How to make a cake and gifts from kinder and chocolate, rafaello, Chupa Chups, New Year, in the form of a heart with your own hands: ideas, photos. How to make a simple, but beautiful cake of kinder?

Recipes of cake from kinder.


  • How to make a cake of kinder and chocolate: ideas, photos?
    • Foam base
    • Foam base
  • How to make cake from kinder and rafaello: ideas, photos
  • How to make cake from kinder and chupa chups: ideas, photos
  • How to make cake for girls: ideas, photos
  • How to make cake from kinder forboy: ideas, photos
  • How to make a simple, but beautiful cake of kinder?
  • How to make a cake of heart-shaped kinders?
  • How to make a cake of Kinder New Year?
  • How to make gifts for children from kinder for the New Year: ideas, photos
  • How to make gifts from kinder for February 14: ideas, photos
  • How to make gifts from kinder on February 23: ideas, photos
  • How to make presents from kinder on March 8:ideas, photos
  • How to make gifts from kindery for Easter: ideas, photos
  • How to make presents from kinder for the birthday of the child: ideas, photos
  • How to make gifts from the kinderov for the wedding: ideas, photos
  • Video: Cooking the cake from the kinder-surprise
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What a holiday without a cake. And if you make it out of kinder, and even with your own hands, then the joys of kids will not be the limit. But such a cake will be appreciated even by adults. After all, it is not only tasty and interesting, but also looks very beautiful. Let's get acquainted with the variety of ideas of such sweet splendor.

How to make a cake of kinder and chocolate: ideas, photos?

Such a cake can make even a child, because it does not need to be baked. And the ingredients are available and varied. The main thing to include imagination. Of course, the first step is to prepare the framework. It can be of different shapes, but it can be made from cardboard or thick paper or from cut foam.

To prepare such a cake, special skill is not needed. But it's worth everything carefully and slowly. The main components of the are the Kinder and the small Kinder chocolates, but you can take another company.

Foam base

  • The most laborious preparation of such a cake is the basis. Faster, and more cute will look, if you take foam. Cut out the required shape. The height should be equal to the height of the chocolates.
  • You can make several tiers, but this is optional. And if you do something like that for the first time, then it's better to dwell on a simpler version.
  • Next you need to attach our chocolates to the base. Many use glue for these purposes. But any glue is not so harmless, and when the jewelry is torn off, the packaging may be damaged, and the frame will also deteriorate. All the same, on the holiday everything should be beautiful and perfect.
  • Therefore, it will be used ordinary paper band. You need to put it on the frame, and then carefully insert it over the chocolate. As a result, there should not be any voids or holes, and you also need to make sure that everything is smooth.
Cake from kinderov
  • That the elastic does not spoil the whole picture, then you can decorate with a satin ribbon or lace braid from above.
  • Kindery put on top. Strengthening them is not necessary. Yes, and not desirable. Again, glue can damage the packaging, and then the appearance will be less aesthetic. The amount depends on the desire and size of your frame.
  • You can decorate the top with more flowers. Ideally - alive. In this way, an additional rack is created so that the kinder can not escape.
  • It is also possible to cover the top of the frame with corrugated paper. And you can even use colored paper, but it should be bright and high-quality. Mount it you need to glue.

Paper base

You can also create a cake on a paper basis.

Option 1:

  • In this version, you need to spend more time and effort. And also you need to be very accurate and accurate in the measurements.
  • The first thing to do with is to cut two circles of the same size. This will be the bottom and top, respectively.
  • Next, you need to measure the required height and cut out the rectangle. On each side leave another centimeter. And make triangles on this site, cut out denticles. After all, we will glue them to our circles. And this is necessary so that no folds are formed.
  • Chocolate is better to paste. Because the elastic band can crumple the paper. But, if you decide to use cardboard, then you can fix them with an elastic band.
  • Then the technique is the same - decorate with ribbons and lay out on top of the kinder.
Cake from kinderboards

Option 2:

  • This method requires only one circle - the lower one.
  • Similarly, we cut out a rectangle, but the denticles are made only on one side. After all, the upper circle we will not. As a result, the so-called basket will turn out.
  • In this case it is better to take not more ordinary paper, but more dense. And it will look very beautiful if you use color or with a picture. Pasted naked with chocolates, and in the resulting hole - we put the kinder.

How to make a cake of kinder and rafaello: ideas, photos

This cake can be called gorgeous! And it can be safely presented to a loved one. The process of making such a cake does not take much time and does not differ much from the previous version.

  • We will need "Kinder" chocolates and a whole box of "Raffaello".
  • In this composition it is better to take a foam base - it is more durable. Paper even dense can bend.
  • Again, the most time-consuming stage is to prepare the basics. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the box should stand in a recess. Therefore, in the foam it will be necessary to cut out the corresponding shape and height of the hole. There will be a box on top.
Cake from kinder and rafaello
  • You can do even easier, take the base a little below the height of the chocolates.
  • Next in a circle put our chocolates and tie them with a ribbon.
  • The top of the foam should be covered with corrugated paper, and, if desired, additionally decorate with fresh flowers or satin ribbon. They need to be attached to the glue.
  • Also do not forget to attach a beautiful bow on the box itself. It's a gift!
  • By the way, the child can additionally be placed near the box and kinder - surprises. He will definitely appreciate it.

How to make a cake of Kinder and Chupa Chups: ideas, photos

This cake looks very nice, if done in several tiers. And do not necessarily make it huge. You need to proceed with their own budget. But the emotions of the child will be inexpressible.

  • Of course, you will need the chocolates "Kinder" and chupa-chups, you can also use kinder-surprises.
  • The basis for such a cake should be taken only from foam. After all, chupa-chups will need to be inserted into something. And in paper it will be hard to strengthen them.
  • Cut three tiers of different sizes and fasten together. It will be very beautiful if you wrap each tier in a wrapping paper with a beautiful pattern. You can connect them with each other using glue or rod.
Cake from kinder and chupa-chups
  • Next, each layer is covered with chocolates, we attach it with a rubber band and decorate it with a ribbon. Then we layer each layer along the edge with chupa-chups. We paste them directly into the foam.
  • At the very top put the kinder-surprises. If you decide to do without them, then you can add a few more chupa-chups. Or just decorate with a beautiful bow and flowers. Depending on the imagination and requirements.

How to make a cake for girls: ideas, photos

The cake for girls is characterized by the presence of various ornaments: flowers, ribbons, butterflies, etc. Of course, it is worth considering the wishes of the child. As a rule, the color scheme includes the presence of pink color. Also, a soft toy in decoration will look good.

  • The basis can be chosen absolutely any shape. But it's easiest to work with a round shape.
  • It can be either paper or foam. Depending on your preferences and the number of jewelry.
  • We fasten the chocolates to the tier. Very elegant will look, if you decorate not with one ribbon. And take one wide, a second a little smaller. And even better, if you decorate not just a bow, and attach a hairpin. There will be another gift.
Cake of kinder for the girl
  • Next lay the kindery on the edge of the circle, and in the center we plant a teddy bear. Or any other soft toy that is more to your liking. This will be another small gift.

How to make a cake for boys: ideas, photos

For some reason, many believe that boys are not so important jewelry. But on a festive cake they will be very handy. Only it is necessary to consider the taste preferences of your baby. Do not deny the lace ribbons, and even a bow will look nice.

Option 1:

  • Take the round shape. If you take a paper base, then it's better to do with a groove - more will fit sweets. If it is made of foam, then you can decorate it in addition.
  • The color scheme, of course, blue or blue.
  • Decorate with chocolates and tie a ribbon. Very beautiful looks a combination of a large blue and a small white ribbon.
Cake for the boy
  • And from above you can put the machine, tying it with a big bow. If the boy collects Hot Vilsy, ​​he will be very happy with such a cake!

Option 2:

  • Of course, any boy will like it if the cake is in the form of a typewriter. For this it will be necessary to try very hard. Basically, of course, take foam. From paper to make a machine is almost impossible. Well, or you are a great master.
  • Do not be in vain to dream of making it believable. It is enough to choose a simple model from the cartoon, for example, McVean.
  • We attach chocolate bars to the cabin, hood and trunk. Only on glue.
  • Next to help will be the paint, and the ability to draw. Draw eyes and glass. By the way, you can glue the eyes already finished, which are sold in the store.
The machine for the boy
  • Wheels can be made from chocolate coins. And you can decorate ordinary plastic plugs. On them, the machine can even stand. And on top, on the roof, lay out our surprise kinder-s. Additional decoration is not required.
  • Alternatively, you can make a truck. Then there will be much more sweets. But here with a cabin it is necessary to tinker. And you can make it out of cardboard and decorate it.

How to make simple, but beautiful cake from kinder?

For such a cake, you do not need to have golden hands, and its preparation will take quite a bit of time. The most important advantage is that you do not have to mess around and come up with a foundation. It's almost half the case.

  • Of course, you need to buy as many kinder and chocolate. It will be very nice to look, if you also pour M & M's dragee.
  • As a basis, you can take the most common box from under the cake. Better than a round shape. It's much easier to work with.
  • If the box is plastic, then it is worth wrapping it in a beautiful paper. Here everything depends on personal preferences.
Cake with sweets
  • The most time-consuming will be fixing the chocolates themselves to the base. It is better to put them on the glue, and tie it with tape.
  • You can pour the dragees on top and put the kinder. In this version, the base should be slightly trimmed, so that it is slightly below the high chocolate.
  • If stocks of sweets allow, you can mark them directly inside the box. As a result, a festive basket with different delicacies will turn out.

How to make a cake of heart-shaped kinders?

Of course, the round shape is not an obligatory condition. The form can be completely different. Especially, lovers like the shape of the heart. To create it you will need to try, but the result is worth it.

Option 1:

  • It's easier, of course, to cut a heart out of polystyrene foam. Although, with a strong desire, the paper will also have a beautiful frame. Wrap our base in bright corrugated paper. Or any other that is at your fingertips.
  • It will look very nice if you glue a strip of a different color on a circle. As a result, the so-called ruches will come to their senses.
Cake from kinderov
  • We fasten the chocolate on the perimeter of the heart. We decorate with a ribbon. It is necessary to consider the color of the paper. It looks very beautiful in red and white.
  • From above attach a bouquet of flowers, which can be made from corrugated paper. Or buy jewelry in the store. Superb and cute will also look a little soft toy.

Option 2:

  • The process of making the base is more laborious. And in this variant it is better to make a basis from a cardboard. You need to cut the bottom in the form of a heart.
  • Next, you need to glue the desired height of the edge, to which the glue will be glued.
Heart-shaped cake
  • And inside the heart you can lay out kinder-surprises, rafaello or other sweets.
  • You can take only the ribbon of your favorite color from the decoration. After all, this cake will look great.

How to make a cake of Kinder New Year?

There is no limit to the preparation of such a cake. And most importantly, such a cake can be prepared for adults, and as a treat for everyone. And with the children the process of making is turned into an exciting game.

Option 1:

  • If the New Year is on the nose, then this cake is better done in the form of a Christmas tree. The basis should be done with the groove. After all, the whole family wants to eat sweets, so there should be a lot of candy and candy.
  • Can be made from thick paper, can be made from foam. But principle one is to cut the bottom and the sidewall. Wrap in green paper and fasten together.
  • Attach the chocolates around the perimeter, and put as much sweets and surprises inside as possible. A special decoration is not required, because the kinder replace all the attributes.
Cake for the New Year

Option 2:

  • Take a round base. It is not necessary to wrap it in paper. You can, by the way, make several tiers, enough even two. Bind them together.
  • Place the chocolate on the side of each tier. You can take a green ribbon, and tie them kinder. On the first tier lay a circle of kinder-surprises.
  • And at the very top put a small sprig of Christmas trees, which do not forget to decorate with toys. And it will look nice, and will get a great flavor.

How to make children's gifts from kinder for the New Year: ideas, photos

For parents, such a cake will be a real find. After all, it can be called two in one - and a gift, and sweets. Take into account the hobbies of your child. And from this already choose the basis and color. And you can make a universal box of yummy. And if finances permit, then surprise your child with a real treasure chest.

  • For the basis of this cake will require two components - paper and polystyrene.
  • You need to cut a large circle of paper and a little smaller. This will be the bottom of the box and the lid, respectively.
  • They can be painted with colors or covered with paper. Color can be taken any.
  • Next, you need to cut out the sidewall of the foam. Its thickness should be about 1 cm. And wrap it neatly in corrugated paper.
  • By the way, the lid can also be cut out of foam and glued to it a large ball that will be a handle. It is also more convenient to get delicacies.
Delicious cake for children
  • To glue the chocolates around the perimeter of the side. If they are fastened with an elastic band, then it will be necessary to tie a ribbon on top.
  • And the most important and easy step is to put a small gift inside, and on top put out kindery - surprises.
  • And close it all with our lid. It can also be decorated with various trinkets.

How to make gifts from kinder for February 14: ideas, photos

What could be more pleasant than such a gift for the holiday of all lovers. Naturally, the form should be chosen by the heart, and the red color should be the main one. After all, it is the color of passion and love.

  • The basis is better to do in the form of a box. And for this idea it's easier to cut it out of foam. The lid should be made so that it can be easily removed. And you should think of a beautiful pen.
  • You should, of course, put it in red corrugated paper, and for decoration take a white color.
  • Attach the Kinder chocolates on each side and tie them with a satin ribbon on top. Very useful will be the use of a wide openwork white ribbon, and on top of it let the red thin. Place the junction with a bow and a small brooch made of beads.
Gift favorite
  • Inside such a box put kinder-surprises and do not forget about a small gift.
  • Girls will be pleased to find a box with earrings, and a man can choose a beautiful lighter, decorated with paintings.
  • This gift will not leave indifferent the second half. And thanks to the lid can also intrigue.

How to make gifts from kinder on February 23: ideas, photos

It's not for nothing that they say that a man always remains a child. And do not believe that they love meat only. Believe me, if you give your lover such a cake, and even made with your own hands, then the prices you will not be among the other women. He will be ready to carry you in his arms.

Option 1:

  • For men it's better to choose a round shape and use a minimum of jewelry. No, you do not need to give them up altogether, but do not overdo it.
  • It will look very beautiful in blue. Therefore, you can wrap the base itself in blue paper and tie it with a white ribbon, or you can leave the base white and decorate with a blue ribbon, respectively.
  • The frame itself can be made of foam or cardboard, it does not matter. Cut the bottom and beech part, and fasten them in a box. Chocolate can not be glued, but put inside with all the other sweets.
  • And also it does not hurt to put a jar of pepsi. After all, after a sweet drink, you definitely want to.
  • Tape the satin ribbon on the base circle. And do not forget to attach at least some metachas so that it does not move.
Sweet cake for men

Option 2:

  • Also form a box, but you still need to make a lid. It is not necessary to wrap in colored paper.
  • Kindery glue in a circle on a double-sided scotch. Therefore, you can not tie a ribbon.
  • And if finances are allowed, then it is possible for a man to put a small bottle of something stronger. Only this should be a good and expensive drink.
  • It's the presence of the cover that will help create a little intrigue. After all, it will look like a cake from the outside, and a surprise will be waiting inside.
  • Ribbon tied on both sides as a gift.
  • By the way, do not forget to come up with a device so that you can easily open the box.

How to make gifts from kinder on March 8: ideas, photos

Any woman will be pleased to receive on March 8 a bouquet of flowers. But you can deviate from banal tulips and please your favorite bouquet of Kinder. After all, what kind of girl does not like chocolate, and such an original gift will give a lot of positive emotions.

  • The size of the bouquet directly depends on the size of your wallet. But the more it is, the better. Agree that even looks so nice bouquet.
  • Special skills are not required, and components do not need much. You will need a packing paper for flowers, kinder, wire, scotch tape.
  • First you need to cut the wire to the desired number of stems. Their length should be the same. At one end it needs to be wrapped so that you can put the egg.
Bouquet of gerberas and chrysanthemums
  • The most time-consuming process will be fastening the kinder to the wire. To do this, Scotch will help. Gently wrap the joint. It will look very nice if each flower is wrapped in wrapping paper. It can even be transparent.
  • Then we collect all the flowers in a bouquet, the stems for warranty are also wrapped with scotch tape. We wrap in a beautiful paper or wrapper. And also do not forget to tie a ribbon.

How to make gifts from kindery for Easter: ideas, photos

What Easter without Easter eggs. On this day it is introduced to make friends and relatives happy, and also to exchange gifts. And even on such a holiday you can make an original gift.

  • The most important attribute, after kinder, will be a basket. If there is such an opportunity that you can make yourself. And you can do easier and buy a ready-made basket. Not necessarily large.
  • Then each egg is wrapped in corrugated paper. Do not forget that the colors should be different.
  • The next step is to wrap them in a ribbon. Thus, the paper will hold. You need to do this crosswise. The connection point can be fixed with adhesive tape. Ideally, use adhesive tape. It certainly must be golden in color.
Easter basket
  • On the front side or at the connection point, you can stick a sticker that matches the subject. To date, they are in abundance, so it will not be difficult to choose.
  • We put our kinder in the basket. It can also be decorated with ribbons and ruches.
  • And most importantly - the center put cakes.

How to make gifts from kinder for the birthday of the child: ideas, photos

The birthday of the child is a very serious holiday. After all, the kid is in anticipation of what will be given to him. And the cake of their kinder will be very handy. The child will be just in seventh heaven with happiness. To prepare such a gift, you need to take into account the gender, age and wishes of the child. Up to three years it is better to abandon such an idea. After all, you can not sweat a lot and small parts can be swallowed.

  • The variety of these cakes depends only on your imagination. You can make it three-tiered, and decorate at will. But for a child it will be more important how much kinder-surprises he will get. Therefore, you can make the most common base, but larger sizes. And inside put the kinder.
  • The bottom can be cut out of paper, but the side part is made of foam. Glue them together. Cover with chocolates, then tie with ribbon. Spread kinder, preferably with a slide. You can add other sweets. Optional.
Sweet cake
  • Carefully insert the candles into the side. That's why it's better to take a styrofoam. Kindle them carefully and take care not to ignite them. As a small piece of advice - put one more gift on the bottom. If it's small, of course.

How to make gifts from kinderov to the wedding: ideas, photos

It is customary for the wedding that the groom and the bride cut the cake and treat them to the guests. And what if the guests come with their cake. Such a gift they just will not. It is desirable to take into account the wedding theme. And you can do it in any style and color scheme.

Option 1:

  • For such an event it is better to make a two-tier or three-tier cake. Still, an important event. The basis is better done with foam. And wrap it in white corrugated paper.
  • Chocolate glue on the side of all tiers. Tie a red ribbon, for example. Do not forget about the beautiful bows.
  • Next lay the kinder in the circle of the first and second floors. And at the very top put the box "Raffaello".Decorate with a big bow.
Cake for wedding
Cake for newlyweds

Option 2:

  • You can make it simple, but tastefully, as they say. We make the base in the form of a round box with a lid. All neatly wrapped in white paper.
  • To make it easier to open the box, you need to come up with a handle to the lid. And you can use a bow for these purposes. But it must be securely secured.
  • Circle the glue of the chocolates, we tie the ribbon. And inside we put kinder-surprises and a small present for the newlyweds.

As you can see, cooking a cake can be equated to different events. Such a universal cake will be a joyful gift for adults and children. Prepare gifts according to our proposed options and please your loved ones.

Video: Cooking a cake from a kinder-surprise

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