Temporary and permanent white tattoos

White tattoos have recently been at the height of popularity. These tattoos look very unusual and original. For fans of extreme and simply extraordinary personalities, a variant of tattoos with white paint is suitable. For the more reserved and serious people there will be a good option for performing a temporary white henna tattoo.

  • White henna tattoo
  • White paint tattoo

White henna tattoo

This is a temporary tattoo design. They are also called Mendi - delicate ethnic patterns. In many nationalities, such drawings were decorated with hands, feet of girls, painting was considered the most expensive decoration. Now it is very popular to make mendi on the hands and wrists, in the decollete, on the soles of the feet, as an option for the bride's wedding decoration.

The subject matter is very diverse. Basically draw beautiful lace patterns. The drawings made with white henna stay for 5-20 days, if you do not put the place of the picture to mechanical and other damage( do not rub the washcloth, rub the cream, and use cosmetic and chemical means minimally).

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You can make a white henna tattoo yourself using the following algorithm:

  1. Skin preparation. If the area is covered with hairs, you need to do hair removal. After epilation, it is necessary to cleanse the skin with any scrub and degrease with a cotton swab dipped in medical alcohol.
  2. Mortar. Prepare the paste from a special powder or buy it ready.
  3. Drawing a drawing. If you use a stencil, you can immediately apply a drawing. If the stencil is not present, it is necessary to draw in a pencil approximate outlines of the future tattoo. The pattern is applied from a special syringe or from a medical syringe without needles, the most thin lines are drawn with a toothpick.
  4. Drying the picture. Drawing withers for a long time. Do not cover the clothes for 3 to 8 hours.
  5. Attaching a picture. After drying, remove the remains of the paste from the skin and sprinkle the pattern with hairspray.
Read also about tattoos of famous people and their meaning http://woman-l.ru/tatuirovki-znamenityx-lyudej/

Preparation of paste :

  • dry henna powder of the right color - 20 grams;
  • strained juice of two medium-sized lemons;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • essential oil of eucalyptus( lavender, orange) - 1 teaspoon;
  • glass container.

Mix henna powder with lemon juice into a gruel. Leave the mixture in a closed glass container for 12 hours in a warm place. After 12 hours add sugar and essential oil to the mixture and mix. Add lemon juice to the mixture until a thick cream is obtained. Close the container again and put in a warm place for 12 hours. After the specified time, mix the mixture and you can draw.

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White paint tint

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White tattoo is a simple tattoo only made with white paint.

Techniques may look like scarification, but it has nothing to do with it. Like any other nude image, a white tattoo has its positive and negative sides. The advantage of this tattoo is its invisibility. But even this tattoo will look unusual, elegant and discreet.

The most significant drawback of the white tattoo is considered to be its fragility. Tattoos in white color lose their outline and color faster than others. White, translucent paints over time acquire a natural shade of the skin, often yellow or slightly pink.

Not all fit and white skin tattoo. More swarthy people will be able to appreciate the tattoo, and light-skinned people will suffer longer with healing of puncture marks, than to admire the image.

Tattoos can be very diverse - inscriptions, hieroglyphs, patterns, laces, flowers, animals, stars and stuff. As for the place on the body, there are no borders. White tattoos can be from the smallest on the fingers or wrists to huge patterns on the entire back or tattoos-sleeves. But it's best to do tattoos in places covered by clothing - wrist, waist, back, stomach, shoulder.

White tattoos require special care. The healing process is longer than in the case of simple tattoos. All this time it is necessary to process a place with special antiseptics and antibacterial agents. It is very important to minimize this tattoo to the sun's rays, which destroy the white pigment of the paint.

  • May 23, 2018
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