How to get out of depression on your own? This question is increasingly asked by those who experience this most difficult condition for quite some time.
Depression( from the Latin word for "suppress") refers to a special form of severe mental disorder, accompanied by the so-called depressive "triad":
- Constantly reduced background mood and total loss of the ability to feel joy. This symptom is called anhedonia.
- A disorder of thinking, characterized by negative judgments, a deeply pessimistic view of the events taking place around.
- Decreased motor activity( flesh until complete inhibition).
In general, depressive states are amenable to successful treatment. There are even techniques that help to cope with depression and stress yourself.
Symptoms and signs of depression in womenIt is believed that among a huge number of mental disorders, depression is the most common condition. Among our contemporaries, every tenth person is immersed in it, which is over forty years old, and only a third of the total number of cases falls on men. This confirms the fact that the female psyche is subject to depressive states much more significantly than the male.
What is the symptomatology of depressive disorders? A woman experiencing depression may experience following symptoms:
- Feeling of constant weakness and some malaise. Psychological manifestations of depression are often accompanied by joint muscle pains, a sense of difficulty in movement. For this reason, many patients may even give up their work and study.
- A state of constant anguish that never leaves the patient. At the same time, she often can not understand what exactly makes her yearn for.
- Presence of disturbing thoughts. A woman can experience constant anxiety, a premonition of an imminent imminent catastrophe.
- Complete lack of sleep at night and debilitating sleepiness during the day.
- The state of constant vzvinchennosti and irritability.
- Lack of concentration and ability to think clearly.
- Striving for solitude, refusal to communicate with other people.
- Presence of low self-esteem.
- Loss of sexual desire and lack of pleasure from sexual intimacy.
- Fear of taking responsibility for even small assignments.
- Inability to make independent decisions.
- Addiction to strong alcoholic beverages.
- Loss of ability to receive joy even from once-favorite pursuits and hobbies.
- A tendency to self-flagellation, a willingness to blame yourself for all the negative things happening around.
- Lack of appetite. Due to the fact that food begins to seem tasteless, a woman stops taking it regularly. Cases of overeating in patients with depression are extremely rare.
Depression during pregnancy
The full "bouquet" of the signs listed in the previous section of our article can be observed in a woman throughout her pregnancy.
The depressive condition of women during pregnancy can be due to the following reasons:
- The presence of similar conditions that appeared before the onset of pregnancy and never been treated.
- If the desire for motherhood arose already at the time of the developed depression.
- Absence of an adequate response to the stressful moments accompanying pregnancy, from the nearest environment of the future mother.
- Existence of serious financial problems.
- If the pregnancy was unwanted and unplanned.
- Lack of understanding in the family, where the baby should soon appear.
- The fear that the expectant mother experiences before the changes in her life associated with the appearance of the baby.
The prenatal depression of pregnant women, which develops in recent weeks preceding the appearance of a child, is quite frequent. This condition can be explained by a whole complex of reasons:
- Fear of the impending birth.
- Increased strain on the spine.
- Problems with falling asleep due to the difficulty of taking a comfortable position during the rest.
- Increased fatigue, when there is no strength for doing the most simple homework.
- Annoyance from the questions of relatives and friends about the terms of delivery and the results of ultrasound concerning the sex of the future baby.
- Aspiration to get rid of the big stomach, preventing to move in full.
Most of the problems that arise during pregnancy can be solved without any difficulty, if the closest people surround the future mother with their love, attention and care.
Depression after childbirth
The degree of severity of postpartum depression can be different: from mild sadness to psychosis. Light depression is observed in about half of parturient women, a strong degree of depression is noted in 10% of cases. Cases of psychosis, sometimes accompanied by suicidal thoughts, are extremely rare.
Postpartum depression can last for a week and a few months. In the absence of medical care, this condition can be observed for a whole year, or even longer.
There are no exact reasons for the development of postpartum depressions. We can only assume that it was the impetus for such a state, so we will not dwell on the enumeration of the subjective factors that caused it.
Postpartum depression, symptoms and help - in video:There are a number of very specific physical causes that can cause postpartum depression:
- A dramatic decrease in the production of hormones( progesterone and estrogen) occurring immediately after the birth of a child.
- In the maternity body( in addition to hormonal adjustment) there is a change in metabolism, blood pressure characteristics and the amount of blood circulating throughout the body. All this can negatively affect the psyche of a woman who has just given birth.
Confidential communication with close people and readiness to accept friendly help on their part, establishing new contacts with young mothers, focusing on yourself and your child( household chores can wait for a while) is the direct way to overcome this severe mental ailment.
How to overcome depression yourself and start living
How to get out of depression yourself? If the patient is not familiar even with the basics of psychology, which helps him to understand himself, to learn to own his own feelings and deeds, and also to establish contacts with people around him, it is unlikely that he will be able to solve this task alone. Here, psychologist's advice will come to the rescue, designed to help a person get out of depression.
Contrary to the fact that an individual is not allowed to radically influence the course of events, he can change his own attitude towards them.
To defeat depression itself, each patient must make three mandatory steps.
- The first step to healing should be to understand that it is in the hands of the patient himself. Without his own desire and effort, depression will only worsen.
- The second step is the ordering of thinking and the whole way of life. All forces should be stopped or at least limited to the flow of negative information from outside.
- The third step will be to fight against your own laziness and fear of leaving your usual comfort zone. A good incentive for self-confidence is an analysis of the negative consequences that depression has brought.
To get rid of depression and anxiety, the patient must:
- Clearly set a goal - to get out of a depressed state.
- Draw up a plan of concrete actions.
- Methodically perform these actions.
Can a psychologist get rid of depression?
Often, patients with depression feel that an appeal to a psychologist is the easiest way to get rid of it. Those who count so much are mistaken.
Psychologists, of course, will help to understand the causes of such a serious disorder, but the implementation of their recommendations will require a lot of work from the patient himself.
And what can a person do himself, plunged into a depressive state? He needs:
- Stop looking back at the past and do not build plans related to it. Rebuilding will have its life in the present.
- To behave actively: to go in for sports, make new friends, change the atmosphere and lifestyle.
- Cardinally change your appearance: from the wardrobe to the hairstyle( in the first place it is useful for a woman).
If the depression is deep: the way out
To get a person out of depression - long and deep - will help experienced psychotherapists. The arsenal of modern medicine has been enriched with many new methods of therapeutic and biological treatment, including the following therapies:
- Electroconvulsive.
- Pharmacological.
- Dietary.
- Treatment with light( phototherapy).
- Treatment with decoctions of medicinal herbs( phytotherapy).
Depressive conditions are treated with neuroleptics, antidepressants, antioxidants, tranquilizers, vitamins and preparations containing lithium salts.
How to get rid of the consequences of a love drama?
A depressed state after parting with a loved one is perfectly normal, which should only alarm if it is too long.
- The bitterness, whims, anger and aggression, the stubborn reluctance to accept a rift relationship often accompany this situation. The first step in overcoming the depression about the collapse of love relationships - especially after the betrayal of a lover - can only be the ability to let him go( for starters, even mentally).Of course, to take this step, it takes a certain amount of time.
- With no less experience, a woman encounters after her husband's betrayal. If her plans do not include a divorce and she wants to save the family, the only way out of this situation is the need to forgive the stumbled person, once and for all closing this page in the history of marital relations.
- Especially deep there are disorders of the female psyche after the death of a loved one. For some time a woman can completely fall out of real life, plunged into hopeless despair and longing. The only way out of this trouble should be the belief that after the departure of an expensive person her own life should continue.
How to survive the divorce?
A huge number of personal tragedies, accompanied by depression, can be observed after the divorce. The reason for this - the division of property, the inevitable separation from children, housing disorder and the solution of the housing problem.
Get rid of the state of depression and the feeling of the end of the world will help some new task or the realization of an old dream.
What can not be done after the divorce?
Strongly forbidden:
- Suffering.
- Anxiety and unrest.
- Desire to stay home at home, scrolling through episodes of past life together.
How to deal with depression in this situation?
- To begin with, you should calm down, finding an occupation that can distract from heavy thoughts.
- Consolation should be a clear understanding that after the divorce life continues. A break in relations is not a drama, but only one of the episodes of a past life.
- You can not lock yourself up.
- At the very beginning of the divorce, it is necessary to refrain from scandals, tightly controlling their behavior.
Treatment of female depression after divorce
Women react to divorce much more sharply than men, and their depressed state can pass into a chronic form that is medically treated. To receive a course of treatment, you should definitely visit a specialist who prescribes a cure for depression and stress.
What else will help a woman who survives a divorce to get out of this state?
- Treat the situation calmly and do not try to keep the husband.
- Pamper yourself with things that she could never afford.
- Release yourself from affection for your ex-husband and start living anew.
Depression after divorce for men: way out
It may seem to the outside observer that the man is deeply indifferent to this situation: he is so calm and does not torment himself with memories of the past. Awareness of the irreparability of what happened will come to him a little later.
- At first, after a divorce, men enjoy life, the excesses of which soon end with chronic fatigue, emotional burnout, a sense of loneliness, apathy, when you do not want to do anything, sexual frustration, alcohol excesses.
- In order to cope with the depressive state, a man must learn to suppress his emotional impulses.
- Quite often divorced men return to their previous families. This option is the best solution to the current problem.
Depression in adolescents
The first to help a teenager get out of an oppressed state is his parents, who bear full responsibility for him.
Causes of adolescent depression, how to understand children - therapist's advice:Having noticed the alarming signs, parents should:
- Emotionally support their child.
- Never humiliate or punish.
- Focus on his positive qualities, deeds and actions.
- Refuse reprimands and punches related to errors and not too good behavior. To give the teenager more opportunities to develop initiative in making independent decisions.
- Support your grown-up child in every undertaking.
- Listen very attentively to the teenager, in every possible way keeping from sharp comments and moralizing.
- Watch with it life-affirming films from depression.
How to overcome alcoholic depression?
The systematic use of alcohol often ends with an alcoholic depressive condition, in which two types are common:
- Depression of the first type is characterized by an ardent desire to get rid of alcoholism.
- Oppressed status of the second type is observed only at the time of the onset of a hangover, often after drinking.
The similarity of symptoms ends in that the signs of depression are often confused with the manifestations of alcoholism.
Why do people become alcoholics? Very often it happens when there is no work. Feeling his helplessness before the situation( "I can not find a job"), a person seeks consolation in the forgetfulness that comes after taking alcohol.
How to get out of depression on your own, especially if the patient does not have the willpower? Alcohol depression is almost always accompanied by despondency, apathy, reflections on its worthlessness and - as a consequence - thoughts of the inevitability of death, which often lead to suicide.
It requires the help of a qualified specialist who will first determine the causes of both alcohol dependence and the depression caused by it. Depending on the results of the examination, the treatment regimen will be selected.
Why is the disease often accompanied by depression?
Depressive conditions very often develop after illness. The results, recently obtained by scientists from a single research center in Denmark, clearly demonstrate that most often infectious diseases are accompanied by depression.
They genuinely found that the pathogens of different infections destroy the protective barrier created by the human brain. It takes a fairly long time to restore it. Even having recovered, a person continues to remain in a state of depression until this protective function is fully restored.
We made only a brief excursion, having made a quick overview of the most common types of depressive conditions that loosen the psyche of a person. I would like to emphasize several times that each person can prevent the onset of these incredibly difficult conditions if he follows a number of simple rules.
In order not to become a victim of a serious mental disorder, person should:
- Be active: play sports, move a lot, breathe fresh air.
- Eat right: do not overeat, exclude harmful foods, eat regularly.
- It's a good time to rest. Especially it concerns the quality of sleep: every adult person needs regular sleep. 41:24How to get out of depression. How to get rid of depression yourself. Depression treatment and symptoms5:52How to get out of depression. How to get out of the depression yourself.5:17Amiran Sardarov How to get out of depression yourself