Out of the inconspicuous spiked fruit castor beans get amazing for its medical and cosmetic properties - castor oil. For thousands of years people used it in various spheres: for cleansing the body, prolonging beauty and youth, and also consecrating temples, and thanks to its thick consistency they even smeared the details of various mechanisms.
Today, castor oil is an affordable, simple means to quickly bring the body in order. Especially appreciate her women, because this oil helps to completely change the skin, make the hair and eyelashes thicker, lose weight.
What is the use of castor oil?
Its use is difficult to overestimate, its main feature is the high content of ricinoleic acid. It is this component that makes castor oil a unique product.
Thanks to ricinoleic, also other acids( linoleic and oleic), vitamins A and E, bioflavonoids, castor oil has a beneficial effect on the body:
- Promotes rapid healing of wounds.
- Has a pronounced antibacterial effect, kills fungi.
- Rich in antioxidants that prevent aging of tissues, smoothes the skin, makes wrinkles less noticeable, removes pigment spots, stabilizes metabolism.
- Has a laxative effect, cleans the body of toxins and other harmful accumulations that form in the liver and intestines.
- Normalizes the lipid exchange of deep layers of the skin, normalizes the flow of fluid to the tissues, which helps to fight cellulite, smoothes and tightens the skin.
- With ingestion, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the vessels, relieves pain, improves the mobility of the joints.
- Reduces the risk of developing cancer.
Application of castor oil:
- External way - in the form of lotions, rubs, wraps or masks. Effective for skin care, hair, eyelashes.
- Inner way - to achieve laxative, detox-effect. Effective for losing weight, cleansing the body.
In any case, to achieve the desired effect, you should read the instructions for use, as well as conduct tests for an allergic reaction. Not all firms produce the product for internal use, the information is better to clarify before buying.
Can I lose weight with castor oil?
Using castor oil for weight loss has proven itself. A lot of praise reviews are bribing, and women are willing to try on themselves this way. In this case, castor oil is either drunk using its laxative effect, or rubbed into problem areas or wraps.
How to drink castor
Thanks to the laxative and detox effect, the castor oil cleanses the intestines and liver well, eliminating stool and slag from the body, which certainly contributes to weight loss, normalizes metabolism.
But castor oil can not be considered a panacea for excess weight, using it often for a long time, otherwise you can earn problems worse than superfluous kilograms, for example, exacerbation of peptic ulcer. Before the beginning of the course should always consult with a doctor who will determine whether there are any serious contraindications and individual intolerance.
Use of castor oil for weight loss should be avoided by pregnant or lactating women, and during menstruation.
To lose weight, castor must be used as follows:
- Admission once a week, it is better to choose a free day( day off) to accurately assess the effect of the drug on the body. The laxative effect usually comes after 1-6 hours after taking, all individually.
- Drink 1-1.5 tsp oil on an empty stomach( in the morning or before bedtime, depending on the body's reaction).
- Do not eat a few hours after taking the drug, drink an hour later.
- If oil is taken in the morning, then a whole day should drink plenty of clean water, limited to a minimum of food. Welcome skimmed milk products( yogurt, kefir), as well as food rich in fiber( cereals, bran, fresh vegetables, fruits).
- At evening reception is possible only in the morning. For breakfast, you can cook oatmeal on the water without sugar, a little yogurt, orange or apple.
- In addition to water, you should drink green or herbal tea without sugar, from black and coffee on this day is better to give up.
With normal tolerance of castor oil, it can be taken more often:
- Week 1 - daily for an hour before breakfast for 0.5 tsp.
- 2nd week is a break.
- 3rd week - reception, as in the first week.
The taste of castor oil is not to everyone's liking, it can be slightly smoothed with linseed oil. Both preparations in equal parts can be simply drunk, following the above recommendations, or diluted in a glass of warm water. Another way out - the use of capsules with castor oil, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy. Their intake should be agreed with the instructions for use, following the indicated dosages.
Recipes with a castor oil for weight loss
After a successful castor process, you can try to diversify the menu in a traditional way:
- A mixture of citrus juice( 2 ml / 1 kg of weight) and castor oil( 1 ml / 1 kg of weight) will help to quickly lose excess weight, butit is not recommended to drink it often. Every day you can prepare a mixture with different juices, including apple and carrot.
- Pour half a teaspoon of castor oil with ground chicory( 1: 2) with water( 0.5 items).Such a cocktail will reduce appetite, relieve weight in the stomach, reduce gas production.
The maximum daily dosage of castor oil for humans is 100 ml. Abuse of the drug will result in vomiting, pain and bowel incontinence.
The use of castor oil for weight loss must necessarily be accompanied by heavy physical exertion and transition to a healthy diet, otherwise the result will be fleeting and insignificant, besides there is a risk of psychological dependence.
How to drink castor oil for weight loss - video
Body wraps against cellulite
Fat deposits in problem areas spoil any figure. Warnings with castor oil will help to get rid of them. Doing them is recommended for a month 3-4 times a week. Oil, absorbed in the skin, not only heats it and improves the flow of blood, but also nourishes it, relieves irritation.
Castor oil for wrapping must necessarily be heated in a water bath, this will help to fully reveal its useful properties. You can apply it:
- Directly to the skin with vigorous massaging movements, on all problem areas.
- Imbued them with a cotton napkin, applying it as a compress on the problem area.
In both cases, the top is wrapped around the food film and left for 40-60 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can additionally put a heating pad or a double towel. During the procedure, do not strain.
Castor oil has a dense consistency, and it is problematic to wash it off, so it is better to use a baking soda solution for this.
Strengthen the effect of wraps essential oils of citrus, cinnamon, cedar, lavender( individually or mix), just a few drops. Before applying the composition, it is better to steam out the skin, warm it up, and then, with oil, massage and then rewind the film.
Perfect skin
Castor oil is very useful for the skin. Its regular application:
- Smoothes the skin, reduces facial wrinkles.
- Softens, will make the skin more elastic.
- Eliminate dryness, irritation, reduce sensitivity.
- Eliminates acne and pigmentation spots, freckles, whitens.
In its pure form, castor oil for face skin is not recommended, too, this oil is thick. Optimally mix it with other oils, add drop by drop to conventional creams( including eyelids), lotions, etc. The greasy consistency of castor oil prevents the rapid absorption of the product, so it is better to apply it in the evening.
Moisturizing and nourishing
- Moisturizes a dry skin mask from castor oil( 1 tsp), mixed with raw yolk. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water.
- Well nourishes the skin, eliminates peeling, smoothes deep wrinkles mask of potatoes( boiled and mashed in puree), yolk, milk( 1 tbsp.) With castor oil( 2 tbsp.).In warm form, the mass should be spread over the face, neck, leave for 15 minutes.
- For normal skin moisturizing masks from the pulp of grapes, melons, pumpkins, mixed with castor oil( 2: 1) are suitable. Weight is applied to the face, neck, decollete zone for 15 minutes.
Allergic reactions are possible!
Against wrinkles
Shallow wrinkles will disappear if a mixture of castor oil with olive and wheat germ( 1: 1: 1) is applied daily to the skin in the morning and evening with massage movements. The latter can be changed using avocado oil, sea buckthorn, peach, rose hips. Apply on the face of the mixture should be in a warm form, patting movements, paying special attention to sites with wrinkles.
For a fading or too dry skin, castor oil in combination with any of these oils( 1: 2) will replace the nourishing cream. You can apply it to the skin of the eyelids.
Well toned faded mask skin from sea buckthorn, plum, watermelon or raw potatoes, whose pulp is mixed with castor oil( 1 tablespoon for 1 tsp).For dry skin, honey and cosmetic oils can be added to such masks.
Castor oil against wrinkles - video
From acne rash
From acne and black spots will help compresses from castor oil. Thanks to its antibacterial and regenerating properties, the size of the acne diminishes, inflammations, redness disappear.
- To get rid of acne, castor oil in combination with almond oil( 1: 2) will help, the mixture needs to be wiped daily, after 20 minutes removing excess with a napkin. Or in the form of compresses( for 2 hours every other day).
- If acne appears on combined or oily skin, then instead of almond oil use olive or linseed. Dry skin will help sesame oil.
- Efficiently cleans greasy skin from acne mask from castor oil( 1 tsp) and egg whites with a chopped aspirin tablet. Half of the mixture is applied to the face, wait until it dries, then apply the remaining hour. When all is dry, rinse with warm water.
From freckles and age spots
With the help of a cotton swab you can apply heated castor oil several times a day to pigment spots( freckles).This will help lighten them. It is also recommended to add sea buckthorn oil to castor oil, but apply the mixture better at night.
Lemon juice in combination with castor oil will clarify freckles, but the mixture has a tightening effect, so it is not recommended for dry skin.
You can add flesh of cucumber, radish, strawberries( 1 tsp to 1 tbsp) to the castor oil. The mixture is aged for 15-20 minutes.
Lush eyelashes
Castor can be applied to the skin around the eyes, which contributes not only to eliminating the so-called crow's feet, but also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyelashes: it accelerates their growth, strengthens, thickens every hair, strengthens the natural pigmentation.
Eyelashes become elastic, less fall out, especially after using mascara, tweaking tweezers, build-up.
Instructions for use of eyelash oil:
- Apply the oil, preferably overnight, with a thin layer using an old brush from the carcass or cotton swab. It is best to apply castor oil only to the tips of the eyelashes, the oil will have time to drain on them and will not get into the eyes.
- After 20 minutes, wash off excess with warm water.
- Repeat daily for a month.
- If irritation develops, flush with plenty of warm water.
Strengthen the effect of castor oil fish oil or aloe juice, taken in equal quantities with it.
Make the eyebrows thicker or restore them after constant adjustments, too, will help castor oil:
- Oil should be impregnated with a cotton swab.
- Brush eyebrows, leave for 20 minutes.
- Then rinse off excess with warm water or wipe with a dry cotton pad. The evening routine will make the eyebrows thicker and darker after a month, restore their shine.
Luxury hair
Castor oil is effective against hair loss and to restore overdried or burnt strands. It moisturizes the scalp well, ensures normal blood circulation, which stimulates sleeping bulbs. Hair becomes dense, elastic, sufficiently moisturized. Rubbing the castor oil into the tips of the hair will help to stop their cross section.
Before applying castor oil to the hair, make an allergy test, applying a drop of funds to the elbow fold. If after half an hour there is no irritation, castor oil can be used.
The easiest way to make hair thicker, longer, more elastic is to hold once a week oily rubs:
- Castor should be warmed and carefully rubbed into the roots of the hair. In the oil, you can add an egg yolk, it not only nourishes the hair, but it also helps to wash the castor more quickly.
- Insulate the head with a plastic cap with a towel.
- After 15-20 minutes. The mask can be washed off with shampoo( it is better to do this twice).
Castor oil has a rather unpleasant odor, it can be eliminated by adding rosemary essential oil to the masks.
To strengthen, nourish, elasticize hair, accelerate their growth, do the following masks:
- From castor oil with kefir( 5 drops per 100 ml).Warm the warmed mixture in the roots of the hair. Insulate the head, soak for half an hour.
- Castor in combination with pepper tincture( 1: 1), rubbed into the scalp, will greatly accelerate the growth of hair, prevent them from falling out.
- Castor oil with avocado pulp( 1 tsp per 1 piece).In puree from avocado add oil and the same amount of liquid honey. Paste the entire length of the hair, leaving a minimum of 30 minutes. Such a mask will return hair shine, saturate with moisture, restore the structure, accelerate growth.
- A mask from castor, burdock, sea-buckthorn and almond oil( 2: 1: 1: 1) will help severely damaged hair. In the mixture it is desirable to add a few drops of essential oil ylang-ylang or orange. Half of the oil is actively rubbed into the scalp, the remainder is distributed over the entire length. Hold at least an hour, you can even leave the night under the cover.
Strong nails and well-groomed hands
There are no competitors in the care of the hands of castor oil. It will improve the condition of not only the skin, constantly exposed to external factors, but also nails:
- will strengthen;
- will get rid of the bundle;
- will smooth the nail plates;
- energizes the plates along with the cuticles;
- will relieve the fungus;
- will accelerate growth.
Nail varnish can be used in its pure form, rubbing it into the cuticle and hand skin, preheated in a water bath. This will help to quickly restore the skin and nails after exposure to chemicals.
You can prepare oil-based mixtures:
- Mix with a hand cream a few drops of castor oil. Massage the movements on the hands, paying special attention to the nails. The composition should be applied before bedtime, the visible effect can be achieved after two weeks.
- In castor oil, add a few drops of bergamot essential oil, carefully rub into the cuticle. This will improve the growth of nails, make them look more aesthetic.
- A mixture of oil with lemon juice( 1: 1) will strengthen the nails, whiten them. Apply daily to the nails with cuticles. Lemon juice can be replaced with essential oil of lemon and ylang-ylang.
- Heated castor, olive and sunflower oil( 1 tbsp.) Mixed with iodine( 5 cap.).In the resulting mixture, immerse the fingertips for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. To make a bath it is necessary in a day, then the nails will become shiny, smooth, their growth will accelerate.
- To saturate the nails with vitamins, a mixture of castor oil with jojoba oil( 1: 1), vitamins A and E, which must be rubbed into the cuticle for 5 minutes, will help to improve their appearance.
Castor oil and masks based on it can be rubbed into the skin not only of hands, but also of the feet. It will soften the coarsened places, moisturize, it will become an excellent tool for foot massage.