How to become pregnant the first time as a boy, a girl? How to get pregnant the first time: folk methods

Ways to get pregnant with the first time a girl, boy, twins.

Content of

  • How to get pregnant the first time?
  • How to get pregnant the first time after a period?
  • How to get pregnant with the first time poses
  • How to get pregnant with a boy from the first time?
  • How to get pregnant with a girl the first time
  • How to get pregnant with twins from the first time
  • How to get pregnant with the first time folk methods?
  • VIDEO: How to get pregnant the first time?

Children are the greatest happiness, this is how mothers feel. If you only dream of becoming a mother, then you need to try to make minimum efforts to get pregnant.

How to get pregnant the first time?

Not all women manage to get pregnant the first time, as statistics show, such pairs are only 10%.The remaining couples learn that they will become parents within a year after the cessation of protection. If you are not ready to wait for 12 months, you need to learn a few rules that will help you get pregnant the first time.

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Ways to conceive a child for the first time:

  • To determine the day of onset of ovulation .This can be done by measuring basal temperature or tests. There is also a method for evaluating cervical mucus. It is necessary 1 day before ovulation to make love with your partner. After sex, lie down with your feet on the wall. So, all the sperm will drain to the cervix
  • Stabilize the weight. Women who are overweight or people who constantly lose weight, are unlikely to be able to conceive a baby from the first time. Diets and excess weight adversely affect the amount of hormones. Often, women on the diet observed anovulatory cycles in which the egg does not ripen
  • Refuse bad habits of .It is necessary to quit smoking and minimize the intake of alcohol
  • Abstain from sexual intercourse three days before ovulation. Warn the husband, you can not masturbate, as the amount of seminal fluid decreases and its composition changes
  • Limit physical activity to .Try to give up heavy training in the gym. Replace them with jogging or dancing
how to get pregnant the first time

How to get pregnant the first time after the menstrual period?

  • Immediately after the menstruation will not get pregnant. This is the period of non-pregnancy. The egg ripens only to the middle of the cycle. Immediately after menstruation, a lot of estrogen is released into the blood, because of which the endometrium thickens. Near the end of the monthly period, FSG
  • enters the bloodstream. This is a hormone that causes the growth of the follicle from which the egg will emerge. Only on the 12-16th day in the blood there is a burst of LH, which starts the process of destruction of the vial with the dominant follicle
  • . After this burst of follicles within 24 hours bursts and the egg leaves it. This process is called ovulation. It occurs on the 12-16 day of the cycle, depending on its duration
  • Accordingly, in the first days after menstruation, trying to conceive a baby is useless. Try to conceive the child closer to the middle of the cycle. Just determine the approaching ovulation by the nature of the secretions. Shortly before the rupture of the follicle, the mucus becomes transparent and viscous

Remember, the egg is only capable of fertilization within 24-36 hours after its release from the follicle.

How to get pregnant the first time after a monthly

How to get pregnant with the first time poses

Many women believe that in order to get pregnant the first time, you need to pick the right posture. This is partly true, you just need to know about your physiological characteristics. At 20% of women there is a bend of a uterus - an improper arrangement in a small basin.

In this case, the uterus can be tilted back, to the right or forward. If the pathology is expressed, the chances of getting pregnant from the first are small. To increase the chances you need to know in what position to have sexual intercourse.

Poses for conception with bends of the uterus:

  • Behind the .The best position is "Missionary".It is best during sex to put a pillow under your buttocks or throw your legs on your partner's shoulders. In this case, the contact of the penis and cervix will be maximum
  • Right or left .After sexual intercourse, lie on the right side, if the bend to the right or vice versa, if the bend to the left. It is best to have sex on your side. This position is called "Spoon in a spoon."At the same time, the woman lies on her side in the embryo position, her knees are pinched. The man enters as deep as possible, repeating the pose of the partner
  • Ahead of the .In this case, the "Doggy style" pose, better to say, on all fours, can be considered the best. High chances to become pregnant, having sex on the stomach. At the same time, under the thighs, it is worth putting a pillow on, so that the butt is slightly raised. The legs of a woman are straight, the man comes in from behind
Poses for conception when bending the uterus

How to get pregnant with a boy from the first time?

Scientists have proven that many factors influence the ability to become pregnant with a boy or girl. You can try to sit on a special diet. If you want to conceive a boy, eat more protein foods and cottage cheese.

These are not simple inventions, but a scientific fact. The acidity of cervical mucus affects the nutrition of women, while male chromosomes live well in alkaline environment, and female in acidic. Accordingly, eating protein products, you will make cervical mucus more alkaline, ideal for the survival of male chromosomes.

When to have sex to become pregnant with a boy:

  • Spermatozoa with a U-chromosome do not live long and are quickly destroyed, but they are very mobile
  • To conceive a boy, have sex before the day before ovulation and on the day of rupture of the follicle. Buy an ovulation test and if you find a jump in LH, have sex with your loved one
  • Do not make love 4 days
How to get pregnant with a boy the first time

How to get pregnant with a girl the first time

If you want a girl, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. This increases the acidity of the vagina. In such an environment, male chromosomes quickly die, respectively, there will remain spermatozoa, which contain two XX chromosomes, that is, the DNA of a girl.

The time when having sex to get pregnant with a girl:

  • Here you have to try. It is necessary to keep track of your ovulation within three cycles. So, you will know exactly what day the follicle
  • will explode. 3-5 days before supposed ovulation, make love
  • It's best to have sex 5 days before ovulation, and then after a day
  • Before ovulation and the day after that, have sexit is impossible to be engaged
  • Spermatozoa carrying female chromosomes are slow, but very tenacious. They live up to 5 days, while men only 2 days
How to get pregnant with a girl the first time

How to get pregnant with twins from the first time

To get pregnant with twins, it is necessary that at the time of conception in the fallopian tube there were two eggs or after fertilization the zygote splitin two parts. To influence the division of cells, the doctors have not yet learned, but to make it so that two ovules are formed is quite real.

How to get pregnant with twins:

  • It's better to plan pregnancy in the spring
  • Have sex right after canceling oral contraceptives
  • Get a little better
  • Take special hormones

This method is used by gynecologists when a woman plans IVF.Future mothers are given drugs that stimulate the maturation of the egg in several follicles. That is, in one cycle, you can get 5-8 eggs.

Do not take hormones yourself, you can do harm to your health.

How to get pregnant with twins from the first time

How to get pregnant with the first time folk methods?

There are many folk methods that will help you get pregnant quickly. But do not forget about proper nutrition, proper rest, intake of vitamins. You can buy special vitamins for pregnant women.

Traditional Medicine Recipes to Get Pregnant:

  • Boreal horn .It is a herb that is a phytohormone. It makes the months less painful and profuse. It is necessary to pour a spoonful of dry raw material with a glass of boiling water and simmer for 2 minutes. After that, the broth should be filtered and drunk to 25 ml 4 times a day
  • Salvia .Pour a spoonful of raw material with 200 ml of water and boil for 1 minute, cool the broth and take 50 ml three times a day. During menstruation can not be accepted. If pregnancy does not occur, take a break and repeat the treatment in a month
  • Vitamin E . Tocopherol helps strengthen muscle tissue, and the uterus is a muscle. Vitamin E helps to improve the endometrium. Take up to 2 months before pregnancy. Gynecologists recommend taking tocopherol in the first months of pregnancy to avoid miscarriages
  • Decoction of plantain .It is necessary to drink it not to the woman, but to the man. This drug makes the sperm more mobile. To prepare a decoction of 30 g of dry herbs pour boiling water and cover in a thermos for 40 minutes. Strain and let's drink to her husband 50 ml three times a day
folk methods get pregnant the first time

All these methods will help to get pregnant under the condition of a healthy body of women and men. If pregnancy does not occur within 12 months after the abolition of contraceptives, consult a doctor.

VIDEO: How to get pregnant the first time?

  • May 24, 2018
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