The best moisturizing oils for dry skin

  • Dry skin of the face: what to do?
  • Castor oil for dry skin
  • Olive oil for dry facial skin
  • Jojoba oil for dry skin
  • Essential oils for dry skin
  • Almond oil for dry skin
  • Coconut oil for dry skin
  • Peach oil for face
  • Grape oilbones for dry skin
  • Shea butter for dry skin
  • Linseed oil for dry skin

Dry facial skin provides no less inconveniences and unpleasant sensations than skin of fatty or combined type. Therefore, to assume that she does not need careful care is wrong. Thin and dry skin grows older and wrinkles faster, especially if you do not follow it properly. Facial treatment with a tendency to increased dryness includes the use of components that are capable of long-term retention of moisture in the cells. Good moisturizing properties are vegetable oils. The main thing is to learn how to use them correctly for cosmetic purposes.

Dry skin of the face: what to do?

Skin can be over-dried due to a variety of reasons. But the main factors include:

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  • - a violation of the sebaceous glands;
  • - diseases of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • - changes associated with age;
  • - deficiency of vitamins;
  • - long stay in direct sunlight;
  • - frequent peeling;
  • - washing with hot chlorinated water using soap.

Before you begin to fight with increased dryness of the skin of the face, you need to determine what caused it. This is the only way to get rid of it efficiently and quickly.

Rules for the care of dry skin

  1. Wash only in the evening. In the morning, it is undesirable to not deprive the skin of the protective barrier from the fat that accumulated on it during the night.
  2. Wash with water at room temperature, not hot.
  3. It is better if the water for washing will be filtered, settled or cooled after boiling.
  4. Use creams, lotions and tonics that have a moisturizing effect. Do this morning and evening.
  5. Apply moisturizing masks twice a week to face skin.
  6. Use special cosmetics for dry skin type, which does not contain alcohol and has no drying effect.

If you follow these simple tips, and even regularly use cosmetic oils for the face of , the skin will get enough moisture and again become beautiful and healthy.

Castor oil for dry skin

Unique in its useful properties, castor oil is produced from a poisonous plant - castor oil. However, when squeezed out, harmful substances are filtered out and remain in the cake, which makes it possible to get a really valuable product - a product that perfectly looks after both sensitive and dry and fading skin.

Useful efficiency of castor oil:

  • - nourishes the skin of the face;
  • - moisturizes it;
  • - cares for dry and fading skin;
  • - gives flabby skin firmness;
  • - smoothes the fine and makes not so noticeable deep wrinkles.

Since castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which often causes allergic reactions, it is not recommended to apply castor oil in its pure form with face care. For the sake of precaution, it is better to combine it with other useful components.

Nourishing mask with castor oil

Mix in a container 2 teaspoons of castor oil, 1 tsp raw mashed potatoes, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of fresh milk and 1 egg yolk. The mass is slightly warmed and applied in a warm form to the cleansed face. You can apply a thick layer on both the face and the décolleté area. It is better to carry out the procedure in a horizontal position. Wash off after 15 minutes with warm water.

Moisturizing lotion with castor oil

In 1 glass of calendula infusion, add 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Mix well the ingredients and wipe face skin daily with this lotion. To wash after the procedure is not necessary.

Olive oil for dry facial skin

Useful face oils , of course, include in their list and oil extracted from olives. This product is especially recommended for dry and wilting skin. Olive oil perfectly softens, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, keeping moisture for a long period of time. Pores are not clogged when using oil.

What else is remarkable about this product? Olive oil speeds up the regeneration of skin cells, and this contributes to its rejuvenation. The skin remains young, elastic and elastic for a long time. This is explained by the high content of vitamins A, B, D, E and K in the oil, monounsaturated fats and other useful elements. Regular application of olive oil prevents the appearance of wrinkles and smoothes those that have already arisen on the skin of the face.

Cosmetic practically never causes allergic reactions, therefore it can be safely applied even to sensitive skin.

Mask with olive oil for dry skin

For increased dryness of face skin, it is necessary to use masks from a mixture of olive oil and pulp of berries, fruits or vegetables. You just need to mix 1 tbsp.a spoonful of vegetable or fruit mass with 1 tbsp.spoon of olive oil. The mask should be applied to the face for approximately 20 minutes.

For dry skin, products such as banana, persimmon, melon, apricot, gooseberries, cranberries or black currants are perfect. You can also use a grated mass of raw vegetables: potatoes, radishes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, zucchini or bell peppers.

Softening face mask with olive oil

Thoroughly grind 1 tbsp.spoon of fatty cottage cheese with 2 tbsp.spoons of olive oil. These components can be replaced by 1 tbsp.a spoon of butter and 1 egg yolk. The resulting mass is applied to the face skin for 20 minutes. Wash with warm water.

Video of mask preparation for dry skin of a face made from olive oil

Jojoba oil for dry skin of the face

Jojoba oil can be used to care for any type of skin, but especially it shows its effectiveness on dry and flaky skin. It is shown to apply this oil and in case of loss of elasticity, wilt and flabbiness of the skin of the face. Clear signs of aging( wrinkles) are also an occasion for buying jojoba oil.

The oil itself has a fairly thick consistency - it will be convenient to use it in its pure form only in small areas of the skin. For example, if on the face in some places there was peeling, you need to lubricate these areas with jojoba oil several times a day.

To use the product for a full-fledged face care, you can use it instead of a cream for dry skin. In this case, it is better to dilute it with oils that have a lighter consistency, in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3.As an additional component, oil from grape seeds, peaches or apricots, as well as almond oil or rosehip oil, is suitable.

Winter mask with jojoba oil for face

Mix in one container the following ingredients: 1 tbsp.a spoonful of jojoba oil, 1 teaspoon of beeswax, 1 teaspoon of home-made sour cream, 7 drops of essential oil of lavender and 1 egg yolk. Make the mass uniform and apply a thick layer on the face skin for 20 minutes. It is desirable for this period of time to lie down and relax as much as possible. The rest of the mask can also be applied very thinly to the area around the eyes and massage her lips.

Essential oils for dry skin

Essential oils, like vegetable, are useful natural products that are widely used in cosmetology. Unlike vegetable oils, the former are almost never used in pure form, since they cause severe skin irritation. The exceptions are only those moments when the essential oil is applied undiluted to the problem areas of the skin( herpes, acne, acne, cuts, wounds, etc.).In all other cases, essential oils must be diluted with basic vegetable oils or added to a natural cream or home-made mask.

Cosmetologists do not recommend mixing essential oils with ready-made commercial creams. They explain this by the fact that essential oil, capable of penetrating into the deepest layers of the skin, can pull into the body and harmful substances that are part of the cream.
If after the application of the product, which includes essential oil, there was a slight reddening, do not worry - this is normal skin reaction. But if, in addition to redness, itchy or irritating trouble, it is best to stop the procedure. Perhaps the dosage of the oil has been exceeded or is simply not suitable for this type of skin.

When caring for dry skin, you can use the essential oils of such plants:

jasmine, roses, sandalwood, patchouli, blue chamomile and myrrh.

Mask with essential oils for dry skin

Use 10 ml of avocado oil and add a drop of essential oil of orange, 2 drops of sandal essential oil and 1 drop of essential oils of blue chamomile and rosewood. Stir well and apply to the skin. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Almond oil for dry skin of the face

The composition of oil from almonds includes a sufficiently large amount of vitamin A - this is why the product is often used for the preparation of cosmetics that have a strong moisturizing effect. For dry and fading skin, this remedy is simply irreplaceable, while it can be used for other types of facial skin.

Indications for use of almond oil:

  • - dry skin( normalized water-lipid balance of the skin);
  • - damage and microcracks( oil has restorative and wound healing properties);
  • - tired skin( recovery occurs after stress);
  • - acne( oil has anti-inflammatory effect);
  • - withered skin.

Nourishing mask with almond oil

Take 1 tbsp.a spoonful of cocoa powder and dilute it with warm milk - a homogeneous mass( average density) should be obtained. In the mixture add 2 teaspoons of oil from almonds and 1 teaspoon of honey. After stirring, apply to the skin of the face. Wait 20 minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water. The mask can also be used for the eye area, but in this case it should be washed off within 10 minutes after application.

Moisturizing mask with almond oil

Rub 1 tbsp.spoon of cottage cheese with kiwi pulp( in the same amount).Kiwi can be replaced with grapes, watermelon or an apple. Add 2 teaspoons of almond oil to the mass. Apply the mask to the face. When 20 minutes have passed, rinse with water at room temperature.

Coconut oil for dry skin

Coconut oil is refined and unrefined. For cosmetic purposes, both are used, but the more refined oil is considered more useful and valuable. It has a more transparent color and less pronounced aroma of coconut.

Oil extracted from coconuts is very useful, primarily due to its composition. The main percentage is lauric, myristic and many other saturated fatty acids. Thanks to these substances, the oil has a solid consistency. Despite this, it quickly absorbs into the skin. If you regularly use coconut oil for facial skin care, it will always be soft, smooth and velvety.

It's very easy to apply hard coconut oil. You just need to clamp a small piece of oil in your hand and wipe your skin. From contact with it, the oil will begin to melt and soak into the skin. Then it is necessary to distribute the product evenly over the whole face area, and remove the residues with a paper napkin.

Pure coconut oil cosmetologists recommend to use instead of a nutritious night cream. It can also be used as a protective agent for the skin of the face, that in the summer under the sun, that in winter with wind and frost.

Nourishing mask with coconut oil

Take 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and mix with 2 tbsp.spoons of rice flour. Then dilute the mixture to the density with freshly brewed green tea. Rinse the skin and apply a mask on it. Leave for 15 minutes. After rinse with lukewarm water.

Video masks for dry facial skin with coconut oil and honey

Peach facial oil

It's no exaggeration to say that peach oil can "revitalize" the skin of the face. If used regularly, it will prevent dehydration of skin cells, help smooth out fine wrinkles, maintain elasticity and elasticity of the skin. With long-term use of oil from peach bones helps to strengthen the vessels of the skin, which has a beneficial effect on its color and purification of the pores.

Useful properties of peach oil:

  • - nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin of the face;
  • - tightens the skin, makes it supple and elastic;
  • - smoothes not too deep wrinkles;
  • - eliminates peeling and increased dryness of the skin;
  • - improves the complexion;
  • - removes inflammation and irritation( suitable for sensitive skin).

Mask with peach oil for dry skin

Mash mashed peel half a ripe peach. Add to it 1 tbsp.spoon peach oil and 1 tbsp.a spoonful of moisturizer. Stir the ingredients thoroughly, then immediately apply to clean skin. With the help of warm water, wash off the mask after 15 minutes.

Moisturizing Peach Mask-Scrub

Grind several pieces of ripe peach, after removing the skin from it. Add in mashed potatoes 1 tbsp.a spoonful of bran and 1 tbsp.spoon of warm peach oil. Mix all the ingredients and apply a mask to the damp skin of the face. Within a minute gently massage the skin. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

Grape seed oil for dry skin of the face

With proper and regular application of grape seed oil, the facial skin becomes not only well hydrated, but also elastic, elastic and very tender. If you add grape oil to a cosmetic product, it will contribute to the normalization of the sebaceous glands and will prevent clogging of the pores. The face will radiate freshness and have a healthy appearance if you simultaneously apply cosmetics based on oil and eat a healthy product.

Grape seed oil has an easy texture, it can be used in pure undiluted form. And the application is allowed, both on the entire face, and in the area around the eyes. Under the eyes, the oil is applied in a thin layer.

Mask with grape seed oil

Mix in equal proportions jojoba oil and grape seed oil. Then add a couple drops of pink and lemon oils to the mixture. Heat the mixture until warm and apply to the skin with a cotton swab. On top of the face, apply a film, while the eye, nose and mouth areas should remain open. Cover yourself with a towel and leave the mask on the skin for 2 minutes. To wash off without soap, using only warm water.

Shea butter for dry skin

Shea butter is an excellent assistant for facial care with dry, sensitive or tired skin. This product is also suitable for the healing of the fading skin. Just a few applications of an effective tool can smooth out fine wrinkles, smooth out the tone of the face and make the skin velvety and supple.

Effect from the use of shea butter for the face:

  • - improvement and clarification of the color of the skin;
  • - giving the skin smoothness, texture smoothing and increased elasticity;
  • - elimination of small and reduction of deep wrinkles;
  • - acceleration of the process of skin regeneration, elimination of stiffness, flaking and redness of the skin;
  • - maintaining a normal level of skin hydration for 8 hours;
  • - effective protection of the skin from winter frosts and summer sunlight.

Nourishing cream with shea butter

In a water bath, melt 1 tbsp.a spoon of shea butter and 1 teaspoon of beeswax. Add in the mixture of 1 tbsp.a spoonful of grape seed oil. In a separate container, heat 1 tbsp.spoon of rose water( can be replaced with a decoction of chamomile).Ingredients mix and beat thoroughly with a mixer.

The container with the resulting mixture should be placed in cold water and continue whipping until the weight thickens. Then add 1 capsule of vitamin E, 2-3 drops of D-panthenol, 2 drops of benzyl alcohol and 2 drops of essential oils of chamomile and lavender. Put the cream into a glass jar. Keep in the refrigerator for 3 months. Linseed oil for dry skin

In the shortest time, using linseed oil, you can rid the skin of dryness and peeling. Oil from flax seeds has strengthening properties, which significantly increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, tightens the oval face and smoothes on it shallow wrinkles.

With linseed oil, you can simply lubricate your face to get a quick moisturizing, or you can use it as the base for cooking home cream. It is important to know that open linseed oil or the agent in which it is included can be stored for only 15-20 days. If the bottle of oil is not opened, the shelf life is significantly increased and is 1 year. Storage temperature - no more than 10 degrees. It is best to use a refrigerator for this.

Moisturizing mask with linseed oil

Add to 1 tbsp.a spoonful of yeast a little warm milk - when stirring, a medium density gruel should be formed. Then add 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil, 1 teaspoon of honey, 0.5 tbsp.spoons of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. A ready mask to impose on the face an abundant layer. After 15 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

Mask-scrub with linseed oil

Stir 1 tbsp.a spoonful of oat flakes or coffee grounds from 1 tbsp.spoon of linseed oil. Instead of flakes and thick, you can take small-nuts, both walnuts, and any others. Clean the face and apply a mask on the damp skin. Massage it with gentle movements, using fingertips, for 2 minutes. Leave the product on the face for another 15 minutes. Rinse off with water.

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  • May 24, 2018
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