You in stores organize a hunt for low-fat products in the hope, finally, lose weight? Wrong. A large amount of food with a low fat content often leads to the fact that you, on the contrary, gain weight.
This sounds illogical. You are trying to exclude from your diet all fatty foods, to finally lose weight, and therefore eat almost completely fat-free versions. But instead, your weight is slowly growing. The betrayal of low-fat foods can be based on several factors.
Less fat, more sugar
Fat is a carrier and flavor enhancer and provides an ideal consistency of products;thanks to fat, food seems tasty to us. If the manufacturers decided to remove the fat from a certain product, they should replace it with something else that will give him "his" taste. And this "something" is sugar.
The problem of low-fat foods is that, as a rule, they contain more sugar than the "classical" variants. Sugar, in turn, is deposited in our body in the form of fat and, consequently, a higher weight.
Fatty foods do not quench hunger
Fat is digested slowly, and when digestion helps to produce a hormone that is responsible for feeling full and satisfied. Products that contain very little fat( or do not contain it at all) are digested quickly and leave you feeling hungry.
In addition, added sugar causes a rapid rise and an equally rapid drop in blood sugar, which causes an uncontrolled craving for food and increases the tendency to overeating.
You eat more
Studies conducted by Cornell University of Food have found that people who eat lean foods consume twenty-eight percent more calories per day. Adherents of low fat content in foods eat large portions because they believe that each portion of low-fat meal contains about forty percent less calories, but in reality, the difference is only eleven percent.
Specialists emphasize that it is undesirable to completely avoid fat, you just need to replace saturated fat with unsaturated fat. This reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol and increases the "good", which protects the health of your blood vessels. A good source of unsaturated fats are olives, olive oil, almonds, peanuts, sesame seeds, mackerel, salmon and other fish.