Signs of April by day

  • April 1 is Daria's Day. In the sky, stars are not visible at all - the next few days will be warm and sunny, and what the weather is like in the daytime, the same will happen on October 1.
  • April 2 is the day of Fotigny Kolodeznitsa. If the ice has not yet come down on the rivers, there will be very few fish in the waters this year.
  • April 3 is the day of Cyril Catanyk. The mother-and-stepmother blossomed and the first mosquitoes appeared - to the heat, the ice did not begin to descend - the fishermen did not see the spring catch.
  • April 4 is the day of Vasily Solnechny. They looked where the streams from the drops flowed - in that place they did not build a house. At dawn, the girls wondered about the sun, if it had a red halo, it would be a good harvest.
  • April 5 - Nikon's Day. The first spring thunder with the snow not yet descended - to a cold summer. If the waves on the river go against the current - wait for rain and weather worsening.
  • April 6 is the day of Yakov and Zakhar. Snow fell on this day - a good harvest of buckwheat. Warm night means spring will be fast and warm.
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  • April 7 - The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. A warm night - the whole month will be warm, a cold day - frosts will last for 7 more days. Raw day to mushroom summer.
  • April 8 is the day of Gabriel Blagovest. If the snow is still on the roofs, it will last for another 30 days. If bird cherry bloom, then potatoes can be planted.
  • April 9 is St. Matron's Day. Quarrel on this day was considered a bad sign - then you can not make peace. In the morning the chibis screams - to clear weather.
  • April 10 - Illarionov Day. Gather the mother-and-stepmother. A dense fog in the morning portends a good harvest of vegetables, fruits and cereals.
  • April 11 - St. Mark's Day. Heavy rain or rain on a good collection of oats this year, a lot of birch sap - to a rainy summer.
  • April 12 is the day of John Climacus. Domotova was in a rage and disgraceful, he was coaxed in every possible way. The bees flew out of the hives, so it will be warm.
  • April 13 - the day of Hypatia the Wonder-worker. Sunny day - to long heat, morning fog - to the rain, wind stopped - to frost, rain in the morning - to a wet summer.
  • April 14 - Maryin Day. Suddenly, ice came down - the last two weeks of the month will be warm.
  • April 15 is the day of St. Titus Ledolom. The river comes out of the banks - expect a good harvest of cereals and early mowing. April 16 is the day of Nikita. He wakes up and has a treat. Long thunder rolls - wait for bad weather in the coming days.
  • April 17 is the day of Osip. The cricket was singing, it means it's time to start fieldwork, the cranes arrived - to be warm.
  • April 18 - Fedulov day and Fedorov Vetrenitsa. Opened the windows wide open, drafts were made to expel the damp from the house. Warm windless day with a cool night - to warm weather in the near future.
  • April 19 - the day of Eutychia and Jeremiah. If this day is quiet and sunny - there will be a good harvest of spring crops.
  • April 20 is the day of Akulina. It was believed that if this day the frost is combined with the sun, there will be an excellent harvest of loaves.
  • April 21 - Rodionov's Day. A sunny day - the summer will be good, warm, and if it's cloudy or it rains on this day - it will rain all summer.
  • April 22 is the day of Vadim Klyuchnik. The weather is unstable-droughts are expected in the summer, and the heat on this day will turn slightly cold in the first days of May.
  • April 23 is the day of the Holy Martyrs of Leprosy and Pompey. A rainy day is a dry summer. There are young spiders, it means that soon it will be warm.
  • April 24 is the day of Antipas Polovoda. They wondered about the upcoming weather and the harvest, and sowing and planting works were not carried out on that day. If there is still ice on the river, the summer will be rainy and cold.
  • April 25 - the day of Basil the Monk and Basil of Paria. The willow has dissolved and the rest of the spring will be cool.
  • April 26 - Fomaidin day. She was blooming. The oak has blossomed - the summer will be warm, and if there are a lot of acorns left on it - autumn and winter will be early.
  • April 27 is St. Martin's Day. They arranged bridesmaids and went to get married. Wet and dirty - to a good plowed field.
  • April 28 is the day of the Apostles Aristarchus, Puda, Trofim. To work late is to bring disaster to the whole family. A clear day by evening was clouded by clouds - to the rapid weather and rain.
  • April 29 is the day of Irina. If the day is clear, warm and alder blossom, then buckwheat will please with its harvest.
  • April 30 is the day of Zosim Pchelnik. They sowed parsley and carrots. On what bread the bee sits - there is more grain crop and wait. On what plant or tree sit more bees - this will be the most productive this year.
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The name was given to April in ancient Russia, then it was called "berezozol", which meant evil for birches. At this time, they were engaged in harvesting birch sap, after which deep wounds remained on the birches. In some regions, this month was called "flower", since it was at this time that the first flowers blossomed.

  • About the weather
  • Signs for every day
  • Wedding in April

About the weather

Morning fog always means that you need to wait for clear sunny weather. People said that if in the evening the cumulus clouds did not disappear, then the weather would sharply deteriorate and it would rain.

In the morning it was cloudy weather, which cleared up for dinner, but by evening in the sky appeared clouds? The whole of tomorrow will be sunny weather.

The bird cherry blossomed in April - wait for the frost, and if the golden-yellow bells are blossoming, warm days will come soon.

The fog on the water in this spring month spreads - to clear weather, and upwards up - it will rain. And when the April rain begins with large drops, it will not last long. Are the sparrows sitting up? Soon it will rain.

Galky sit down on the tops of trees - it's to the heat, in the middle of the tree they hide - to the frost. If rooks scream, gather in groups and fuss over their nests, the weather must change. If the spring birds arrived in the second half of the month, then there will be no more cold.

South-west wind in April heralds a long storm, and if the larks long and often sing, clear weather without precipitation will remain for a week. However, if they are not heard in the mornings, soon it should rain.

Do you hear a froggy chorus throughout April night? The next day there is clear weather. When at the end of April a lot of cobwebs fly, then the summer will be sultry. It's hot in the daytime and cool in the night - good weather.

People's observations say that if during the first days of the month there was a thunderstorm, then the summer is expected to be warm and dry. If the first rain of April is accompanied by thunder, this year there will be good harvests of grain and berries.

The warm April nights portend a good harvest in autumn. Also, if at the end of the month a clear starry sky is often seen, the harvest is expected to be rich this year.

When April was rainy, in May there will be good shoots of crops sown. Also, April rains are signs that there will be a lot of mushrooms and nuts in the summer.

Read also national signs for June
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Signs for every day

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Wedding in April

April is an amazing month when togetherwith nature, human feelings awaken and boil. The wedding in April heralds difficulties in the first years of a joint life, but if the newlyweds manage to overcome everything and keep their relationship to each other, then a further life will be filled with happiness, stability and prosperity.

If you decided to get married on April 1, then you are all right with a sense of humor, because they say for a reason: "On April 1, marry - have fun all your life!".Such a holiday will be remembered for the rest of your life and not only for the newlyweds, but also for all the guests.

  • May 24, 2018
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