses of clean water and 1,5 kg of sugar .
Recipe, method 2 :
- Wash the cones with clear water so that the water level is 2 cm above the level of the cones.
- Put the dishes with cones on the stove and let it boil, and then pour sugar( 1: 1), that is, on 1 liter of water 1 kg of sugar.
- Cook, maintaining a weak fire, about 2 hours, often interfering, and removing foam, in 1 reception.
Pine cone jam with a recipe
Ancient Siberian jam recipe from pine, spruce, cones with honey
Recipe :
- Green cones washed, poured into an enameled vessel, poured warmboiled water to close the cones.
- Pan with cones boiling, add honey to taste, and we leave from the fire.
- Jam is poured into cans, put on the windowsill to get the sun on the cans, for 1 week, and then clean it in a cold place.
- This jam treats the sore throat well.
Pine cone jam with lemon, recipe
If the jam from pine cones is very concentrated for you, then you can make it with the addition of lemon.
Pine cone jam with lemon
Recipe :
- 1 kg of coniferous cones we sort, wash, fill with 3 liters of pure water, and cook for about 4 hours, taking off the foam.
- Boil the decoction, discard the lumps, pour 1.5 kg of sugar , and cook until it becomes thick.
- At the end, add juice from 1 large lemon , and cook for a few more minutes, pour hot into jars.
Pine cone jam in the multi-bowl, recipe
Pine cone jam can be prepared and the in the multivark.
Recipe for :
- We prepare 300 g pine cones : wash them, sort them and add them to the multivark, pour cold water 2 cm above the level of the cones( water will need 2L ).
- Turn on the "Varka" mode, and let it boil.
- Cones with water transfer into a pan, we insist day, covering the lid.
- On the surface of the infusion the resin came out, filter the infusion through gauze in several layers to remove the resin and separate the cones from the infusion.
- In the infusion we pour 2 kg of sugar , pour into the multivark, and continue to prepare the jam in the "Tomlenie" mode, 4 hours.
Jam from pine cones for children
Children under 3 years of jam from pine cones are not recommended, after 3 years you can , but first you need to check , giving a little try, noallergies to pine .And if there is no allergy, you can increase the dose of jam, but not more than 2 teaspoons per day.
It is desirable for children to give jam from cones, cooked in such a way, when they are thrown out of the bump and only the infusion itself remains, which is then cooked with sugar until thick.
How to take jam from pine cones for colds and coughs?
Jam from pine cones contains phytoncides , which means that they kill even invisible harmful bacteria and fungi. A few spoons of jam a day will help handle the short term with a cold and cough .
Also pine cone jam has diaphoretic action .
Several teaspoons of jam from pine cones per week even help with tuberculosis .
Jam from pine cones treats various diseases, especially colds, if you know how to take it.