Features of the use of the Vasonitis in phlebological practice

vazonite retard Quite often, with various diseases of veins and other vessels, cardiotherapy is administered with Vasonit. The medicine has an expanding effect on blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation in them.

On sale, there is mainly vazonite 600, where the number indicates the amount of active ingredient in milligrams. Before you start treatment with this tool, you should carefully read all of its properties.

Vazonite is a drug that has a positive effect on the rheological quality of the blood and microcirculation of the blood. During the reception of this agent, the vessels expand actively.


  • Ingredients and Form
  • Pharmacological properties
  • Pharmacokinetics of the preparation
  • At which indications are accepted
  • Contraindications to the prescription
  • Side effects
  • Instructions for use and dosage
  • Cases of overdose
  • The word to doctors and consumers
  • The cost of the preparation and analogues

Components and formrelease

Medication Vazonite is produced in the form of tablets with prolonged exposure. Above, the tablets are coated with a coating of food and soluble film. The form of the tablets is oblong, biconvex, on both sides there are risks. White color.

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The drug is produced in blisters, in one there are 10 tablets. In the cardboard bundle there are 2 blisters with 10 tablets.

The main active ingredient of the drug is pentoxifylline. Its concentration is 600 mg. Additional substances are crospovidone, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, hypromellose, cellulose.

Shell components:

  • macragol 6000;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • talcum powder;
  • hypromellose;
  • polyacrylic acid.

Pharmacological properties of

Vazonite is part of the pharmacological group of angioprotectors.

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Angioprotectors are types of drugs that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of blood vessels, and they have a positive effect on blood circulation in the vessels and increase the permeability properties of their walls.

Vasinitis enhances blood circulation in blood vessels( as well as in areas with impaired blood circulation), by decreasing the density of the blood vasodilator composition and dilating the lumen of the vessels.

The agent leads to a slowing down of the implementation of enzymatic processes, and also increases the accumulation in the tissues, cells, muscle fibers of certain nucleotides that transmit the intercellular signal.

The drug resists platelet aggregation, improves the elastic qualities of the erythrocyte membrane( membrane), reduces the level of the fibrinogen protein( this substance causes blood thickening) in the plasma and, as a result, accelerates the cleavage of thrombi and clots.

Due to the active component of the drug, the coronary arteries( arteries of the heart) expand, resulting in an increased supply of oxygen to the heart. In addition, oxygen comes in large quantities in the blood of the vessels of the lungs. The medicine has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

Pharmacokinetics of the preparation

capsule tablets After each administration of the drug Vazonite, a uniform continuous release of the main component is observed. The medicine is completely absorbed into the stomach and intestines.

In the liver, the main components of the component of the agent are cleaved in full, as a result of the cleavage, a large number of metabolites are formed, intermediate products of metabolism.

The maximum concentration of the main component of pentoxifylline occurs 3-4 hours and lasts 12 hours.

Almost 94% of the drug is excreted through the kidneys. Excretion occurs in the form of metabolites. Excreted in breast milk.

At what indications are the

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of various disorders associated with blood circulation problems. It is prescribed in pathologies of peripheral blood circulation, circulation of blood in small and medium vessels. It is also used for violations of the coronary circulation.

According to the instructions, Vasonitis is recommended for the following pathologies:

  • diabetic type angiopathy( vascular lesions during diabetes);
  • occurrence of obliterating endarteritis - vascular lesions in the lower limbs;
  • of Raynaud's disease, accompanied by the defeat of small vessels of the hands;
  • during cerebral stroke with ischemic symptoms, without cerebral hemorrhage;
  • at the time of the appearance of encephalopathy diszirkulatornogo type;
  • during angioedema of the retina is a lesion of the eye and eye optic nerve is not inflammatory;
  • in the event of angioedropathy of other sites;
  • in the presence of varicose veins;
  • is recommended during the post-thrombophlebitic syndrome, as well as when there is venous insufficiency due to a transferred thrombosis;trophic skin changes
  • with frostbite;
  • for the treatment of trophic ulcers;
  • during gangrene;
  • for preventive treatment of circulatory failure in the retina of the eye;
  • prevention of circulatory failure in the choroid of the eye;
  • for hearing problems caused by vascular pathologies.

Contraindications to prescription

According to the recommendations, the drug should not be taken to patients with hypersensitivity to constituent components, nor should it be taken to people who have suffered the following pathologies:

  • myocardial infarction in acute form;
  • in the presence of an acute stroke with cerebral hemorrhage;
  • large blood loss;
  • with haemorrhages in the retina of the eye.

It is also recommended to take with extreme caution in the presence of the following conditions and conditions:

  • heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • in the presence of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • with ulcerative bowel disease;
  • with reduced arterial pressure;
  • with an inclination of the body to severe bleeding.
Do not take the drug to women during pregnancy and lactation. Also not recommended for children under 18 years.

Side effects of

Many patients taking this medication report the following side effects:

  • nausea;nausea
  • poor appetite;
  • occurrence of discomfort in the stomach;
  • in rare cases - vomiting and diarrhea;
  • lowering blood pressure and a variety of problems in the heart rhythm;
  • from the central nervous system - the onset of headache, dizziness and insomnia;
  • sometimes there is an allergy in the form of itching, irritation, rashes, swelling, urticaria.

Application and dosage instructions

vazonite The treatment and dosage periods should only be determined by the attending physician.

This is due to the fact that the level of dosages and the duration of treatment procedures depend on the type and extent of the disease.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to undergo a test, to pass the necessary tests and after that the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment and correct dosages of the drug.

In accordance with the instruction, the drug in the form of tablets should be taken as follows:

  • a day should take 2 tablets;
  • is taken after meals twice a day;
  • 1 tablet is taken in the morning, the second in the evening;
  • to take down the tablets you need a little water.

In the treatment of phlebological diseases, the dosage and duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. The doctor should prescribe the treatment after a complete examination.

For moderate and mild illnesses, the drug should be taken 1 tablet twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Drink them with a small amount of water.

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For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Opinion of Doctors. .. »

Cases of overdose

If the amount of medication is increased, the following symptoms may occur:

  • feeling of weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • hypotension;
  • tachycardia;
  • drowsiness;
  • occurrence of redness on the skin surface;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • areflexion;
  • sometimes causes tonic-clonic seizures;
  • signs of gastric bleeding.

If suddenly these symptoms occur, then you should immediately wash the stomach with activated charcoal.

But you should pay attention, in the presence of bleeding stomach washing is not permissible.

After this, symptomatic therapy is carried out, which is aimed at maintaining the functions of respiration and blood pressure.

A word to doctors and consumers of

To make certain conclusions, it is necessary to study the opinions of patients who took Vazonit, as well as specialists.

Vasonitis is a good tool for normalization of blood circulation. I believe that the drug copes well with all vascular diseases. After a full course of treatment, my patients manage to improve their blood vessels much, they lose the risk of blood clots, and blood circulation increases.

But before taking the device, it is better to consult a doctor, because the drug has contraindications, and the course of treatment depends on the type and severity of the disease.

Vascular surgeon

For a long time there were problems with blood vessels, blood vessels. Because of this constantly feeling bad, constant discomfort, pain and much more. Has addressed to the doctor, he has spent full inspection and has appointed or nominated Vasonitis. I drank it for a month according to the instructions. The condition has improved much, the blood vessels have cleared, blood circulation has normalized.


After the onset of varicose veins, pain and heaviness immediately arose. The veins were very sore and constantly inflamed. After the examination, the doctor appointed Vasonitis.

After treatment for a month, I felt much better, and a month later, inflammation, the veins ceased to hurt.


The cost of the drug and analogues

The price of packing Vazonite № 20 on the Internet starts from 380 rubles and comes to 480 rubles. Agapurin

As this tool is quite expensive there are various analogues that have a lower price:

  • Agapurin;
  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Flexitale;
  • Pentylin.
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  • Feb 28, 2018
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