Vascular telangiectasia. Telangiectasia in newborns. Treatment of telangiectasia

Teleangeectasia is a persistent extension of blood vessels. In themselves, "vascular asterisks" do not pose a threat to health, but their appearance may indicate the development of serious diseases or disorders in the work of organs and systems.

Contents of

  • Reasons for telangiectasias
  • Video: Vascular asterisks or telangiectasia of the cause of
  • What is the specialist for telangiectasia?
  • Ataxia telangiectasia Louis Bar
  • Hereditary telangiectasia. Hemorrhagic telangiectasia
  • Hepatic teleangiectasias
  • Lower leg extremity teleangiectasies: on the legs
  • Telangiectasis of the skin on the face
  • Telangiectasia in children and in newborns
  • Treatment of telangiectasia
  • Removal of telangiectasias
  • Video: How to treat vascular asterisks?

Teleangelectasia is a pathological increase in the size of subcutaneous vessels, which causes so-called "stars" to appear on the skin.

The color and size of these "stars" depends on which vessels are affected: with

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venous , telanegeectasia produces blue or violet spots, while with , the capillary and arterial are less noticeable red or dark pink.

In venous telanegectasia, purple "stars" are formed

Reasons for telangiectasias

The causes of telangiectasis formation may be congenital or acquired by .

Congenital causes of :

  • individual characteristic of the organism, propensity to telangiectasia
  • hereditary telangiectasia

Acquired causes :

  • hormonal disorders in the body
  • prolonged exposure to sunlight, radiation
  • skin injury
  • GI disease, liver
  • immunosuppression caused by infectious disease
  • abusealcohol, smoking
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • obesity

IMPORTANT: Teleangiectasia may be located as askin, and internal organs and mucous membranes.

Drinking alcohol can cause "spider veins"

Video: Vascular asterisks or telangiectasia reasons for the appearance of

Which specialist should I use for telangiectasia?

When telangiectasias appear, you must first contact the therapist. He will determine the condition of the vessels, identify the cause of the occurrence of "stars", prescribe the necessary tests and, if necessary, give directions to other specialists - dermatologist and surgeon.

IMPORTANT: After receiving the results of the tests, you can visit the vascular surgeon - phlebologist. He will select a suitable method for removing telangiectasias.

Vascular surgeon - phlebologist will conduct a detailed diagnosis of the disease

Ataxia telangiectasia Louis Bar

The Louis Bar syndrome is a rare hereditary severe disease that combines the pathologies of the nervous system, the defeat of immunity and skin defects. Patients rarely live up to 25 years. The appearance of skin telangiectasias can be one of the manifestations of this disease.

In most cases, the Louis-Bar syndrome manifests itself at the age of 5 months.up to 3,5 years. The first sign of the disease is ataxia - impaired movement, uneven gait, tremor of limbs and body, rocking his head. Somewhat later, multiple telangiectasias appear on the skin and mucous membranes of the patient.

IMPORTANT: Only a combination of telangiectasias with motor ataxia indicates the development of the Louis-Bar syndrome. The appearance of only "vascular asterisks" can not be regarded as a sign of illness.

Hereditary telangiectasia. Hemorrhagic telangiectasia

Hereditary telangiectasias are transmitted to children from one or both parents. Hereditary telangiectasia is a disease with pronounced symptoms, the totality of which is called hemorrhagic syndrome and manifests itself in:

  • frequent nasal bleeding
  • appearance of blood in the feces of
  • bloody vomiting

Often patients complain of general weakness, tinnitus, shortness of breath, heart pain and flashing"Flies" before the eyes.

IMPORTANT: Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia occurs more severely if she is transmitted from both parents. Patients with this form of telangiectasia should beware of increased blood pressure, accidental mechanical damage to skin areas with "stars", lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body.

Frequent nasal bleeding may be one of the symptoms of hereditary telangegectasia

Hepatic telangiectasias

The so-called hepatic telangiectasias that appear on the palms in the form of small, thin "stars" indicate a violation of the liver.

They are usually located in the area of ​​the thumb and little finger. Palms in places of accumulation of telangiectasias acquire an unnatural dark pink or bluish color.

IMPORTANT: Recognize cirrhosis of the liver by bleeding telangiectasia on the face - near the eyes and nose.

"Hepatic" palms have unnatural color

Teleangiectasia of the lower extremities: on the legs

The appearance of vascular asterisks on the legs can be facilitated by:

  • large load on the legs( sport, dance, long walking)
  • frequent temperature changes in the localization of telangiectasias
  • wearing shoes at highheels

IMPORTANT: Most often, telangiectasia of the lower extremities appears in people suffering from varicose veins. This is due to the inability of the affected veins to pass the entire volume of blood. There is an outflow in all possible directions. Small vessels can not withstand pressure, burst and form "stars" on the skin.

Telangiectasia of the lower extremities

Telangiectasia of the skin on the face

No one is insured against the appearance of telangiectasia on the face skin. The impact of adverse factors such as wind, heat or frost, vitamin deficiency, alcohol consumption, medication intake, malnutrition - all contribute to the thinning of the walls of the vessels and the appearance on the skin of the face of a couperose http: // kuperoz-kozhi-kapillyary-na-lice-lechenie-kuperoza.

To prevent the appearance of telangiectasia on the face, you need to eat right, exclude alcohol, take vitamins and protect the skin with nourishing creams.

IMPORTANT: People over the age of 27 with dry, delicate, sensitive skin automatically fall into the risk zone. They should pay special attention to the prevention of telangiectasia.

Telanegektasia on the face

Teleangiectasia in children and in newborns

Quite often children are born with telangiectasias on the face and body. This phenomenon does not at all indicate the presence of any diseases in the child, but it requires consultation of the surgeon and further observation.

IMPORTANT: Teleangiectasies on the face of a newborn can occur due to great physical exertion in the process of delivery. After a while, reddening pale, and then disappear.

Treatment of telangiectasia

It is rather difficult to cure the emergence of telangiectasia with medication. For this purpose, special ointments are used that strengthen the walls of the vessels - ventonics. However, even their long use is not always effective.

IMPORTANT: "Asterisks" may disappear by themselves if the cause that caused their occurrence is eliminated.

The treatment of telangiectasia consists in the use of inflatons

Removal of telangiectasias

There are several ways to remove telangiectasia:

  • sclerotherapy is the most popular and safe method. Its meaning is to exclude damaged vessels by blocking them with a sclerosant - a special substance. The drug is injected with a needle into the damaged vessels, after having squeezed the problem site. The procedure time is 30 to 60 minutes
  • ozonotherapy - a way to block vascular asterisks by inserting into ozone vessels that can quickly destroy
  • cells Laser therapy is a somewhat painful procedure for heating damaged vessels with a laser beam. In places of action of the laser, temporary puffiness is possible. After the procedure, you should avoid the sunlight
  • electrocoagulation - removal of damaged vessels by electric current. The time of the procedure is minimal. A significant drawback of this method is the possibility of the appearance of scars and scars
To cleanse the face of telangiectasias, the

laser is usually used. Those who once felt on their bodies the presence of telangiectasies, it is necessary to try to change their way of life: to avoid frost and overheating, to give up alcohol and smoking, limit physical activity.

Video: How to treat vascular asterisks?

  • May 24, 2018
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