What if the garlic turns yellow?

  • Why is garlic yellow in the spring?
  • How does garlic turn yellow? What should I do?

Garlic is present in the daily diet of many people. This product has many advantages. In its composition, there are trace elements, vitamin C, E, essential oil and phytoncides, which suppress and eliminate pathogenic microbes.

Garlic activates the metabolism, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and other diseases. Therefore, most truck farmers plant garlic, care for which is minimal. But this non-selective culture can turn yellow. Why? There are several explanations for this.

Why does garlic turn yellow in the spring?

If garlic turns yellow in the spring, then this is a confirmation of the violation of agricultural technology. As a result, the crop ceases to grow and rotting of the set teeth occurs.

Why garlic turns yellow, main reasons:

  1. Lack or excess moisture.
  2. Lack of nutrients.
  3. Unsuitable primer.
  4. Negative effect of low temperature on the plant in winter.
  5. Diseases and pests.
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To prevent garlic from from such problems, it is necessary to carry out all the agrotechnical measures in time and correctly:

  • The soil should be neutral, as winter garlic turns yellow because of its excessive sensitivity to too acidic soil or the ground in which there is not enough nitrogen.
To reduce acidity, the soil must be limed before planting or the ash should be applied in a ratio of one glass to 10 liters of water.
  • If the garlic turns yellow due to a lack of nitrogen, then in the spring, add urea and other nitrogenous fertilizers.

Why yellow garlic, how to fertilize it:

  • Loosen the soil to adhere to the optimal air-gas regime. After all, the plant can not breathe if you allow the formation of a dense crust on the surface of the garden with garlic plantings.
  • Winter grains often turn yellow in the spring due to watering.
In early spring, you can do without replenishing the soil with water, because it is already wet due to the snow that has descended.

But monitor the situation so that the soil does not dry out. Watering is recommended to begin in June. And choose the regime of watering will help not the general recommendations, but an individual approach, taking into account the specific conditions of growing garlic.

Winter garlic is not suitable for fresh manure, because it is a provoker of diseases.

Create favorable conditions for the plant, as in the absence of them, the tips of the leaves of garlic turn yellow.

Yellow leaves in garlic and due to pests and diseases

Among them the most common:

  • False mildew. A disease that affects plants that is grown under conditions of relatively high air temperature and high humidity. It appears pale green, diffuse spots on the leaves. Then they form a grayish coating, after which the leaves turn yellow and die. From infected leaves, the infection enters the head, where it remains to winter before the arrival of spring.
Before storing garlic, preheat it. Similar actions are necessary before landing.
  • Black mold. A dangerous fungal disease that occurs due to a violation of the temperature regime. Most often this problem happens with garlic and such kinds of onions as samples and sekok. Mold covers the upper layers of the scales. The bulbs soften, a black and dusty mass appears between the scales. The poorly dried and non-ripe garlic is especially affected by black mold.
  • Fusarium. This fungal disease develops because of excess moisture, if the air temperature and soil density exceed the norm, and the plant receives less nutrition. The first signs become noticeable during maturation. The leaves of the plant turn yellow and quickly die, starting from the top. In the zone of the bottom a pink, white or yellow coating is visible. Affected tissues dry up and eventually mummify. The disease spreads quickly. Onion fly. This pest infects the leaves of garlic. Therefore, before planting, the plant is disinfected in water at a temperature of 40 degrees for 2 hours.
  • The stem nematode. A similar worm-worm can live long in the soil and lay eggs inside the plant. For prevention, it will not hurt to grow perennial herbs on the plot.
  • Other diseases: penicillosis( green mold), white rot, yellow dwarfism, mosaic.

How does garlic turn yellow? What should I do?

You will save your garlic crop if you take the following measures:

  • feed with complex fertilizer;
  • add potassium sulfate to the soil;
  • pour a bed of garlic with a solution of table salt, a special remedy for pests or a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • wet and dense soil must be carefully loosened in the aisles.

Only a comprehensive analysis of all possible causes of yellowing of garlic will help to effectively cope with the problem. And to avoid it the next year, well prepare the planting material, soil and observe the rules of crop rotation and agrotechnics.

How to properly plant winter garlic, prevention of diseases of garlic:


Why yellowing CHEZNOK.Sovety.
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garlic turns yellow
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