Going on vacation, few people think about problems that can easily darken it. Malaise, poisoning, diarrhea, sunburn - this is only the beginning of the list of those ills that so often happen with vacationers. Therefore, it is so important to take with you a properly assembled road medicine kit, which will be an excellent assistant in the fight against treacherous ailments.
As the old saying goes: "Where health is, there's beauty."And in our case also a well-spent vacation. Therefore, before going to the hot corners of the planet should get the most necessary medications "for all occasions."
So that the road does not crawl
For those who are periodically shaken in transport, traveling or long excursions can hardly be a pleasant pastime. At best, they will experience discomfort and moral strain. And instead of on a trip with pleasure to revel in strange beauty and landscapes, they are looking forward to its end.
However, now this problem can easily be solved by taking with them the means of motion sickness. They can be both homeopathic and medicinal. The latter are more effective. But before they are used, it is necessary to thoroughly study the instructions, because there may be contraindications.
The tablet should be taken in advance so that it has time to act. But if you do not have special medicines at hand, you should eat mint candies, which also relieve nausea.
From a mild cold
If the long-awaited vacation has come, and you are suffering from sore throat, weakness and other signs of a cold, you must take paracetamol containing antipyretic. In addition, increase the resistance of the body to infections and accelerate the process of recovery will help calcium. You should take two tablets of calcium gluconate at the first catarrhal manifestations.
Struggling with digestive tract problems
A trip to hot countries, especially exotic ones, is often accompanied by a variety of digestive problems. After all, there are so many temptations to try something completely new, to pamper yourself with unusual gastronomic delights that can "pour out" into heartburn and even poisoning.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to put in the first aid kit:
• enterosorbents - perfectly help in poisoning, preventing toxins from getting into the blood;
• antacids - used to get rid of heartburn;
• enzyme preparations - can quickly eliminate the effects of overeating;
• antispasmodics - excellent assistants in the fight against spasms.
Undoubtedly, you should take with you and funds for diarrhea, but they are used only in extreme cases.
How to help with sunburns
Most vacationers face such an extremely common problem, like sunburn. Often they are received as a consequence of an overabundance of sunbathing, as well as from improperly selected sunscreen. Panthenol helps cope with burns. You just need to apply a cream or foam on the burned areas, leaving it to absorb well.
Of course, it is best to take care of proper protection from the sun in advance. And in the first days of the holiday use sunscreens with a high level of protection( SPF 30-50), lowering it gradually to SPF 8-15.
If you are allergic to the sun
Unfortunately, not everyone can enjoy sunbathing. Solar allergy is one of the factors that can overshadow the long-awaited vacation. This is a kind of reaction of the immune system to ultraviolet radiation. It is a red stain and a rash( very similar to the symptoms of hives).Solar allergy, as a rule, appears in the first days of vacation.
To prevent its occurrence or significantly reduce unpleasant manifestations, it is necessary to take nutritional supplements with a high content of vitamin C, calcium and beta-carotene, which help to increase the level of skin immunity and prevent rashes.
If the manifestations of solar allergy have already appeared, you must first take an antihistamine and limit your exposure to the sun, using a sunscreen with only a high SPF-factor.
Treat sprains and scrapes
Anyone who does not like to lie with a cocktail on the beach, but prefers exciting trips to mountain or woodlands, is probably familiar with such consequences as scratches and sprains. In this there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is to have at hand the necessary funds.
The first aid kit should always contain an elastic bandage, gel or ointment against strains and bruises. Hydrogen peroxide perfectly disinfects wounds, and the bactericidal plaster is used for minor scratches and torn knees. It would be nice to take needles for a syringe with them in a special package, as they are very convenient to remove splints.
Get rid of calluses
Corns - this is one of the most unpleasant consequences of walking in fashionable but uncomfortable shoes. Each girl will certainly agree with this. But it is on vacation that you want to look like a million dollars, smashing the hearts of men.
And that the appearance of calluses did not spoil the rest, they need to immediately pay due attention. First of all, they should be wiped with a lotion based on alcohol. But if the corn has already burst, it is necessary to pour it with a crumbled antibiotic pill, then glue it with adhesive tape. This contributes to its rapid healing and prevents the entry into the wound of bacteria.
However, the occurrence of calluses can be avoided by simply powdering the skin with talcum powder. It quickly absorbs all excess sweat and significantly reduces friction. You can also glue the adhesive in advance to those places that most often "suffer" when walking.