Storage of dried mushrooms for the winter: terms, rules, ways, advice of housewives. How correctly and in what to store the dried mushrooms for the winter at home? How to buy a container for storing mushrooms on Aliexpress?

Rules for storing dried mushrooms at home.


  • How to prepare dried mushrooms for storage?
  • How to buy a container for storing mushrooms on Aliexpress?
  • How correctly and how much on time to store dried white mushrooms, honey agarics, chanterelles?
  • Podisynoviki and pimplesoviki: rules and terms of storage
  • How to store dried mushrooms at home in glass jars?
  • How to store dried house mushrooms in plastic containers?
  • How to store dried mushrooms in a freezer?
  • How to store dried mushrooms in bags correctly at home?
  • How to properly store dried mushrooms in the attic at home?
  • How to store dried mushrooms on rope or string correctly at home?
  • Tips for housewives to store dried mushrooms at home
  • Video: Drying mushrooms |Before the calendar summer there is very little time left, which means that soon a huge number of various mushrooms will appear in the forests. And if the weather is favorable, a good mushroom picker will be able to replenish the reserves of this delicious product for the next several warm months for the whole next year. We will talk about how to preserve this whole rich harvest in our article.
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    How to prepare dried mushrooms for storage?

    Preparing dried mushrooms for storage

    The most important criterion that allows dry mushrooms to lie quietly for months is proper drying. That's why before you send them to storage, you should carefully inspect each mushroom. To do this you will need to take it in your hand and gently walk over his cap with your fingertips. In case you find a place in the survey that is clearly softer than the rest of the surface, then immediately postpone it.

    Such a mushroom is required to dry and therefore it can not be sent for storage in any case. If you do not do this, the moisture that remains in it will begin to evaporate and as a result, it will cause your winter logging to lose its fine taste and smell. Also, you should definitely see if there is any rubbish on the mushrooms. If you notice grass or needles, even if it is dried, then immediately remove it. And, of course, do not forget to sort the dried mushrooms in size.

    Such a small trick will help you to decompose them more compactly, thereby reducing the amount of air in the containers in which they will be stored. In case if you look at the mushrooms too dry, they are best turned into a so-called mushroom powder. If you do not, then in the end they will still break into small pieces, which you will later have to discard. Preparing such a meal is very simple. Mushrooms are laid in a coffee grinder and as best as possible crushed.

    How to buy a container for storing mushrooms on Aliexpress?

    Container for storing mushrooms on Aliexpress

    In case you plan to store dry mushrooms in food containers, then buy them on the Aliexpress. On this Internet resource you will find products of completely different shapes and square, and rectangular, and, of course, round. This variety will allow you to choose the ideal capacity, which will not take up much space in your kitchen. But still, when buying a container for storage, you must pay attention not only to its shape and size.

    Since you will store a food product in it, you should definitely check with the seller what material is made of his goods. Remember, the right container should be made from food grade polypropylene and have a PP mark. If the product you like has some other marking, then refuse to purchase. Well, now let's talk about which container is best to buy on Alyexpress.

    In case you have a pantry where the same temperature is kept all year round, then you can easily order an ordinary plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. If you store your dried mushrooms in the kitchen, then it will be better if you spend on the product, the lid of which has a pump capable of automatically evacuating the air from the tank. And although such a container will cost you a little more expensive, but you will be sure that your supplies are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes.

    How correctly and how much on time to store dried ceps, honey agarics, chanterelles?

    Storage of dried white mushrooms

    A fairly large number of housewives store dry mushrooms is not entirely correct. They put the finished product in a plastic container or jar and just put them in a less loaded kitchen cabinet. As a rule, such careless attitude towards mushrooms leads to the fact that literally a month later they begin to deteriorate from an excess of moisture.

    In view of this, if you do not have a pantry and you do not have anything else to do but put the mushrooms in the kitchen, then store them as far away from the sink and necessarily in reservoirs with a vacuum lid or at the worst in glass jars. In this case, linen bags and cardboard boxes do not fit the way they absorb the moisture very well.

    As to how many can store dry white mushrooms, honey mushrooms and chanterelles, then everything will depend on the conditions in which they will be. In case you provide them with a stable temperature regime and not very high humidity( not more than 40%), you can use them for making delicious dishes 2.5-3 years. In the case if you keep drying in the kitchen, then eating it safely for your health can not be more than a year and a half. After this, the mushrooms inevitably begin to deteriorate, losing their excellent taste and smell.

    Podisynoviki and poderezozoviki: rules and terms of storage

    Storage of dried mushrooms

    Podisynoviki and poderezozoviki unlike the above mentioned species have one characteristic feature, they very well absorb foreign odors. In view of this, if you store them in a leaky package that will stand very close to spices or onions with garlic, then in two weeks your blanks will have the smell of these products. For this reason it will be better if you find a place as far from the kitchen cabinets and surfaces with these fragrant delicacies.

    In addition, boletus and poderezinoviki can not be stored in close proximity to apples, cabbage( including sauerkraut) and all root vegetables. As they evaporate moisture all the time, this will also have a negative impact on the quality of dried mushrooms. In case you take into account all these nuances, you can enjoy the boletus and poderezinoikov for at least 12 months. As practice shows, after this time, even with proper storage, they lose their taste and useful qualities.

    How to store dried mushrooms at home in glass jars?

    Storage of dried mushrooms in a jar

    In case you plan to store dried mushrooms in glass jars, then give preference to those that are closed with vacuum lids. But remember, in order for your mushrooms to safely lay at least half a year, the bank intended for storage should be properly prepared. First you will need to wash it thoroughly and rinse it. Next, flip the container upside down and allow excess liquid to drain.

    While this happens, put a pan of water on the fire and bring it to a boil. As soon as this happens, take the jar in your hands( use a towel or special protective gloves for this) and hold it over the steam for several minutes. As soon as you see that the entire inner surface of the container is covered with droplets of moisture, set it aside completely, allow it to dry completely.

    After making sure that the inside of the jar is completely dry, you can start laying dry mushrooms. Lay them in small portions, evenly distributing them into layers. When the jar is full, take the vacuum cover and lubricate its interior with medical alcohol, set it on fire and wait until the fire extinguishes, quickly twist it. This trick will help you get rid of the residual oxygen, thus protecting the dried fungi from possible infection with microorganisms.

    How to store dried house mushrooms in plastic containers?

    Storage of dried mushrooms in containers

    Plastic container as well as glass containers should be carefully prepared for future laying of mushrooms. Be sure to do this procedure, especially if you bought a new container in the store or on the market. You can not know where he stood and how clean the seller took it. So even if it seems to you that it is perfectly clean, still spend half an hour of your time and wash it as thoroughly as possible.

    After it is washed, you can proceed as follows. If you bought a container that you absolutely can not heat, then just carefully scrub the entire surface( including the lid) with medical alcohol. If you bought a container that you can put in a microwave, then you can hold it over the steam. After this, you will need to wait until the container has dried and calmly transfer into it the previously dried mushrooms.

    Yes, and remember that the container with mushrooms must be kept in a place where direct sunlight does not reach. In case you put it in such a way that the sun will shine on it all the time, then after a while your workpieces will inevitably darken.

    How to store dried mushrooms in a freezer?

    Storage of dried mushrooms in the freezer

    The principle of storing dried mushrooms in a freezer is almost the same as the methods we introduced you to a little higher. To begin with, you will also need to prepare the packaging in which they will be laid, and then simply put in the refrigerator. In this case, you can store the blanks for the winter either in plastic containers( not vacuum ones) or in plastic bags with a special lock.

    In case you give preference to the last variant of the container, then do not spare money and buy the one that is more expensive. As practice shows, such bags are made of more dense material, which does not break at the slightest tension. Yes, and remember, mushrooms can not fall asleep in such bags. In order that they can be compactly folded in the freezer, they are best laid out in layers( in one package there should not be more than 2 layers).

    Another nuance that you should always remember when storing mushrooms in a freezer is that, like any other food product, they do not like re-defrosting. Therefore, it will be better if you immediately put them into storage in small portions that you can use at a time.

    How to properly store dried mushrooms in bags at home?

    Storage of dried mushrooms in

    pouches In case you plan to store dried mushrooms in bags, then give preference to sewed from natural fabrics, for example, flax or cotton. If, for some reason, you do not have the opportunity to get these bags, then you can try to make them from gauze by first adding it in 4-5 layers. In case you plan to store mushrooms in them for literally a month or two, you can extend them with household soap and simply iron it from two sides.

    Well, those housewives, who want their winter harvesting to retain their taste qualities for at least a year, should conduct a more thorough preparation of the bag. To begin with, you will need to dilute 15 liters of water in 2 liters of water.l salt and put everything on the fire. When the saline solution boils you will need to put in it pre-washed bags, and boil them for literally 3-5 minutes. After that they will have to get out of the saline solution and not pressing to hang to dry.

    If you do everything correctly, you will see a thin salt crust on the surface of the dried bags, which will protect your billets from bugs and sharp odors. Once the bag has dried, fill it with mushrooms, tie it as tightly as possible and hang it on the warmest wall in the pantry.

    How to store dried mushrooms in the attic properly at home?

    Storage of dried mushrooms in the attic

    Loft if it is, of course, clean, too, is a suitable place for storing dried mushrooms. Remember, if you want them to wait for their time in this place, then you must first do so that in the attic do not walk drafts and do not get damp. And this means that you must carefully fix all the existing cracks as much as possible and, if the financial situation allows, to further insulate the attic space.

    After this you will need to sanitize all the wooden structures by any means of killing all kinds of insects. As for what to store mushrooms in the attic, then in this case it is best to give preference to glass jars and plastic containers. In the case if you dried a lot of mushrooms, then put them in a bag and put it in a large wooden chest.

    But remember, no matter what capacity you store for mushrooms in the attic, you have to prepare it in any case, as we taught you a little higher. If you do not do this, then it is likely that you can not wait for a very long time.

    How to store dried mushrooms on rope or string correctly at home?

    Storage of dried mushrooms on a thread

    Another common way to store drying is an ordinary thread. In this case, you will have to make a collection of mushrooms a kind of necklace and in this form to dry them. Of course, if you want, you can try to thread them on the thread after they lose all moisture, but be prepared for the fact that during this process part of your workpieces will break.

    After the mushrooms completely dry they will have to be suspended under the ceiling in the pantry or simply not a wooden rack. Putting such dried mushrooms in lockers or cardboard boxes is not advisable as it will prevent them from properly stored. Yes, and when stringing mushrooms on the string before drying, remember that they subsequently decrease very much in size.

    Therefore, if in the end you do not want to get a half-empty thread, then at the initial stage place the mushrooms on it very tightly. After they dry, be sure to wrap the finished necklaces with a simple cloth, previously boiled in saline.

    Tips for housewives to store dried mushrooms at home

    Tips for storing dried mushrooms

    As you have probably figured out in order to keep the mushrooms as long as possible, they should be kept practically in sterile conditions. Another important factor for the preservation of such a billet is a stable temperature and humidity. If the temperature in the room where the dried mushrooms lie is constantly fluctuating, it will affect the humidity and as a result, your drying will begin to become moldy and you will simply have to discard it.

    And, of course, always make sure that fresh air gets into the room. If your workpieces are always in a room with tightly clogged windows and doors, this will also affect their appearance and taste. Therefore, it will be better if you try every day to ventilate the room in which the drying is stored.

    Yes, and do not forget every 2-3 weeks to inspect your workpieces. If you do this regularly, then do not miss the moment when some mushrooms begin to mold or absorb dampness. While they will be quite a bit, you can quickly remove them, without letting them spoil the rest of the drying.

    Video: Drying of white mushrooms |Dried white mushrooms

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