Angina in children. Than gargle a child? Inhalation with angina

The most common disease in children in the autumn-winter period in children is sore throat. It manifests itself when the body is undercooled. Stress for the weakened immune system can become frozen feet, the use of cold drinks and other factors. They provoke the development in the oral cavity of pathogenic microorganisms, which lead to the occurrence of angina.


  • Than gargle a child?
  • Rinse throat for children
  • Rinse with furacilin for children
    • How to dilute furacilin for gargling of a child?
  • Iodinol instruction for use rinse throat for children
  • Rinse the throat of chamomile for children
  • Rinse with miramistin for children
  • Rinse with peroxide for the child
  • Rinse with propolis for children
  • Rinse with soda and salt
  • Rinse with soda for children
  • Chlorophyllipt rinse for children
  • Inhalations for children with sore throat
  • Rinses with sore throat. Tips and Feedback
  • Video. We treat the throat. What kind of gargling is useful - Dr. Komarovsky
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Than gargle a child?

Effective struggle with inflammatory processes in the throat in children is rinsing. This procedure can reduce pain and inflammation in the throat. With a strong supercooling, rinses can be used until an unpleasant sensation appears in the throat. Often, such preventive measures are an excellent "rescue" from sore throats.

Rinses clean the oral mucosa. Thanks to this procedure, you can clear the throat not only from bacteria and depleted cells of the epithelium, but also from food debris. This is very important, because the remains of food are the habitat of microorganisms of pathogens of angina.

A child at a doctor's reception

You can rinse your throat for prophylaxis with ordinary warm water. But, if microorganisms have already begun their pernicious "mission", then there is simply not enough water. For a more effective struggle, special solutions are needed.

A child can gargle with a solution of table salt, baking soda, furacilin, propolis, etc. Very well clean the throat of microbes and soften the mucous membrane infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants: chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, thyme, eucalyptus, etc.

Rinse throat for children

With the help of the described procedure, it is possible to effectively combat pathogens. But, not all children can gently gargle. And therefore, they need to learn this. The child is accustomed to swallowing everything that comes into his mouth. He needs to show how you can draw water into your mouth and not swallow it, and release a trickle.

After such a procedure is of interest to the child, you can continue learning. It is necessary to tell that if a child learns to hold water in his mouth and then spit it out, it will help his neck.

Then you need to help him understand how you can move the water in your mouth without swallowing it. Then you can start gargling with the help of useful solutions. But, and if due to age such training is impossible, then to combat bacteria that cause irritation and inflammation, you can use the procedure for irrigation of the throat with the help of an atomizer or medical pear.

Rinse with furacilin for children

Treatment of the throat with furatsilin helps to reduce inflammation, suppress negative microflora of the oral mucosa and cleanse the tonsils from plaque. The solution of furatsilina can cope with such pathogenic microorganisms as salmonella, staphylococcus, streptococcus and other microbes.

Furacilin in tablets

IMPORTANT: When treating angina with rinses of a solution of furacilin, they must be combined with other medicinal preparations. It is also important to increase the intake of vitamins with food. Especially vitamin C, which is able to strengthen the weakened immune system.

How to dilute furacilin for gargling of a child?

In order to achieve the best effect in the treatment of sore throat, it is necessary to properly dilute furacilin. For this, you can use tablets 0.2 grams. One such tablet is dissolved in 100 ml of hot water. In order for the tablet to dissolve more quickly, it can be crushed beforehand. To do this, you need to tap a hammer on the pill without removing it from the blister. After such a grinding, you need to break the blister and pour the powder into the water.

Furacilin is better soluble in hot water. But, gargle need a warm, not a hot solution. Furacilin rinses are carried out 4-5 times a day. Each rinse should last 2-3 minutes. If you pre-clean the mucosa with a solution of soda, the action of furatsilina can be repeatedly increased. You can also add 3-4 drops of calendula tincture to the furacil solution.

Yodinol Instruction for Use Throat Rinse for Children

"Iodinol" is a universal remedy widely used for the treatment of oral inflammation. For the preparation of a rinse solution, a few drops of this preparation should be diluted in a glass with warm water so that the solution turns dark yellow.

Iodinol - a universal remedy for

Rinse "Iodinol" throat with angina 3-4 times a day every three hours. Sometimes the use of this drug can cause allergic reactions in the body. Therefore, during the whole treatment with "Iodinol" you need to carefully examine the child for the presence of rash. Sometimes the use of this remedy can cause sleep disturbance and nervousness. When allergic reactions of rinsing with "Iodinol" are to be stopped.

IMPORTANT: The child's body is more sensitive to different medications than the adult body. The use of "Iodinol" in angina is possible only with the appointment of this drug by the attending physician.

Rinse the throat with chamomile for children

Very good for sore throat helps rinse with chamomile pharmacy. This plant is very popular in phytotherapy and is a deposit of useful substances. From her broth do compresses and baths, eat inside, and also caress the throat.

The main advantage of chamomile is pharmacy chamazulene. This substance is contained in the oil of this plant. Hamazulen has anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects. But, in order to take advantage of the use of this substance, you need to properly prepare a decoction of chamomile. Boil this valuable plant can not. At a water temperature of over 90 degrees, chamazulene is destroyed.

Infusion of chamomile pharmacy
  • To prepare a solution for rinses, pour a tablespoon of dry chamomile with warm water. If you bought this product in filter bags, then for rinsing you need to brew one packet in a glass of hot water
  • To insist such a solution should be about 30 minutes. It can add honey( 1 teaspoon).To infusion is not cooled, it is better to brew in a thermos. For each new rinse, you need to prepare a new infusion. Optimum temperature of chamomile for rinses 37-39 degrees
  • To rinse or gargle such infusion it is necessary after reception of nutrition. After such a procedure, you can not eat and drink for 40 minutes. This is the time required for active substances of chamomile to clean the mucous throat from pathogenic organisms

Rinse with miramistin for children

Rinses from sore throats can be done with the help of "Miramistine".This drug has antiviral and bactericidal action. From this treatment of the throat, the mucous membrane and other tissues of the human body are practically not affected. This feature of "Miramistine" made this drug ideal for children's mouth rinses.


You can buy a 0.01% solution of this drug in a pharmacy in a plastic bottle. In addition to the rinses "Miramistin" you can do inhalations and dig in this drug in the nose to treat the common cold.

Children from 3 to 6 years for a single rinse need 3-6 ml of this remedy. Children 7-14 years 5-7 ml. Teenagers for treatment of sore throat are shown 10 ml of Miramistin.

IMPORTANT: Some pathogenic microorganisms that cause sore throat may develop resistance to this agent. Therefore, for more effective treatment, rinse with Miramistin should alternate with rinses of soda and salt.

Rinsing with peroxide to a child

  • Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizer. Therefore, if there is a risk of getting this remedy into the stomach, rinse them with a throat is contraindicated. Use hydrogen peroxide solution for children is only possible at older age.
  • Hydrogen peroxide has antiseptic effects and can purify the mucosa from microbes, viruses and even dead cells. But, this tool has one significant disadvantage. Hydrogen peroxide increases the healing time of wounds. That is why it can be used only in the first 2-3 days of treatment. After that rinses peroxide should be replaced with other types of treatment of the patient's throat
  • For rinsing use a 0.25% solution of hydrogen peroxide. To prepare such a solution you need a peroxide solution of 3% from the pharmacy. Two teaspoons of this product are bred in half a glass of water.
  • Rinses peroxide should be alternated with rinsing with a solution of potassium permanganate or soda. After 3 days of such rinses, peroxide must be replaced with herbal teas: chamomile, sage or plantain

Propolis rinsing for children

Propolis, like other products of the life of bees, is the strongest allergen. Therefore, it is necessary to give it to children with great care and only with the permission of the attending physician. If your child is allergic to honey, then propolis is contraindicated.

Propolis tincture

Before treatment with propolis it is necessary to check the reaction of the body to this product. To do this, you need to apply a drop of this product to the child's forearm and wait a day. If the skin in the place of propolis application does not turn red and itch appears, then you can try to rinse with it.

For tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis and other diseases of the oral cavity propolis tincture is used. In half a glass of warm water, dilute 15 ml of tincture. Gargle with propolis need 4-6 times a day. The course of treatment is a week.

Rinsing with soda and salt

Well proven in the treatment of sore throat rinsing with a solution of soda and salt. To prepare such a product, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of soda and half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. You can add a few drops of iodine to this solution.

With such a solution, you can treat the throat of children and pregnant women.

Rinse soda for a child

With the help of soda can clean the infected throat from pathogens. But, to abuse this rinse with this tool is not worth it. Too often using a solution of soda can adversely affect the oral mucosa.

Solution of soda

You can gargle with a soda 3-4 times a day. Between such rinses it is desirable to use other agents for the treatment of a sore throat. It is best to use herbal healing infusions.

To prepare a solution for rinsing the throats, children need to dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water. This way of treating the throat can be used only when the child can properly gargle. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting soda into the stomach. What can cause negative consequences for the child's body. In addition to exposing the bacteria to the mucous membrane of the throat, a solution of soda can help remove sputum from the lungs.

IMPORTANT: Since soda can not enter the lymphoid tissue, where there is a large accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms in the angina, a solution based on it can only be used as an additional treatment.

Chlorophyllipt rinsing to children

"Chlorophyllipt" is a remedy based on natural ingredients. It has a bactericidal and antimicrobial effect. An anesthetic effect when using "chlorophyllipt" is achieved due to the filling of tissues with oxygen.

Oily solution Chlorophyllipt

In pharmacies this drug is presented in several forms:

  • Alcohol solution( 1%).Used for oral administration and as an external remedy. To rinse your throat, dilute 1 teaspoon of the solution in 100 ml of water. Course of treatment 4 days
  • Oily solution( 2%).Used for external use. You can treat the mucous membranes of the throat
  • Solution for injection( 25%).Used for severe pneumonia, lung abscess and sepsis
  • Spray( 0.2%).Used for irrigation of the mucous membrane with throat diseases
  • Tablets. Used for resorption with throat inflammation and upper respiratory tract treatment

For the treatment of newborns, with permission from the treating doctor, you can use the oil solution "Chlorophyllipt".It can be applied to the nipple and given to the baby. You can add a few drops of alcohol solution in baby food.

Children older than you can give a solution of "Chlorophyllipt( 1%)" for rinsing. To do this, dilute one tablespoon of this product in a glass of water. Use this solution should not be more than 3 times a day.

For older children, you can use a resorption tablet, a spray or an oil solution( lubrication of sore throat) "Chlorophyllipt" to treat the throat.

Inhalations for children with angina

In the treatment of inflammatory processes in the throat, inhalations are well established. With the help of such procedures it is possible to ensure the introduction of drug solutions directly into the respiratory tract. Today you can buy a special children's nebulizer( or a children's attachment to a regular nebulizer).

Baby inhalation

IMPORTANT: The duration of children's inhalations should be 3 minutes. The best effect can be achieved with inhalations at least 2 times a day.

In sore throat the following infusion for inhalations is shown: it is necessary to mix sage( 4 tablespoons), eucalyptus( 3 tablespoons), pine( 3 tablespoons), elecampane( 4 tablespoons), chamomile( 2 tablespoons)), peppermint( 2 tablespoons) and thyme( 2 tablespoons).Stir the mixture and pour 2 tbsp.spoons with three glasses of boiling water. After the solution is infused, it must be heated and inhaled.

Inhalation after a meal. You can consume food 1,5-2 hours after the procedure.

Rinses with sore throat. Tips and Feedback

Olga. And I make green tea for my son's throat and add a pinch of salt to it. In 2 days the throat passes. But, it is necessary that the welding was strong.

Xenia. When I was visiting my grandmother's childhood, she treated me with a throat with infusion of garlic. I put two cloves of garlic in a glass and poured them with boiling water. When the water cooled, I rinsed her throat. Such garlic infusion well helped the sore throat.

Video. We treat the throat. What a gargle is useful - Dr. Komarovsky

  • May 24, 2018
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