The article will allow a woman to find out what the involution of the uterus is after giving birth, how long the uterus will shrink and what to take to make it happen more quickly.
- How does the uterus look after delivery? Dimensions of the uterus after childbirth
- How long after the birth is the uterus contracted?
- Why does the uterus painfully contract after delivery?
- Why does not the uterus contract after delivery?
- What to do to reduce the uterus after childbirth?
- Exercises for uterine contraction after childbirth
- How does the uterus contract after second birth?
- How do I know if the uterus has contracted after giving birth?
- VIDEO: Woman after childbirth. How does the recovery occur?
The female womb is an amazing organ, the main function of which is to ensure intrauterine development of the fetus from conception to delivery itself. Uterus is the first, the most comfortable and reliable cradle for a new life.
Amazing body also because during pregnancy it is able to multiply at times and increase weight, and after giving birth back to the "pre-pregnancy" size.
How does the uterus look after delivery? Dimensions of the uterus after the birth of
After the child is born and the expulsion of the afterbirth occurs, the woman enters a difficult postpartum period.
IMPORTANT: Normally, the woman's postpartum period lasts from 6 to 8 weeks.
For nine months of "interesting situation" in her body there have been multiple complex changes. In particular, it grew, added weight, stretched, rose the uterus. And now, when the pregnancy is over, her involution begins.
IMPORTANT: Involution of the uterus is the return of the organ to its place in the cavity of the small pelvis and to its normal size.
The uterus of the newly born woman is as follows:
- The size of the organ is approximately 38 cm by 24 cm, the lateral dimension is 25 cm
- The weight of the uterus immediately after delivery is 1-1.5 kg
- The volume of the organ cavity is about 5000 ml
- The bottom of the uterus is located approximately between the womb and the navel of the woman
- Inside the organ is a continuous open wound, the most damaged area is the one where the placenta
- was attached. Inside the uterus there may remain the remains of the fetal bladder and the thickened blood
- The diameter of the cervix is 10-14 cm
Skoko time after birth reduces the uterus?
Abbreviations of the uterus begin immediately after childbirth. Their causes:
- effusion of the amniotic fluid
- expulsion of the fetus
- expulsion of the placenta
- changes in the hormonal background of the woman
In the next few weeks, the uterus will be cleared, restore its mucous layer( endometrium), shrink and shrink in size.
IMPORTANT: Postnatal contractions of the myometrium( the muscular layer of the uterus) are regulated at different levels: at the level of the central nervous system, humoral( in particular, the posterolary pituitary hormone oxytocin), at the molecular level. It is surprising that the uterus returns to the "pre-pregnancy" size not at the expense of reducing the number of muscle cells, but by reducing their size.
In general, in the postpartum period the uterus changes as follows:
- During the first three days, the organ is cleansed of the remnants of the fetal bladder and blood clots. From the genital tract there are bloody, quite abundant discharges, lochia. The cervix closes and can skip only 1-2 fingers.
- . For 3-5 days, the lochia becomes more lean, light and smearing. Such they will be in the next 3-4 weeks, during which the endometrium is restored. A week after the birth, the weight of the uterus is already about 0.5 kg, the dimensions are reduced by half
- More often after 6 weeks, but sometimes after 8 weeks, completely heal the place of attachment of the placenta. The uterus returns to normal size and only slightly differs from the uterus of the woman who did not give birth. Its dimensions are again 8 cm by 5 cm, weight - from 50 g to 80 g. The cervical canal of a woman giving birth acquires a slit-shaped
. IMPORTANT: How long the uterine contraction takes after the delivery is a highly individual matter. But it is known that in women who breastfeed, involution occurs faster.
Why does the uterus painfully contract after delivery?
IMPORTANT: In the first days after childbirth, and sometimes the entire postpartum period, a woman may feel a sip at the bottom of the abdomen, especially when she is breastfeeding. These are contractions of the uterus. But if the sensations are very unpleasant, painful, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps the restoration of the uterus after childbirth occurs with pathology.
Such pathologies include:
- accumulation of lousy in uterine cavity
- infection
- endometrial inflammation( endometritis)
- other
Why does not the uterus contract after delivery?
Obstetrician-gynecologists know situations when after the birth the uterus in a woman contracts more slowly( subinvolution of the uterus) than it should, or does not contract at all.
Thus, slowing of uterine involution is possible for the following reasons:
- multiple pregnancy
- large fetus
- placental location peculiarities( low attachment)
- complicated course of pregnancy
- complicated genera
- disorders of nervous and endocrine systems women
- reduced physical activity of a woman after childbirth
IMPORTANT:If there are neoplasms or inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages, the uterus is severely traumatized during childbirth or there is an inflection, the woman is disruptedertyvaemost blood, and because of some other circumstances the uterus can not be reduced at all.
What to do to reduce the uterus after childbirth?
For the uterus to contract well, immediately after delivery to the woman:
- attach the baby to the chest to stimulate the production of oxytocin
- put the cold on the lower abdomen
- additionally prick oxytocin
In the following days the woman will be recommended:
- to breastfeed the baby
- to lie on the stomach
- to move more,but as far as it allows the health of the
- not to allow excessive filling of the bladder and intestines
If the uterus contracts slowly, one can contribute to the process by taking a plants preparations.
RECIPE: Asparagus broth
It is necessary: nettle leaves dry crushed - 3-4 st.spoons, water - 500 ml.
Nettles are poured with boiling water, waiting for the agent to steep and cool. Drink 100 ml three times a day.
RECIPE: Infusion of clear-eyed white on cold water
It is necessary: clear white flowers - 2 tbsp.spoons, water boiled cold - 500 ml.
The flowers are soaked in water for the night, in the morning they pour the infusion through gauze or a sieve, drink 100 ml 4 times a day.
RECIPE: Infusion of geranium blood-red on cold water
It is necessary: grass geranium blood-red dry - 2 h. Spoons, water boiled cold - 500 ml.
The grass is soaked in the evening, and in the morning the infusion is filtered, divided into 4 portions and drunk during the day.
Exercises for contraction of the uterus after the birth of
To the muscles of the uterus, pelvic floor and the press after childbirth came back to normal sooner, you can begin to do exercises after 4 days.
IMPORTANT: Even for uncomplicated gymnastics in the postpartum period, a doctor's permission must be obtained.
Before the gymnastics it is necessary to feed the baby with the breast, empty the bladder and intestines( if necessary).You need to do the exercises smoothly. In this case, the room should not be too hot.
EXERCISE # 1: A woman lies on her side, her body from the top to the pelvis is a straight line, her knees slightly bent. The hand, which is located below, supports the head. The second hand rests on the floor( or bed, this exercise can be done in the bed).On exhalation, resting on the hand, a woman slightly lifts the pelvis, for 2 seconds lingers in this position, then returns to the original. Exercise is carried out from 5 to 20 times on each side.
EXERCISE # 2: You need a fitball for it. A woman simply needs to sit comfortably on him and make circular movements with her hips in both directions.
EXERCISE No. 3: The woman lies on her back, her hands are on the diaphragm, that is, on the ribs under the chest. On inhalation, slow and deep, she draws air into the lungs so that only the chest, not the belly, is inflated. A woman exhales through her mouth, while trying to draw in her stomach.
How does the uterus contract after the second birth?
As a rule, after the second birth the uterus contracts more quickly, which can cause a woman discomfort up to intense pain. In this case, the doctor prescribes to the woman pain medications.
How do you know if the uterus has contracted after giving birth?
About how well the uterus has contracted, the woman finds out at the first reception with a gynecologist, which usually takes place 6 weeks after the birth.
The doctor feels the woman's abdomen to assess the position, size and consistency of the uterus.
Also, they can make an ultrasound on which it will be seen:
- how well the uterine cavity has recovered, whether there were any blood clots left there
- whether the uterus
- has not decreased enough if there were any complications in the postpartum period
IMPORTANT: If childbirth occurred by surgerycesarean section, the uterus shrinks somewhat more slowly. To control this process, a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist within a week after discharge from the hospital.