From this article you will learn what medicines can be used to expel worms from your body.
- Antidiarrhythmic drugs for a broad spectrum of action for adults: list, names
- Antidiarrheal drugs for a wide spectrum of action for children: list, names
- Anthelmintic agents for a broad spectrum of action in pregnancy: list, names
- Anthelmintic agents for a broad spectrum of action in breastfeeding:name
- "Levamisole" from worms: instructions for use, composition
- "Pirantel" from worms: instruction manual, composition
- "Nemozol" from worms: instructions for use, composition
- "Wormil" from worms: instructions for use, composition
- "Mebendazole" from worms: instructions for use, composition
- "Vermox" from worms: instruction manual, composition
- "Dekaris"From worms: instructions for use, composition
- " Bendix "from worms: instructions for use, composition
- " Trichopol "from worms: instructions for use, composition
- " Piperazine "from worms: instructions for use, composition
- " Polysorb "fromWorms: instructions for
- "Enterosgel" from worms: instructions for use, composition
- "Albendazole" from worms: instructions for use, composition
- "Metronidazole" from worms: instructions for use, composition
- "Baktefort" from worms: instructions for use,composition
- "Intoksik" from worms: instructions for use, composition
- Worm trout: instructions for use, composition
- "Evalar" from worms: instructions for use, composition
- "Helmyphagus" from worms and parasites: instructions for use, composition
- Tablets from worms: the list of
- Suspension from worms: the list of
- Worm candles: the list of
- The best anti-helminthics of a wide range of action for humans: rating
- Video: How to know if there are worms?
We all know that you can not eat raw fish or meat, dirty fruit, and also need to wash your hands after walking outside, playing with a cat or dog. If you do not follow the rules of hygiene, then you can get helminths or simply worms.
To identify the worms in a person, you need to pass a feces analysis to the laboratory, and in a few days you will know if you are sick with helminthiasis, and if the answer is positive - then you need to take anthelmintic drugs.
Adult anthelmintic drugs for adults: list, names
You can catch by glistami in the following ways:
- Through the soil, if there are unwashed vegetables and berries, work on the ground and do not wash your hands
- From one person to another
- Through water in bets, open wells
- When eating raw or semi-raw meat and fish
, the Worms lead a parasitic life, often they do not have a digestive system, and they absorb the beneficial substances with the whole body. Settling in the human body, the worms can not function for a long time. And only when you notice signs in yourself, we can assume the presence of helminths.
Clear signs of worms in the human body when the worms divorced a lot:
- Notice that you eat a lot, but still lose weight
- Pale face skin, possibly anemia
- An itch of the anus
And if the onset of the disease and the worms have lately settled, such signs mayand not to be, then you need to pay attention to the indirect symptoms :
- General malaises and nervous breakdowns
- Disorders of the intestine and stomach( abdominal pain, sometimes vomiting, often diarrhea or constipation, flatulence)
- Headaches and goalswhirling
- Frequent allergic phenomena
- Reduced immunity and frequent colds
Worms can live in our bodies :
- Thick and small intestine ( ascarids, pinworms, hookworms, wide ribbon, dwarf tseeden)
- Roundworms, flatworms and their larvae in tissues( in the lung disease is called paragonimosis, liver - echinococcosis, brain - cysticercosis, lymph nodes -filariasis )
- Flukes or trematodes in the liver, gallbladder and bile passages
In order to combat various types of helminths, antidemelts of a wide spectrum of action are sold in pharmacies. Preparations, entering the shelter, prevent the worms from absorbing food, and they die, and then come out with feces.
These are the following medicines:
- "Mebendazole"
- "Nemozol"
- "Centel"
- "Albendazole"
- "Vermox"
- "Sanoxal"
- "Vermakar"
The treatment with these medicines is unsafe. And the threat to the body is not from the drugs themselves( almost entirely derived from the liver and kidneys), but from toxic products after the death of worms. In order not to poison your body, along with anthelmintic drugs, you should take sorbents : Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb.
To prevent the control of worms , you can try folk remedies :
- Pumpkin seeds, eat 300 grams in the morning for 1 hour.
- Infusion of one of the herbs( tansy, wormwood, chamomile, centaury, buckthorn).
Anti-helminthics for children: list, names
In the child's organism, most often in the intestine, round worms( pinworms and ascarids) settle. They do not have attachments for anything, and they constantly move. Medicines that act on roundworms paralyze them, they can not move, and go out with feces.
The most effective tablets for children from roundworms are:
- "Piperazine"
- "Nemocid"
- "Helminthox"
These drugs are quite suitable for children, because parasites leave alive from the body and intoxication will not occur.
Also to children for deducing helminths give suspensions "Pirantel", "Helmintox" .
Note .A child up to six months can not be given any antihelminthic drugs.
Anthelmintic preparations of a wide spectrum of action in pregnancy: list, names
When pregnant women also need to be treated for helminths, but to treat carefully, so as not to cause harm to the child.
"Nemocide", "Helmintox" are considered to be glowing preparations. They lead to paralysis of musculature in roundworms, and do not kill them completely, so intoxication of dead parasites of organisms of a woman and a child will not occur.
Antidiarrheal anti-wrinkle drugs for breastfeeding: list, names
When breastfeeding a woman, most of the anthelmintic drugs can not be used.
For the removal of roundworms , you can only take, within 3-5 days, the preparation "Piperazine" .The dose of the drug for 1 admission is 150-200 mg.
If a woman has flat worms and larvae, or chains, then you need to stop lactation, and take up medication, which includes albendazole.
"Levamisole" from worms: instructions for use, composition
"Levamisol" is available in the form of tablets and solution.
With this medicine, it is possible to remove roundworms( hookworms, ascarids, toxoplasma).
The drug acts quickly : after a few hours from the contact of the drug with parasites, there is complete paralysis of the latter, and within the next 24 hours the dead worms leave the human intestine.
In addition to the anthelmintic properties of "Levamisole" improves the immune system of a weakened organism with herpes, chronic and viral hepatitis, after chemotherapy .
To excrete helminths, it is enough for adults to take 1 tablet( 150 mg) of Levamisol in the evening, children should take the medicine also once in the evening, but it is necessary to calculate it depending on the weight, 2.5 mg per 1 kg of baby weight.
With the help of a solution of "Levamisol" they struggle with helminths in small and large cattle.
"Pirantel" from worms: instructions for use, composition
"Pirantel" is the most safe preparation .With its help, you can expel such types of roundworms: pinworms, ascariasis, hookworms.
"Pirantel" is produced in tablets, and in liquid form. The latter kind of medicine is good for children.
To expel the pinworms , it is enough to take the medicine once, from the calculation of the dosage: 75 mg of the drug to a weight of up to 75 kg, if the weight is greater, then we take the drugs to 100 mg.
In order for to expel the ascarid , it is necessary to take the medicine 2 times, since the larvae are invulnerable in the muscles. The prescribed dosage should be taken 1 time, and then, after a week, repeat. Until then, the larvae will become adults, and they will be easily removed from the body.
Ankylostomias expel with a drug for 3 consecutive days.
"Nemozol" from worms: instructions for use, composition
Tablets and suspension "Nemozol", in which albendazole, act as not only on worm , but also for protozoa( Trichomonases, Giardia, malarial and dysentery bacillus) .
The drug acts on the parasites in a complex way, preventing them from assimilating useful substances, why they die. To remove roundworms it is enough to take the drug once, flat worms are removed within 3 days.
"Wormil" from worms: instructions for use, composition
The drug "Vormil" includes the substance albendazole.
The drug is interesting because it can be used if you do not know what worms inhabit your body .The medicine is manufactured by in the form of chewing tablets .It acts on both adult worms and larvae.
The drug should take 3-5 days of 400 mg per day( adults).
"Mebendazole" from worms: instructions for use, composition
"Mebendazole" is a complex tool of , helping to remove such insidious helminths as flat worms or wide ribbons .Adult specimens of the worm can parasitize for years in the lumen of the intestine, growing to enormous sizes. To withdraw them is not so easy, they attach themselves to the body with suckers.
The larvae of the wide ribbon are also not harmless: having settled in the heart, brain, lungs, they appear as large round tumor-like formations or cysts. Immediately all parasites can not be withdrawn, sometimes even one has to resort to surgery.
Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, usually it lasts from 4 to 10 days.
Note .Children under 2 years of age to take "Mebendazole" is contraindicated.
"Vermox" from worms: instructions for use, composition
The composition of the drug "Vermox" includes mebendazole , which affects the absorption of glycemic glucose. This leads parasites to death. The drug copes well with round and flat worms , as well as with chains.
To remove cestodes( flatworms), it will take at least 10 days to heal. Initially, the drug should be taken 3 times a day, in small doses( 300 mg each), then increased to 500 mg.
"Decaris" from worms: instructions for use, composition
Anthelminthic preparation "Decaris" leads to paralysis of the musculature of parasites, and they leave the body already dead .Such a high efficiency drug is due to the chemical compound levamisole .
But "Decaris" can only cope well with with round worm , which has a well developed muscle tissue. Widespread ribbons and dwarf chain, which is not so well developed musculature, withdraw this medicine will not succeed.
Take the drug 1 time, for an adult, 1 tablet( 150 mg of active ingredient) is enough, in the evening, and dead worms will go out with the feces the next day.
"Bendix" from worms: instructions for use, composition
Anthelmintic syrup "Bendix" is based on a plant-based .You can order it in online stores. Sold in a glass bottle with a capacity of 60 ml. Produced in Egypt. This is an expensive medicine.
Action of Bendix product :
- For parasites it is toxic, but for our body there is no
- Strengthens immunity, eliminates intoxication left by worms
- Reduces allergy caused by worms
- Creates unfavorable conditions for further life of parasites
This body is not enoughstudied.
"Bendix" you can take for prophylactic purposes 2 times a year .
For the removal of parasites, adults take this drug with meals 2 times a day for 20 ml, children - 15 ml each. The course of treatment is the whole bottle.
Although the drug is of natural origin, it also has contraindications :
- Pregnancy and lactation
- Allergy to
- preparation Small children under 1 year
"Trichopol" from worms: instruction for use, composition
The active substance in tablets, liquids and candles "Trichopol" is metronidazole .This is a broad-spectrum medicine: destroys parasites, microbes and the simplest .
For the removal of flat worms , namely of Siberian fluke ( medical term for treatment of opisthorchiasis) and of lamblia , in children after 10 years and adults, 3 tablets are prescribed( dosage of 1 tablet of 250 mg of active substance) per day, 5days.
Contraindications for use of Trichopol:
- Children under 3 years of age
- No increased dose after 55 years of age
- Allergic to metronidazole
- Pregnant women and breastfeeding
- For liver and blood diseases
- For severe nervous system disorders
Note .During treatment, you should not drink alcohol.
"Piperazine" from worms: instructions for use, composition
"Piperazine" is a low-toxic tool , used for pinpointing and pinworm since the 70s of last century. The medicine does not kill helminths, but only paralyzes them, so its can be administered to children and pregnant women . The only drawback of it - a long course of treatment.
To remove ascarids with the drug "Piperazine" adults are prescribed a course of treatment 2 days, taking 2 times a day for 150-200 mg of active substance. The medicine can be taken on an empty stomach, before meals for half an hour or after a meal, after 2 hours.
To remove pinworms treatment is longer, two courses: 2 times a day for 200 mg of active substance on an empty stomach, 5 days. After 1 course, 95% of the worms are destroyed. Then break 1 week, and 2 courses of treatment begin( to accept the same as in the 1st course).After the 2nd course, the worms are completely removed. In the interval between the courses the doctor prescribes cleansing enemas , to quickly remove helminths from the body.
"Polysorb" from worms: instructions for use, composition
"Polysorb" - universal sorbent , is assigned for excretion of toxins from the body.
Produced in the form of a white powder, which must be diluted in clean water and a drink.
With the help of "Polysorb" it is possible to remove toxins :
- Created after the life of harmful bacteria, fungi, microorganisms and viruses
- Allergens from food
- Medicines
- Poison and salts of heavy metals
- Radionuclides
- Alcohol
"Polysorb" is used for such critical statesof the body :
- Intestinal infections, intoxication of the body with worms
- Food poisoning
- Dysbacteriosis
- Purulent wounds and burns
- Poisoning with poisons, andCogolo
- When allergy to some foods
- jaundice
In Western Europe and the United States appoint sorbents even the flu and colds.
"Polysorb" is prescribed 100-200 mg per 1 kg of human weight, but not more than 20 g per day( for adults).The dose is calculated for drinking several times a day. The powder is diluted in a quarter of a glass, you can have half a glass of clean water, and drink 1 hour before meals.
"Enterosgel" from worms: instructions for use, composition
"Enterosgel" refers to enterosorbents, which are prescribed not only to remove toxins, but also to treat the stomach and intestines, to increase the immunity .
The drug is prescribed for such diseases :
- Infectious diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach
- Food allergy
- Intoxication of various kinds, including dead worms
- Skin diseases
- Malignant formulations
The product is available as a paste ready for use.
With intoxication take inside for 1 tbsp.spoon paste( adults), children under 5 years - 1 cup.spoon, children after 5 years - 1 dessert spoon 2-3 times a day, 7-14 days, depending on the degree of intoxication. After taking the paste, drink it with enough water.
Enterosgel can be taken by pregnant women .
"Albendazole" from worms: instruction for use, composition
The complex preparation "Albendazole" acts on of flat worms( flukes) and round( pinworms, ascariasis, hookworms) worms, penetrating into their wormsorganism.
The drug also acts on larvae of flat worms , embedded in tissues, significantly reducing them.
There are several other preparations of similar action:
- "Sanoxal"
- "Aldazol"
- "Nemosol"
- "Zentel"
Applying these medicines, at a dosage of 200 mg per 1 reception, of round worms can be removed in 1 day, flatworms andChains are displayed in 3 days .
The situation with larvae of flat worms is much more complicated, especially if they are in tissues. To reduce the size of cysts and tumors formed by them, you should take "Albendazole" or similar medications 15-30 days .The dosage for 1 dose is calculated independently and is 15 mg per 1 kg of human body weight.
"Metronidazole" from worms: instructions for use, composition
"Metronidazole" is an antibiotic that treats various infections, including those left by parasites in the body, which strengthens the immunity of .
"Metronidazole" is prescribed together with other strong anthelminthic drugs.
The drug is available in the form of tablets, suppositories, solution and ointment.
Tablets for adults are prescribed 250 mg of the drug twice a day for 10 days, or a double dose for 5 days, for children under 5 years of age - 200 mg of active substance, for more than 5 years - for adults.
Note .The tablets are washed down with milk.
"Baktefort" from worms: instructions for use, composition
"Baktefort" is a preparation of vegetable origin .
The following plants :
- Leaf of birch, peppermint and walnut
- Flowers of tansy and cloves
- Ginger root
- Wormwood, tavolga
medication copes with the simplest and fungal organisms, bacterial and viral infections, round worms with sparing methods .
The drug improves bile secretion and the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses blood and tissues from toxins left after helminths, has an anti-inflammatory effect of .
"Baktefort" is produced in drops.
The drug is taken every day, in the morning, on an empty stomach, first for 10-15 drops, and when the body gets used to the drug - and 20 drops( adult), diluting 100-150 ml of boiled cold water, 3-4 weeks. After six months, treatment can be repeated.
Contraindications preparation:
- Children under 3 years old
- Individual intolerance of
- components Pregnant and breastfeeding women
"Intoxic" from worms: instructions for use, composition
"Intoksik" - herbicide-based .
Intohis includes: fruits of the Sumach plant, bear bile, Djungar ferula and other vegetable components( about 25 pieces) .
This composition of the drug helps to remove from the body roundworms( ascarids, pinworms, whipworms), larvae of flat worms, lamblia .
"Toxicum" is released in a liquid state. For complete elimination of parasites, a course of treatment is prescribed for 1 month. Then, if necessary, the course can be repeated up to 4 times a year. Adults and children after 6 years of the drug prescribed 10 drops for half an hour before meals, 2-3 times a day, children under 6 years - half the drug.
Worm trout: Instruction for use, Composition
Tile according to the Hilda Clark method .This is an American scientist studying parasites in the human body, identified 3 plants ( herb wormwood, clove seeds, walnut peel), effectively removing parasites. These plants also gave the name "trochach".
They can be taken separately.
Artemisia - anthelmintic remedy .The dried grass is ground, and take 0.5 tea.spoon a day, gradually increasing the dose to 7 teaspoons. The course of treatment is 1 year.
Carnation seeds - anthelmintic agent .The grains are ground in a coffee grinder, and take: the first day - 1 grain, the second - 2, the third - 3 grains, and so on 3 grains remaining days. The course of treatment is 10 days.
From young walnut skin make anthelminthic tincture : 15 pieces of peel pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist on the window for 1 month, then store in a dark cool place.
Begin to take 1 drop by half a cup of water, gradually increasing the dose to 2 ceys.spoons. Do not increase, but take 1 year.
With a preventive purpose, it is enough to take 1 month.
Russian scientist V.A.Ivanchenko , also engaged in the study and excretion of the body worms, slightly changed the recipe for Hilda Clark's triplets, changing the peel of the walnut to tansy, in view of the fact that in the temperate latitudes the nut does not grow everywhere.
Trojchatka VAIvanchenko .We grind separately 100 g of tansy, 50 g of clove seeds and 30 g of wormwood grass, mix and take: the first day - 1 tea.spoon, the second - 2 teas.spoons, the third - 1 teaspoonful.spoon 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment - until the portion ends.
"Evalar" from worms: instructions for use, composition
Antifilament natural triple from the extract of tansy, wormwood and cloves produces firm "Evalar" .The product is available in capsules.
Adults and children from 12 years old take 2 capsules per day. The course of treatment is up to 2 months.
Note .Children under 12 years old can not take the troch.
"Helmyphagus" from worms and parasites: instructions for use, composition
"Helmifag" is a biological additive from parasites .You can use to prevent parasites from .
The composition of the drug includes:
- Goldfincher
- Yarrow
- Carnation and others
Addition of doctors is recommended if there are such signs:
- Irritability and weakness
- Headaches and insomnia
- Abdominal pain and irregular toilet visit
- Skin rashes
- Infectious diseases became more frequent
With the prophylactic purpose of , dietary supplements are taken for 20 days, 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals. For treatment for helminths , the course of treatment lasts 40 days.
Tablets from worms: List
The most effective tablets for worms for adults and children are:
- Helminthox
- Albendazole
- Pirantel
- Decaris
- Vermox
- Vormil
- NemozolĀ»
Suspension from worms: List
Suspension drugs most often treat children, but adults sometimes use them.
The main advantage of the suspension is that acts faster than tablets.
The following anthelmintic medicines are produced in the form of suspension:
- Pirantel
- Helminthox
- Nemozol
Pyrantel and Helmintox syrup expel round worms( pinworms and ascarids) .For an adult weighing 75 kg, it is enough to take 30 ml of syrup 1 time, for people whose weight is more than 75 kg - 40 ml.
Nemozol syrup can cope with flat worms for 3 days, the syrup rate for 1 time 20-30 ml.
Worm candles: list
Advantages of therapeutic candles before other medicines :
- Rapid absorption into the intestinal mucosa
- Action only on the intestines without affecting other organs
- Convenient use
- Anti-inflammatory action
Anthelminthic preparations in the form of candles :
- "Trichopol"
- "Metronidazole"
- "Nigella Sativa"
- "Vormil"
Candles "Vormil" can be cured :
- Enterobiosis ( infection with pinworms) - 1 suppository( 400 mg), after 21 days repeat 1 more candle.
- Askaridoz ( infection with ascarids) - 1 suppository( 400 mg), after 21 days repeat 1 more candle.
- Cysticercosis ( ingestion of larvae of pork tapeworm in the muscles of the internal organs, eyes, brain) - in the morning and in the evening for 1 suppository, the course of treatment is from 7 to 28 days.
- Toxocarosis ( infection by toxocara from sick dogs) - administer 1 suppository 2 times a day for 7-14 days.
The best anthelmintic drugs of a wide range of action for humans: rating
One of the best antihelminth medicines is "Azinox" or "Biltricid".Having taken 1 tablet of medicine, in such parasites as the flukes, attached to the liver and gall bladder, there is a spasm of muscles, and they perish.
A good preparation for the removal of roundworms is "Helminthox" in tablets and suspensions. A single dose of this drug for people up to 75 kg 500 mg, over 75 kg weight - 1000 mg.
For the expulsion of in human nematodes or they are also called , roundworms( pinworms, roundworms, whipworms, trichinella, toxocards) use such medications :
- "Nemozol"
- "Pirantel"
- "Nemocid"
- "Vormil"
- "Vermakar"
- "Dekarys"
- "Termex"
- "Medamin"
For the expulsion of flat worms they are also called band or flukes, because they are attached with suckers( bovine, pork and dwarf chain, wide tape):
- "Fenasal"
- "Albendazole"
- "Akrihin"
- "Mepakrin"
Anti-helminth agents of a wide spectrum of action are used if helminths of different species have settled in the body. In this case, apply:
- Medications in which there is mebendazole
- "Praziquantel"
So, now we know how you can drive parasites out of your body and recover from them.