Cough does not always have to worry about the health of children. Normally, the child should cough 2-3 times a day, with age, the amount will decrease. A slight cough can be explained by the anatomical features of our respiratory system. Mucous membranes are by no means as smooth as the pictures show. They have a lot of villi-cilia, which perform the function of cleaning the mucous from any incoming particles.

Contents of

  • 1 Features of children's wet cough
  • 2 Causes of wet cough
  • 3 Important recommendations for successful treatment
  • 4 General treatment advice by age
  • 5 Treatment for wet cough
    • 5.1 Treatment with medicines
    • 5.2 Folk remedies
  • 6 Video

Features of children's wet cough

a wet cough does not pass through the child

Parents should alert a wet coughor prolonged, intrusive dry. This is the reason for the visit to the doctor

As soon as the process of expulsion of the foreign body begins, the child begins coughing. This is a simple reaction of the body to stimuli. Such irritants can be:

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  • dust, sand;
  • throat drying;
  • shallow and dry food;
  • ingress of microparticles from different types of nebulizers;
  • ingress of wool, down.

Children jump, run, so do not panic immediately if the baby coughs several times a day. Warn should a wet cough or a prolonged, intrusive dry. Then this is the reason for reasonable excitement.

what to give to a child with a wet cough Newborns and babies up to six months can occasionally cough and this is common. Most often this occurs against the background of ingress of mother's milk in the respiratory tract. Older children can actively cough through the morning. So the body cleans the respiratory tract from the runnig night mucus and pushes it out. In this case, the baby himself feels great, does not cry and does not complain. As you grow up, this cough will either subside or be reduced to a minimum.

This is due to the development of the musculature of the baby. The smaller it is, the harder it is to push out the contents of the larynx or bronchi. Therefore, the child has to strain harder, strengthening the cough to clear the breath.

After 5 years, the situation usually changes and coughing attacks stop being expressed so noticeably.

Causes of a wet cough

The appearance of a cough with sputum discharge indicates the presence of a serious disease. Such a cough can be without temperature and with a temperature of 38 and above. Most of these diseases are deadly to young children because of a fragile immune system. The most common causes are:

  1. pneumonia;
  2. bronchitis;
  3. bronchial asthma;how to quickly remove a wet cough from a child
  4. onset of tuberculosis;
  5. accumulation of pus in the lung;
  6. allergic reaction;
  7. problems with swallowing food;
  8. worms in the respiratory tract;
  9. whooping cough.

Causes abundant phlegm and runny nose. If the latter strongly provokes the separation of mucus in the nasal sinuses, it enters the throat when inhaled. This provokes a cough, because a small child can not blow his nose.

Important recommendations for successful treatment of

treatment of a child

To avoid air drying in the room, use a humidifier or a water basin

First of all, the room should always be moist, the dust should be wiped regularly, regardless of the cause of the cough. The air must circulate, it must be ventilated even in cold weather. If there is a heater in the room, put a basin of water next to it. This will help to protect the air from excessive drying. The baby should breathe clean, moist air, so as not to irritate the mucous membrane.

For the duration of the disease, all animals must be removed without exception from the sick child's room, even if the cough is not the result of an allergy. Mom should understand that the wool easily falls into the spout and mouth of the child.

how to quickly remove a wet cough from a child How to quickly remove a wet cough from a child and what means, you can learn from the article.

What is the treatment for a cough during pregnancy of the 2nd trimester, indicated in the article.

What to do when a cough after eating with phlegm does not stop for a long time is indicated in the article here: http: // bolezni-g /kashel/ kashel-posle-edy-prichiny-vidy-metody-borby.html

It is forbidden to use any freshener or other flavor. Mom at the time of treatment should abandon the deodorants, perfumes, cosmetics. All microparticles from this will be in the air, which the baby breathes.

After creating such conditions, it is necessary to observe the child and his condition. Perhaps my mother will be able to establish the cause of a wet cough even before contacting her pediatrician.

General treatment recommendations for

wet cough in a child than treated For very young children, tablets are unacceptable. Up to a year baby can be treated only with special baby syrups( for example, syrup for children of Alteika or syrup of the Herbion primrose).Mom should remember: everything should taste. It is believed that IOM love all children. This generalized "all" may not apply to your baby. Perhaps your little one just does not like such a sweet and will be capricious. Try to dilute the sweetness with water. But before that, make sure that the baby does not have any allergies.

It is also useful for small patients to give infusions of thyme and licorice. Until a year the baby is extremely sensitive, so even the use of such a safe infusion as a licorice root should be approved by a pediatrician, as well as other cough recipes at home.

Important: it is forbidden to give the baby up to a year of antitussive drugs and decoctions! We must understand: this is the only companion in this war, only so the body can get rid of sputum. After all, the child is too young to be able to clear his throat.

All treatment for children's cough from one to three years should be aimed at increasing sputum separation, dilution and facilitation of this process. Here, too, it's important not to bend, otherwise from a lot of mucus baby will cough and gasp. All treatment of such children should be supervised by a doctor!

Only older children can be treated with less caution. When the baby can talk, cough and blow his nose, then you can cure some forms of cough at home.

Treatment for wet cough

Treatment with medicines


Vegetable syrups are actively used in the treatment of cough in children

Drugs should be selected not only carefully, but taking into account the characteristics of the reaction of the baby's body. If your mother has noticed strange rashes or the baby began to itch, you need to stop treatment and immediately call your pediatrician. Many parents believe that preparations with a plant base are harmless and harmless.

Indeed, plant group drugs are actively used to treat wet cough in children. Such preparations as:

  1. syrup from the IOM cough syrup;
  2. thoracic collection;
  3. pectusin.

But the use of such medicines should be carried out only with the guarantee of the absence of allergic reactions. The second group, which is also well suited for such treatment, is synthetic:

  1. lazolvan;
  2. bromhexine;how to cure a wet cough in a child
  3. Ac.

Both groups are aimed at increasing and diluting sputum in a child. The greatest efficiency is still given to the synthetics, able to cope even with a powerful cough.

It is important to understand that any drug should be used before the baby begins to recover. Further treatment should be given to the body itself. Small children can do a small back and chest massage. This will slightly speed up the excretion of mucus from the bronchi. It should be recalled that children should not be cough suppressed and give drugs without consulting.

More older babies are shown inhalations from eucalyptus, mint or balm. It is good to use a nebulizer with any solution.

Folk remedies

inhalation with wet cough in children

Steam inhalation is the classic folk remedy for children cough

One of the best cure for badger is fat. It must be gently rubbed into the baby's body at night. The procedure is a few days, usually on the third day it becomes easier.

It is good to dilute sputum by steam inhalations when coughing in children by the old method. Since the baby is small, my mother takes it in his arms and sits down with it to breathe the steam. At the same time, she covers herself with a warm blanket. The steam effect will facilitate the departure of phlegm. It will also be interesting to find out how the folk remedies of dry cough are treated in adults.

Decoction of the vineberry berry mix with a small piece of honey and give the baby a spoonful. It is useful to combine kalina with sea-buckthorn oil. Seabuckthorn oil lubricates the mucous, protecting it from drying out.


From this video you will learn about the causes of cough and its treatment:

Wet cough is important to treat immediately, it will not pass by itself. Only timely and competent treatment will help protect the baby from formidable diseases.