Vitamins for children: to enhance immunity, for growth, development, appetite, for the eyes, teeth, hair. Daily norm of vitamins and minerals for children by age: table

The intake of vitamin preparations for the purpose of eliminating the deficiency of nutrients is called vitamin prophylaxis. If in the case of an adult, avitaminosis is manifested by some symptoms, then it is very difficult to understand that your child lacks certain vitamins.

Even more difficult is the fact that the child is constantly growing, and for this, he needs more vitamins than an adult. Therefore, in pediatrics it is customary to prevent a deficiency of vitamins. But, the child should take vitamins only after their appointment by the doctor, from whom he is observed.

Contents of

  • Do children need vitamins? The importance of vitamins for the health and development of the child
  • Do vitamins for children need to take up to a year?
  • Essential Vitamins for the Health and Development of Children under 4
  • Essential Vitamins for the Health and Development of Children 4-14 Years
  • Vitamins for Children for Enhancing Immunity
  • Vitamins for Children for Growth
  • instagram viewer
  • Vitamins for Children for Kids
  • Vitamins for Children's Appetite
  • Vitamins for Childrenfor hair growth
  • Vitamins for children for bones and teeth
  • Vitamin D for a child, value and age norms
  • Harm to vitamin complexes
  • Daily norms for vitamins and minerals for children by age: table
  • Advices and Reviews of
  • Video. Doctors of Komarovsky

Do children need vitamins? The importance of vitamins for the health and development of the child

Many useful compounds can not be produced by the human body, so they must enter into it with food. But, few of the parents can offer their child a really varied diet rich in useful products. The way out can be the intake of additional vitamin complexes.

It is necessary to supplement vitamins with children with poor appetite, using different diets( for example, vegetarian), etc. Today, the pharmacological industry produces children's vitamins in the form of chewing sweets or delicious syrups. Their reception will not be a big problem for the child.

Baby vitamin complexes that can be bought in a pharmacy without prescriptions are usually safe

But, with an overdose or an uncontrolled intake, such drugs can cause problems. For example, vitamin C, which is the most popular vitamin, when consumed in larger quantities than it needs, can cause severe headaches and diarrhea.

Before you start to give your child pharmacies, you should consult your doctor. And always keep the packaging out of reach of children. Do I need vitamins for children under one year?

Special complexes for babies up to a year are necessary only if the child does not receive all the necessary substances with mother's breast milk or artificial nutrition. Especially necessary are:

  • Vitamin D. Cholecalciferol is important for the development of the child from 0 to 9 months. Its deficiency causes rickets, disorders in the immune system and even tuberculosis. More than 90% of this compound is synthesized by the body when the skin contacts the sun's rays. But, the remaining 10% must be obtained with food. The main sources are mushrooms, fish and egg yolks. But, these products by age can not yet be given to a child. Children who need vitamin D, it should be given with the help of specially developed vitamin complexes. Particularly necessary such complexes in winter, when there is a lack of sunny days
  • Vitamin A. Is necessary for the proper formation of the immune system. Breastfed babies practically do not need a retinoid. But, if the child has a deficiency, then the attending physician should write out special complexes containing this compound.
  • Vitamin C. Very important compound for the baby's body. Ascorbic acid is involved in most metabolic reactions and is needed to strengthen the gums, assimilate iron and calcium
In addition to the above compounds, the child from 0 to 12 months is needed and trace elements such as: iodine, iron, calcium and magnesium

Whether or not vitamins are needed for infants should be decided by the pediatrician. Do not "prescribe" such drugs yourself.

Necessary vitamins for the health and development of children under 4 years old

Children need to include in the diet pharmacy products given their age. Children from 1-2 years need vitamins B, C, PP, A and of course D. They are responsible for the growth of the child and the proper formation of his body. Since at this age babies can not yet swallow tablets, they should receive all preparations in liquid form.

And here from the supplements containing vitamin K, it is necessary to refuse. It is contraindicated for children, since it negatively affects the immature immunity and can even cause bleeding.

The intake of vitamin supplements is best combined with breastfeeding. In order for a child to be healthy, it must be fed with breast milk until the age of two.

Children over 2 years of age need exactly the same vitamins as children who are not yet two years old. But, since the baby can already learn solid food, it can be given not only syrups, but also chewable tablets.

The best complexes for children aged 1 to 3 years are:

Three years, this is the age when children start going to kindergarten and other preschool institutions. During the period of getting used to such institutions, the child can experience stress. Which, in turn, leads to a weakening of immunity. In order to avoid the negative consequences of such stress, pharmacies that contain ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, and vitamins A, B6 and PP should be included in the baby's diet.

Unfortunately, baby food is difficult to diversify with products containing these vitamins. Therefore, for three-year plans it is best to buy one of the following vitamin complexes in the pharmacy:

In four years the child begins the phase of rapid growth of muscles and bone system. That is why, its nutritious diet should consist of products rich in such vitamins as C, B, D and A. The best vitamin complexes in this period are:

But, in addition to balanced nutrition to the child, especially at this age, walks and active games onfresh air.

Essential vitamins for the health and development of children from 4 to 14 years old

As it was written above, at the age of 4 years the child begins rapid growth of muscle and bone mass. This phase lasts up to 7 years. As a rule, at this age the child's growth slows down. And the rapid development of the brain and nervous system comes to the fore.

At the age of 4 to 7 years the child must actively move

His diet should be varied. In order to avoid beriberi, you can take the complexes described above.

At the age of 7-10 years, the child has an intellectual load. In order for the child to cope with it, vitamins E, C, B and A are needed. Most of them will help to develop properly the brain and prevent problems associated with school stress.

The best balanced complexes for children of this age are:

At the age of 11 years, the need for certain vitamins in children is divided by sex. To ensure that the child is not behind his peers in the physical plan, he needs additional vitamins and minerals. The lack of necessary elements will not only affect the work of the brain and the immune system of the child, but also on its activity. He will become more tired and do not cope with the load.

At this age the best complexes will be:

In addition to ready-made vitamin complexes for children of this age, additives based on:

  • Echinacea. This plant has immunostimulating effects and will help to strengthen the health of the child during the intellectual and physical activities of
  • Zinc. This mineral provides an indispensable help to the immune system. For preschool children, a dosage of 10-20 mg is indicated, and for schoolchildren - 20-40 mg per day
  • Omega-3. If a child is early weaned and his diet does not include red fish, then most likely he lacks omega-3 fatty acids. These compounds are extremely necessary for the child, as they participate in a variety of metabolic reactions in the body of
  • Probiotics. For proper assimilation of food, the baby's intestines must contain a beneficial microflora of lacto- and bifidobacteria. They can be obtained with the help of fermented milk products or from special additives. It is possible to give such supplements to a child from 6 months of age

IMPORTANT: Self-medication can not be done. If you notice that your child has become less active, often gets tired and sick, then you do not need to go to the pharmacy and buy a specialized vitamin complex, and seek help from specialists. The doctor will not only be able to select the right drug, but also correctly calculate its dosage.

Vitamins for Children for Enhancing Immunity

Strengthening the immune system is especially important in childhood. When the baby is breastfed, with the mother's milk, he gets all the necessary substances. But, after the crumb begins to eat ordinary food, parents are important to make his diet balanced.

Unfortunately, the lack of some vitamins in the baby's diet can lead to weakening of the immunity of

. If the child becomes cold often, his health after illness is difficult to recover, allergic reactions to certain foods appear, the baby's nails become brittle, and the lymph nodes often become inflamedyour baby loses some useful substances.

These children need to include in the diet marine fish, fruits, vegetables, egg yolks, liver and other products. But, today diversify the diet in this way is very difficult, so to restore immunity and prevent its reduction, the child needs to drink a course of special drugs, which is important to pick up by his age and well-being.

Vitamin complexes for children are especially useful for:

  • Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition
  • With high physical and intellectual loads
  • With frequent overwork
  • For recovery after severe illnesses
  • During the vitamin deficiency season
  • During the rapid growth of the muscles and skeleton of the child

IMPORTANT:Numerous studies show that even a varied and full-fledged diet can not 100% guarantee the absence of a shortage of certain vitamins. Doctor of Medical Sciences, dietician S.G.Makarova believes that periodically using together with normal food of vitamin complexes is a mandatory rule for your children.

Particularly important vitamins for children's immunity are:

  • Vitamin A. This substance is involved in the formation of the visual system, skin cells, protects the body from viruses, tumors and reduces the effects of negative allergic reactions
  • Vitamin E. Actively affects the development of the whole organism as a whole, and also reduces the effects of viruses and pathogenic bacteria
  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is able to strengthen the gums and blood vessels. It helps the body cope with cold infections
  • Vitamin D. Plays a great influence in the formation of bone tissue, improves the functioning of the heart and the immune system in general.

The choice of drugs for the immunity of the child should be entrusted to a specialist. He must appoint those in which the above-mentioned substances are present in large quantities. They can take the form of a powder, tablets, syrup and chewable lozenges.

Children under one year are given powdered forms of vitamins, diluted in water. For children over, the best form is chewing sweets. A pleasant taste of such "vitamins" is sure to please your baby. Schoolchildren can already cope with the tablet form of vitamins.

Vitamins can contain one element, for example - ascorbic acid. Complex preparations may include several useful compounds and substances. Also in the pharmacy you can buy complexes, which include not only vitamins and minerals, but also plant extracts.

Based on the responses of the parents, several drugs can be identified that are able to strengthen your child's immune system:

In addition to balanced nutrition, improved by special additives to strengthen children's immunity, it is important for the child to monitor hygiene, observe the daily routine and, if possible, spend more timeat a fresh age.

Vitamins for children for growth

During rapid growth, the child needs more vitamins

As we already mentioned above, vitamin complexes should be used as an additive to a balanced diet. Therefore, even before their intake, consider the possibility of increasing the ration of the child with foods rich in protein, fatty Omega-3 acids and other compounds responsible for the growth and weight of the child.

IMPORTANT: But, all the same without vitamins can not do. After all, the daily requirement of only one of them vitamin A is contained in 15 kilograms of meat. It is unlikely that your child is able to eat so much of this product every day.

You also need to understand that the products get on the child's table after the heat treatment. After which the amount of useful substances in them sharply decreases.

The growth of a child is affected by such compounds:

  • Vitamin A .A necessary compound for the synthesis of bone and muscle tissue. Its main sources are fish, sour-milk products and liver
  • Vitamin D3 .Cholecalciferol is responsible for the assimilation of other compounds useful to the body and the activation of metabolic processes. It is found in large quantities in cottage cheese, eggs and seafood
  • Vitamin C .Ascorbic acid helps the body absorb calcium and iron. It is also necessary for the body to synthesize tissues and strengthen blood vessels. That is very important in the period of growth of the child. Ascorbic acid is found in large quantities in citrus, kiwi, herbs and some vegetables.
  • Group B( B1, B2 and B6) vitamins .These compounds are necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system, mental development and growth of the child. B group vitamins are present in large quantities in nuts, legumes, fish and cabbage.

Also during a period of rapid growth the child needs minerals:

  • Calcium. This mineral is necessary for the body to form bone tissue. Calcium prevents skeletal deformities and muscle problems. It is found in cottage cheese, cabbage, spinach and seaweed
  • Zinc. If there is a shortage of zinc in the body, the child's growth will necessarily slow down. After all, it is this element that stimulates the growth of bone and muscle tissue, and the formation of the brain

In the pharmacy you can buy special drugs and supplements for growth. These include monovitamins( ascorbic acid, ergocalciferol, etc.), multivitamins and preparations with minerals. Such popular complexes as "Alphabet Kindergarten" and "Centrum" refer to dietary supplements.

Vitamins for the eyes for children

The load on the eyes in childhood is huge

And in order to maintain eyesight, the child needs vitamins. They can be obtained from food and supplemented with special preparations.

Bright sunlight, a computer screen or a TV, excessive use of mobile gadgets and other negative factors can affect the child's vision. In addition, to the factors worsening the work of the eyes can be attributed some viral infections and other problems. Avoid the negative consequences of the above factors can be done with the help of special complexes for children.

The main compound for eye health is vitamin A. It is he that helps the retina work. Its lack in the body will affect the eyesight, especially in case of insufficient light. Retinol prevents the development of conjunctivitis and other diseases. Most of all this compound in carrots, apricots, pumpkin, egg yolk and milk.

The lack of B vitamins can also negatively affect the eyes. These compounds are primarily responsible for the blood supply to the eyes and brain departments responsible for vision. Their deficiency can affect some metabolic processes in the child's body, which are responsible for vision. To replenish such compounds, it is necessary to include grapes, blueberries, apricots, parsley, cabbage and fish in the diet.

To prevent glaucoma and cataracts, it is necessary to include foods rich in ascorbic acid in the diet. And to reduce the risk of detachment and dystrophy of the eye, you need to eat foods that contain vitamin E.

To prevent the above-described problems with eyesight, in addition to a varied diet that includes products useful for eyes, you need to consume an additional portion of pharmaceutical products. For his appointment, consult a pediatric ophthalmologist.

In our country, especially popular are such complexes as:

  • "Vitrum Vision" - can be used from the age of 12
  • "Alphabet Opticum" - can be used from the age of 14
  • "Blueberry forte" - BAA that is approved for use by children from 3years

Vitamins for appetite for children

Causes of impaired appetite in a child can be frequent stresses, illnesses, lack of physical activity, etc.

Also, parents who force a child to eat excess of his norm can provoke loss of appetite. In this way it causes aversion to food.

Lack of appetite during a period of rapid growth of a child can adversely affect the development of the child. After all, it is from the food that a child can get all the vitamins he needs. Moreover, their deficiency can affect not only the growth, but also the work of the immune system. Therefore, a good appetite reduces the risk of many diseases.

IMPORTANT: One of the reasons for the child's lack of appetite is iron deficiency in the body. You can identify the lack of iron by using a blood test. Therefore, before buying in the pharmacy of vitamin complexes, it is necessary to pass tests.

Excellent vitamins such as A, C and B12 will help cope with the lack of appetite. Children's vitamin complexes containing such compounds are produced in the form of chewing sweets with fruit taste. Not one child will not abandon them.

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and helps to assimilate the body iron. Which is very important with poor appetite.

Vitamins A and B12 also help to improve the appetite of

Because of this, and thanks to other benefits, these compounds are often included in children's nutritional supplements.

In addition to these three vitamins, for children who have problems with appetite, such vitamins as:

  • Vitamin B1 are also shown. Thiamine is one of the main compounds needed by a growing body. Among other things, he is responsible for the assimilation of protein
  • Vitamin B2 .This compound has a beneficial effect on the cells of the nervous system and stimulates the work of the brain
  • Vitamin B6 .This compound normalizes metabolic processes and helps the lean child gain normal weight.

The modern pharmacological industry offers a variety of vitamin complexes for children aimed at improving appetite. The most popular are such drugs:

When they are taken, it is important to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Vitamins for children for hair growth

You can achieve beautiful and magnificent hair in your child not only with the help of shampoos and balms, but also due to the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins. Lush hair and elastic braids are not only aesthetic beauty, but also one of the indicators that your child's health is in order.

For a normal state of a child's body, he needs all the vitamins in one or another quantity. For the formation of strong curls you need to eat foods rich in vitamins C, A, E and group B.

The shortage of vitamin B2 in the child is indicated by the dry tips and fatty hair roots. The natural sources of such a compound include milk, eggs, greens, black currants and other products.

Vitellins B3, B8 and B10
affect hair growth

You can help to compensate for the loss of these vitamins by using beef, fish, potatoes, almonds and peas. Using cottage cheese and cheese, you can make up for the lack of vitamin B9.Which is also important for the health of hair.

Vitamin B5 is needed to strengthen the hair follicle. It can be obtained from chicken, egg yolks and bran. Using bananas, soybeans and potatoes, you can make up for the lack of vitamin B6.It will help with dry scalp and prevent dandruff.

With the help of ascorbic acid, it is possible to strengthen capillaries supplying the hair follicles. To improve the elasticity of hair, you need vitamin A. And to give them a healthy shine, vitamin E.

If in the diet of your child these vitamins are not enough, it is best to take advantage of special vitamin complexes. To strengthen hair and accelerate their growth, it is possible using "Vitamishki" .

With the help of this complex it is possible to support the general condition of the child's organism. Pastilles "VitaMishki" are made in the form of figurines of bears. They can be given to children from the age of three. Thanks to the fruit taste of children will not have to force to eat such vitamins. They will ask you to give the lozenges yourself.

Vitamins for children for bones and teeth

To strengthen teeth and bones, especially in children, the food ration should consist of products containing calcium and retinol. Thanks to retinol, the body synthesizes a protein used in the construction of bone and cartilaginous tissue. During the period of rapid growth, the child is especially important vitamin A, which allows to accelerate the growth process of the tissues necessary for the skeleton and teeth.

Retinol deficiency leads to slower growth and tooth problems

Also, children need vitamin D. It helps reduce the risk of rickets and helps them develop properly with bone tissue. In addition, thanks to this vitamin, the children's organism is better absorbed by calcium.

For normal development of bone tissue, vitamins of group B and calcium are needed.

In order to enrich the body with these vitamins, it is necessary to include in the ration of the child cereals, legumes, vegetable oil, cabbage, tomatoes, cottage cheese, broccoli and greens.

From the vitamin complexes for the correct development of bone tissue a child can be bought:

Vitamin D for a child, value and age norms

Vitamin D, in the first months of life the child is especially needed. The main problem is that in the mother's milk, it can not always contain this compound in the amount necessary for the baby's body. If there is a lack of vitamin D, the pediatrician should prescribe it in the form of oil drops. But, the best source of this compound in the body is sunlight. Therefore, regular walks in the fresh air will reduce the risk of vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin D in the child's body is necessary: ​​

  • For the normal development of muscles and bones
  • For the formation of teeth, connective and cartilaginous tissues
  • To support the immune system
Immediately after birth, the child receives vitamin D from breast milk

But, due to the fact thatsunlight in large numbers of infants is contraindicated, moms need to think about increasing vitamin D in the diet due to special drops.

Because of the lack of this compound in the child's body, metabolic processes in bone tissue can be disturbed and the formation of nerve cells can be inhibited. Symptoms of such avitaminosis are convulsions, increased excitability, developmental disorders in the musculoskeletal system and a stop in development.

Indirect symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are digestive disorders, restless sleep, excessive tearfulness and severe sweating.

Oil drops containing vitamin D are used not only for the prevention of avitaminosis, but also for the treatment of a disease associated with such avitaminosis as rickets.

The dosage of vitamin D should be prescribed only by the pediatrician. The specialist will be able to correctly calculate the dosage of this compound based on a variety of factors. Children who are on artificial feeding and living in adverse environmental conditions, vitamin D is prescribed in a larger dosage. In regions where the air temperature falls below the average mark in winter, children should be given an increased content of such vitamins.

Also the pediatrician must take into account the age of the child. The younger the child, the more vitamin D is required. The maximum dosage is 1500 IU.

Give vitamin D in droplets to the baby in the morning, be sure after eating. This is done so that parents can follow the reaction of the child to the drug. To prevent the risk of an overdose, it is desirable to pre-dilute the drop with boiled water. Do it best directly in a teaspoon.

IMPORTANT: Exceeding the permissible dosage of vitamin D is extremely dangerous for children's health. A sharp increase in this compound in the body can lead to the fact that calcium will settle on the walls of the vessels. Also, an overdose of vitamin D causes kidney disease and other problems.

If you have problems with stool, vomiting, dehydration, or noticeable swelling, you should contact the pediatrician. The listed symptoms may indicate a possible overdose of vitamin D.

The best pharmacy drugs sources of vitamin D for are:

  • Fish oil .Available in the form of capsules or
  • oil "Aquadetrim" .The preparation of regulation of the process of calcium and phosphorus exchange
  • "Vigantol" .The drug for the prevention of vitamin D deficiency and rickets treatment
  • "Kolekaltsiferol" .The drug improves the formation of bone skeleton and teeth in children
  • "D3 Devisol Drops" - a Finnish drug that is indicated for the prevention of rickets in the winter season

All the above supplements can be taken for children up to a year.

In order to avoid vitamin deficiency, the baby's diet should contain vitamin D-rich foods. Such as milk, sour-milk products, beef liver, fish, etc. To prevent rickets and the correct development of bone tissue, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, creamy and unrefined vegetable oil are useful for the child.

Harm to Vitamin Complexes

Not everyone believes that children's vitamin complexes are useful. According to experts of the American Academy of Pediatrics, an overdose of vitamins A, C and D can cause headaches, nausea, rashes and more serious consequences. That's why, before you give your child vitamins, you need to consult a doctor.

Daily allowance of vitamins and minerals for children by age: table

Tips and Reviews

Alexandra. During the period of respiratory diseases I buy my children "Multi-tabs".And in the early spring we usually go through the course of these vitamins.

Victoria. And the pediatrician advised us for the appetite Vitrum Kids. I did not see any dear vitamins and differences. I have a daughter of 3 years and a son of 5 years. What with vitamins, that without them they eat very badly.

Video. The School of Doctor Komarovsky

  • May 24, 2018
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