How to like a guy at school: 5 tried and true ways

First love is very exciting.

The first boy you cried at night, to whom you wrote simple plain love poems, followed by a furtive, whose attention you tried to attract, you will remember all your life, even though in the future you are expected to have more vivid and passionate novels.

The object of first love in adolescence can be anyone: a neighbor, a guy from the village, where you come to your grandmother for a vacation, a boy who goes with you to some courses, most often - a school handsome.

That's why you start to think, how to like a guy at school , so that he will pay attention to you and begin to meet with you.

Why do some girls succeed and others do not, and all they have to do is remember the unhappy first love?

And all because some girls are more intelligent and know the proven ways how to win a guy.

How to like the guy at school - the story of a loser

My classmate-girlfriend first love overtook it in the school corridors.

The boy, in whom she fell in love at first sight, was two years older, was beautiful and tall, played well basketball.

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I already then understood all the futility of my friend's venture - around him a swarm of enough girls were hanging around, so there was no point in paying attention to the little gray baby, too young for a serious relationship.

A friend, after reading ladies' novels, was convinced that sooner or later he would pay attention to her, appreciating her vulnerable soul and fragile, discreet beauty.

Being a well-bred girl, she made no attempt to please this guy.

All that it was enough for - constantly flit in the field of his sight and look with devotional eyes at the object of his adoration.

Soon it was noticed by the guy himself and his friends, and his then girlfriend.

My classmate started screaming and laughing.

She finally realized that she had originally chosen the wrong tactic, and the object of her first love, too, chose the wrong one. Not according to Senka's cap, so to speak.

To please a guy at school, you need to draw his attention

Well, tell yourself, can you please a young man who does not know your name and does not pay you the slightest attention when you meet in the school corridors?

Well, very little chance in this case to win his heart.

If you can not get the attention of a boy, stand out among other girls, then there is very little chance of a romance with the object of your adoration.

If you are a brave girl, then you can openly approach him and get acquainted.

If - no, then I work by detours:

  1. Ask common friends to introduce you.
  2. Ask him to your friends in social networks and always remind you of your presence.
  3. Ask him for help, for example, ask for help with a lightning bolt broken on the jacket or carry out some instruction from the teacher.

What not to do to please a guy at school?

In the struggle for men's hearts, the girls make the same mistakes, especially, this applies to young ladies who do not yet have much experience in life to act correctly.

But guys in their teens, especially those that are popular in school, are very cruel and with a clear conscience begin to make fun of the girls for their unsuccessful attempts.

Even if you really want to achieve your own, do not:

  1. Run after him the dog and show off with his whole appearance: "Well, take me, take it."
  2. Press on pity.

    Oh, I'm such a girl-pripevochka, suffering from unhappy love, pity me and start finally to meet with me.

  3. Hang on his neck and frankly offer himself.

    No teenager with playing hormones will abandon a girl who openly offers herself.

    He will take you, if you so ask, that's just to hope for a serious relationship and unearthly love after a single sex is not worth it.

  4. Do nonsense.

    If you have managed to fall in love with a school bully, then do not let your life slope for a passing passion.

    Abandon your studies, start drinking and smoking, climb gates, get involved in dirty business - it's easy, but to correct the mistakes when your insanity passes - oh, how difficult.

  5. Just wait for him to pay attention to you.

    Too active in a relationship with a boy, causing ridicule of others, it is impossible, but just waiting - silly.

    Something needs to be done.

5 useful tips on how to please a guy at school

Girls who want to please boys in school, that do not pay any attention to them, have a hard time.

You are burning with hopeless love, you dream of a novel, like in a movie, but this scab does not pay any attention to you.

What should I do?

Act if you feel strong and bold enough.

Here are 5 tips for decisive girls, how to like a guy at school :

  1. Do not rush things.

    I understand that you want to fall as quickly as possible in love with someone who you like, but in this case you can not rush.

  2. Do not be too accessible - these girls are used, but they do not fall in love.
  3. Do not be too proud.

    If the young man began to pay attention to you, then, playing the role of a bitch, you push him away from yourself.

  4. Do not show openly the joy of , if your plan worked and the guy finally invited you out on a date.

    But deliberate indifference is not worth playing.

  5. Sincerely believe that you will definitely be together , because you are a queen who can win any knight on the shoulder.

And here's what you should not do at all,

to please a guy, you'll learn from the video:

5 ways to like a guy at school

  1. Become a star of the school.

    How to do it - decide for yourself, relying on their knowledge, skills and talents.

    There are several ways to implement this plan:

    • to win a beauty or talent contest in the school;
    • to become a model;
    • to achieve success in sports, introducing its school to competitions;
    • to win the city olympiad;
    • participate in the TV show;
    • start playing in the school theater;
    • get into the media, for example, having performed some kind of feat, a noble act, taking part in charity, etc.
  2. Do the same as he does.

    You should get as close to him as possible.

    First, study a person whose attention you want to attract: what he likes, what he does in his spare time, what he likes, what circles he goes to, etc.

    As soon as you learn all this, start getting carried away with what he is.

    If you flicker before his eyes, then he will have more chances to like him.

  3. Turn into a beauty from which you can not take your eyes off.

    Appearance is very important for attracting guys.

    Improve your figure, start dressing fashionably, do a pedicure manicure, come to school with stylish hairstyles, get a good perfume.

    In a girl with a cool appearance guys will quickly fall in love.

  4. Become indispensable.

    Are you an excellent student, and he learns so-so?

    Begin to help him, and do it so intensively that after a while he could not do without your help.

  5. Like another guy.

    If you do not succeed in winning a guy you're in love with, maybe it makes sense to get the attention of another boy.

    Jealousy, you know, is a powerful weapon in the struggle for love.

If you still can not find the answer to the question " How do you like a guy at school?", Do not get too upset.

Life can not consist only of victories.

We often face failures, including - and in love.

Sooner or later you will find your happiness.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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