Glycine - instructions for use

Article will tell about the preparation "Glycine".About the simplest amino acid, which has a soothing effect.


  • "Glycine" instruction manual
  • "Glycine" indications for use
  • "Glycine" contraindications
  • "Glycine" for children
  • "Glycine" side effect
  • "Glycine" dosage
  • "Glycine" interaction with other drugs
  • Analogs
  • "Glycine »reviews
  • Video: Amino acid glycine. Real effects. Sedation

"Glycine" instructions for use

Glycine is a substitute for a simple amino acid aliphatic series. Normally, it is produced in every healthy human body. When ingested, the amino acid is absorbed into the bloodstream and enters the liver, where it is subsequently used to build the necessary protein structures.

"Glycine" instructions for use

When applying the drug under the tongue, glycine passes the phase of the passage of the intestine and flows directly to the brain with the blood stream. Getting to brain structures, glycine acts as as a neurotransmitter of

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, acting on brain receptors. Under the influence of amino acids, the brain begins to produce less excitatory mediators, and increases the production of GABA, which has the effect of inhibition.

"Glycine" effect on the body
  • Glycine has emotional and mental tension, reduces conflict and aggressive mood, helps to increase the adaptive activity in society. Also, glycine helps to normalize sleep and makes it easier to fall asleep.
  • Amino acid improves mood and activates brain activity, increasing efficiency. People suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, helps to normalize the cardiovascular system
  • Glycine helps to reduce the manifestations of cerebral disorders in ischemic stroke or with CCT.It also reduces the toxic effects of alcohol on the brain and other agents detrimental to the CNS

"Glycine" indications for use of

Indications for the use of this amino acid are derived from the effects listed above.

These indications are:

• Emotional and mental tension during stress situations
• Decreased mental performance
Hyperactive behavior of adolescents
• History of ischemic brain damage
• Nervous system disorders associated with increased excitability, nervousness , disorder of vegetative-vascular system

It should be understood that the effectiveness of the drug manifests itself not one-timebut acts on the accumulation trailer.

"Glycine" contraindications

There are no specific contraindications to taking the amino acid under discussion. Since glycine is an substance that is normally present in the human body, the drug is well tolerated and is not contraindicated not in the age categories, not the pregnant ones.

The only restriction on the intake of glycine is the poor tolerance of the drug to humans.

"Glycine" for children

"Glycine" for children

Glycine is one of not many drugs that is not contraindicated for use in childhood and not can cause any side effects in the child, provided there is no individual intolerance.

This is not a pharmaceutically-synthesized preparation and is not a soothing plant origin, and is a naturally-reproducible amino acid in the body.

"Glycine" side effect of

  • Plus of this proposed remedy is the absence of bright and pronounced side effects
    The manifestation of these can be observed only if allergic reactions to the drug
  • Symptoms of the allergy in this case classic- in the form of urticaria or flushing of the skin, itching or a slight increase in temperatureof the body
  • All of the above symptoms alone disappear with a decrease in dose or drug withdrawal

"Glycine" dosage

KFinally, the dosage of the drug depends on the disease and age of the patient. But the principle of taking medication is the same for everyone.

"Glycine" dosage
  • Glycine is prescribed to take sublingually , that is, under the tongue. The tablet is left in the hyoid fossa until it dissolves completely.
  • In the case of emotional and mental overloads, memory impairment, decreased performance and at hyperactivity adolescents glycine is prescribed in a dose of 1 to 3 tablets per day. The course of treatment should be at least two weeks, but not exceed the duration of more than a month
  • With increased excitability, which has the nature of organic or functional disorders, or with apathy and disturbances in the rhythm of sleep, also at the age of less than 3 years, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 0.05 gup to 3 times a day. The course is up to 14 days, then the daily dosage is reduced to a single dose
  • If the child's age is more than 3 years, the dose corresponds to the adult calculations
  • If the rhythm of sleep is disturbed, it is recommended to take the drug 30 minutes before sleep at a dose of 0.5 to 1 tablet
  • in an anamnesis there is an ischemic brain injury, then the medicine is prescribed in a large dose 10 tablets put on the cheek and pour 1 tsp.water in the acute state of cerebral ischemia( the first 6 hours), then leave the same dose for another 5 days, after 5 days, the dose is reduced to 2 tablets 3 times a day throughout the month.
  • The drug is used in narcology as a means of increasing mental performance, with psychological problems and manifestations of pathological brain activity in a dose of 1 tablet 3 times a day for one month

"Glycine" interaction with other drugs

"Glycine" interaction with other medicinalmeans

Amino acid has a debilitating effect with the use of antipsychotics, antidepressants preparations , anxiolytic funds, drugs for sleeping pills and anticonvulsant drugs.




Analogs for active ingredient
Glycine ozone
Glycine forte
Glycine Fort Evalal

Glycine reviews

This is a fairly inexpensive drug and yet quite effective. It should be noted that at the beginning of the reception there is a strong enough hypnotic effect, but it passes after a short adaptation time.
The big plus is that the product can be used in young children and the absence of side effects of the drug.

Video: Amino acid glycine. Real effects. Sedation

  • May 24, 2018
  • 34
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