The household soap has long been used successfully for medicinal purposes. Probably, such a tool is in the arsenal of each hostess, and she uses it not only for the direct purpose( wiping things up), but also for cosmetic and hygienic purposes.
- How to choose a laundry soap?
- Which soap is better than 65 or 72?
- Does household soap help acne?
- Soap for acne: the mask with salt and soda
- Soap of blackheads:
- masks Soap for facial wrinkles:
- masks Soap from papillomas and warts: Treatment
- Soap from papilloma:
- reviews How to wash head soap?
- Does laundry soap help against dandruff and how to apply it?
- Soap against hair loss and hair growth
- Laundry soap from lice
- Shampoo from laundry soap with own hands
- Laundry soap for washing hair from hair
- Hair clarification with soap
- Soap from bruises
- Soap for feet soothing from feet
- Laundry soap from stretch marks
- Household soap from sunburn
- Household soap: Tips and reviews
- Video. This is an amazing HOUSEHOLD SOAP( Irina Sokovy)
The healing properties of this remedy are known from ancient times. The English word soap comes from the name of Mount Sapo in Ancient Rome. On this mountain, sacrifices were made to the gods. Animal fat was accumulated during the burning of the victims. He mixed with the ashes of the bonfires and got into the waters of the Tiber River. After the next sacrifice, many inhabitants of Rome and nearby settlements arranged a large wash in the waters of this river. After all, the water of the Tiber at this time "magically" washed away all the pollution.
But, the Romans were not the first to recognize the "recipe" of a unique soap. Archaeologists have found evidence that such soaps were used by Egyptians and Sumerians. In Russia in the XVII century soap was also highly valued as salt.
The modern history of household soap is connected with the name of the French chemist Michel Chevrel. He was able to deduce the optimal composition of this remedy. Its basis was the sodium salt of a fatty carboxylic acid.
How to choose a laundry soap?
Today, there are many recipes and methods of manufacturing laundry soap. Traditionally, this remedy is produced by splitting fats. With a direct cooking method, you can get soap not more than 60% fat. For 72% of household soaps, a more complex method of production is used, with the inclusion of curettage using table salt. With this method of making soap, the raw material is divided into a flicker and a "soap" soap. It goes to the production of soap 72% fat.
. The more homogeneous and denser the piece, the better the soap will foam. So it can be used for cosmetic purposes.
Today in household chemistry stores you can buy not only solid household soap, but also liquid, flavored, bactericidal and containing abrasive additives. Some manufacturers include glycerol in the composition of such a product. This soap is suitable for dry skin, but if you have a fat skin, it is better to buy soap without this additive.
72"> Which soap is better than 65 or 72?
As already mentioned above, the percentage of fats to the total mass is indicated on the very bar of soap or on its packaging. In our country, laundry soap is available in three types:
- 65%
- 70%
- 72%
Soap containing the maximum amount of fat helps to cope better with microbes and bacteria, and is also more suitable for cosmetic purposes.
Does household soap help acne?
Poor environmental protection negatively affects the skin condition. Because of this, the problem of the appearance of acne is important not only for adolescents, but also for representatives of the older generation. Cosmetologists believe that this problem is associated with the malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands. This can manifest due to hormonal failures, disruptions in the work of the endocrine and digestive system, as well as improper skin care.
With the last factor will help to cope with laundry soap. Disease-causing bacteria that develop on the skin and can cause acne are easily removed using the described agent. But, you can use this soap only for oily skin.
If you wash with soap and soap for people with dry skin, this remedy may adversely affect the upper protective layer of the epidermis. That will increase dryness and without that a dry skin. For representatives of normal facial skin after its treatment with soap, you need to use a moisturizer.
Well helps to get rid of individual rashes mask from laundry soap. It should be applied only to the place of appearance of the pimple. To make such a tool, it is necessary to moisten the soap bar in water and carefully spread the soap over the place of such skin damage.
IMPORTANT: Household soap can sometimes cause allergic reactions to the skin. Therefore, immediately after applying a soap solution, you need to monitor the condition of the skin. If redness or itching appears, you should immediately wash your face and use an antihistamine.
If allergic reactions are not detected, then you can take advantage of a stronger means of acne. To do this, take soap foam and table salt, mix and apply to the problem skin. Such a mask is washed off after 20-30 minutes after application. When washing this product, use alternating warm and cold water. This will enhance the effect of this mask.
Use this mask is important at least 2 times a week. With regular use, you can achieve a more even structure of the skin and a rejuvenating effect.
Acne soap: masks with salt and soda
Below is one that can be used for a small stage of acne. It includes soda and salt. They have the effect of peeling, which can aggravate the problem in severe acne.
- Mix soda and salt in equal proportions
- Face moisturize with foamed laundry soap
- Sprinkle with salt and soda on top and massage the skin easily
- Wash the mask with cool water 10 minutes after applying
. Also, the mask can be prepared by grinding the laundry soap and water with waterits consistency to gel. After that, it is necessary to add salt and soda to the product and apply a smooth layer on the face.
Household soap from black dots:
masks Black dots( comedones) appear on the face due to clogging of sebaceous glands with fat deposits, dust and dead cells. Most often, such points are localized on the nose and chin. As in the case of acne, the causative agents of this problem may be disruptions in the body and improper care. The best way to cope with the black points will help with the effects of peeling.
- Grate a small piece of laundry soap
- Use warm water to beat the foam
- You need to add a little salt of
- to the foam. This remedy needs to be rubbed into the skin at the locations of the black points.
With this mask, you can not only clean the skin of comedones,but also give it a more healthy appearance.
Unlike the previous recipe, in this face mask the foam is beaten with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Suitable chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort or calendula.
A ready-made mask should be applied to the face and washed off after 10 minutes.
In order to get rid of black spots, it is necessary to use such masks on the basis of laundry soap 2 times a week.
Facial soap for wrinkles: mask
The appearance of wrinkles is a factor indicating the withering of the skin. You can extend youth by various means. If you do not want to spend large sums on expensive care products, then try a mask based on laundry soap. The truth is to know that such a remedy is not suitable for dry skin.
- Mix egg whites( 2 pcs.), Honey( 2 teaspoons) and chopped oatmeal( 2 tablespoons)
- Soak the mass with a soap solution
- Add peach oil( 1/2 tsp) and mix
- Apply mask to face for 20 minutes and rinse off with warm and then cool water
- In warm water( 50 ml) dissolve the ground soap( 1 tablespoon)
- The resulting massadd the juice of onions( 1 tablespoon)
- Asc we put on the face for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water
- Then the face needs to be wiped with ice cubes from decoctions of healing herbs
Household soap from papilloma and warts: treatment with
Thanks to the fact that laundry soap can create a dense layer on warts and papillomas it can be successfullyapply to get rid of these benign neoplasms. Soap application is applied on the site of warts before bedtime for four weeks.
With this treatment, neoplasms disappear, and the place of their appearance is smoothed. Applications are best done before bedtime. It is necessary to ensure that such a warming compress is kept in place of the formation of a wart or papilloma throughout the night.IMPORTANT: With such treatment, you need to make sure that such neoplasms are benign.
For the removal of papillomas, it is better to use a 65% soap. A product with a high content of fatty acids can negatively affect the protective layer of the skin around the neoplasm. On a healthy skin, you may even get a chemical burn.
Household soap from papilloma: reviews
Christina. I have long heard that soap can be used to treat papillomas. But, I always thought that this recipe for folk medicine is not very effective. Until I tried it on myself. I had a few papillomas on my arm. Just remembered about the laundry soap. She began to do the appliqués and after 5 days the papillomas began to dry up and fell away.
Oleg. My wife noticed a few warts on my back. We sin on the sea. We went to rest, there were no such warts before the holidays. I began to look for a way to get rid of these warts on the Internet and immediately came across a recipe using soap. The skin on my back is very oily, but even with it the soap coped. A week later I forgot about warts.
How to wash your hair with soap?
To do this, prepare a solution based on this product. For its preparation, the soap is rubbed on a grater and mixed with water. This "shampoo" should be used for washing hair once a week. It is believed that after a mortar from the laundry soap, the hair is kept fresh and clean longer than when traditional means are used for this purpose.
Does laundry soap help against dandruff and how to apply it?
The composition of laundry soap includes fatty acids( laurin, palmitin and stearin), which nourish the scalp. And if the problem of the appearance of dandruff is associated with the missing food( unfortunately, this is not always the case), then the described tool can help.
- Rub on a coarse grater 2/3 of the soap bar
- The resulting chips should be mixed with warm water
- Apply it to your hair and massage into the skin
- In warm water mix the vinegar( 2 tablespoons per liter) and wash the soap solution from the head
If severalthe use of such a drug has not been beneficial, then perhaps you have dandruff caused by internal problems of the body.
Soap against hair loss and hair growth
You can use this tool to prevent hair loss. Such a problem can be caused by various factors. And with some of them you can fight with soap. With it, you can reduce hair loss and make friends and loved ones happy with their hair.
In order for the laundry soap to help for a while, give up shampoos and other used products for washing and hair restoration.
In principle, in order to prevent hair loss, you can use the above method. With soap shavings, you need to make a soapy solution, apply it on your hair and wash it off with water in which the vinegar is diluted.
To enhance the effect, you can use a mask of castor oil. It should be applied to the hair before using soap.
Wash hair with soap and while protecting them from falling out, you can as they are contaminated. Duration of treatment is 15 days.
If you want to achieve this effect, then use the same method described above. You can even prepare a soapy solution for several uses and pour it into a shampoo bottle.
This means you need to wash your hair 2-3 times a week. After that, the hair should be washed with broths of nettle, burdock, St. John's wort or mother-and-stepmother.
- Make decoction of nettle and chamomile flowers( 80 ml)
- We dilute soap solution in it to the required consistency
- Add mustard powder( 30 g) and mix
With this shampoo, you can strengthen the roots and stimulate growthhair.
Household soap from lice
Lice are parasites that live in the skin of living beings. From their bites wounds are formed, which have a very long time to heal. To carry out disinfection and to strengthen the regeneration of tissues in the places of such skin lesions it is possible with the help of household soap. In addition to the main action, with the help of a soap solution, you can get rid of the perpetrators of this problem.
IMPORTANT: Of course, one can not limit one's soap when dealing with lice. It is also necessary to use special lotions and creams for this purpose. And it is desirable to coordinate such treatment with a specialist.
To remove lice, wash your hair with soap a few times a week. Since such a tool is able to dry the scalp, it is not worth using. Soap solution should be applied to the head and left for 15 minutes. After that, you need to rinse your hair and comb out the parasites with a comb with rare denticles.
Household soap works well with lice. But even more effect can be achieved with tar soap. Birch tar, strengthened with soap alkali, is a powerful remedy for various parasites. Including lice.
Shampoo from the laundry soap with your own hands
To prepare shampoo from household soap, you need to rub the bar through a fine grater and dilute with water. Consistency is selected by eye. Make the liquid so that you feel comfortable washing your hair.
To improve the quality of this shampoo, you can add olive oil. For 200 g of washing liquid, add 18 g of oil.
Mix the ingredients best with a wooden spoon. After that, this means for washing your head should be poured over vials and sent to a cool place.
Based on a soap solution, you can prepare shampoo for a different type of hair. Olive oil is suitable for all types of hair. The same effect has oil from the bones of grapes.
For dry hair, castor oil or linseed oil should be added to the above recipe for shampoo.
You can add also essential oils to shampoo. Their choice is also determined by the type of hair. For normal hair, tea tree oil or bergamot is suitable. For dry ringlets - orange or geranium. Oily hair is most easily washed with shampoo with mint or rosemary.
SHRINK- Nettles( 40 g) are placed in a container and filled with boiling water.
- Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
- On a small grater, rub the laundry soap( 55 g) and dilute it with hot water( 180 ml).
- Add the vegetable solution( 10d) and ethereal oil( 15 g) suitable for your hair.
- . We pour the nettle broth into the shampoo( 50 ml) and mix the ingredients.
- . We pour into the vial and use it
. This shampoo can be stored for no more than 10 days. Then its properties are lost.
Laundry soap to wash paint from hair
With the help of laundry soap, it is possible to wash off the pigment from hair. In this case, such a tool does not injure the hair in the same way as it does in a similar process in beauty salons. Just a few applications of such soap and hair will have a natural color.
In order to wash off the paint from the hair, it is necessary to wash the hair with usual shampoo, and then apply a solution of laundry soap to them. It should be held for about 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. In order to obtain a natural hair color, usually there are enough 3-4 such procedures.
If you use more resistant paint, then before using the laundry soap hair will have to be treated with a weak solution of vinegar.
Hair lightening with soap
But, since this product is natural, the structure of the hair will not suffer from its application. In order to lighten the hair for 1-2 tones, rinse them with shampoo and apply soap foam. She should stay on her hair for about 5 minutes. After which it can be washed off.
Lightening hair with the help of laundry soap is exactly the same as the washing of paint. Only in this case foam should be kept less. To enhance the effect after washing off the soap solution, the hair can be washed with a decoction of chamomile.
Economic soap from bruises
Bruises can be formed and with a small bruise. If the bruise appears in the places hidden by clothes, then it's not so scary. But, if the blue skin is visible to others, this can lead to unpleasant consequences.
For greater effect with bruises you need to fight even before they appeared. Very good after the injury helps the ice. But, what if the darkening of the skin has already begun to manifest itself?
In this case, laundry soap can help. For this, a soap solution is made in which the wipes are wetted. Such napkins should be applied to the place of injury and wrapped in bandages.
To eliminate the effects of bruises, you can prepare an ointment based on laundry soap. To do this, add egg yolk to the soap solution. Ingredients should be mixed to a uniform consistency and applied to the skin in the manner described above.
Household soap from sweating of feet
With the help of sweat our body struggles with overheating. Increased sweating can indicate some diseases. But, if the hyperhidrosis manifests itself locally, then this problem is the most dangerous.
In order to cope with the sweating of feet will help laundry soap. Unpleasant odor with sweating is often associated with the life of bacteria that multiply on the skin. Sweat creates an optimal habitat for them. And since the laundry soap has bactericidal properties, it can protect the body from their activities. And at the same time and with a smell of sweat to consult.
Household as well as tar soap is used to prevent sweating. For this purpose, the feet need to be washed with a soap solution of these products 2-3 times a day.
Laundry soap from stretch marks
They can change colors and make their appearance uncomfortable. Most stretch marks appear with severe deformation of the skin( pregnancy, rapid growth of muscle mass, etc.).Unfortunately, it is easier to prevent such a problem than to try to correct it later. To prevent stretch marks, it is necessary to moisturize the skin daily in potential places of their appearance.
If they have already appeared, then you can try to lighten them with the help of laundry soap. To do this, you need to prepare a soapy solution and add egg yolk to it. This means you need to soak gauze and fix it in the place where the stretch marks appear.
Household soap from sunburn
You can use household soap for burns caused by various factors: thermal, chemical and solar. Acidic reactions occur in places of such skin lesions. Neutralize the acid will help alkali from the laundry soap.
If the skin is red in the burn, but the blister has not yet appeared, moisten the bar with water and apply to the affected area. Hold until the soap dries and oil this place with a little honey.
If blisters have already appeared on the skin and she began to peel off, prepare a liquid soap solution. Water this solution with a burn and wait for the arrival of specialists.
Household soap: Tips and feedback
Cyril. My father-in-law with the help of household soap fights against hemorrhoids. I do not know how he does it, but he says he helps.
Lisa. I always, when I come home, I wash the nasal sinuses with a soap solution. Household soap has bactericidal properties and removes viruses and bacteria. Friends say that I rarely get sick. Probably, soap helps.
Video. This is an amazing HOUSEHOLD SOAP( Irina Sokovy)