25 tips for future moms. Advices to mums babies

Every pregnant woman of the time-from-time feels bad. Unpleasant sensations can be associated with toxicosis, so you should know exactly how to cope with nausea.


  • Useful tips moms
  • Tips expectant mothers with toxemia
  • Tips pregnancy trimesters
    • Tips pregnant in the first trimester
    • Tips pregnant second trimester
    • Tips pregnant in the third trimester
  • Useful Tips mothers of infants
    • Breastfeeding Tips nursing mother
    • Tipsyoung mothers for the care of newborns
  • Important tips for gynecologist during and after pregnancy
  • Video: "Histosis( toxicosis) of pregnant women. How easy it is to transfer or get rid of unpleasant symptoms »

Useful tips for future moms

Pregnancy is a magical time and every mom needs to remember every moment, every day and every detail that happens to her. Experienced feelings can never happen again. In order for you to feel fully and cheerfully, you should follow a number of recommendations and listen to helpful advice.

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  • Become registered no earlier than 8 and no later than 12 weeks

During this period, the first ultrasound is appointed, where an experienced doctor examines the fetus and draws its conclusions about its development. Also, modern precision equipment can show the sex of the future child and make his first photo.

  • Do not give up folic acid

This is an important element that promotes the development of the fetus and the creation of all favorable conditions for it. Folic acid is recommended from the first day of pregnancy.

  • Look after your beauty correctly

Refuse negative procedures: baths, saunas, laser hair removal, hair coloring with ammonia paints, do not apply tattoos, do not rejuvenate Botox. It is also harmful to self-medicate and with any problems with the state of health, contact your doctor.

  • Drink liquid and rest

For the full development of the child and the normal course of your pregnancy, you need to regularly eat a variety of juices and compotes, milk, herbal teas and still water. Try to give up coffee and bad habits. Get enough sleep at night and arrange sleepy hours during the day.

  • Eat right

Eat healthy fruits and vegetables, give up fast and street food. Do not skip meals and in any case do not sit on weight loss diets.

  • Develop

Pregnancy is a time for self-improvement and self-knowledge. Sign up for special courses for expectant mothers, lead your pregnancy diary, smile and have sex with your beloved if this is not hampered by medical indications.

Advice for prospective mothers in toxicosis

Toxicosis is an invariable component of pregnancy. Some mothers manage to easily cope with it and experience a minimum of unpleasant sensations, some are extremely difficult and the entire pregnancy is doomed to be in a terrible, tied to the bed, condition. It is noticed that each subsequent pregnancy is more and more complicated. So, the first is easier and more imperceptible, and already in the second woman can feel the strongest toxicosis. There are a number of useful tips that can help ease the condition of a future mother:

  • Slow awakening

Do not strive to get out of bed quickly. After you wake up, try to lie still for 10 minutes dreaming or looking at foreign objects. Then smoothly and slowly raise your back and sit on the edge of the bed without sharp movements.

  • Cool drink

Try to drink instead of a cup of hot coffee or strong tea cool compote or cooled tea. To some women, the feeling of nausea helps to remove the broth of prunes.

  • Banana Rescue

There is a version that a banana eaten in the morning can not only satisfy the hunger, but also remove nausea.

  • Follow the diet

Doctors recommend to follow the protein diet during pregnancy, complicated by toxicosis. Eat: porridge, cottage cheese, casseroles, vegetable stew, salads.

  • Fasting honey

Useful properties of honey: vitamins and trace elements, with which it is rich, can have a beneficial effect on digestion, eliminating toxicosis.

  • A large amount of liquid

It is noticed that those women suffer from toxicosis that they do not consume the right amount of water per day.

  • Block nausea with lemon

Proven remedy that can eliminate discomfort. Drink water with lemon or just chew the lobule.

  • Fresh mint

The taste of mint and its freshness can effectively eliminate the feeling of nausea.

  • Medical treatment

Some homeopathic medicines may be prescribed by a doctor.

  • Fresh air

Fresh air and regular walks will help to avoid bad health.

  • Treatment with water procedures

It is quite possible to get rid of nausea by taking a contrast shower. Try and see!

Tips for pregnant women on trimesters

Trimester - pregnancy time, divided into three months. So, it's easy to calculate that the I trimester is the period from 1 to 3 months, the second trimester - from 4 to 7, and III - from 7 to 9 months.

Tips for pregnant women in the first trimester

  1. Change the lifestyle and regime of the day. Allocate enough time to sleep and balance nutrition. Refuse from smoking and alcohol. Do not take any medications without a doctor's recommendation.
  2. Do not lift weights and reduce physical exertion. If you are involved in sports, choose more sparing exercises and get Pilates for pregnant women.
  3. Monitor your health and well-being, consult with your doctor in case of any problems.

Tips for pregnant women in the second trimester

  1. Do not overeat. Your uterus grows and gradually oppresses the digestive system. In order not to experience discomfort and heartburn, eat small portions 5-6 times a day
  2. Update your wardrobe. You change in size, and therefore tight clothes need to be changed to a more comfortable, comfortable, without straps and rubber bands
  3. Do yourself. Regularly take a shower, because the skin is an important organ that also breathes. Watch for hygiene and prevent stretch marks on the abdomen, chest and thighs.

Tips for pregnant women in the third trimester

  1. Prepare the breast for lactation. Wipe nipples with a rough towel and squeeze them at the base, squeezing out the milk. With prepared nipples baby will be easier to start eating
  2. Wear a bandage. This "helper" helps to ease the load on the spine and relieve the pain in the loins caused by the weight bearing
  3. Reduce fluid intake if you observe puffiness of the limbs and conduct a set of home physical exercises aimed at improving well-being

Helpful advice to mothers babies

After 9months will pass unnoticed and you will not notice how you will become a mother. However, along with the wonderful feelings of motherhood, there may be some difficulties associated with caring for your child and your well-being.

Breastfeeding: Tips for Breastfeeding Mother

  1. Choose only one method of feeding: breast or bottle. Combine these two methods can not, because in any case, the baby will give preference to the bottle, because it takes less time and energy for him to suck the milk out of him and he can give up the breast altogether.
  2. Put the baby correctly to the chest so that it is convenient for him and hedid not swallow the air, causing colic in the tummy
  3. Feed your baby when he wants and can not stand a certain number of hours - these are remnants of the past
  4. While the baby is breastfeeding, he does not need additional water soldering
  5. HDo not wash your breasts after each feeding, it provokes dryness and cracks and do not express the remaining milk after feeding.

Advice to young mothers for the care of newborns.

  1. . Contact your baby. Constantly are nearby, talk and gently touch his skin. Lie down together to sleep and sing songs to make him accustomed to your voice
  2. Connect your dad to child care, so when you reach consciousness the kid will be able to trust not only you.
  3. Set up the day's routine and follow it, so the baby will be easier to understand that it's time for sleep, gamesor massage, and you will have a personal time
  4. On each surface, the toddler must have his own bedding and do not touch the body of the other
  5. Every morning, do water procedures and wash the little face of the baby: eyes, mouth and clean the spout
  6. Every daythe baby should wear fresh clean clothes washed only with baby powder

Important advice of a gynecologist during and after pregnancy

  1. Every month you need to visit a gynecologist during pregnancy and even more often, do not skip any prescribed medication.
  2. Take all prescribed medications and visit each ultrasound.
  3. After the birth, you should visit a gynecologist a month later
  4. Listen to your body and if you find any deviations do not try to heal them yourself

Video: " Histosis( toxicosis) of pregnant women. How to transfer or get rid of unpleasant symptoms more easily »

  • May 25, 2018
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