Pediculosis in adults and children: symptoms, signs, causes, types, prevention. Treatment of pediculosis with drugs from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Itself only the idea of ​​the possibility of living the brisk blood-sucking insects on the human body makes many shudder. What can we say about the facts of a real infection?


  • Video: History of diseases Pediculosis
  • Main signs of pediculosis
  • Types of pediculosis
  • Video: Lice. How to get rid of uninvited guests
  • Types of pediculosis
  • How do they get infected with pediculosis?
  • How to cure pediculosis at home? Folk remedies for pediculosis
  • Video: Treatment of pediculosis with folk remedies: kerosene, dichlorvos, vinegar, chinese water, cranberry
  • Curative shampoo for pediculosis for children and adults
  • Video: How to get rid of lice?
  • Pharmaceuticals and preparations for pediculosis
  • Comb of pediculosis
  • Video: Electronic comb from lice and nits Robicomb( Robiocomb)
  • How to treat pediculosis?
  • Prevention measures for pediculosis
  • Video: Beware, lice!
  • Treatment and prevention of pediculosis: advice and feedback
  • instagram viewer
  • Video: Treatment of pediculosis( lice) in adults: combing, comb, paint and hair iron, steam, frost

In this article you will become acquainted with the maximum amount of effective remedies that relieve sudden discomfort. Put aside fastidiousness and learn about the lice something more.

Video: History of diseases Pediculosis

The main signs of pediculosis

Lice, in addition to a sufficiently innocuous easy itch, can bring much more serious inconveniences to a person's life, undermines health. The main negative effects and symptoms accompanying the course of the disease are listed below.

Secondary cocydal pyoderma in the form of dermatitis of the occipital - vulgar impentigo. On the skin appear:

  • surface blisters are ficti with purulent, hemorrhagic( bloody) or mixed contents
  • folliculitis and ostiophalliculitis - deep or superficial injury of hair follicles, sebaceous glands
  • erosion( defects to the depth of the epidermis) wetting, bleeding irregular and rounded forms
  • coarse bleedingand straw-yellow crusts
Pyoderma in pediculosis: erosion

The main signs of pediculosis neglected are the gluing of hair with serous-purulent secretions, the formation of comahair.

Secondary microbial eczema in post-traumatic or sycosiform( inflammation of the hair follicles) form. It is formed, as a rule, against the background of shifts in the neuroendocrine system and reduced immunity. It develops in the place of foci of coca pyoderma. On the skin are:

  • redness with small abscesses and vesicles( cavities with liquid)
  • asymmetrical wetting erosions with rounded or scalloped edges that emit serous esudate
  • solid serous-purulent or yellowish-hemorrhagic crusts
  • foci of scleroderma - consolidation of connective fibers due to scar tissue
  • hemosiderosis - pigmentary dystrophy, accumulation of hemoglobin degradation products and staining of the dermis in dark yellow or brown
Vesicles and erectile erosions in pediculosis

The main signs of combed pediculosis are large hematomas and dotted petechiae, tissue sites filled with extravasate( blood from bursted blood vessels).

Atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis - skin allergic reaction, hypersensitivity to incoming allergens of immediate type, manifested:

  • excoriations - abrasions, scratches on the depth of the papillary layer of the dermis, formed as a result of scratching against the background of real irritants or neurotic pruritus
  • erythema - areas of intense reddening of the skin from the expansion of the vessels lying in it, with the possibility of subsequent blueing, peeling, cracking and rejection of large areasepidermis
  • papular urticaria - towering above the skin of flat or rumpous rashes, very itchy, having a color from pale pink to red-b
  • with edema of different degrees of severity
Papular urticaria in pediculosis

Specific signs and consequences of pediculosis:

  • lichenization - sharp thickening of the skin, strengthening of their pattern
  • sycosis - inflammation of the hair follicles, which occurs more often in males
  • melasma - broken skin pigmentation
    conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and the posterior surface of the eyelids
  • of the eruption in the form of bluish spots( macula caeruleae) in the places of bites of the carpenter
  • regional lmfadenitis, lymphadenopathy - enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes close to the sites of bite localization
  • febrile( temperature) and afebrile( allergic) convulsions in both children and adults
  • anemia - anemia, a significant decrease in hemoglobin level in the blood
Regional lymphadenitis withpediculosis

Types of pediculosis

Of all the 532 species of lice in the world, only 40 live on the domestic expanses. Only three varieties of these smallLigatne( adapted ecologically and evolutionarily to a specific master) ectoparasites.

Subtype Pediculus captis de Geer, the species Pediculus humanus Linnaeus, the genus Pediculus Linnaeus, the family Pediculidae Leach - the human louse is the real headache. The adult female parasite lives up to 38 days, delaying for this time from 100 to 300 eggs.

Louse human head

Subsegment Pediculus corporis de Geer, species Pediculus humanus Linnaeus, genus Pediculus Linnaeus, family Pediculidae Leach - louse human real dress. The adult female parasite lives up to 48-60 days, postponing during this time from 200 to 500 eggs.

Louse human clothing: food

At temperatures above 40 ° C and below 22 ° C, larvae of a monoxenous( inhabiting host of one species) parasite of the species Pediculus humanus Linnaeus do not hatch. The duration of the cycle of embryonic development of the included subspecies varies within 4-16 days, depending on the thermal parameters of the medium.

Type Phthirus pubis Linnaeus, genus Phthirus Leach, family Phthiridae Ewing - pubic louse, flatland. The adult female parasite lives 14-17 days, delaying 20-50 eggs during this time. The parasite larvae develop from 5 to 8 days at an average temperature of 36 ° C.

Flat or pubic louse

Taxonomy of the suborder Anoplura - Lice: Duvets and lice, New winged insects, Winged insects, Insects, Six-legged, Trap-desperate, Arthropods, Sedentary( Multisegmental, Polymer), Primates, Duplex Symmetric, Euthazoic( True multicellular animals), Animals, Eukaryotes or Nuclear organisms.

Scientists have identified four types of pediculosis infection, generated by the blood-sucking parasites described above.

Video: Lice. How to get rid of unwelcome guests

Types of pediculosis

Head ( B85.0) .Called transparent or grayish-beige hue by insects that become red-brown or black after a direct act of bloodsucking.

Adult adults: 2-4 mm. Each of them bites the owner up to 12 times a day. The size of white-yellow larvae( nits) of head lice is from 0.6 to 0.8 mm. Parasites do not leave fevered patients and can do without food for 1 to 10 days. They live on the hair of the head, rarely descend on the beard.

The symptoms of the disease are numerous and depend on the degree of neglect: it all starts with a slight itch, but can result in abscesses, anemia, or anaphylactic shock.

Head pediculosis

Types of pediculosis: clothing( B85.1) .Called parasites of dirty white color, which, after drinking blood, change color to a darker one. They massively leave people with a high body temperature.

The size of adults: 3-5 mm. Each of them bites the owner up to 8 times a day. The size of grayish-brown, translucent nits of lice - from 0,7 to 1 mm. They live in the folds of clothing. Symptoms of the disease: itching, redness, blisters, ulcers, scaling and skin pigmentation disorders.

. Pediculosis

. Types of pediculosis: pubic or ftyriaz. ( B85.3) .It is caused by a semi-transparent translucent beige hue by parasites that are unevenly colored brown after eating blood.

The size of adults: 1-3 mm. Each of them bites the owner up to 5 times a day( a long bite) with short breaks. In water with a temperature of 15-17 ° C pubic louse can live up to two days.

With a reading of 1-2 ° C in the air - killing in four days. Able to break through a 30 cm layer of dry sand. The sizes of brownish-transparent nits of carpenters - from 0,5 to 0,7 mm. Live on the hair of the pubis, perineum, growing around the anus. Rarely rise in the area of ​​the armpits, on the eyelashes, beard or head. Symptoms of the disease: itching, blue spots on the skin in places of bites, an allergic rash.

Fluoriasis or pubic pediculosis

Types of pediculosis: mixed ( B85.4) .Rarely rare. However, on one host sometimes two, or even three, varieties of blood-sucking insects of the suborder Anoplura can parasitize.

In medical practice, another class is used, the characteristic of infection is pediculosis, unspecified( B85.2).

Saliva of lice prevents blood clotting and causes irritation on the skin, severe allergic reactions. At the site of bites in the dermis, foci of an inflammatory infiltrate from neutrophils and lymphocytes with an admixture of eosinophils arise.

How do they get lice?

In direct contact with sick people:

  • at home, at work, on a visit to
  • on the road, in official and private institutions, offices
  • in shopping malls and organizations that represent the service
  • for casual and planned sexual contacts
With close contactyou can see that a person is clearly infected with pediculosis

How do they get infected with pediculosis in everyday life? For example:

  • when trying contaminated clothing, linen and hats
  • when using contaminated furniture, blankets and pillows, bedding
  • when using infected hairbrushes, headphones, body accessories, bags

It's easy to get infected with lice:

  • while traveling and traveling
  • in sanatoria, rest homes and hotels, at the
  • camp sites, attending pre-school institutions, educational institutions
  • visiting state hospitals, private clinics, boarding schools,elyh
  • staying in sports centers, swimming pools, saunas, beauty salons, night clubs,
cinemas That students often become infected with head lice How

infected with head lice in large quantities? In case of malicious non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation, as well as in various emergency situations: natural disasters, military actions, environmental disasters, forced migrations.

In addition, lice can also be active carriers:
of typhus epidemic typhus
rat typhus
recurrent typhus or lice spirochetosis
Volynian or five-day fever

Typhus on the skin

How to cure pediculosis at home? Folk remedies for pediculosis

Effective is the treatment with aromatic oils: anise, lavender, mint, rosemary, cloves, geranium, ylang-ylang, fir and lemon. They heat up and irritate the skin quite strongly. Therefore, only heads with unleveled pediculosis can be treated.

Use this method to remove pubic lice is impossible. Since the delicate skin and mucous membranes will instantly be "burned" by active molecules of oils.

For convenience, aromatic concentrates are mixed with shampoos, balms or a lot of neutral oils. The mixtures are kept on the head under the air-tight cap and a towel "how much can you tolerate".Repeat the required number of times.

Cap will help hair warm up, and lice - do not leave the host during treatment

How to cure pediculosis at home? Folk remedies for pediculosis are still represented by kerosene and turpentine. The sensations on the skin from these slightly diluted substances do not lend themselves to any description.

Burning, caused by aromatic oils, in comparison seems even pleasant. It's easy to get a strong burn. Carefully observe the mixing proportions, be sure to test in advance on your own skin "recieved" on the Internet recipes!

Kerosene as a folk remedy for pediculosis

Video: Treatment of pediculosis with folk remedies: kerosene, dichlorvos, vinegar, chinese water, cranberry

How to cure pediculosis at home? Folk remedies for pediculosis may be the same burning or even poisonous:

  • treatment with dust or tar soap is not a very pleasant process.
  • , each procedure of rubbing ointment from the roots of angelica and bird cherry has a real possibility of ending with nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness
  • exposure to the skin of ointmentfrom the roots of the hedgehog and the rosemary stems can end and worse
Tar soap as a folk remedy for the treatment of pediculosis

Curative shampoo for pediculosis for children and adults

ystvuyut at all stages of the parasites with varying degrees of success, are not recommended for children under 5 years means :

  1. « Permethrin » - a drug with the same active ingredient in the composition. Absorbed by the surface of the insect body and blocks the nerve activity, leads to the death of
  2. " Sumitin " has a destructive effect on sexually mature individuals, larvae and nits pubic, head and lice. Sumitrin, extracted from the flowers of pyrethrum
  3. " RID " affects the nervous system of parasites, has a significant depressant effect. Contains permethrin and piperonil
  4. " NOC " paralyzes lice, oppresses nits. The main active substance is permethrin
  5. " Lauri " - an agent for external use with the aim of destroying pubic and head lice. In the composition: permethrin, bioallletrin
  6. " Lavinale " has a reparative and anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, kills both lice and their nits, affects the strength of the glue. Contains ylang-ylang and lavender oils
  7. " Pediculen Ultra " paralyzes and kills arthropods settled on a person. Composed of: jasmine and vaseline oils, preservatives, propylene glycol, laureth sulfate, laureth-3-sorbitan oleate, antioxidants.
  8. " Biosim " is harmful to adult lice and nymphs, to nits. Includes permethrin " Anti-Bit " leads to the death of larvae and nits, adult individuals of human lice. The active substance is sumitrin.
  9. " Veda " and " Veda-2 " effectively destroy any arthropod pests. Contain different concentrations of permethrin
Pediculicidal shampoo "Pedikulen Ultra"

Curative shampoo for pediculosis for children and adults in denominations that effectively kill both sexually mature individuals and larvae :

  1. " Paranit " suffocates, dehydrates lice and nits. Contains claryol. Shown to children of 3 years old
  2. " Itax " helps to get rid of head lice, disinfects the rooms. Ingredients: phenothrin, triethanolamine alkyl ether sulfate, sodium chloride, polysorbate 20, methylparaben, copra diethanolamide, sorbic acid, purified water. For children it is possible to use
  3. Parasidosis from 2.5 years, it affects toxic, affects not only adults and nits, but also kills all the larvae located on the scalp and hair roots. Includes phenothrin. For children can be used from 2.5 years
Anti-pediculous shampoo "Paranit"

Facilitate the removal of lice and nits, suitable for children :

  1. LiceGuard dissolves the glue of fixed nits, facilitates combing out lice. It consists of: water, sodium laureth sulfate, coco-glucoside, dodecyl benzenesulfonate TEA, glyceryl oleate, eucalyptus oil, perfume, rosemary oil, cocamidopropyl betaine, hydantoin, magnolia vine, dimethicone, carbomer, guarhydrohydroxipropyl triammonium chloride, dimethiconol, sodium hydroxide, methylparaben
  2. NIT FREE is a prophylactic composition that flushes adult lice. In the composition: essential oil of peppermint, other substances
  3. « Pair of Tapes Dripping Balsam » detaches dead and live nits. Contains: quaternium 18, acetic acid, methylparaben, cetyl alkol, sodium acetate, hexyl cinnamal, yuchenol, hedroxy-iso-hexyl tri-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde, cyclomethicone, butylphenyl methylpropionamide
Non-toxic anti-pediculous shampoo "Lais Gard"

Curative shampoo for pediculosis for childrenand adults in limited-edition names :

  1. " Bubil " destroys only adult lice. The composition contains substances: pyrethrin, acetic acid. Not recommended for children
  2. " Pedilin " well destroys adult insects. This is an organophosphorous poisoning insecticide. Active substances: malathion, tetramethrin. Contraindicated in children under 2 years of
  3. " Chigiya " acts as a contact neuromuscular venom against pubic and head lice. Composition: permethrin, gel base, bronopol, acetic glacial acid, tween 80, sodium chloride, disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate, sodium edetate pr. For children not recommended
Shampoo, a remedy for pediculicide "Chigia"

Video: How to dislodge lice?

Pharmaceuticals and preparations for pediculosis

The most common products on the market are permethrin preparations :

  • Acromed, Armol, Antitom, Andizhan-U, Amizol, Arzol-L, Antisect
  • Biosim, Bio Kill, Blantex
  • Vuproteks, Vitar, Vekurin
  • Gmizin, Glorzid, Grincid-U, Gelenit
  • Dichlorvos-L, Dast
  • Zytol Spray, Zebrik-Teva
  • Insectocrest, Insecticidal Soap-P, Intox, Insecticidal Soap Des-P
  • Canon Plus, Kim-P, Kadima
  • Lauri
  • Molin, MediFox, Molemor
  • NOC, Nix, Nittifor
  • Oxytox
  • Pervit, directly Permethrin, Perol, Pedex, Polytox, Pedizol, Permocid
  • City, Saljutsid, Stagifor
  • Therma-Fog-P, Talla
  • Chub-Chik, Celestial-M
  • Chance, Ship-1
Drug permethrin "MediFox Super"

Ideally permethrin easily seeps into the body of parasites, blocks nervous activity and leads to death. However, there are many geographic populations that have adapted to this substance. If lice continue to live and multiply after treatment with monotherapy with permethrin, look for effective alternatives.

For example, preparations of phenothrin, which also have a neurotoxic effect:

  • soap « Anti-bit » and « Des-F »
  • lotion « BIN »
  • foaming lotions, aerosols: « Ithaca », « Fenolon » and « phenothrin »
  • emulsion " Forsyte antishikash »
Insecticide Forsyat Antishoshi

You may need chemist's products from pediculosis, created almost entirely from natural ingredients:

  • AntiV Duo with oils of citronella, lavender, tea tree
  • NIT FREE with mint or rosemary
  • " Pediculum Ultra " and " Paranita Spray with anisic oil
  • " Roche TOAS "with extracts of plantain, atriplex, aloe vera, sage, calendula flowers and cypress, as well as paprika, coconut,geranium, lemon and mint
  • Medilis-Bio with clove oil
  • Lavanal Spray with peppermint extract, ylang ylang and lavender oils
  • pyrethrum powder from the dalmatian chamomile flower heads and the spray form-Pks "with an extract from the same plant
" Antiv Duo "from nits and lice

Complex and innovative preparations against lice:

  • " A-Steam Aerosol ", Spragal Spray " with esdepaletrin and peritonyl butoxide
  • Fossilon Lotion »with fossilon, benzyl benzoate, castor oil
  • « Nude Spray »with silicone polymer dimethicone
  • « Pedilin »(emulsion, gel) with tetrametron and piperonyl butoxide
  • « Chigia Solution »withperoxide, permetrin, gel base, tween 80, broponol, acetic acid ice, other components
  • « Pair Plus Aerosol » with permetrine, malathion, piperonyl butoxide
  • « Avicine Concentrate » with permethrin, surfactants, stabilizers, solvents
  • « LokodinLotion "and" Lokodin Grades K Concentrate "with low-hazardous substances
  • " Fenotrin Solution "with methyl cyclopropane carbolic acid ester
  • " Hedring Lotion "with dimTicona and cyclomethicone
  • « Duran Lotion » with dimethicone and tsiklopentaksiloksanom
  • « Syphax Washing Lotion » from D-phenothrin
  • « Full Marks solution » with isopropyl myristate and cyclomethicone
  • « Parazidoz Foaming Lotion » with biokosidinom
Insecticidefast action Full Marx

Professional and chemist's products from pediculosis are also insecticides for the processing of clothing, household items and furniture, whole premises:

  • « Gameksan »,« lindane »,« Loreksanom »and« Yakutin »based on gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane( chlorinated hydrocarbon)
  • « Medilis-malathion », emulsion« Dobrohim M »based malathion
  • emulsions based on fenthion: « Dobrohim FOS », « Medilis-Super », « sulfoxy », « Clinch », « Medilis-Permifen »
«Medilis-Super" solves resistance problem

Many peoplefor the treatment of various types of pediculosis in the old manner, ointments: permetric, boric, sulfuric, mercury, turpentine, benzyl benzoate.

Comb of pediculosis

Extremely convenient hand-combing devices for nits and lice, offered separately from insecticides: Nit Free , LiceGuard and AntiV .They are made of plastics and metals. From ordinary combs, such ridges are characterized by an extremely tight fit of the teeth and the presence of incisions of a special shape that literally cut nits from each passed hair.

The head is very itchy: the comb from the liceGuard
The head is very itchy: the comb from the pediculosis Nit Free
The head is very itchy: the comb from the pediculosis. AntiV

The comb from the pediculosis is suitable for people with quite severe allergic reactions to a large number of substances. After all, such a comber kills the nits of electricity that are encountered during the growth of hair. The most requested brands of electronic scrapers on domestic spaces are the Robi Comb and Maniquick .

Electronic comb from pediculosis Robi Comb Pro
Electronic comb against lice Maniquick

Video: Electronic comb from lice and nits Robicomb( Robiocomb)

The comb from pediculosis today comes complete with many pediculicides and ovicides. Accordingly, when choosing a therapeutic drug, it is first of all necessary to consider such variants.

How to treat pediculosis?

Regardless of the degree of neglect of the disease and the type of parasite that has settled on the body, the process of getting rid of insects will include the steps:

  1. Treatment of infected skin and hair with strong insecticides, such as Medilis or Dobrokhim M
  2. Chemical treatment of allthings of the patient with preparations such as " Clinch " or " A-Pair ".And if possible temperature - by heating above 50 ° C or freezing below -3 ° C for more than two to three hours.
  3. Chemical treatment of household items and the perimeter of the apartment by substances of the level of the drug " Sulfox "
Prevention and treatment of lice
Combing the living and deadnits, lice

How to handle pediculosis, which could spill over to family members? The same way. When choosing individual treatment products, you should always pay attention to age, as well as to previously manifested allergies.

How to handle pediculosis of neglected forms? Here, most likely, it is necessary to use a full set of medicines for scabies, lymphadenitis and fungal, bacterial infections. It is also necessary to strengthen vitamin therapy.

Prevention measures for pediculosis

Epidemics of this socially significant disease can be prevented if the following conditions are met:

  • should necessarily isolate the diseased before the complete cure;
  • it is necessary to conduct regular and frequent medical examinations for the timely detection of infected
  • from time to time to organize preventive disinfection of the habitat and mandatory - in case of finding the facts of the real incidence of
. Dead and living lice

Measures for prevention of pediculosis should be manifested in educational work. Special classes for schoolchildren and students, compulsory lectures for work collectives and social groups, television reports and broadcasts of popular science films will all significantly reduce the frequency of diagnosing lice.

Lice life of lice

Measures of prevention in pediculosis must necessarily take into account the general level of life of the population, natural and man-made development factors of specific communities and territories.

Video: Watch out, lice!

Treatment and prevention of pediculosis: advice and feedback

  • For those who have asymptomatic lice( for now).The infection can be examined with the help of: magnifying glass, microscope, Wood lamp or videodermatoscopy.
  • Use for prevention of repellent repellents LiceGuard and " Parasidosis ".Smear the children, spray. And I will not have to be treated for weeks-months
  • . As a child, I was treated with chicken water, cranberry juice, birch tar and kerosene. There was nothing wrong with this treatment. Alive. All hair is in place
  • In young children, lice is better treated with full shaving of the hair. They will grow back, but a massive chemical attack will be avoided.

Treatment and prevention of pediculosis: advice and feedback are few, opinions differ greatly. When choosing a treatment plan, you should still apply if not to a doctor, then at least to a professional pharmacist.

Video: Treatment of pediculosis( lice) in adults: combing, comb, paint and hair iron, steam, frost

  • May 24, 2018
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