Names of the Saints for boys in June: meaning, origin, patron saint. Orthodox male names in June according to the church calendar - full list

Unfortunately, we forget about the age-old Russian tradition - to call a child according to the Holyties. But with the name from the Imenoslov, your child receives support and protection of the heavenly patron.


How to choose a name for a child according to the Holy?

The naming rules for the Sacred are extremely simple and understandable. Below are the main dates that parents should pay attention to.

How to choose the right name for a child by the Holy?

When choosing a name for the kid, study the Name on July, August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May.

Names for the boys for boys in June: meaning, origin, patron saint

June 1

instagram viewer
Name Origin Value Holy patron
Alexander with Greek defender Holy Martyr Alexander Eroshov, Priest( New Martyr);the holy martyr Alexander Saulsky, the priest( new martyr)
Anton from the Latin the one who enters the battle The holy martyr Anthony Pankeev, Belgorod, the bishop( new martyr)
Valentin from Latin strong, strong The martyr Valentin Lukyanov, hieromonk( new martyr)
Vasily from Greek regal Holy Martyr Vasily Ivanov, Priest( new martyr)
Victor from Latin winner Holy Martyr Victor Karakulin, Priest( new martyr)
Grigorith with Greek awake Holy Martyr Gregory the Theophany( new martyr)
Dmitry with Greek belonging to Demeter Blessed Dimitry Donskoi, Grand Duke


from the biblical John Grace of God The Blessed John of Uglich, Vologda, Prilutsky, Princemonasticism of Ignatius);St. John Gotfsky
Ignat with Latin fire Blessed John Uglichsky, Vologodskiy, Prilutsky Prince( in monasticism Ignatius)
Ippolit Greek unharness horses Holy Martyr Hippolytus Krasnovskiy, Priest( New Martyr)
Cornelius Roots Roman genericname archer The Reverend Cornelius of Komel;Cornelius Paleostrovsky, Olonetsky Abbot
Maxim Latin greatest Holy Martyr Maxim Bogdanov, Priest( New Martyr)
Matvai from the NT Matthew God-given Holy Moochnick Matthew Ascension, Priest( New Martyr)
Mitrophan Latin mother manifested Holy Martyr Mitrofan of Wilhelm, Priest( new martyr)
Michael biblical who, as God The Holy Martyr Michael of Voznesensky( New Martyr);holy martyr Michael Deineka, priest( new martyr)
Nikolai with Greek the winner of the nations Holy Martyr Nikolai Sadovsky, Priest( New Martyr);holy martyr Nikolai Kulakov, priest( new martyr)
Paul from Latin small, younger Holy Martyr Pavel Popov, priest( new martyr);holy martyr Pavel Bryantsev, priest( new martyr)
Sergey with Etruscan highly respected Rev. Sergiy Shukhtomsky( Shukhtovsky), schemonah

June 2

Name Origin value patron saint
Alexander Greek defender Holy Martyr Alexander Aegean
Alex Greek Guardian St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia
Ivan the biblical John grace of God St. John of Chios
Joseph / Osip Biblical God will multiply Rev. Joseph of Chios
Nikita with Greek winner The Monk NikitaChios
Timothy Greek honor God Holy faithful Dovmont Pskov, Prince( in baptism Timothy)

June 3

Name Origin value patron saint
Andrew Greek courageous Blessed Andrew Simbirsky, for Christ's sake Simpleton
Elisha from the ancient Hindu. Elisha God - Rescue Reverend Elisha Sumsky, Solovetsky
Kirill with Greek Lord St. Cyril of Rostov, Bishop of
Constantine with Greek permanent, persistent Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine the Great, Emperor;blessed Konstantin( Yaroslav) Murom, prince
Michael biblical who as God Blessed Mikhail Muromsky, prince
Fedor with Greek gift of God The blessed Theodore of Murom, prince
Yaroslav with the ancient Slavs. glorious with its life-giving power Blessed Konstantin( Yaroslav) Muromsky, prince

June 4

Name Origin value patron saint
Daniel biblical God - my judge Venerable Daniel the Stylite Resslavsky
Zahar from biblical Zechariah memory of the Lord Holy Martyr Zachary Prussian
Makar Greek blessed Holy Martyr Macarius, presbyter
Michael biblical who, as God Holy Martyr Michael Borisov, archpriest( new martyr)
Paul from Latin small, younger SvyatoPaul Peloponnesian
Thaddeus Aramaic heart Holy Martyr Thaddeus
Fedor Greek God's gift of the Holy Martyr Theodore;The Holy Martyr Theodore, Deacon
Jacob the biblical Jacob coming on the heels of righteous Jacob Borovichi, Novgorod, for Christ's sake Simpleton

June 5

Name Origin value patron saint
Athanasius Greek immortal St. Athanasius
Daniel biblical God is my judge Holy Martyr Daniel of Grekhausau, Uglich, hegumen
Leontius from Greek lioness Sainted Leonty of Rostov, bishop of
MHail biblical who God St Michael Sinaidsky, Phrygian, Bishop;Reverend martyr Michael Sawwanah, Edessa, Chernorizets

June 6

Name Origin value patron saint
Basil Greek regal Holy Martyr Basil Mangazeya
Gregory Greek awake St. Gregory Novgorod, Archbishop
Ivan the biblicalJohn the mercy of God The Holy Martyr John of Galatia
Nikita with the Greek winner The Monk Nikita Stylites, PereyasABCK
Semen from HEB.Simeon one whom God heard St. Simeon Stylites, Divnogorets, Junior, Presbyter Stepan
from the Greek Stefan crown, tiara Holy Martyr Stephen Galatia
Fedor Greek God's gift of the Holy Martyr Theodore of Galatia

June 7

Name Name Value Holy patron
Ivan from the biblical John mercy of God Holy Martyr John the Prophet, Forerunner, Lord Baptist
Innocent from Latin innocent Prelate Innocent Borisov. Kherson, Tauride Archbishop
Fedor Greek gift of God Saint Theodore

June 8

Name Origin value patron saint
Averyan Latin unbeaten Holy Martyr Averky
Alexander Greek defender Holy Martyr Alexander

George /


with Greek cultivating the land Holy Martyr George New, Serbian, Sofia, Bulgarian
Ivan from the biblical John miawn God Reverend Confessor John Psihait
Carp Greek fruit Holy Apostle Carp
Makar Greek blessed St. Macarius Kalyazin Abbot

June 9

Name Origin value patron saint
Ivan the biblical John the grace of God The holy righteous confessor John Russian
Leonid with the Greek originating from the lion The Holy Martyr Leonid
Leontius with the Greek the lion's The holy martyr Leontius
Peter with the Greek rock, stone St. Peter

June 10

Name Origin value patron saint
Denis from the Greek Dionysus god of fertility and wine Reverend martyr Dionysius Petushki, Hieroschemamonk( New Martyr)
Dmitry Greek owned Demeter Holy Martyr Dimitri Mitra
Zahar from biblical Zechariah Commemoration of the Lord The Holy Martyr Zachary
Ignat from Latin fiery Prelate Ignatius of Rostov, Bishop;holy martyr Ignatius Markov( New Martyr)
Irakli from the Greek Hercules glory of Hera Reverend Confessor Irakli Motyah, Schemamonk
Makar Greek blessed Holy Martyr Macarius walrus monk( New Martyr)
Nikita Greek winner Reverend NikitaChalcedonian, bishop
Nicholas with Greek the winner of the nations Holy Martyr Nikolai Aristov, deacon( new martyr)
Paul from Latin small, younger The Holy Martyr Paul
Peter Greek rock, stone Holy Martyr Petro Yudin( New Martyr)

June 11

Name Origin value patron saint
Alexander Greek defender St. Alexander of Alexandria, Patriarch
Andrew Greek brave Holy Martyr Andrew Trofimov( new martyr);the holy martyr Andrew Chiosky
Bogdan from the Greek Theodotus given by God The holy martyr Theodotus


from the biblical John the mercy of God The Monk John of Ustyug;the holy martyr John of Transfiguration, protodeacon( new martyr);the holy martyr John( Nunn) of Thessalonica;St. John of Ustyug
Constantine with Greek permanent, persistent Saint Constantine of Greece, king
Luka, Lukyan from Latin light Holy confessor Luca Voino-Yasenetsky, Simferopol, Archbishop( new martyr)

June 12

Name Origin Meaning Holy patron of
Vasily from Greek regal Holy Martyr Vasily Smolensky, archpriest( new martyr)
Jacob from the biblical Jacob coming on the heels of Rev. Jacob Galich

June 13

Name Origin value patron saint
Boris from drevneslavyans Borislav glorious in fight Holy Martyr Boris Ornatskii( New Martyr)
Nikolai Greek winner peoples Holy Martyr Nicholas Ornatskii( New Martyr)
Ostap from the Greek Eustace stable Sainted Eustathius First Constantinople, Patriarch
Roman with Latin Roman Holy Martyr Roman of Nicomedia
Philip withGreek one who loves horses Saint Philip of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan

June 14

Name Origin Value Holy patron
Vasily with Greek regal Holy Martyr Vasily Preobrazhensky, Priest( new martyr)
Gabriel from the ancient Hebrew. Gabriel God's Warrior Rev. Martyr Gabriel Garedjian
David with Hebrew. favorite Reverend martyr David Gareji
Denis from the Greek Dionysus god of fertility and wine Rev. Dionysius Glushitsky Abbot
Paul with Latin small, Jr. Reverend Martyr Paul of Gareji
Ustin from the Latin Justinian fair Holy Martyr JustinRoman;holy martyr Justin the Great, Rome, Philosopher
Chariton Greek supportive Holy Martyr Chariton Roman

June 15

Name Origin value patron saint
Dmitry Greek owned Demeter Holy Martyr Dimitri
Ivan the biblical John the mercy of God The Holy Great Martyr John New, Sochavsky
Constantine with the Greek permanent, persistent The Holy Martyr Constantine
Nikifor with the Greek the one who brings the victory Sainted Nicephorus First Constantinople, patriarch

June 16

Name Origin Value Holy patron
Athanasius with Greek immortal Reverend Athanasius the Wonderworker
David with Hebrew. favorite Rev. David Gareji( movable date)
Denis from the Greek Dionysus god of fertility and wine Holy Martyr Dionysius Byzantine
Dmitry Greek owned Demeter Blessed Demetrius of Uglich, Moscow, Prince
Luca, Lucian Latin light Holy Martyr Lucian of Belgium, bishop
Michael biblical who, as God Holy Martyr Michael Markov, Priest( new martyr)
Paul with armor Small, Junior Holy Martyr Paul of Byzantium, Child
Julian, Julius Roman Generic Name - Holy Martyr Iulian of Belgium, Deacon

June 17

Name Origins of Meaning of The Holy Patron of
Elizar from the Old Testament. Eleazar God helped Reverend Eleazar Olonetsky
Ivan the biblical John grace of God Holy Reverend Martyr John Monagriysky Abbot
Mitrofan Latin mother manifested St. Mitrofan of Constantinople, Patriarch
Nazar with Hebrew dedicated God Rev. Nazariy Olonetsky
Peter with Greek rock, stone The Holy Martyr Peter Voronezhsky, Archbishop( new martyr);the holy martyr Peter Belyaev, priest( new martyr)

June 18

Name Origin Meaning Holy patron of
Gabriel from ancient Hebrew. Gabriel God's warrior Blagovernny Igor Olgovich of Chernigov, Kiev, Grand Duke( in the baptism of George, in monasticism of Gabriel)
George / Egor with Greek cultivating the land
Igor from the Ancient Scand. Ingvar warrior of the god Inga
Gordei, Gordiy with the ancient Greek. lord, king Holy Martyr Gorgius( Gordiy) Egyptian
Constantine with Greek permanent, persistent Blessed Constantine of Kiev and all Russia, Metropolitan
Leonid with Greek originating from a lion St. Martyr Leonid of Egypt
Mark from Latin hammer Holy Martyr Mark
Michael biblical who as God Holy Martyr Michael Votyakov, Priest( new martyr)
Nikolai with Greek the winner of the nations Saintmartyr Nikolai Ryurikov, archpriest( new martyr)
Peter with Greek rock, stone Rev. Peter Korishsky
Fedor with Greek The gift of God Theodore of Theodore of Jordan;Yaroslavovich pious Theodore of Novgorod, Prince

June 19

Name Origin value patron saint
George / Egor Greek Cropland Rev. George
Hilarion Greek cheerful Rev. Hilarion New Dapmatsky Abbot

June 20

Name Origin Value Holy patron
Alexander with Greek Defender Holy Martyr Alexander Osetrov, Priest( New Martyr);the holy martyr Alexander Zuev( new martyr);the holy martyr Alexander Mahetov, priest( new martyr);The Holy Martyr Alexander Preobrazhensky, Archpriest Alexander Preobrazhensky, Archpriest Alexander Preobrazhensky, Archpriest Alexander Preobrazhensky, Protopriest( new martyr)
Anton from Latin who enters battle Rev. Anthony Medvedev, viceroy of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra
Afanasy from Greek immortal St. Martyr Athanasius Zhulanov( new martyr)
Bogdan fromGreek Theodotus given by God The holy martyr Theodot of Ancyra
Valentin from Latin strong, strong Holy Martyr Valentin Belov, Priest( new martyr)
Vasily with Greekwhom regal St. Basil the Transfiguration, Kineshma, the bishop( new martyr)
Veniamin from Hebrew. Benjamin son of the right hand Holy martyr Veniamin Lukanin, priest( new martyr)
Victor from Latin winner Holy Martyr Victor Nikiforov, priest( new martyr)
Vladimir from the ancient Russian the one who owns the world Holy Martyr Vladimir Belozerov, Priestnew martyr)
Gregory with Greek awake Holy Martyr Gregory Smirnov, deacon( new martyr)
Ivan from the biblical John the mercy of God The holy martyr John
Ignat from Latin fire Holy Martyr Ignatius Yakimov, Priest( new martyr)
Leo from Greek Leon lion Saint Martyr Lev Ershov, Priest( new martyr)
Michael biblical who as God Holy Martyr Michael Denisov, PriestNew Martyr)
Nicholas from Greek the winner of the nations The Holy Martyr Nikolai Onyanov, Priest( New Martyr);the holy martyr Nikolay Konyukhov, archpriest( new martyr);holy martyr Nikolai Rozhdestvensky, priest( new martyr)
Pavel from Latin small, younger Holy Martyr Pavel Anishkin, priest( new martyr);Sacred Martyr Pavel Sokolov, Priest( new martyr)
Peter with Greek rock, stone Holy Martyr Peter Kuznetsov, Priest( new martyr)
Stepan from the Greek Stephen crown, diadem Rev. Stefan, presbyter
Taras from the Greek Tarasios rebel Holy Martyr Tarasy

June 21

Name Origin value patron saint
Basil Greek regal Blessed Vasily Gromov Yaroslavl Prince
Ephraim Semitic Ephraim prolific St. Ephraim of Antioch, Patriarch
Constantine Greek permanent, stable Blessed Constantine VsevolodovichYaroslavsky, prince
Pavel from Latin small, younger Holy Martyr Paul Caiyous
Fedor from the Greek the gift of God The Great Martyr Theodore Stratilat, Heracles;Saint Theodore of Rostov, Suzdal, bishop

June 22

Name Origin Meaning Holy patron of
Alexander with Greek defender Prelate Alexander Prussky, Bishop;Saint Alexander Kushtsky Abbot
Alex Greek Guardian righteous Alexis Mechev, Moscow, Archpriest Ivan
the biblical John grace of God St. John Shavteli
Cyril Greek lord St. Cyril Belozersky, the abbot;St. Cyril of Alexandria, patriarch;holy blessed Kirill Welsky

June 23

Name Origin Meaning Holy patron of
Alexander with Greek defender Holy Martyr Alexander Krodamnsky, warrior;holy martyr Alexander Andreev, presbyter
Alexei with Greek protecting Prelate Alexy of Beths, Bishop
Vasily from Greek regal St. Basil of Ryazan, Bishop;Vasiliy Pobedonostsev, Protopriest( New Martyr)
Ivan from the biblical John Grace of God Metropolitan
Makar with Greek blessed Reverend Makarii Glukharev, Altai, archimandrite
Nikolay with Greek the winner of the peoples The Holy Martyr Nikolai Dinariev, Archpriest( new martyr)
Paul from Latin small, younger Prelate Pavel Tobolsky, Metropolitan;the holy martyr Paul Parfyonov( the new martyr)
Semen from the ancient Hebrew. Simeon the one God heard Sainted Simeon of Smolensk, Metropolitan
Timothy from Greek honoring God Holy Martyr Timothy Ulyanov, Priest( New Martyr);holy martyr Timothy of Prussia, bishop

June 24

Name Origin value patron saint
Ephraim Semitic Ephraim prolific St. Ephraim Novotorzhsky, Archimandrite

June 25

Name Origin value patron saint
Andrew Greek courageous Rev. Andrew Thebaid
Arseniy with the ancient Greek. courageous, mature Rev. Arseniy Konevsky


from the biblical John the mercy of God St. John of Egypt, warrior;holy blessed John of Moscow, for Christ's sake, foolish;St. John of the Thebaid
Peter Greek rock, stone Monk Peter of Athos
Stepan from the Greek Stefan crown, tiara Rev. Stephen Ozersk, Komel'sk
Timothy Greek worships God Rev. Timothy Thebaid
Julian, Julius Romangeneric name - Saint Iulian of Constantinople, hegumen

June 26

Name Origin Meaning Holy patron of
Alexander with Greekth defender Holy Martyr Alexander Archangel, Priest( New Martyr), Saint Alexander Moscow, painter
Andrew Greek courageous Rev. Andrew Moscow
Daniel biblical God - my judge Rev. Daniel of Moscow, painter
Dmitry Greek belonging to Demeter The Holy Martyr Demetrius Smirnov, Archpriest( new martyr)
Ivan from the biblical John the mercy of God The Holy Rev. John VFinnish
Sawa Aramaic elder Reverend Sawa Moscow
Jacob the biblical Jacob coming on the heels of Rev. James

June 27

Name Origin value patron saint
Alexander Greek defender Holy Martyr Alexander sailboat, Archpriest( New Martyr)
Vladimir from Old the one who owns the world Holy Martyr Vladimir Epiphany, Kiev and Galicia, the Metropolitan( New Martyr)
George / Egor with Greek cultivating the land The blessed Mstislav the Brave Novgorod, the prince( in the baptism of George)
Elisha from the ancient Hebrew. Elisha God is the salvation of the Holy Prophet Elisha;Reverend Elisha Sumy, Solovetsky
Joseph / Osip biblical God will multiply Holy Martyr Joseph Sikov, Priest( new martyr)
Mstislav with Old Russian. the glorious defender The blessed Mstislav the Brave Novgorod, the prince( in the baptism of George)
Nikolai with the Greek the winner of the nations The holy martyr Nikolai Zapolsky, deacon( new martyr);St. Martyr Nikolai Vinogradov, Archpriest( new martyr)
Pavel from Latin small, younger Holy Martyr Paul Ivanov, Priest( new martyr)

June 28

Name Origin Meaning Holy patron of
Grigory from Greek awake The Holy MartyrGrigory of Avnezhsky, hegumen
Ephraim from the Semitic Ephraim prolific Prelate Ephraim II Serbian, patriarch
Lazar from the biblical Elizar God helped The Blessed Lazarus CSerbian, prince
Michael biblical who, as God St Michael of Kiev and All Russia, Metropolitan
Semyon from the Ancient Hindu. Simeon the one God heard Sainted Simeon of Novgorod, archbishop of
Fedor from Greek gift of God Sainted Theodore Sikeot Anastasiupolsky, bishop of

June 29

Name Origin value patron saint
Constantine Greek permanent, stable Holy Martyr Constantine Minyatkov( New Martyr)
Michael biblical who God Holy Martyr Mikhail Makarov, Priest( New Martyr)
Nikifor Greek the one who brings victory The Reverend Nikifor Kaluzhsy
Peter with the Greek rock, stone The Holy Martyr Peter Karelin, Priest( New Martyr)
Tikhon with gr fate, case The Monk Tikhon of Luhovsk, Kostroma;St. Tikhon of Amafunt, bishop;Rev. Tikhon Medynskiy, Kaluga

June 30

Name Origin value patron saint
Joseph / Osip biblical God multiply St. Joseph Hermit
Cyril Greek lord St. Cyril Alfanov Sokolntsy, Novgorod
Klim from LatinClement humane, merciful Rev. Clement Alfanov, Sokolnitsky, Novgorod
Maxim from Latin greatest Holy MuchaIR Maxim Popov, monk( New Martyr)
Nikita Greek winner Monk Nikita( Niphon) Alfanov Sokolntsy, Novgorod
Savely with HEB. requested Holy Martyr Savel Presianin, Chalcedon

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