Can I cure cystitis at home? How to treat advanced cystitis?

Recipes of decoctions and baths of folk medicine for the treatment of cystitis.


  • Symptoms and Causes of Cystitis
  • How to get rid of cystitis at home?
  • The use of dog rose from cystitis. How to treat cystitis with a dog rose?
  • Cranberry against cystitis: treatment of cystitis with cranberries
  • Use of milk for treatment of cystitis
  • Seeds of dill with cystitis
  • Millet against cystitis. How to take millet for cystitis treatment?
  • What tea helps to get rid of cystitis?
  • How to treat started cystitis at home?
  • Cystitis is a disease of the genitourinary system, which is accompanied by inflammation of the walls of the bladder. It is established that women are more likely to face an illness due to anatomical features. And every fourth woman had this illness for once in her life.

    Symptoms and Causes of Cystitis

    Causes of Cystitis:

    • Subcooling
    • Infection of the kidneys. Very often, because of chronic pyelonephritis, the bladder walls also become inflamed.
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    • Anal sex intercourse. This is due to the ingestion of intestinal flora in the urethra in the male
    • Constant use of thongs. Such panties often provoke the transfer of flora from the anus to the labia and urethra
    • Allergy to hygiene products. You may not use soap or deodorant for intimate places.
    • Sexually Transmitted Infections
    • Long-lasting sexual intercourse. During lovemaking, the penis rubs against the urethra, causing inflammation
    • Seated work
    • Metabolic disorder
    • Delayed bladder emptying

    Symptoms of the ailment are very unpleasant:

    • Itching and burning after urination
    • Frequent urge in the toilet "small"
    • Pain incrotch and lower abdomen
    • Temperature rise
    • Chills and nausea
    Symptoms of cystitis

    How to get rid of cystitis at home?

    • First of all, you need to change the normal mode of the day. Eat more often in small portions
    • Increase fluid intake
    • Remove from the diet salty and spicy dishes
    • At the time of treatment refuse sex life
    • Do not get nervous

    You can cure cystitis with antibiotics or folk remedies. It is not recommended to take broad-spectrum antibiotics. You do not know exactly which microorganism provoked the disease. In the case of candida, taking antibiotics will be useless. In addition, there are resistant strains of Escherichia coli, which are treated with only one group of antibiotics.

    Lower abdominal pain with cystitis

    The use of dog rose from cystitis. How to treat cystitis with a dog rose?

    Rosehip is used both in the form of fruits and in the form of roots. Fruits are rich in vitamins and trace elements. They improve immunity and wash the kidneys with the bladder. Rosehip roots loosen the stones in the bladder and kidneys, contributing to their rapid and painless excretion.

    Instructions for preparing decoction from the roots of the dog rose:

    • 30 g of crushed dry roots of rose hip, pour 300 ml of cold water.
    • Boil and cook for 15 minutes.
    • Strain, refrigerate. Divide the decoction into four parts.
    • Drink before each meal. It is advisable to do this 30 minutes before a meal

    Instructions for preparing tinctures from rosehip:

    • Boil 500 ml of water and allow to cool slightly. It is necessary that the temperature of the liquid is 90 ° C
    • Pour hot water 20 grams of crushed dry rose hips, leave for 4 hours
    • Drink broth every 2-3 hours for 200 ml
    • Treatment course 1 month
    Rosehip with cystitis

    Cranberry against cystitis: treatment of cystitiscranberries

    For the treatment of cystitis, you can use jelly, mors or fresh berries. Cranberry changes the environment in the bladder to acid. And bacteria multiply only in alkaline environment.

    Instructions for preparing cranberry mors from cystitis:

    • Scrub 0,5 kg of berries
    • Separate the juice from bones and rind
    • Dissolve the juice from the bones and the rind
    • Dissolve the resulting juice with 2000 ml of cold water and put on the fire
    • Add sugar and boil 1 minute
    • Take 1-1, 5 glasses a day. The course of treatment is 7 days
    • For prevention, take 4 tablespoons of berries daily
    Cranberries with cystitis

    Use of milk for the treatment of cystitis

    Milk in order to cure cystitis does not need to be taken internally. Baths are prepared from it.

    Instructions for the treatment of cystitis with milk:

    • Boil 3 l of
    • on the plate. Cool slightly and pour a large mug of hot milk in a plastic bowl
    • Lower the legs and keep in the hot liquid
    • As the milk cools, add more until all milk is finished.
    • Used milkdo not pour out. Pour it into the bowl and put it in the fridge, in the evening, repeat the procedure again
    • Par your feet in milk 2 times a day for a week
    Milk for cystitis

    Seeds of dill with cystitis

    Dill is not only a seasoning for your favorite dishes. In folk medicine, fennel seeds are known for their bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Seeds of dill are successfully used to treat cystitis.

    Prepare a decoction of the fennel seeds:

    • 20 g of seeds pour 400 ml of boiling water
    • Put the liquid on a water bath and soak for 15 minutes
    • Allow the broth to cool and strain through gauze
    • Take the drug 5 times a day for 100-150 ml before meals
    • 10 days for healing
    Seeds of dill with cystitis

    Millet against cystitis. How to take millet for cystitis treatment?

    The pine contains proteins and nutrients. This culture removes the products of the decomposition of antibiotics from the body. Very effective is a decoction of millet in cystitis.

    Prepare the millet broth:

    • Mix the glass of beans and pour 450 ml of boiled water
    • Place the mixture in a jar and close the lid, shake the jar
    • for 10 minutes. Then immerse a spoon in the jar and rub the grains
    • Drain and drink it a glass in the morningand before bed
    Millet with cystitis

    What tea helps to get rid of cystitis?

    To treat cystitis use diuretics and anti-inflammatory herbs. Most often used field horsetail, it has a diuretic effect.

    Prepare tea from horsetail and chamomile:

    • This drink helps to relieve spasm and relieve pain in the lower abdomen with cystitis
    • Pour 20 g of dry grass of horsetail and 20 g of chamomile flowers 600 ml of water
    • Keep on fire for 5-7 minutes
    • Strain the brothand a little cool
    • Drink a glass 3 times a day

    Good help from cystitis tea from cowberries. For its preparation, pour 20 g of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. You need to take 100 ml several times a day.

    Tea for cystitis

    How to treat neglected cystitis at home?

    • If you did not cure cystitis on time, and it went into chronic form, then you will have to try to cure the ailment. Regularly, when there is no fever during exacerbation of the disease, take baths with chamomile
    • Use a hot water bottle with warm water. Place one on the abdomen, and the other in the perineal region. This can be done if there are no blood and temperature impurities in the urine.
    • Drink diuretics and do not allow the urine to stagnate in the
    • bubble. Eat cranberries daily, even if the symptoms have disappeared long ago. Enough 4 spoons of cranberries or cowberry per day
    Treatment of cystitis

    How to treat cystitis with folk remedies: advice and feedback

    • Be sure to combine sedentary baths with the reception of herbs and decoctions
    • Excellent for cystitis sit-in camomile. For its preparation, pour 70 g of dried flowers with a bucket of boiling water. When the liquid is slightly cool, sit in it and sit until completely cooled
    • Take in the broth from the fruit of dog rose and chamomile
    • Chronic cystitis can be cured by St. John's Wort. To do this, 15 grams of dry grass, pour 200 ml of boiling water and heat on the fire for 5 minutes. Strain and drink 50 ml 5 times a day
    • Good for chronic cystitis helps mummy. To do this, a piece of resin, the size of a pinhead, is dissolved in 150 ml of water. Add a spoonful of bees nectar and drink before bed. In the morning, too, drink the drug
    Cystitis treatment

    Cystitis is a serious ailment, the treatment of which can lead to pyelonephritis. Do not start the disease, at a high temperature and impurities of blood in the urine consult a therapist.

    VIDEO: Treatment of cystitis with folk methods

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