Flowers hyacinths: planting and care in the open ground and in a pot in the room. How to care for hyacinth after flowering in the garden and at home?

Detailed description of varieties, cultivation and care of hyacinth.


  • Hyacinth plant: legends and beliefs
  • Hyacinth flowers - varieties: aquatic, oriental, mouse muscaria, bean curly, wild
  • Hyacinth flowers: planting, care and growing bulbs in a garden outdoors
  • Video: Hyacinth in open field
  • Flowers hyacinths: planting, care and growing in a pot, in a room environment
  • Video: Growing hyacinths at home
  • Planting hyacinths in spring and autumn
  • Video: Hyacinth care in spring and autumn
  • and hyacinths flower, how many times bloom?
  • Hyacinth: how often should I water in a pot and in the garden?
  • Hyacinths have faded: what to do with them?
  • When to dig out hyacinths after flowering, what to do with the bulb in the pot?
  • What to do with the bulb in the pot?
  • Do I have to dig hyacinths every year, how to store?
  • When to transplant hyacinths after flowering and after the purchase?
  • Propagation of hyacinths: onion, seeds, leaves
  • instagram viewer
  • Video: Reproduction of hyacinth
  • Why hyacinths do not bloom or bloom badly?
  • Hyacinth: diseases
  • Hyacinth for aquarium
  • How to grow hyacinth from seeds, how do seeds look?
  • Can I keep hyacinths in the bedroom?
  • Video: Cultivation of water hyacinth at home

In this article you will learn about a beautiful flower called hyacinth. The care process and all problematic issues will be resolved after reading this information.

Hyacinth plant: legends and beliefs

Hyacinths are flowers of incredible beauty and delicate, but at the same time rich, intoxicating aroma. They bloom one of the first and enchant with its beauty and variety of colors.

Flowers are not very finicky and are perfect for both garden and indoor plants. Each person will find for himself his favorite color, which fascinates with tenderness and at the same time color saturation. There are many legends and beautiful stories about hyacinth.

Hyacinths bloom one of the first

One of them is about the pet of Apollo - the youth of Hyacinth. During the competition, the guy was injured and in the place where his blood dripped the flowers grew, and after that they appropriated the name of the young man.

Young Hyacinth

The real hometown of hyacinths are the lands of the Middle East, northern Africa and the Mediterranean. The second homeland in Europe for the hyacinth was Holland, which made a lot of efforts for its further distribution.

Hyacinth flowers - varieties: aquatic, oriental, mouse muscari, bean curly, wild

In nature, hyacinth water grows in the Amazon river basin, where all year round a very comfortable temperature. In most cases, the flower is on the water, and its roots are under water. It can bloom at any depth of freshwater rivers.

This plant has large oval leaves, formations that are filled with air and keep it on the surface of the water, like a float. It blooms only during one day .

Six-petalled flowers of lilac color with a dark blue center and long stamens. Pollinized, the seeds get into the water and grow rapidly with a warm, comfortable temperature and enough light.

Water hyacinth

Special care is not needed, it is important to remove the intensively growing shoots in time and do it carefully so as not to irritate the skin on your hands. With a drop in water temperature, the flowers are moved to a special place filled with water.

If the hyacinth is wintering in an apartment, it is necessary to periodically moisten the air and make sure that the bulbs are constantly in the water, avoid drafts, but with fresh air in the room should be enough. Do not cover the flower with light-transmitting containers and store it in basements or darkened rooms. The duration of the day must be at least twelve hours.

Hyacinth oriental is a perennial plant that multiplies with scaly bulbs that have the same color as the flower. The best grades of this kind:

  • Snow white
  • Gentle sunny color
  • Rich blue
  • All shades of purple and orange
  • From dark red to soft pink
  • Black hyacinth
Multicolored oriental hyacinths

Muscular muskari differs from other species in barrel-shaped flower stalks: blue, purpleand white color. They get well with other types of onion plants in soils that are able to survive the harsh winters, grow in one place with good care, up to twelve years. Hyacinth can be grown in an apartment or house in the winter.

Muscular Muscari

The bean curly hyacinth can be either an annual or a perennial climbing plant. In its homeland in warm Asia and Africa it has been growing in one place for many years, and in less hot countries it's only been one year.

It differs in that it wraps around the special device counterclockwise .The leaves are similar in structure to the leaves of the bean, but have different colors: red-purple, green or purple.

Not only unusual leaves attract attention, but also very beautiful fruits that will decorate any well-lit area. In the autumn period, bright yellow, saturated green leaves and colored fruits look particularly beautiful. It is very important to monitor the moisture, it is needed for intensive growth, but acidic soils strongly depress the plant.

Wild hyacinth , hyacinthoid, Spanish carrion, hyacinthoid - the so-called one flower, which is an important part of the flower display in the gardens of many European countries. Its leaves have a long form, a tall flower spike, on which are placed in the form of a bell bright blue, violet, pink flowers.

Wild hyacinth

It blooms mainly in humid and moderate weather for up to three weeks. During intensive growth it is desirable to use mineral additives. To improve flowering, the plant should be transplanted every three years and sheltered for the winter, to protect against severe frost. It fits perfectly into the home club, on the Alpine hill, and among the stones.

Flowers hyacinths: planting, care and cultivation from a bulb in a garden in the open ground.

Before you plant a flower in the ground, you need to prepare a place in advance. Some believe that hyacinth can be planted in the shade of trees and shrubs, since it blooms very early, when there are no leaves on the trees. But in order for him to please you with his amazing colors, he needs the well heated by the sun glade, protected from strong winds.

It is also necessary to take into account the groundwater level and carry out a number of preventive measures to protect the plant. Excellent fertilizer from humus, but not fresh manure. Preparation for the plantation for planting is taken from one and a half to two months, starting from August.

Planting hyacinths

In order for the bulbs to take root, they are planted to a depth of up to eighteen centimeters, at the end of September, at a distance of about 15cm. To protect from rotting in the pit, you need to add sand and cover the leaves with trees for the winter.

During intensive growth, you need to make two additional fertilizing twice, after the hyacinth has withered the flower sprouts and leaves, you need to dig up the bulbs. If this is not done, then next year the flowers will be smaller. Weeks are enough for the dug bulbs to dry, then they need to be put in special boxes and stored at room temperature and planted in the soil at the end of September.

Cultivation of hyacinths requires considerable attention and care. The earth should be moistened by 10-12cm. Also it is necessary to clean the staggered flower stems, and if necessary, the whole plant. Three times it is recommended to make a top dressing with complex fertilizers while regularly swelling the soil.

Hyacinths need careful care

At the end of the first month of summer, the preparation of the plant begins for the winter. When storing bulbs, for 95 days, it is necessary to maintain a constant humidity in the room and to ventilate. Before planting, you need to put the bulbs in a cool room, to adapt to low temperatures. They reproduce by means of education about 4 children.

Video: Planting hyacinth in the open ground

Hyacinth flowers: planting, nursing and growing in a pot, in the room conditions.

At home, hyacinths are grown as follows:

  • Seed pre-selected bulbs, checking for damage.
  • Large bulbs( diameter more than 5 cm) are selected, of which it is easier to grow a chic flower and treated with a special solution.
  • The pot must be wider than the bulb and shallow with large holes for drainage.
  • Primer is better to buy or in the same parts to mix the ground with leaves, compost, humus and pour sand and peat.
  • Once every two years, flowers should be planted on the garden in the open ground, for restoration.
  • A flowering plant is placed in a room where there is a lot of light and air temperature, not more than 20 degrees and there is no draft.
Hyacinths at home

You can timed the flowering of the plant for certain holidays: if the bulb is planted in October, the plant will blossom by the New Year, if in November you can give a flower to your beloved girl on Valentine's Day, and if in December you can expect floweringto the 8th of March.
After the flowering period, the peduncles are cut and continue to be watered and fertilized until completely dry, so that the bulb is large and with the babies.

Video: Growing hyacinths at home

Planting hyacinths in spring and autumn

Planting flowers in the open ground is best in September to a depth of 15-18cm, selecting medium bulbs by treating them before planting in a fungicide solution. Many experts do not recommend planting bulbs in the spring, as they do not have time to take root and throw out the flower spike.

Planting hyacinths

If planted in the spring, the rooting and growth of the leaves is due to feeding from the stored scales, but the new flower stalks do not have time to form. You can also buy already blooming hyacinths in pots and transplant them into a specially prepared place in advance adding coarse-grained sand there.

Do not feed nitrogen fertilizers, but rather add potassium and phosphorus with ash. In order to prevent various diseases, it is necessary to change the landing site every time.

Video: Hyacinth care in spring and autumn

When hyacinths come out and blossom, how many times bloom?

The first hyacinths come in the first months of spring , when the winter is cool in the air, but the sun warms the ground more and more. They manage to take root in the winter and punch their leaves at the first breath of spring.

Their persistent fragrance envelops everything around, and the color saturation does not leave anyone indifferent. The main thing to take care of them is in the late autumn, when you need to land in the soil:

  • add sand
  • a variety of fertilizers
  • map out the place where they should ascend
Hyacinths rise

In order for such beauty to grow in your home, you need to look through each bulb before planting,adhere to all the recommendations for proper care and then this beautiful flower will repay you with its beauty. It blooms for a long time, once, regardless of whether grown in the garden or at home.

Hyacinth: how often should I water in a pot and in the garden?

In order for the flower to please everyone around with its beauty, it needs to ensure the correct watering:

  • After planting the bulb in the pot, you need to pour water and sprinkle with sand, carry the basement.
  • It is necessary to periodically water for 2.5 months
  • After the appearance of the first shoots and before the appearance of the first buds, transfer it to a room where the temperature does not exceed 10-15 ° C, limiting access to light.
  • You need to water very carefully so that water does not get on the bulb or leaves. Water should be warm and preferably rain.
  • When the first buds have appeared, you need to increase the amount of light and temperature in the room. We pour more intensively, so that the land does not dry up, and the water does not fall on the bud, otherwise it will not bloom.
  • If you plant flowers in the garden, watering is mandatory. In this case, it is necessary to regularly flush the ground for more moisture storage.
Watering hyacinths

Hyacinths have faded: what to do with them?

After the plants have faded, you need to gradually reduce the watering frequency until it stops completely. It is also recommended for the third time to feed plants with mineral fertilizers, for abundant flowering next year. When the leaves turn yellow, you can safely dig up the bulbs.

When to dig hyacinths after flowering, what to do with the bulb in the pot?

At the end of June and the beginning of July, the ideal time for digging bulbs from the ground:

  • They should be well cleaned
  • Remove yellowed leaves
  • Place in wooden, well-ventilated boxes
  • Dry
  • Separate the children and store

For about two months the bulbs are stored at a temperature of 24-28 ° C, gradually reducing to a comfortable 17 ° C.So bulbs should lie just over a month.

Digging out hyacinths

Do not stop watering and regularly ventilate the room. During storage it is necessary to have time to separate children and to plant them in separate, small pots and to grow 3-4 years.

Separate the children

In order to reduce the risk of infection with various diseases, bulbs are digged out every year, and the probability of an annual abundant flowering is preserved. Only dredged bulbs from the ground should be washed in running water, treated in 3-4% solution of carbophos or lowered for 10 heated water. Then ventilate well and dry it in a dark place.

What to do with the bulb in the pot?

It is necessary to change the ground, pour a thin layer of expanded clay into the bottom, and also dry the bulb, then gently place it in the pot, moistening the soil in advance. Hyacinths, before planting in a clearing, you can put in the room, so they have accumulated all the necessary for their intensive growth of substances, and could the next year to please all passers-by with their tenderness and natural beauty.

Do I have to dig hyacinths every year, how to store?

If we talk about digging, then with hyacinths it needs to be done annually. This flower has a bud of renewal, on which it depends, how the flower will bloom for the next year. Therefore, the bulbs should be stored at a certain temperature and humidity, so they do not dry out and rot.

Storage of hyacinths

Digging bulbs is desirable at the end of June. And keep up to the beginning of October in the boxes in two rows no more. First, the temperature should be in the range of 23-25, and for a month or two weeks before landing make the temperature slightly lower to 20 °.
If digging hyacinths late or incorrectly stored at too low a temperature, then next year one can not see lush colors.

When to transplant hyacinths after flowering and after the purchase?

After the hyacinth has faded, after a while it is necessary to cut off the pedicel so that it does not take nutrients from the bulb. But leaves should not be touched until they do not turn yellow and dry.

Cut the pedicel of the hyacinth

To quickly dry the leaves, you just do not water it for a while. And at the end of June you can dig up the hyacinth, and in October, plant it in the ground.

Hyacinth disembarkation

If you bought a hyacinth in a pot, you can not immediately transplant it. It is necessary to give it a flower, the leaves must also dry and only after that it will be possible to pull the bulb out of the pot. Further after the storage period, such hyacinth will also need to be planted in the garden.

Propagation of hyacinths: bulb, seeds, leaves

Propagation of hyacinth can be done in several ways:

  • seeds
  • leaves
  • bulbs

In order to propagate this plant with seeds it is necessary in October to plant them on beds. Then by spring you will get small bulbs. But this process is probably the longest of all, and the fruits will not even come in the second year.

Propagation of the hyacinth with seeds

To grow the hyacinth from the leaves, it is necessary to cut off several leaves near the bulb in the March flowers. Further, these leaves need to be cut across into 3 parts.

After this, drop them into the pot standing and ensure the correct temperature and humidity. If everything was done correctly, then a month or a half from the leaves will grow small bulbs with roots.

Reproduction by bulbs can be done in several ways:

  • by cutting the bottom of the
  • with the
  • notch

The cutting method of the is that the funnel-shaped notch should be cut out in the treated bulbs and then planted in pots. The temperature should first be in the range of 22-25 ° C, and the humidity should not exceed 70%.Somewhere in a month from the bulbs grow small daughter bulbs.

The incision method is similar to the previous one, but in this case, not a cutout is made, but from 4 to 6 cruciform cuts, from which small bulbs will grow.

Propagation methods

The third method is scaling with bulbs. To do this, select several not too small scales, separate them from the main bulb and plant them in the soil. If the correct temperature regime and humidity regime are observed by spring, they will be full hyacinth bulbs.

Reproduction by flakes of

Video: Reproduction of hyacinth

Why hyacinths do not bloom or bloom badly?

It happens that care for hyacinths is good, and the plant does not bloom or blossom, but it's bad. Then you need to understand this:

  • First, the plant may not bloom if you have chosen the seed method of cultivation. Be prepared for the fact that you will not see flowers of 5 years so exactly
  • Another cause of poor flowering can be diseases and pests that can affect not only the leaves but also the roots and bulbs. Therefore, you can not notice them first.

Hyacinth: diseases

Like any other plant, hyacinth can become a victim of diseases and pests. Pests that can affect the growth and development of hyacinths:

  • mites
  • aphid
  • bear

Ticks attack bulbs, leaves, plant stems. As a result, the plant begins to wilt, becomes weak. But, if in time to pickle bulbs and treat the soil with special means, then you can prevent such a problem.

These beautiful flowers are susceptible to the attack of parasites

In addition, aphids attack hyacinths. It affects not only leaves, but even flowers. To get rid of it, you need to take quality tools to fight insects.

Another pest - bear .It spoils the roots and bulbs of the plant, as a result of which, the flowers weaken and die.

Diseases from which hyacinth can suffer are different kinds of rot( soft, yellow, white, gray), fusariosis and hyacinth mosaic:

  • With yellow rot on the leaves watery spots appear.
  • The plants suffering from this decay fade, weaken, the bulbs acquire the appearance of a brown mass. With white rot the leaves of the flower turn yellow and dry, the bulb acquires a white color and an unpleasant odor. The plant dies if you do not take action to fight.
  • Soft rot occurs if the humidity is too high or the nitrogen content in the soil. This disease slows down the growth and development of hyacinths, it fades, weakens and may completely die.
  • Gray rot provokes occurrence of brownish-brown spots on leaves and decay of bulbs. Fusarium provokes the appearance of yellow tips of leaves, decay of bulbs and roots. Appears pink in color.
  • Mosaic is the development on the leaves of strips of yellow color. In this case, the plant itself weakens and develops poorly.
Hyacinth rot

Hyacinth water for the aquarium

Water hyacinth or, as it is also called Eichornia, is a plant of amazing beauty. It came to Russia and the neighboring countries of their tropics of South America.

Water hyacinth is not whimsical in care. The only thing that he needs is warm, warm water and air. This flower does not just decorate any aquarium, home pond or waterfall, but it will also be a water purifier.

Hyacinth in the aquarium

Eichornia has leaves assembled into one rosette. The leaves have a dark green, shiny color. On the stem there is a thickening porous inside, it is thanks to him that the hyacinth emerges upward.

Hyacinth in the house pond

Although it is not whimsical in nursing, but if it grows in a pond, then in winter it should be taken for storage in an aquarium, and only in spring it can be planted back when water and air, again, will be favorabletemperature.

How to grow hyacinth from seeds, how do seeds look?

All experienced gardeners know that there are several ways to grow hyacinths. The most common of these is bulb cultivation. But also, those who wish can try to grow hyacinth from seeds.

The seeds of this flower are small in size, black with small light edges. But it should be noted that growing a flower from seeds is a very long process. So, that you need to be patient in that case.

Seeds should be planted in the prepared soil in the box in September-October. After this, several years will need to grow hyacinth in cold greenhouses. But immediately next year the flowers will not be seen.

With this method of cultivation, the first flowers will appear only for 5-6 years. That is why this method is used most often only for breeding purposes. And ordinary amateur gardeners choose the method of growing from bulbs.

Is it possible to keep hyacinths in the bedroom?

The bedroom in the house is a special place. After all, it is here that a person rests after a hard working day. Therefore, the conditions in this room should be the most comfortable.

In order to decorate the bedroom, make it more cozy and beautiful, flower lovers often place in it a variety of flowers. But before you put a flower in the bedroom, you need to know the detailed information about its features( properties and aroma).

Many, even incredibly beautiful flowers should not be put in the room because they can be poisonous or stupefy people. Hyacinth is a plant with a persistent pleasant aroma.

Hyacinth should not be placed in the bedroom

It should not be put in the bedroom, even to a person who adores the aroma of these flowers and does not suffer from an allergy to its fragrance. After all, the main purpose of the bedroom is to allow a person to relax and gain strength. If you still want to put hyacinth at home, it is better to choose a living room or kitchen for this.

Video: Water hyacinth cultivation at home

  • May 24, 2018
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