Top 10 most popular and fashionable breeds of dogs in Russia and Ukraine in 2017: photo with names. The most fashionable breed of small and medium dogs for an apartment 2017

Article about the most fashionable and popular breeds of dogs in Russia, Ukraine in 2017.

Contents of

  • Top 10 most popular and trendy breeds of dogs in Russia in 2017: rating, photos with names
  • Top 10 most popular and trendy breeds of dogs in Ukraine in 2017:
  • rating The most fashionable and popular breeds of small dogs 2017: names andphoto
  • The most fashionable and popular breeds of medium dogs 2017
  • The most fashionable and popular breeds of domestic dogs in Moscow with photos and names in 2017
  • Popular breeds of dogs for the apartment 2017
  • Video: Top 10 best dogs for the apartment
  • Video: Most popularOrodes

dogs Fashion for dogs of a certain breed is changed as often as fashion items. This can be explained not only by the desire to be the owner of a new breed of dog, but also by the need to have a number of four-legged friends with more advanced abilities and qualities of character.

In Russia and Ukraine, the fashion for dogs in recent years is also determined by the financial capabilities of the owners. Often people simply can not afford to keep a large dog, so they choose a pet of small breed.

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Fashionable breeds of dogs 2017

Top 10 most popular and fashionable breeds of dogs in Russia in 2017: rating, photo with names

Before to name the most popular and fashionable breeds of dogs in Russia, it is worth noting that for inhabitants of cities the priority in choosing a petbecomes its size.

At the same time, people living in cottages and private houses with household plots, choose dogs, able to protect the territory and possessions of the owner.

In general, the top 10 popular dog breeds looks like this:

10th place: Chow-chow

There are a lot of versions of this breed origin, but most connoisseurs still tend to believe that the chow-chow is a distant relative of the shar pei. Dogs of these breeds, both of which were bred in China, differ from others in purple.

Chow-chow puppy

Chow-chow is a working dog and a companion dog. In ancient times the Chow Chow was helped by reindeer herders, fearlessly driving away flocks of wolves from the herds, guarding houses, hunted and used as draft animals.
However, in small-sized apartments modern Russian Chow-chow feel quite comfortable. Chow-chow will not require the owner of long walks with jogging. These animals are short enough to walk and minimum attention.

They are tolerant of children and animals in the house, although they do not express special joy from their presence. But if the owner "will give slack" in some matter, the chow-chow will instantly feel it and will certainly try to establish dominance over the household. Therefore dogs of this breed need a powerful master.

IMPORTANT: The dense thick coat of the dog requires special regular care.

Chow Chow

9th place: Sharpei

Sharpeya is considered a descendant of the chow-chow. Back in 1978, the breed was marked by the Guinness Book of Records, as the most rare breed in the world. But the cute funny look of the plush dogs and the funny wrinkles on their body quickly did their job.21 century can be called the era of Sharpei, because today in every 60 Russian family lives shar pei.

This earlier hard short barbed wool sharieya and protective folds helped these animals survive in battle and hunting. Modern shar pei, though they retained the ardent temperament and instinct of the soldier, perfectly feel themselves in the conditions of the city.

IMPORTANT: The owners should not forget about the origin of their pets and in time to engage in their education and training.


8th place: French Bulldog

The breed was bred in England, in the 19th century with the goal of obtaining a decorative companion dog. The French bulldogs , despite their gloomy appearance, are very loyal, friendly, loving, affectionate and funny animals that do not require special conditions of detention.

IMPORTANT: These dogs are suitable for busy people. Living in a small flat French bulldog will also be very pleased.

Excessive attachment of these animals to the host may even be bothersome. The dog is ready for anything to be noticed, caressed or played. The disadvantage of the breed is also the fact that all French bulldogs snore in their sleep.

French Bulldog

7th place: German Shepherd Dog

Guards, lifeguards, guides, watchmen, shepherds and detectives - German shepherds easily learn all these canine "professions" and successfully help people. Intelligent and active German shepherds need interaction with the person, whether it's long walks, learning commands and tricks or playing active games.

These dogs are best suited for house security. After undergoing special training, the German shepherd will become a reliable companion, defender and friend.

IMPORTANT: Since the shepherd's need to protect, protect and save, the enclosed space of a city apartment will become a prison for her. To keep these animals you need a house with a private plot on which the dog will feel like a mistress.

German Shepherd Dog

6th place: Pekingese

In the old days, miniature dogs of the Pekingese were an ornament of the palace chambers, and not everyone could afford to buy such a pet. Modern Pekingese - residents of apartments and houses of millions of ordinary people.

These dogs are arrogant and jealous, but, despite this, are affectionate and friendly. They are in dire need of masterful approval and love and can be offended if they are not paid attention.

IMPORTANT: These dogs are not demanding for the duration of their walking, they feel good in a small apartment.


5th place: Toy Terrier

Dogs of the breed tote were bred in England in the 19th century for hunting rats. Despite the miniature size( no more than 28 cm), these dogs are very energetic and purposeful, they tend to display aggression towards their "enemies".

Frequent walking terter terriers do not require. This doggie can be called a toy( this translation is called the breed) for the apartment. However, this animal does not tolerate children, is nonsensical, subject to stress and hysterics.

IMPORTANT: The Toy Terriers do not feel their miniature dimensions. They can easily rush to the neighbor's mastiff if they feel the threat coming from him.

Toy Terrier

4th place: Jack Russell Terrier

Despite the small size, the dogs of this breed have an unrestrained energy. Breed Jack Russell Terrier was bred for hunting for non-normal animals. With this task they cope perfectly well. We can say more: hunting - the goal of life Jack-Russell.

These dogs are very energetic and active, so keeping them in the apartment is problematic - the animal needs a lot of time to walk or hunt. Russell gets along well with children, because they are united by love for noisy games and fun.

Jack Russell Terrier

3rd place: Husky

Husky - descendants of Eskimo sled dogs. Even the original name of the breed sounded "eski", as the abbreviated "Eskimo".Back in 2000 it was one of the rarest breeds, but less than 20 years, as dogs with a delightful look won the hearts of people.

Husks are very good-natured, faithful and loving animals. This dog for a family with children has a high intelligence and good mind.
The dog is very energetic, can exhibit obstinacy, needs daily walks for many hours, jogging, training and work. She has no protective qualities.

IMPORTANT: All Huskies do not tolerate limited spaces. Wherever the dog turns out to be, she will try everywhere to make a dig, climb over the fence or just run away. Each Husky ran away from her house for once in her life.

The only weak point of all husky is the propensity to epilepsy. If you buy a puppy "from hand", there is a great chance to get sick animal, which needs special care and serious treatment.


2nd place: Labrador retriever

Every labrador in the shower is a lifesaver and assistant. The breed was bred for hunting and fishing, but thanks to its intelligence and gentle nature, these dogs quickly became companions and friends.

Labradors are devoid of aggression, love to play with children and stay in the spotlight. These are balanced obedient dogs, not claiming leadership. Probably, thanks to these qualities the breed enjoys incredible popularity.

IMPORTANT: The average lifespan of a Labrador usually does not exceed 12 years, and this short life is the only drawback of the breed.

The dog has a good visual memory and an excellent nose. This makes it possible to successfully use Labradors to search for drugs and explosives.

Labradors can be kept in an apartment or in a private house. The most important thing is to devote a lot of time to your pet and walk with him daily.

Labrador retriever

1 место: Yorkshire Terrier

A unique little dog, the only animal whose hair will not harm allergies. Now York is expensive entertainment, an exclusively decorative dog. However, in the distant past, Yorkies were used to hunt normal animals.

Hunting skills to date, Yorkies lost. They are good for other animals in the house, tolerant of children in the family. Also these dogs are very smart, intelligent and educated.

IMPORTANT: Yorkshire terriers need attention, sufficient mental and physical loads.

Yorkshire Terrier

Top 10 most popular and trendy breeds of dogs in Ukraine in 2017: rating

The Ukrainian breeds rating is very similar to the Russian one, however some differences are still present:

10th place: Dachshund


9th place: Pekingese


8th: Rottweiler


7 position: Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

6th: German Shepherd

German Shepherd

Rank 5: Pitbul


4th: Wrpey


3rd place:

Labrador Labrador

2nd place:

Husky Husky

1st place:

Yorkshire Terrier Yorkshire Terrier

The top three significant changes have occurred. However, 5 place Ukrainians gave just two dogs fighters: American pitbull terrier and Staffordshire terrier , combining them in the name "Pitbull".

Both these breeds were bred for battles with bulls. The creators wanted to get dogs that could bait large animals to the last, and they succeeded. Temperamental, aggressive and fearless dogs fought to the finish.

Today pit bulls are pets. If properly trained properly, they can become great companions, reliable fearless advocates and affectionate caring nannies.

IMPORTANT: In some countries, content and breeding of pit bull terriers at home is prohibited by law.

Staffordshire Terrier

These dogs are recommended for early socialization and the firm hand of a balanced, serious but calm and confident person.

Probably at some point the dog will begin to show character and try to establish dominance. We need to be prepared for this and respond in time to such manifestations.

IMPORTANT: Pitbull Terrier should not be left alone in the house with children or pets.

8th place the Ukrainians gave the rottweiler .This beautiful powerful dog is a descendant of the Italian mastiff. Rotti is a brave defender for his master and a dangerous opponent for the enemy. He is incredulous, but extremely calm. Power, strength, courage, intelligence and loyalty are the main qualities of Rottweilers.

IMPORTANT: Rottweiler needs proper education and a firm hand. Otherwise, the owner of the strongest jaws can become dangerous even for his master.


The 10th place of the Ukrainian top of popular dogs was a fervent and vigorous dachshund. These dogs were bred for hunting nest animals. Thanks to the structure of its body and legs, the dachshunds easily penetrate any hole and take out its inhabitants.

Dachshunds are strongly attached to their masters and do their best to attract attention. With these dogs you need to walk a lot or just socialize. They are curious and intelligent, energetic and smart.

IMPORTANT: Dachshunds are very fond of digging burrows. This should be taken into account when choosing a dachshund as a pet.


The most fashionable and popular breeds of small dogs 2017: titles and photos

Small cute dogs, more like fun toys, can decorate the life of a single person or become favorites of a large friendly family. Special conditions for the maintenance of most dogs of small breeds are not required, therefore in an ordinary city apartment, one can safely wind up such a four-legged friend.

The most fashionable small dogs in 2017:

Yorkshire Terrier - faithful, graceful, clever and cheerful. These dogs have always been in fashion, but in recent years the breed is at the peak of popularity.

Yorkshire Terrier

Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. Moderately active and friendly, does not require special conditions of detention.


The Toy Terrier is a vigorous, aggressive-minded, real little warrior.

Toy Terrier

The Papildon - despite its small size, very active and fast. Are inclined to the manifestation of aggression in stressful situations. Daily care for the hair and teeth is necessary.


Pekinese - touchy, jealous and narcissistic, constantly requires the attention of the host.


Jack Russell Terrier - energetic, friendly and playful. He leads an active life, can not stay in one place for a long time.

Jack Russell Terrier

Chinese crested dog - cheerful and devoted to the owner. The animal's body is covered with a soft, thin short coat, only the tail and head are long. This dog needs maintenance in a warm apartment. For walking in the cold season will need clothes.

Chinese crested dog

Maltese( Maltese lapdog) is a three-kilogram white wonder. Calm and balanced, at the same time fearless and brave.


Pomeranian Spitz - more like a soft toy than a living dog. Clever, calm, benevolent, smart, easy to train.

Pomeranian Spitz

The most fashionable and popular breeds of medium dogs 2017

Medium-sized dogs can be kept in the house or in the apartment. They do not need many hours of walking, but at the same time they are capable of showing watchful qualities.

Chow-chow - a dog with an unusual appearance and uneasy character. The main thing in the family recognizes the owner, with the rest is held on equal footing.

Chow Chow

Husky - soft character, lack of aggression and cheerful disposition of these animals conquers more and more hearts. Husks are excellent nannies and true friends, however, very bad caretakers.


English Bulldog - under the harsh sight of these dogs a soft kind heart lurks. They get along well with children, are faithful and smart.

English Bulldog

Sharpei - distrustful to outsiders, inclined to show character. Outwardly it looks like a plush toy with cute folds and wrinkles on the skin, but in fact this "toy" is an excellent watchman and a serious competitor.


Amstaff - formidable energetic wrestler with a thin sensitive nature. The dog has a high intelligence, a penchant for dressing. Good gets along with the children in the house and selflessly protects them.


Cocker Spaniel is an unusually beautiful dog with a long soft fluffy coat. A clever hunter, friendly and sociable, but visibly jealous. Likes to accompany the owner everywhere.

Cocker Spaniel

Basset Hound - does not like loneliness. She happily communicates with all family members and animals, loves to hunt.

Basset Hound

Doberman is a good guard, defender and fighter, is easy to train. Moderately aggressive, has a balanced mind.


The most fashionable and popular breeds of domestic dogs in Moscow with photos and names in 2017

In the capital of Russia popular are the expensive show-class dogs of small sizes that can emphasize the status of the owner. The top 5 popular dog breeds in Moscow looks like this:

5th place: West Highland Terrier ( cost of the show-class puppy is about 1000 cu) - despite its tiny sizes, likes long walks, active and snooty.

West Highland Terrier

4th place: Welsh Corgi ( about 2000 USD) - cheerful, cheerful and very moving dog. It is easy to train, friendly to all family members.

Welsh Corgi

3rd place: Pomeranian Spitz ( about 1500 USD) - a beautiful and cheerful dog with a "smiling" face. Likes to swim and play in the fresh air. One of the long-lived breeds.

Pomeranian Spitz

2 nd place: Golden retriever ( about 1200 cu) is a dog for the family. Cheerful, mischievous and energetic, at the same time responsible and smart.

Golden retriever

1 place: Yorkshire Terrier ( about 2000 USD) - Beauty, grace, bright mind, cheerful character, miniature sizes and absolute hypoallergenicity of wool make this dog the leader of all fashionable tops.

Yorkshire Terrier

Popular breeds of dogs for an apartment 2017

For keeping in apartments in 2017, as before, they choose small and medium-sized dogs. Joy such a dog will bring no less than a large dog, but it does not require special care and long walks.

Video: Top 10 best dogs for

apartments Most Popular "apartment" breed:

  • York
  • Toyterer
  • Pekingese
  • Chihuahua
  • French Bulldog
  • Pug
  • Pomeranian
  • lapdog
  • Poodle
  • Chinese Crested
  • Cocker
  • Jack Russell Terrier
  • Dachshund
Yorkshire Terrier is a dog for keeping in an apartment

Future owners need to understand that no matter which dog of any breed is chosen, there will appear in the house not just a pet, but a full-fledgedmember of the family.

A dog in the family is the best friend and protector of

Animal needs care, attention and attention. If you are not ready to devote enough time to the dog, no qualities and characteristics of the breed will save the situation - over time the character of the animal can deteriorate. At the same time, even a mongrel mongrel can become a reliable protector and a loyal friend, provided the host's goodwill.

Video: The most popular breeds of dogs

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