Planting and top dressing of spring on head and feather. What to soak onions before planting in the spring?

How and when to plant onions in spring on the head and on the pen? How to fertilize spring onion?


  • When planting onion seed, family kuschevka on the head in the spring?
  • How to plant the onion seed and family spring properly?
  • Preparation of a bed for spring onions
  • How to treat onions before planting in spring and what to soak in?
  • Adding spring onions to the head
  • How to feed winter onions in spring, planted in autumn?
  • How to plant a bow on a feather in the spring?
  • Seeding onion: Video
  • Landing a bow on a feather: Video

Onion is an indispensable ingredient in the kitchen of our housewives. It is customary to use it in both the first and second dishes. In addition, this vegetable culture is also very widely used in folk medicine for medicinal purposes. In other words, we certainly can not do without a bow. In this article, we'll figure out how and when to plant a bow in the spring, and what care it needs.

When to plant the onion seed, family kuschevku on the head in the spring?

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How to plant the onion on the head in the spring?
  • As is known to all gardeners, the onion can be planted on the head and on the feather.
  • In the first case the heads of onions are going to be harvested, and in the second case only beautiful greens in the form of onion feathers.
  • Seeding should be planted in the spring after the end of frost and the probability of nocturnal frosts.
  • If the spring was a success early, then the onion can be planted on the head from the middle of April( if frost after the sowing, the bow can go to the feather).
  • In order not to risk, the "garden business of the master" is planted onions on the head in the middle of May, focusing on the calendar of the truck farmer.
  • The date of landing also directly depends on the size of the sowing.
  • On the eve of seeding bulbous heads are recommended to calibrate. In other words, the planting material must be distributed to small, medium and large heads.
  • Landing is carried out on a rise.
  • The first, in early-mid-May, are planted small sevki.
  • Medium onions( 1 to 2 cm) are usually stuck into the ground after a fortnight after a small one.
  • It is necessary to plant a large sowing site to the very last, in order to avoid its growth in the pen.
  • Very often among the planting material you can find small bulbs( not more than 1cm) - it is recommended to plant this seedling only in greenhouses.
  • Onions family "kuschevka" or, so-called "shallot", is considered more resistant to frost, because it can be planted since the middle of April.

How to plant the onion seed and family spring properly?

Preparing the seeding

Preparing the planting material
  • Planting the onion in the spring always begins with the calibration of the planting material.
  • If onion heads were purchased, but not grown in the past year, then they must be dried.
  • If the planting material has remained since last year, then in winter it should be properly stored - at a temperature of +18 degrees.
  • An important condition before planting your own material is its heating.

Seeding of

Seeding preheating before planting

Method No. 1

  • On the eve of planting, the onion heads are placed in conditions with a temperature of +20 degrees.
  • This temperature mode is stored for about 20 days.
  • After this time, we create a sowing condition of + 30-40 degrees for 10 hours.
  • We are careful not to over-rest the planting material at rather high temperatures.
  • On the eve of the landing of the sowing, heated in this way, we process it with means that stimulate growth.

Method # 2

  • We lay the sow in hot water( + 40-50 degrees) for 10-15 minutes.
  • After the specified time, we shift bulbs into cold water all for the same 10-15 minutes.
  • After the end of 15 minutes, immerse the sowing in a solution of complex mineral fertilizer for 5-6 hours.

Planting onion

Planting onion
  • Before planting the onion, it is necessary to make furrows up to 4 cm deep in the prepared area( in general, the depth directly depends on the size of the seed) at a distance of 15-25 cm from each other.
  • In the finished grooves need to stick bulbs at a distance of 7cm from each other in such a way that after their instillation on the surface barely visible dry part of the sowing.
  • Some experienced gardeners recommend that after planting the onions are carefully poured, and afterwards - make mulch from straw or sawdust.

Preparation of beds for spring onions

Preparation of beds for planting onions in spring
  • For onion planting, it is necessary to choose open, well-lit and ventilated areas of land.
  • As a rule, the preparation of the site for planting onions is carried out in the autumn, so you need to take into account the fact that a piece of land allocated for these purposes should not be in the lowland, where the spring long stagnates water. Water can become a dangerous enemy for onions, and its heads will begin to rot in the ground, thereby spoiling the entire crop.
  • Sevok does not like acidic soils. If the soil in the selected area has an increased acidity, lime can be added to it, which neutralizes the acid.
  • It is not recommended to plant the sowing on the site where the same onion was grown the day before - the site should be given at least three years for rehabilitation.
  • Good predecessors for onions are potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, beans, zucchini, peas, pumpkin.
  • Very well-proven scheme, when near the onion is planted carrots - the smell of carrot drives away the onion fly, and the smell of onions neutralizes the carrot fly.
  • During the autumn preparation of the site, it is recommended to dig it to the depth in the bayonet bayonet( 15-20cm) and level it up.
  • The optimal option is the autumn feeding of soil under the onion manure, peat compost or superphosphate mineral fertilizers.

Important! Fertilize the ground immediately before planting is strictly forbidden, since the bow will go to the arrow, and not to the head.

How to treat the onion before planting in the spring and how to soak it?

Onion processing before planting

In addition to the heat treatment described in the article above, other antiseptic and feeding procedures are also applied to the seeding before planting:

Treatment in manganese

  • To achieve the antiseptic effect of the seeding week before planting, soak for a few minutes in a light manganese solutionfor 10 liters of water 30 g of potassium permanganate).
  • After soaking the onion thoroughly rinse and dry.

Wood ash treatment

  • The process of treatment with a solution of wood ash can help with decay.
  • To prepare a solution in 10 liters of water, we dilute 500 g of ash.
  • Before lowering the stock into the solution, add it to the grid and immerse it in water for five hours.
  • After this time we take the onion and send it to dry in the sun for a couple of hours.
  • The dried planting material is immediately planted in the ground.

Fertilizing with complex fertilizers

  • We are baking in 10 liters of water a tablespoon of complex fertilizers
  • We lower the sowing for 8-10 hours in the fertilizer solution

Treatment with copper sulfate

This manipulation will protect the culture against fungal diseases

  • For 10 liters of water we dilute a teaspoon of copper sulfate
  • We lower in the mortar for 10-15 minutes
  • We remove the onion from the solution, thoroughly wash it and dry it

"Babushkin" the method of processing the seeding

  • For a week we dry bulbs in a room at a temperature of +25degrees.
  • In 2 liters of water we dilute 2 tbsp.salt
  • Soak the salt in a saline solution for 3 hours
  • We remove the onion from the solution, wash it and dry it

Treatment with nitrate

  • In 70 l of warm water( +40 degrees) we dilute 1 tbsp.saltpeter
  • Soak the seed in the solution for 20-30 minutes
  • Use of nitre treatment is best when the onion is planted

In addition to the described onion processing techniques, there are also industrial growth promoters and chemicals for treating the seeding

When choosing the treatment method,on one of them.

Adding spring onions to the head

Adding spring onions to the head
  • Immediately it is worth to say that if the land in which the onion grows on the head, fertile, or if in autumn it was sufficiently fertilized, then in spring top dressing it may notneed.
  • If the fertility of the soil leaves much to be desired, then on spring, onions can be fertilized.
  • The first fertilizing of the onion is carried out when its feathers reach a height of 10cm.
  • Fertilize onions can be infused with weeds. To do this, you need to collect any grass in the jar, fill it with chicken litter, yeast or fresh mullein and insist on the sun for a week. The strained fertilizer should be diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and fertilized with onions.
  • You can also feed onion with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. To do this, dilute 10 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water. This amount of feeding will last for 1,5kv.m.beds.
  • Some gardeners recommend to add superphosphate and urea to the ground with the first top dressing.
  • The second stage of feeding takes place for a period remote from the date of landing a month in advance.
  • At this time, you can fertilize onions with phosphorus and potassium. For this, it is necessary to dilute 25 g of sulfate and superphosphate in 10 liters of water.

How to feed winter onions in spring, planted in autumn?

Top-dressing of winter onion in spring
  • Spring work on the care of winter onion begins with the removal of the covering material, which warmed it all winter, and loosening of the earth.
  • The first top dressing can be performed with the first shoots of the
  • plant. You can use a highly diluted mullein, chicken droppings or nitrogen fertilizers, which are applied to the ground together with irrigation.
  • The second stage of feeding occurs at the time of the appearance of the leaves( two weeks after the first fertilizing).
  • For these purposes, you can use all the same mullein or chicken droppings, as well as mineral fertilizers, immunomodulators, antistress agents and other growth stimulants.

Please note! Onion is a culture that it is better not to feed, than to overfeed.

How to plant a bow on a feather in the spring?

How to plant a bow on a feather in the spring?
  • The procedure for planting the onion on a feather in the spring with a seedling does not differ in any way from the procedure for planting the seed on the head.
  • The only difference is the distance between the bulbs on the bed.
  • Furrows for planting the seed should be placed in 15-20cm of each other, and the bulbs themselves at a distance of up to 10cm from each other.
  • A more budgetary and less expensive way to plant a bow on a pen is to seed it.
  • With this method of sowing, you can get an uninterrupted harvest all summer. For this, it is necessary to sow onions in the same place with an interval of two weeks.
  • In order to sow a bow on a feather in the spring, it is necessary to make furrows at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.
  • In the furrows that have been formed, it is necessary to sow the seeds to a depth of 2-3 cm - it is advisable not to regret the seed and sow it densely.
  • After sowing the furrows it is necessary to fall asleep and water the bed.
  • You can sow the seeds of onions when serious frosts end, and during the day there will be a plus temperature. By the way, the small night frosts sown onions are not so terrible as sevku.

We hope that all the information given in the article will help beginners to get a good harvest of onion heads in autumn, and in summer enjoy delicious, fragrant green onions.

Planting the onion-sowing: Video

Embroidering a bow on a feather: Video

  • May 23, 2018
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