Nails on legs are thick and firm: how to soften fingernails on legs with oil, vinegar, cream and in a bath? Than to soften fingernails or nails on legs or foots at a fungus how to soften fingernails or nails on legs or foots at older persons?

Methods of softening nails on the legs. Folk recipes and pharmacy products.


  • Why are the toenails grubbed?
  • How to soften, steam up the nails on the legs for a haircut?
  • How quickly to soften thick and hard toenails in the elderly?
    • Folk remedy for softening of rough skin of legs and nails, video
  • How to soften the nails on the legs, affected by the fungus?
  • How to soften the nails on the legs and the nail on the thumb with oil, cream, vinegar, trays?
  • Means for softening nails on the legs from the pharmacy
    • How to take care of nails, tips from Elena Malysheva, video

Why do the nail plates on the legs grub? How to make nails well-groomed and attractive, not visiting SPA-salons? How to soften the coarsened nails at home with the help of folk recipes and not only.

Why do the toenails get rough?

  • Why does the structure and color of nails on the legs change with time in some people? Many associate this defect with age. There is some truth to this, but fragility, roughness and yellowness of the toenails are also found in young people.
    instagram viewer
  • Doctors believe that when examining the nail plates of people's legs, one can suspect that they have a number of diseases requiring treatment. There are a number of pathologies in the body that can affect the shape, texture and color of the nails.
  • Normal and healthy nails have a pale pink color and a smooth surface. The thickness of the nail plate should not exceed 1 mm
Inconvenient footwear can cause changes in nail plates

Nail changes on the legs can be caused by a variety of reasons:

  • lack of foot hygiene
  • uncomfortable and tight shoe
  • unsuccessful pediatrician
  • injuries and nail injuries
  • age changes, socalled "aging of nails"
  • onychomycosis( fungus) of nails
  • with nail psoriasis
  • endocrine changes
  • susceptibility to allergy
  • cardiovascular pathologiesE
  • hepatic diseases
  • consequences of use of certain medications
  • vitamin deficiency when improperly powered
  • environmental factors
  • depression and stress

IMPORTANT: Before taking any procedures to remove nail coarseness should find out the cause of the defect at the expert. Often, the treatment of the underlying disease brings to naught problems with the nails.

Foot Bath

How to soften, steam up the nails on the legs for a haircut?

It happens that coarse thick toenails can not be shortened. To facilitate this procedure, it is necessary to arrange the bath procedure for your legs :

  • Add a little liquid soap, soda and ammonia( 2 liters of water, 2 teaspoons of ingredients) to the basin of hot water.
  • Lower your legs into the basin and pour hot water as it cools. After 15-20 minutes the nails are steamed and softened. Now they can be cut without difficulty

IMPORTANT: To soften rough nails, do not use ordinary and sea salt for baths. This procedure will only strengthen the nails and make them stiffer.

Natural essential oils ( rosemary, lavender, tea tree) in foot baths effectively soften the nail plates and prepare them for further processing. For this, 5 drops of oils are added to the hot foot bath and the feet are kept for 15 minutes.

Nails of the elderly person

How quickly to soften thick and hard toenails in the elderly?

With age, nails lose their former beauty: they become wavy, coarse, acquire a cloudy yellow-white hue. This is especially noticeable in women before the onset of menopause. Approaching the 50-year boundary, salt begins to accumulate, leading to thickening and coarsening of the nails, so-called "bone nails" appear.

Diabetes mellitus of the elderly and other chronic diseases only aggravate pedicure procedures in this category of people. Let's give some tips for softening nails in the elderly.

Foot bath with soda and liquid soap

In water( 37-38 degrees), dissolve a teaspoon of soda and any liquid soap. Hold the feet in the solution for 10 minutes and dry. The nails are cut with nippers, and the nail file is shaped into nails. For the prevention of fungal diseases it is recommended to treat the nails with tea tree oil and lubricate the feet with an emollient cream.

Aloe leaf for microcompression

Microcompression with aloe

  1. Procedure it is better to spend the night
  2. Cut a piece of aloe leaf, wash it and cut along the sheet plate
  3. The inner side of the leaf with mucus is applied to the hard nail. Fix aloe with a piece of cellophane film and a bandage, you can use adhesive plaster for convenience. If you need to soften a few nails, this procedure should be done with each nail
  4. The next morning, remove the compress. If necessary, cut your nails. Now it will be easy to make

Compress with tea mushroom

A piece of the tea mushroom is applied to the problem nail. Close with polyethylene and fix with a bandage. After 6-8 hours, remove the compress.

Folk remedy for softening of rough skin of legs and nails, video

Onychomycosis - fungal nail disease of the legs

How to soften the nails on the legs, affected by the fungus?

  • Fungal infection of the nail plate brings great discomfort in a person's life. Small microorganisms - dermatomycetes, settled under the fingernails, gradually begin to expand, releasing their mycelia in different directions
  • If the fungal disease is not treated, it will quickly spread to other nail plates of the legs and the surface of the interdigital folds. The fungus that lives in the nail surface needs a moist and nutritive medium for development and growth.
  • With insufficient feet hygiene, dermatomycetes get all the conditions for their existence, capturing new habitats and gradually destroying the nail.

IMPORTANT: Mycosis infection spreads from the open end of the nail plate tothe root of the nail in dependence: the worse the nails grow on the legs, the faster they are affected by fungal mycelium. With age, nails slow their growth, so onychomycosis is more common in the elderly.

Nail treatment with antifungal ointment
  • Fingernail-affected nails become coarse and layered with uneven edges over time. The nail loses its natural color and acquires a tan color. If a fungus is found, the nails should be treated immediately. The healing process is difficult and usually takes a long time.
  • There are medicinal and folk remedies for removing fungal infection. Medicinal treatment and subsequent preventive measures with hygiene will prevent nails from re-infection
  • When identifying onychomycosis of nails, complex treatment is prescribed. Oral administration of fungicidal drugs is prescribed by a dermatologist depending on the degree of nail damage. Additionally, antifungal ointments, creams, lotions and sprays applied directly to the area of ​​the
  • fungus are treated. The treatment consists in the complete destruction of the fungus flora and the renewal of the nails until they are fully recovered.
  • Infected nails are cured with substances that have fungicidal, softening and keratolytic properties in topical application: benzoic, lactic, salicylic acids, thymol, sulfur and other preparations. These ingredients are part of antimycotic ointments and

products. Pharmaceutical fungicides

The pharmacy network has a wide range of medicines intended for the treatment of nails affected by onychomycosis. Let's enumerate modern medicines, most often used for nail fungus.

Lacer Loceril

Lacerol is easy to use. Pre-prepared and fat-free nail plate is applied a layer of medical varnish 1-2 times a week. The treatment lasts 9-12 months until the healthy nails are completely renewed. The medicine is not cheap, but the result is worth it!

The KANESPOR kit contains the necessary complex, consisting of an antifungal preparation, a scraper and a set of patches. The drug effectively copes with onychomycosis of the nails. The nail plate is treated with a medical composition once a day according to the instructions. After 7-14 days the nail is softened and it should be removed, pasted with adhesive tape. Once a day, the band-aid is changed.

Exoderate cream and solution are considered effective in fighting nail fungus. Treatment lasts 2-4 weeks according to the instructions of the instruction.

No less effective are such pharmaceutical products:

  • Mikoseptin
  • Candid
  • Lamizml
  • Nizoral
  • Mikospor
  • Terbinafine
  • Lotrimin
  • Tinactin

IMPORTANT: If you suspect a nail fungus, it is best to contact a specialist who will prescribe the right treatment, especially for neglected nails. Treatment of onychomycosis is a long process, therefore a complex treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist is necessary.

Well-groomed and healthy nails

How to soften the nails on the legs and the nail on the thumb with oil, cream, vinegar, trays?

There are many recipes that allow you to restore the former beauty to nails, make them healthy and beautifully decorated. At home, it is possible to restore the softness of the nails, if the procedures are carried out regularly, following all recommendations.

Baths with chamomile

Steaming 6 tablespoons of chamomile in two liters of boiling water. After an hour, the solution is filtered and reheated until hot. Lower your legs for 15-20 minutes, then dry. The procedure softens and disinfects the nail plates. Now the nails can be easily trimmed and sawed.

Baths with celandine

Four tablespoons of medicinal raw material are steamed with 1.5 liters of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. The broth is cooled and kept for 10-15 minutes. This curative brew can also be used in the form of a compress.

Home-made drugs for softening nails

Compress with apple cider vinegar

Wet a piece of cotton wool with apple cider vinegar( you can take and food vinegar 9%).Apply to the damaged nail plate of the big toe. Wrap a food film and put on a sock. After two hours, remove the compress, wash the nail with water and apply a moisturizing cream.

Homemade ointment for softening nails

  1. Take in equal weight proportions beeswax, melted butter, onions, garlic cloves, aloe leaves
  2. Vegetable ingredients finely ground, add wax and melted butter
  3. The mixture is kept on low heat for about three minutes, cool
  4. Ointment is applied a thick layer on the affected nails after the hot bath
  5. Nails with ointment are covered with food film, the socks are topped with
  6. Ointment is kept on the nails all night
  7. To achieve the effect of softening the nailsFollows 3-5 procedures

Vitamin cream for softening nails

To soften coarsened nail plates, you should grease your nails daily with cream prepared at home:

In a jar with cream, add a teaspoon of olive oil, liquid vitamin A( Retinol acetate 3.44%) and 10% liquid vitamin E. Mix thoroughly.

The pharmacist will help to choose the means for the care of the feet

Means for softening the nails on the legs from the drugstore

You can buy nail softening products in the pharmacy. Consider the most popular softeners of nails.

Sodium bicarbonate( soda) and tar soap : hot bath of these components help to soften the nail plates and have an antiseptic effect.

Potassium permanganate is used for foot baths to soften and disinfect the nails when nail fungus infections. For these purposes, a light pink solution of potassium permanganate should be used because of the possibility of burns.

Salicylic ointment 5% is used to damage the nail plate with a fungus to soften and remove the nail plate. The procedure is carried out after a hot foot bath with soda and soap or potassium permanganate. Ointment is applied to the affected nail under the compress 2 times a day. It should be noted that there are more powerful fungicides for the removal of fungus.

Ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky Ointment softens the nails and eliminates purulent inflammation when the large nail grows.

Nail care - Nogtivit

Nail remover - a tool that helps to soften the nail plate and painlessly remove the nail with a fungal lesion. The product is applied to the nail plate after a soda-soap tray. The skin around the affected nail is covered with plaster.

The drug is applied to the nail, avoiding getting on the skin surface and sealing with a patch for 3-4 days. After that, remove the band-aid, rip off the nail and clean it with manicure accessories. The procedure is repeated until the nail is completely removed and the nail bed is released.

Scholl for softening thickened nails reliably and effectively restores nail plates to a healthy state. Contains salicylic acid, sodium hydrogen carbonate, provitamin B5, glycerin.

The agent is applied to thickened nails for 10 minutes, then the nails can be painlessly cut. Regular use of the drug contributes to the prevention of ingrown nails.

Uroderm Ointment contains urea, which helps to soften the keratinized areas of the nail plate. Ointment is applied 2 times a day with a thin layer on the thickened nails. In advanced cases, an occlusive dressing is used. In fungal lesions, the agent is applied half an hour before the application of fungicidal agents of local use.

If the thickening of the nails is due to a fungus attack, the disease can be cured by the pharmaceutical preparations presented above in the article.

Healthy and well-groomed nails

Some tips how to maintain the nail plates of the legs in a healthy state

  • If you notice that the toenails changed color, structure, become stiff and brittle, you should consult your doctor. Perhaps the "sickness" of the nail plates is associated with some disease
  • If the finances permit, do pedicure once every two months with an experienced specialist
  • Once a week, arrange your legs with a softening SPA bath with herbs( chamomile, calendula, sage),
  • sodaTo cut nails on legs, it is necessary to use manicure scissors with the curved blades, kusachkami or knyspers. Too rounded or short cropped nail plates can become a source of infiltration or infection in the skin and cause pain
  • Nails are cut in a straight line without cutting corners. This will avoid ingrown nail plate
  • . Apply a beautiful nail shape with a nail file. Fingernails in one direction - from the edge to the center
  • Take preventive measures against nail infection with onychomycosis: wear shoes on the beach, visit the pool, sauna in flip-flops, do not wear other shoes, carefully wipe the folds of the feet after the shower is dry

How to nail properly,tips from Elena Malysheva, video of

  • May 25, 2018
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