Problems with nutrition in the regions of the Russian Federation

Many medical universities and centers in Russia constantly conduct research in the field of dietetics and nutrition problems of the population, developing on the basis of collected data proposals and techniques for improving the quality of nutrition and life in different regions. At the December 2010 All-Russian Congress of Dietitians and Nutritionists, data was announced on some of them in order to find a way out of the situation together.

In particular, in the Saratov Region, the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, in conjunction with the Saratov Medical University, carried out studies that showed that in the territory of 39 administrative units of the region there were: an imbalance of microelements and a very low iodine content in the environment, an increased concentration in the soil of heavy metals and pesticides, atmospheric air is highly poisoned by toxic substances - hence contamination of food productsI and ponds. All these risk factors in the environment create prerequisites for the development of various diseases in the population.

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And the situation is complicated, it's time to beat all the bells and make strategic decisions to save the region. The total incidence in the Saratov region over the past five years has increased by no less than 37%!Analysis of the quality of nutrition of the population showed that the principles and principles of balanced and rational nutrition have been violated. Here, consumption of sugar, eggs and meat is significantly increased, compared with other regions of Russia. Obesity entails the development of concomitant diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, the gastrointestinal tract. There is an imbalance in terms of consumed animal and vegetable fats.

Study of food products that were grown on the soils of the Saratov region, waters from open water bodies and the Volga River showed a low iodine content in them( less than 10 μg / kg).This is the main risk factor for the formation of pathologies of the thyroid gland.

At the moment in the territory of the Saratov region there are five state programs created for the improvement of the ecological situation. A regional program for risk management for the study and control of iodine deficiency disorders has been developed.

In Yakutia( Republic of Sakha), five years ago, diabetes was a rare phenomenon. Now - this is a very common disease. This is attributed to the fact that the population of the republic has sharply increased the consumption of bread, but reduced the number of vegetables. In addition, many have switched to the use in the daily diet of vegetable fats, and not traditional animals in the region, which are more stable to elevated temperatures and do not oxidize as quickly as vegetable ones.

A constant trend in nutrition of the inhabitants of the Far North is the increase in consumption of fish, meat and alcohol.

In general, the population in Russia has become more fruits and products from them( the lion's share falls on packaged juices) and meat, and less - bread and potatoes. However, the intake of simple carbohydrates and sugar has increased significantly. This suggests that people are trying to control the amount of calories they consume, but they do not distinguish the quality of these calories and choose sweet "empty" calories, and not those that carry any other nutritional value.

In the Russian Federation, over the past 10 years, the number of obese people has increased by 3% and now this figure is 23% of the total population, and this percentage is approximately the same in different age groups. In the country there is no system of training from childhood to the principles of healthy eating. Children in school canteens can easily buy crackers and chips, stuffed with chemistry. But the health of the nation is the health of our children.

It is interesting that in Russia in small towns and villages women are more likely to be obese, but in cities - men, mostly with higher education( in Europe and America, on the contrary).

Food for Russians
  • Mar 06, 2018
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