Our contemporaries have increasingly started laser facial rejuvenation. Reviews of women who have undergone this procedure can not be called unambiguous: some consider it a real salvation and a miracle cure, delaying the onset of old age, others - an extremely painful operation and drawing out money from clients. Let's look for the cause of such contradictory assessments.
What is the procedure for laser skin rejuvenation?
Skin covers( protecting the human body from a variety of mechanical, physical and chemical factors) lose their elasticity every year with wrinkles and folds, their color becomes pale, and pigmented spots appear on the surface repulsive.
The first barely noticeable wrinkles( most often in the eyes) begin to appear closer to thirty years, and after forty, as the turgor of the skin disappears, they deepen and cover the entire skin with an unattractive mesh. This fact most often afflicts the fair sex, who do not want to quickly grow old.
- A laser has come to the aid of withering beauties.
- In this case, the regeneration of the structural elements of the skin occurs only in areas exposed to laser beams. Borders of skin with them remain in their original form.
- As a result of this process, there is a significant rejuvenation of the skin, the disappearance of small and medium wrinkles and even the restoration of the contours of the face.
Laser devices of the latest generation can even be operated by non-surgical chin lift - this is evidenced by the positive feedback from patients who underwent laser lifting of the second chin.
Types of laser peeling
Laser skin rejuvenation is an excellent alternative to surgical facelift. Laser peeling can be of several kinds.
- Surface , designed to handle deformed epidermis( the uppermost layer of the skin).
With the help of superficial peeling, you can smooth out an uneven skin relief almost instantly and get rid of ugly pigment spots.
For procedures of this type, laser skin resurfacing( of all types) and facial rejuvenation of the face( the vast majority of its species) can be considered.
Superficial peeling is a rather traumatic procedure. Full recovery of the skin after it occurs in one or two weeks.
- Median. This kind of peeling is able to remove the keratinized cells located in the lowest( basal) layer of the epidermis.
The zone of action of the medial peeling is all the same problem areas of the skin on the face, neck, arms and in the decollete zone. With its help, they affect wrinkles of different degrees of severity, achieve the smoothing of keloid scars and stretch marks, remove the shallow scars left after acne, warts and papillomas, and also substantially smooth the complexion, helping to eliminate pigmented spots.
- Median peeling can be performed by using the fractional method of , in which skin irradiation with a frequent laser beam network is produced by different types of lasers: CO2, erbium and neodymium laser. Pros and cons of each of them are due to different wavelengths, the procedure for performing the procedure and the different penetration depths in the tissue. Absolute advantage over lasers of other types is not possessed by any apparatus.
- There is a fundamentally different method for performing mid peeling: the so-called laser dermabrasion .What it is? In the course of this type of laser resurfacing, along with laser beams, the skin takes a large amount of additional energy, which provokes the formation of microexplosions, accompanied by the inevitable evaporation of tissues exposed to laser radiation. Laser grinding is performed by erbium and CO2 laser.
- Deep. The most effective methods of deep laser peeling are procedures that are often called "non-surgical lifting": this is laser facial rejuvenation on the Palomar apparatus and RF-rejuvenation.
The Palomar, consisting of a control microprocessor, a set of nozzles and a cooling element, sends to the skin bundles of laser beams forming a sufficiently dense mesh.
The RF-rejuvenation method ensures the penetration of laser beams into the deep layers of the epidermis, which in this case undergoes thermal exposure to radio-frequency energy, which causes point heating of the problem areas of the body and face.
Both methods - laser rejuvenation Palomar and fractional RF facial rejuvenation - promote the compaction of collagen beams and the formation of a kind of supporting skeleton for the skin, as well as activation of regenerative and rejuvenating processes in areas exposed to laser devices.
The safety and low traumatism of both procedures makes it possible to influence not only the skin of the hands and neck, but also to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes.
The great advantage of the RF and Palomar rejuvenation techniques is their increasing effect. After the course of rejuvenating procedures recommended by the cosmetologist, the skin condition will continuously improve over the course of six months.
Deep laser peeling can also be performed on the Co2 apparatus, but its impact on the hands of insufficiently qualified personnel can leave deep scars on the patient's skin, as this equipment is often used as a scalpel in plastic surgery.
The choice of the kind of peeling depends on the complexity of the cosmetic defect.
What is fractional grinding used for?
Fractional skin rejuvenation is used in cases where it is not necessary to laser treat a large area of the skin, but it is enough to remove small scars or pigment spots. For this purpose, fractional grinding is performed using a sparing erbium laser. Manufacturers of medical equipment began to produce compact devices that allow you to perform this manipulation at home.
In some materials posted on the Internet, you can find an assertion stating that the laser device itself chooses the impact force on the skin. This statement should be attributed to the category of erroneous, since only a qualified specialist is able to determine which apparatus and the length of the laser beam must be applied to affect the skin of a particular patient.
To work with laser equipment, a specialist must have a special certificate and a sufficiently high qualification. What is fractional laser rejuvenation, how is it done - video:
When turning to the clinic, it is necessary to get information about the qualification level of practitioners in it, depending on their participation in domestic and foreign seminars and conferences.
What is laser biorevitalization?
This laser rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body by applying hyaluronic acid to the deepest layers of the skin. This latest technology, which allows you to eliminate deep scars and wrinkles without surgery, is designed to activate the internal reserves of the human body.
- What is the essence of this innovative technique? On the epidermis of the problem area of the body is applied a certain amount of low-molecular hyaluronic acid, which by means of the laser should get into the basal layer of the skin. The method of laser biorevitalization is reduced to non-injection administration of a special hyaluronic acid.
- Why change the structure of hyaluronic acid, which is originally a high-molecular( almost polymer) compound? The fact is that high-molecular hyaluronic acid is not able to penetrate the thickness of the human epidermis due to the too complex structure of its molecules, consisting of too long chains. Structured acid, becoming a low molecular weight, acquires the ability to easily penetrate into the upper layers of the skin. The effect of the laser beam restores short molecular chains, converting hyaluronic acid into a polymer that helps to keep moisture in the cells of the human skin, creating an effect of a skin that is taut, not subject to age-related changes.
- For the biorevitalization procedure, an infrared( "cold") laser is used, the effect of which is of low intensity. Thanks to the laser's assistance, structured hyaluronic acid easily reaches the lower layers of the skin, alternately and evenly filling the layers that it overcomes. The skin thus does not heat up, and after a biorevitalization does not begin to be shelled and is not afraid of influence of an ultraviolet. Thanks to this procedure, laser biorevitalization can be carried out even in the summer.
- In order to facilitate the delivery of hyaluronic acid to problem areas of the skin, the upper layers of the epidermis are softened with a hot compress, followed by an easy cleansing peeling. After this, they begin the laser biorevitalization procedure, applying a special chemical compound to the cleansed skin from structured hyaluronic acid and collagen. The laser is exposed by a special nozzle. No painful sensations at the same time does not arise( this is confirmed by the patients' reviews).
- Laser skin rejuvenation by the method of biorevitalization is characterized by faster renewal of the skin, which is explained by the depth of the effect of the composition injected into the skin.
- Laser biorevitalization is performed to rejuvenate the skin of the face, neck, décolleté zone and other parts of the body, whose skin is covered with wrinkles of different degrees of severity, is flabby or dry, has scars and stretch marks, and also demonstrates all the symptoms of photoagingthe main culprit of which is immoderate tan).
- Contraindications to the procedure are only an allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid and tumors of any etiology( both malignant and benign).Also, do not make it to pregnant women.
Does the procedure for laser facial rejuvenation have contraindications?
Contraindications to laser facial rejuvenation, of course, exist.
Here is the list of the most serious of them:
- . Oncological diseases.
- Diabetes mellitus of any type.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system in the acute stage.
- Various blood diseases, which cause its insufficient clotting.
- Catarrhal diseases and viral etiology, accompanied by fever.
- Infectious diseases.
- Exacerbated herpes and the presence of herpes rash in the area of the proposed area of exposure.
- Gingival rash on the skin.
- Late gestation and infant breastfeeding.
- Presence of mental illnesses and disorders.
- Vegeto-vascular dystonia.
- Hypertension and hypotension.
- The age is up to 17( due to the possible risk of breaking the structure of the skin) and after 60 years( due to the slowing down of all the recovery processes).
- The recent tan.
Possible consequences of laser rejuvenation
In addition to the mass of positive moments, laser skin rejuvenation can have side effects. Occasionally observed:
- Appearance of mild itching.
- The formation of very bright red spots in the laser exposure zone.
- Activation of the herpes virus.
- Breach of the integrity of the skin: exfoliation, burns, crusting.
In a fairly rare group of patients( slightly more than 4% of them), the laser facial rejuvenation procedure provoked the appearance of the following negative moments:
- Skin prone to seborrhea was covered with white eels( miloons).
- After the procedure, there were scars or keloid scars.
- The skin began to intensively produce pigment, which led to its hyperpigmentation.
- There was an exacerbation of herpes and activation of his rashes( despite the prevention).
How often do I need laser facial rejuvenation?
Fractional laser rejuvenation of various areas of the face( or smus-rejuvenation), being the procedure of the last generation, gradually replaces the once popular method of laser skin resurfacing.
Along with a fairly effective effect on the skin, laser resurfacing was accompanied by a number of extremely unpleasant side effects: pain, duration of the rehabilitation period and a high probability of complications.
Thanks to the appearance of laser devices equipped with modern skin scanners, these negative moments are gradually disappearing into the past.
- How many procedures are needed to ensure that the procedure for fractional rejuvenation has a lasting effect?
Recommended course by experienced cosmetologists course of laser exposure to fading skin should consist of at least five procedures, separated from each other by five-day pauses. However, it is possible to create an individual program that takes into account the unique features of the patient's skin. Develop this program can be a doctor-dermatologist.
- The first positive changes( a feeling of tightness of the skin, smoothing of shallow wrinkles, improvement of color and structure of the skin) are usually observed 3-4 days after the first session.
- Fractional facial rejuvenation gives an effect that persists for several years. Minimum is the efficiency observed for one year. As practice has shown, the earlier a woman turns to the help of cosmetologists, the more effectively she turns out.
- At what age is it permitted to perform laser facial rejuvenation?
There are almost no age restrictions( from age 17), the method equally helps young girls who dream of getting rid of scars left after acne, and mature women who want to stay with youth and attractiveness longer.
The impact of laser beams, which stimulates the production of their own collagen by skin cells, is extremely useful for all women over forty.
- How many times can I go to work?
It all depends on the type of laser rejuvenation, the area of the treated surface and the art of the doctor performing a particular procedure. Depending on the chosen method of laser exposure and the severity of the defects being removed, the rehabilitation period can take from two days to three weeks to . Some patients start working the next day after the laser correction session.
Laser facial rejuvenation prices
The laser peeling procedure covers the area of the treated skin area and the cost of anesthesia and reconstitution gel. Let's give an approximate table of quotations. Laser peeling( lasting 30 minutes):
- Upper and lower eyelids - 5-8 thousand rubles.
- Nose areas - 5-6 thousand rubles.
- Neck - 6-17 thousand rubles.
- Shchek - 5-10 thousand rubles.
- Chin - 4-7 thousand rubles.
- Lip zones - 5-8 thousand rubles.
- Lba - 5-10 thousand rubles.
- Stretch marks - 9 thousand rubles.(1 sq. Cm).
- Pigmented skin - 3-4 thousand rubles.(per 1 sq. cm).
The complex procedure( with simultaneous processing of several face zones) will cost the client much cheaper and can last about an hour:
- Peeling of the whole face - 12-22 thousand rubles.
- Facial and neck peeling - 26 thousand rubles.
Reviews of laser facial rejuvenation
- Reviews of patients who have decided to expose their skin to the effects of laser radiation, in their overwhelming majority are positive. Statistics of user opinions weighing all the pros and cons tend to approve this procedure.
- However, some patients themselves admit that, wishing to save money, they applied not to a specialized clinic, but to a salon whose employees did not have sufficient qualifications. Perhaps this was the reason for the insufficiently good result.
Reviews of fractional laser facial rejuvenation
- Reviews of those who did this procedure are characterized by a large number of positive evaluations. First of all, this is due to its less painfulness and the absence of side effects.
- Positive feedback from women who have made fractional rejuvenation is confirmed by photographs taken before and after the procedure.
Increasingly, laser rejuvenation is performed in a home environment: this also improves the statistics of positive assessments.