Why do white nails appear on the nails of the hands and feet? What do white strips on the nails mean?

Signals of the body and signs of the causes of the appearance of white bands on the nails.


  • What do white strips of nails mean?
  • Vertical and horizontal white strips, causes of
  • Causes of white streaks on the fingernails of the fingers?
  • Causes of white strips on toenails
  • How to get rid of white strips on nails in children, seniors and adults?
  • Video: Palmistry. Lesson 30. White and black spots on the nail plates

Careful nail care allows you to notice in time small changes on the nail plates of the hands and feet.
Defects can be temporary or permanent, have a different direction, depth and color.
Ignore these factors should not be, since the longitudinal bands and furrows on the nails are the first signs of various diseases.

What do white strips of nails mean?

If to speak from a medical point of view, the white strips on the nails, of various types, indicate a violation of the functions of internal systems and organs, the development of sluggish diseases.

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white strips on the nails
white strips on the nails

There are still folk signs that consider, in most cases, the appearance of such strips a good sign:

  • On the thumb - increase in material wealth. But for this you will have to work hard. When the stains disappear - the key moment of achieving the
  • 's goal will come. On the index - it is necessary to mourn a bit. But thanks to this, the owner of such flaws will receive a lot of unexpected warmth and care from the surrounding
  • . On the middle finger is an unexpected joy. Career growth, personal life improvement
  • On the ring finger - an unexpected wealth. Acquisition of clothes. Big purchases
  • On the little finger - mutual love. For the girl the symbol of a successful marriage. For a man, an interesting journey with your beloved

Vertical and horizontal white strips, causes of

Vertical and horizontal white strips on the nails, causes of
. The main causes of of the vertical direction of the nail plate damage as a white line may be signs of rheumatoid arthritis, circulatory pathology and psoriasis.
More rarely, other diseases are confirmed in diagnosis. Specify which can be the exact location and type of such defects.

  • on possible hypertension, cardiac pathology can prevent the strips located along the outer edge of the nail
  • thickening in the center of the nail plate and a completely speckled sphere with thin clear longitudinal lines occurs with neurological disorders

Longitudinal white towering dashes on the nail are harbingers:

  • of the endocrine system
  • disorders of hormonal
  • system of vitamin B12 deficiency
  • intestinal problems
  • depriving
  • anemia
  • gout

white stripson the nails
The transverse strips on the medical term are called leuconichia.

They appear due to:

  • of various viral infections
  • vitamin deficiency
  • problems of the genitourinary system
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • of the neuropsychic disorder
  • diseases of the digestive tract
  • fungus

Important: In most cases when finding white strips,to specialists confirmed mycosis

Causes of white streaks on the fingernails of fingers?

white strips on the nails
The source of the changes in the structure of the nail plate, including the appearance of white bands, are the existing problems in the body.

  • They appear due to a serious shortage of vitamins, as a result of malnutrition
  • Possible in a newly given woman due to lack of zinc, iron, calcium
  • Kidney diseases are manifested in this way due to a lack of protein, the withdrawal of which is the responsibility of these systems
  • Elevatedsugar in the blood, this is how it manifests itself on the nails in the form of white strips of
  • . Invalid carbohydrate metabolism in the lungs is another cause of these problems on the nails of
  • . Most often, such bands appear in adolescentsand hormonal imbalance. Although this problem is also characteristic of adults
  • Nervous system disorders due to systematic stress and fatigue are reflected instantly on the nails
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, beriberi, metabolic disorders all this affects the nails with white strips of
  • If itching, flushing and redness occurbands is the first sign of mycosis
  • The use of cleaning products with a high content of toxic substances without gloves is another reason for the appearance of strips

The reasons for the white bands on theFingers of toes

white strips on nails
Similar deformities on the legs diagnose all listed possible health problems.
In addition, the appearance of bands at the first signs of mycosis, possibly due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules:

  • wearing someone else's previously infected with shoes
  • constantly wet shoes and feet
  • no disinfection after visiting public pools, baths

How to get rid of white strips onnails in children, seniors and adults?

General recommendations:

  • If there is no positive result, go to the doctor
  • . Regardless, a child, an adult or an elderly person, should: focus on the diet and the right way of life.
  • . Excluding these minor, rapidly changing changes,attention to the elimination of the causes that led to the deformation of
  • Sometimes, this is due to illiterate manicure or injuries caused by toxic detergents
  • There is no doubt thatbnaruzhennye defects in the form of white stripes on the nails indicate a violation of the healthy functioning of the body


  • If we talk about children, it is important to remember that 16 years is the dynamic development and growth. The first sign of the lack of a sufficient number of vitamins is precisely such changes on the nails. After all, their metabolic functions of the body have not yet reached the desired balance
  • A small man needs a full-fledged diet. It is necessary to fill his diet with foods rich in vitamins
  • To protect the nervous system from stress, overload, you need to ensure a healthy sleep and rest.
  • In addition, in most cases, the presence of helminths and fungus appear as white strips on the nails. Therefore, we explain to the child that you need to wash your hands regularly, use disposable slippers, when you visit the pool


  • Elderly people, like no other, are shown the correct varied varied nutrition. These changes in the nail plate the first bells to that would revise their diet
  • Fresh air and full rest will not prevent this age category in order to avoid further problems

Do not ignore the body's signals. We take the necessary measures in time. Only then it will be possible to avoid big problems, thanks to the appearance of this non-significant deformation on the nails-white stripes.
For those who believe in omens, listen to their interpretation, but do not forget to pay attention to health.

Video: Palmistry. Lesson 30. White and black spots on the nail plates

  • May 25, 2018
  • 37
  • 655