The name of children's teams, slogans and sayings for children and kindergarten teachers for sports, patriotic, military, naval theme, health, healthy lifestyle, ecology, nature for competitions, holidays

The article offers you options for interesting speech for any holiday in the kindergarten.

Content of

  • Motto for kindergarten educators: variants of chanting
  • Name of children's teams, mottoes and utterances for kindergarten children
  • Name of children's teams, slogans and sayings for kindergarten children patriotic
  • Name of children's teams, slogans and slogans for kindergarten childrenmilitary theme
  • Name of children's teams, mottoes and chanting for children of kindergarten on the marine theme
  • Name of children's teams, mottoes and chanting for children of kindergarten on health and healthy lifestyleand
  • The name of children's teams, slogans and utterances for kindergarten children on the theme of ecology and nature
  • The name of children's teams, mottoes and utterances for kindergarten children on February 23
  • The name of children's teams, slogans and slogans for kindergarten children on February 14
  • Titlechildren's teams, slogans and chanting for kindergarten children on March 8
  • instagram viewer
  • The name of children's teams, slogans and utterances for kindergarten children for the New Year
  • Video: "Kindergarten recitation"

Motto for kindergarten educators: variants of chanting

In kindergarten, as in school, events and celebrations are arranged very often. All this is necessary in order to develop positive features in the child: love of nature and one's own country, respect for the elders, the professions of the parents and many other things.

Speech is a cheerful poem, which it is customary to shout out loud. It necessarily refers to the subject of the event, represents the team or an individual, expresses its attitude to the problem or case. From the point of view of development, chant helps the child to perfect oratory, develop speech, teach to speak to the public and not be afraid of it, makes one realize every word spoken.

IMPORTANT: At some events, educators, as well as children, may need a speech. You can find variants of the statements in this article.

Teachings for educators:

We love this kindergarten,
Everybody is happy in it, every one is happy,
In the garden, our children are good,
Obedient children are the most important thing!

In our kindergarten
Many children are happy,
Kids, like flowers in the garden,
No they are smarter and more beautiful!

In the garden, our children are good,
Our kindergarten is most important,
We are loved by children and parents,
In our kindergarten do you want to?

Educators we are excellent,
Organized, decent.
And in the garden of our kids
All are cultured and good!

Educators send greetings,
They are happy for many years!
In the kindergarten all work,
Love their work!

Meet us, we are your caretakers,
We are ready to give you all our love,
We are ready to take care of you,
Kiss and gently stroke!

On the educational team
In the whole world, this one,
He will warm you with his love,
He caresses your children, he cherishes!

The teacher is difficult to be,
But believe me - anything is possible!
We will tell you the secret:
We are happy for many years!

In our heart kindergarten,
Settled many years ago,
Since then we are happy and happy
Everybody meet in your favorite kindergarten!

Look, my dear friend,
How everyone is happy around!
This kindergarten blooms with love,
He meets you!

Teaching for kindergarten teachers

The name of children's teams, slogans and sayings for kindergarten children

An important part of raising children in the kindergarten is to instil in them a love of sport, activity and a healthy lifestyle. To do this, educators organize competitions and competitions that praise sports, play active games and exercises.

Sports sports for small children in the garden:

Sport, I admit, I love,
He fills my life!
I'm going to play sports,
To stay healthy!

I respect sports, it is very great,
It teaches me to the health of love!
I will honor and respect sport,
To be the best in the world, beautiful to become!

Athletic greetings
From me you friends!
And let many years
I will be healthy!

I love competitions,
Sport, any tests!
I love being ahead,
Leaving behind!

Sport is joy,
Sport is life,
For sport is very strong
Hold on!

How nice to live beautiful,
Tightened, strong, insanely beautiful!
Be sure, run and fight,
You will see what sports life!

Health is a test,
Sporting events,
Sporting successes,
Sport to happiness is not a hindrance!

I once for myself
Sport, how the magic has opened,
And since then everyone is better I,
He gave me happiness!

I am a sporty soul,
Life with sport is good!
Do it, do not be shy,
Champion be quick!

I'm a sports champion,
I'm beautiful from all sides!
You, like me, be happy,
All problems forget!

Sports scribes for children in the garden

Name of children's teams, slogans and utterances for kindergarten children patriotic

Patriotic parenting starts from kindergarten, which is why events and celebrations are the best form of submitting important information for toddlers.

We are a team with the name "Earth",
A nice edge, we love you!
We are growing for the happiness of the country,
We carry our country in our heart!

Our team is powerful,
For us it is the best!
We are the team - pride for all
All because we are called "Success"!

We respect our country,
We revere our country,
For our team "Favorite residents",
Our country is the best and most delightful!

The command "Lovely children",
To the country all sends greetings!
We love our Motherland,
Great, free!

We are good "Citizens",
It's important for us to love the country!
She is our favorite
And the most beloved!

Listening for a kindergarten for a patriotic reaction

The name of children's teams, slogans and utterances for children of a kindergarten on a military theme

In kindergartens, educators must organize events to celebrate such dates as February 23 and May 9.It is for such holidays that the children will benefit from the use of verbal and thematic verses, mottoes and symbolic names of the teams.

We are the team of "Soldiers",
We are in the spirit of all the brothers!
We are conquered obsession,
We support each other!

We are a team, we are called "Victory",
We have the power of the whole world!
We always strive for peace,
We want the edge to be happy!

Our team "Children of Happiness",
We are so called not in vain!
We are the children of our great ancestors,
What won the battle in victory!

Our team "We Will Say NO to the World!",
We send greetings to the happy world!
Kindness to all and only to love,
Let your country save God!

Our team is not simple,
It is called "Kindness",
She does not tolerate war,
She believes in peace and happiness!

Patriotic and military education in kindergarten: chanting

The name of children's teams, slogans and utterances for children of kindergarten on the sea theme

The marine theme of holidays and events can also be present in the kindergarten. It not only interests children, but also allows them to learn the world from all sides.

We are a team of "Sailors",
We are strong, wise, strong!
We can do all the work,
We only need to hunt!

The sea for us - love and soul,
With the sea life is so good for children!
Water is life and we are healthy,
Water - inspiration, happiness of space!

Our team is called "Ship",
We need happiness for victory!
We are ahead with your friends,
. You admire us only!

Our team is "Brigantine",
She is light, strong, happy!
She moves forward to success,
Her icebergs and storm are not a hindrance!

As today do not twist
"Jerzy Marine" ahead!
They have mighty power -
Needles are prickly!

Team we have "Dolphins",
They are strong and beautiful!
Swim very quickly and dexterously,
Without knowing the big stops!

Our team is called "Kit",
Our strength is as strong as granite!
Our confidence is strong,
We will always win the victory!

Our team "Goldfish",
We do not make mistakes!
We are very smart and strong
And like gold is beautiful!

Our little gang -
A very strong team of
Called "Sea lions"
We have luck and happiness ahead!

Today you are loudly crying,
We will solve any problem,
We will pass complex tests
Our team "Fast swimming!".

Speech and verses for holidays in kindergarten for marine issues

Name of children's teams, slogans and utterances for children of kindergarten on health and healthy life

Teach children to take care of the environment, nature, respect their health, follow it and leadA sporting lifestyle is needed from the youngest age. Competitions and competitions on sports with the recitation in the kindergarten will be more urgent than ever!

I have a great power,
She made me beautiful!
My secret - great health,
I'll open it to you today!

Our team "Balls",
We do not hide our strength,
We rush to our victory,
We are the best in the world!

Our team is called "Success",
We will overtake all, we will beat all!
At the finish we are the best,
We are strong, powerful!

Our team called "Skittles",
We invariably rush to success!
Do not look at our successes,
you overtake us - it's fun for us!

Our team is not great,
But our team is strong.
She in the whole world is one:
Successful, sweet, strong!

Our team is called "Story",
It looks forward to a great success,
It's easy to carry out any tasks,
With a smile goes through all the tests!

Our team "Sneakers",
We skachom and run cleverly!
We have a big secret -
We will not miss victories!

We have a simple name,
The "Stars" team, what's wrong?
We are stars of sport and gymnastics,
We have strength, power and plastic!

Our team "Speed",
Winning for us is not news!
We will not miss you,
We will not lose the victory!

Our team "Youth",
We rush forward at speed!
We are like fast beasts,
Sly, sparkling!

Speech on the theme of sport and healthy lifestyles in kindergarten

The name of children's teams, slogans and utterances for children of kindergarten on the theme of ecology and nature

If from an early age does not instill in the child the desire to take care of the environment, he will not do this andbeing an adult.

I am nature, as a gentle flower,
I respect, I love very, very much!
I will strongly protect it,
I will not forget my kindness!

Nature should be clean,
Must be a bright sky,
And the sun is warm, radiant,
With me, wherever I am!

Our team "Snowdrops",
You take care of us carefully!
You protect us from evil,
So that beautiful nature would be!

Our team "Kind people",
We will love and cherish nature!
Its beauty we will save,
We will fill the whole world with our good!

Our team "Ladybug",
We are very cleverly possessed!
We will be the best in this competition,
We'll send you our best regards!

Our team is called "Nature",
We are good at any time of the year!
We will be successful and good,
We love our land from the heart!

Our team "Sunny ray",
We hello to you helmet because of the clouds,
We'll show you how to win,
Do not even think of us jumping!

Our team "Good Morning!",
We win the victory cool!
We used to be winners,
We do not want to give victory to us?

Speech for kindergarten for the holiday of nature

The name of children's teams, mottoes and utterance for kindergarten children on 23 February

To make the "Day of Defenders of the Fatherland" in a kindergarten more fun, you can organize competitions and competitions, dividing the children into teams and learning from themof the speech.

I'm a real man,
Successful, strong, beautiful!
I'm the best in the world,
I'll win!

Our team is called "Power",
We will defeat you today beautifully,
We are the defenders of the country beloved!
To be the best is necessary!

We are the "Men" anywhere!
We have strength, kindness!
We have a kilo of energy,
We will defeat you all the same!

Our team is called "Victory",
We are the best guys from all over the world!
We love attention and respect,
We will give you joy and inspiration!

We are the "Team of February",
We are fighting for good reason!
We are great winners,
In the game we are simply adorable!

The name of children's teams, slogans and sayings for kindergarten children on February 14

Little children who do not yet understand what the "Lovers' Day" should organize a holiday of love, attention and tender feelings.

Our team "Valentinka",
We are your best half!
We are very cunning and successful,
We are very funny and amusing!

We are the team "Cupids",
We have bottomless energy!
We have a lot of power,
To win the team!

Our team "Sweets",
We are happy kids,
We love daddy and mother,
We'll find out the victory today!

Our team is called "Hearts",
Our energy is endless!
We have great happiness ahead of us,
Our efforts are not in vain!

Our team is called "Joy",
We are our moms and dad sweet,
We are very happy to be ahead,
Our problems are all over!

Speeches for the holiday of the "All Lovers' Day" in the kindergarten

The name of the children's teams, mottoes and utterances for the children of the kindergarten on March 8

It's a great holiday, like "March 8" in kindergarten, not only to congratulate your beloved mothers and grandmothers, but also to celebrate with various competitions, as well as competitions, where it is necessary to use the words!

We are the team "Girls",
Slender as twigs,
Lovely as bunnies,
We like boys!

Our team is called the "Flower",
We are made up of favorite daughters.
We love to be always the first,
We will make a victory today!

Our friendly team,
Best of all, she needs tears!
Beware of us, we are "Sparks",
We are fast, like a powerful shot!

Our team "Beautiful Babies",
We are the best girls in the whole world!
We love to fight and win,
Fight, boys, do not you dare yawn!

Our friendly team
It's called "Love",
We'll take away the victory
And we'll get prizes again!

The name of children's teams, slogans and utterances for kindergarten children for the New Year.

The New Year is a favorite children's holiday, as it brings children closer to magic and miracles. On this holiday, you can arrange many interesting competitions and assignments for children.

We are the team "Babies",
We have a lot of tinsel!
We have talents and poems,
We'll leave everyone behind!

We are the team of "Herringbone",
We have a needle!
You are afraid of us and tremble,
We'll leave you behind!

Our team is called "Gifts",
We will make this competition hot!
We will make this day light,
We greet all our close helmets!

Our team is called "Clapper",
We love to always be the best!
All the tests will pass very quickly,
After ourselves let's leave only sparks!

Our team "Snow Cloud",
We are the best, we all of you are steeper!
Forward fly, no obstacles knowing,
In any task, win!

Video: "Sentinel in the kindergarten"

  • May 25, 2018
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