10 reasons why there is no pregnancy? What can I do to get pregnant exactly?

Problems with conception of a child in 60% of cases occur due to violations in the work of the female body. And the causes of female infertility are much greater than that of men. This may be the absence of ovulation, endocrine diseases, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, cervical mucus with antibodies to spermatozoa and many other factors.

Contents of

  • Proper preparation for pregnancy. Will vitamins help to get pregnant?
  • Why does pregnancy not take place for a long time?
  • How to prepare for pregnancy morally?
  • How to physically prepare for a woman's pregnancy?
  • What should I drink to get pregnant?
  • What vitamins should I drink to get pregnant?
  • What medications should a man take to make a woman pregnant?
  • What tests should I take when planning pregnancy?
  • When are the chances of getting pregnant most likely?
  • Why does not pregnancy occur after an abortion?
  • What to do to become exactly pregnant: tips and reviews
  • Video. How to get pregnant if it does not work. Why. Causes of infertility. What to do?
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Proper preparation for pregnancy. Will vitamins help to get pregnant?

Preparing for pregnancy is an important step towards maternity. And the main factor in preparing for this exciting moment is proper nutrition. Future mother, however, like her father, it is important to change your diet in favor of natural products. Today, the counters of grocery stores are full of products, the list of ingredients is full of various flavors, emulsifiers, sweeteners, preservatives and other harmful compounds.

IMPORTANT: Some food additives can not only harm the body, but can also cause infertility. Most of them negatively affect male sperm. But it is also desirable for women who dream of becoming pregnant to refuse to eat such not very useful products.

In the diet, when planning pregnancy, you need to include various vitamins. It should be done 3-4 months before the conception process. Especially useful are vitamins for women who plan pregnancy for winter or spring.

When preparing for pregnancy, partners need to get rid of various sexually transmitted infections. Some of them put an end to the process of conception of the child. But, there are also those that adversely affect the development of the fetus and can become a threat of miscarriage and pathologies in development.

It is also very important when preparing for pregnancy to exclude from your life stress. Under such conditions, the body produces corticosteroid hormones. They not only can cause various diseases, but also have a negative impact on pregnancy.

Why does not pregnancy take place for a long time?

  • The absence of a desired pregnancy can be associated with the problems of both the female and the male body. If, at the request of the spouses, conceiving the child the desired time does not happen, then they need to undergo a comprehensive examination to determine the cause of this problem.
  • The factors that negatively affect the onset of pregnancy include gynecological, and hormonal problems. Stress, hypertension, bad habits and other problems can also lead to the lack of conception of the child
  • Specialists of the women's consultation can ask to talk about the transferred infectious diseases and operations. If a woman has already experienced the happiness of motherhood, then the doctor can ask about the course of pregnancy. In order for a specialist to be able to provide qualified assistance, one must try to answer all his questions truthfully
  • If difficulties arise in pregnancy, specialists of the family planning center or women's consultation can prescribe tests for the level of progesterone, postcoital test( check of vaginal mucus 6-10 hours aftersexual intercourse for the presence of antibodies killing spermatozoa), a blood test for clotting and examination of the thyroid

How to prepare for pregnancy morally?

A woman should approach the pregnancy consciously, without fears and anxieties. The emotional state plays an important role not only when the child is born, but also when it is conceived. Before this exciting moment, you should try to minimize the level of stress in your life. The higher the stressful background, the lower the probability of conception of the child. Harmonization of the internal state has a positive effect not only on the possibility of becoming pregnant, but on the health of the future child and his mother.

IMPORTANT: Morally, not only mother, but also the father of the unborn child should prepare to become a parent. He must surround his wife with care and love.

How to physically prepare for a woman's pregnancy?

Even before pregnancy, you need to bring your body to shape, increase muscle tone and balance the desired weight. It is very important to include in your diet foods rich in nutrients. Such products include vegetables, fruits, seafood, etc.

Before you conceive a child and during pregnancy, it is important to exclude alcohol and smoking from your diet. Some scientists believe that nicotine can adversely affect the fetus, even if the future mother gave up smoking several weeks before conception.

  • Physical preparation for pregnancy is also in solving problems with eyesight. Women with myopia and certain states of fiber can completely lose their eyesight at birth. Therefore, it is important to check the eyes of specialized specialists
  • . A few months before pregnancy, a woman should preferably do fitness, swimming or dancing. If there is no time for this, you can just walk in the park. Ordinary walking tours in an oxygen-rich place will perfectly prepare a woman for pregnancy.
  • In addition, it is advisable to allocate 15-20 minutes in the morning for daily gymnastics. Walking in place, sit-ups, body tilts and other simple movements will strengthen the muscles and prepare the body for bearing the baby

What should I drink to get pregnant?

Very often the cause of the inability to conceive is associated with low levels of the hormone progesterone. If a woman has this cause, then the level of this hormone can be increased with the help of a drug such as "Dufason" .In contrast to injections of progesterone, this drug is available in the form of tablets. His reception does not cause great difficulties.

Sometimes, with difficulty with conception, specialists can prescribe drugs that stimulate ovulation. Such preparations include "Klostilbegit" , "Puregan" and "Pregnil" .After their intake, ovulation occurs within 24-36 hours. Reception of such medicamentous stimulants of ovulation can be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

What vitamins should I drink to get pregnant?

For a woman who wants to become a mother, the following vitamins are needed:

  • Folic acid is necessary for proper formation of the child's nervous system and starts to work from the first days of pregnancy.
  • Tocopherol helps the fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity.
  • Group B vitamins are responsible for protein synthesis, muscle and bone growth. The lack of vitamins B1, B6, B12 can cause strong toxicity
  • Vitamins A, C and D are important for proper tissue formation and support of the immune system. But, their excess is more dangerous than their lack of

IMPORTANT: When planning pregnancy, it is not necessary to select the dosage of each vitamin individually. It is more convenient to take a special complex of vitamins for women. There are specially developed complexes of vitamins, which must be consumed before conception of the child.

In addition to vitamins, a woman should receive with food minerals such as zinc, selenium and magnesium. If you can not consume them with food, then you can buy in the pharmacy BADs or vitamin complexes that include these macronutrients.

What medications should a man take to make a woman pregnant?

  • Folic acid is shown not only to a woman before pregnancy, but also to men. The future father should take 400 mg of vitamin B9 until the moment of pregnancy of the spouse. Lack of folic acid increases the number of spermatozoa with various defects( abnormal chromosome set, absence of tail or head)
  • Another important drug that a man needs when planning pregnancy is tocopherol. Vitamin E provides a normal testosterone level for men and activates the synthesis of spermatozoa
  • Vitamin B6 affects good quality of spermatozoa. Pyridoxine is found in many meat products, bananas and nuts
  • All these vitamins can be consumed separately or in a complex. For example, as part of such tools as: "Alphabet for men" , "Viardot forte" , "Duovit for men" , "Spermactiv"
  • But antibiotics, hormonal steroids and medications for asthma and allergies, negativelyaffect the quality of spermatozoa

What tests should I take when planning pregnancy?

Mandatory analyzes for women include:

  • General blood test .It is carried out so that the doctor can detect the presence of viruses and diseases until the moment of conception
  • General urine analysis .It is carried out to identify the problems of the genitourinary system. If pathology is detected, treatment is prescribed.
  • Determination of blood type and Rh factor .Blood is drawn from the vein to assess the risk of Rh-conflict
  • Blood test for sugar .Pregnancy in diabetes is possible, but it must take place under the special control of
  • Blood for biochemistry .It is carried out to provide the general and functional state of internal organs
  • Bacteriological culture on the microflora of the vagina .Assessment of microflora to exclude pathogenic microorganisms
  • Assays for infection .The analysis for the absence of HIV infections, syphilis, viral hepatitis B and C

Future fathers in the planning of pregnancy need to do: a general blood test, blood group and Rhesus factor tests, and identify the infection.

Additional analyzes for pregnancy planning include:

  • TORCH-complex .Blood test for the presence of antibodies to rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis. This analysis will show if a woman has immunity to such diseases. If it is not, then to minimize the risk of adverse effects of these diseases, a number of medical procedures should be performed.
  • Studies by polymerase chain reaction .Analysis of blood for hidden infections: ureaplasmosis, gardnerellez, chlamydia, HPV( papilloma virus), genital herpes

When are the chances of getting pregnant most likely?

Most likely to get pregnant between 14 and 16 days after the onset of menstruation. It is at this time that a mature egg enters the fallopian tube and can meet the sperm. But, conception can occur before. The thing is that spermatozoa have survivability 2-6 days. And if the ovum meets them earlier, then fertilization is quite possible.

But the least probability of conception is during menstruation and immediately after its termination. After 16-18 days of the cycle, the possibility of getting pregnant also decreases.

Why does not pregnancy occur after an abortion?

Abortion can negatively affect both the mental and physical state of a woman. After such a procedure, the hormonal balance in a woman's body can be broken and other problems arise that lead to the impossibility of conceiving or bearing a child. According to statistics, one in 10 women who have decided to have an abortion after this procedure remains barren.

During mechanical cleaning, the uterine mucosa can be damaged. This can lead in turn to the fact that a fertilized egg can not attach to the wall of the uterus. Increased risk of becoming pregnant after an abortion performed by a medicamentous method. This method is less traumatic, but it can be done only at the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Abortion leads to problems, which can put an end to pregnancy like:

  • failed hormonal cycle
  • Metabolic disorders in the body
  • development of breast disease
  • inflammation of internal genitals
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes
  • erosion cervical
  • Dysplasia

If a woman persists afterabortion for pregnancy, it can not be planned earlier than 6 months after this procedure. The woman's body must be in time to recover. Early pregnancy after the abortion is fraught with severe abnormalities in the fetus and can affect the health of the child afterwards.

What to do to get pregnant for sure: tips and reviews

Light. For a long time I could not get pregnant. After the examination, my gynecologist has forbidden me to diet and prescribed a complex vitamins. I do not know if they helped or other factors. But, in 3 months I became pregnant.

Olesya. friend was able to get pregnant only after began to raise the pelvis after intercourse so that the semen does not leak, and remained in the body. She just lay on his back and legs raised, leaning on the wall. I'm sure that's what helped her become a mother.

Video. How to get pregnant if it does not work. Why. Causes of infertility. What to do?

  • May 25, 2018
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