Takes knitting needles for spring, summer and autumn for women: charts and description. How to tie a voluminous beret, Gerda, braids, lace, fan, with leaves, Nako, plaited, Pumpkin knitting needles for a woman?

Features knitting with women's berets Gerda, Nako, with braids, garter stitch, English rubber band, fishnet.


  • Takes the knitting needles Gerda: schematic and description
  • How to tie a three-dimensional takes with knitting needles for a woman?
  • Takes braids with needles: diagram and description
  • Summer openwork takes with knitting needles: a schematic and description
  • Takes from a mohair with knitting needles: a schematic and a description
  • Tackles with an English rubber band with knitting needles:
  • description Takes with knitting needles:
  • scheme Takes with knitting needles:
  • scheme. Needles: diagram and description
  • Takes Nako( Nako) with knitting needles: description
  • Takes braided knitting needles: diagram and description
  • Takes the Pumpkin with knitting needles: a schematic and description of
  • Video: how to tie a female beret with Gerda?
The variety of female headdresses inspires us to create gentle images. And if the first are made by own hands, you feel yourself especially cozy in them.
instagram viewer

Perhaps, the beret will never lose his fans. It's easy to link it, and there's always something to choose from.

Please note - almost every fashion magazine necessarily contains photos of various women's berets.

Both beginner needlewomen and experienced ones want to look beautiful in their own handicrafts. Continuing the theme of knitted headgear, we will analyze the nuances of knitted berets.

Takes Gerda's needles: a schematic and description

knitted needles bereda on a dummy
Interesting knitted model of Gerda's female beret has a number of performance features. Therefore, all needlewomen who want to bind it, it is worth to be careful when reading the diagram with a description.

Beret Gerda is attractive by a combination of braids crossed in different directions. So it is suitable for cold weather.

  • yarn - 2,5-5 bundles depending on weight, thickness of thread
  • spokes - circular or handkerchiefs No. 3,5 and 5, auxiliary of any diameter
  • tie the control blade with an elastic band and a basic pattern toaccurately determine the required number of loops for the set and in the place of knitting,
  • , use an elastic band 3x3 to a height of 4-4.5 cm on the basic number of loops,
  • , go to knitting the main pattern and expanding the beret blade. Recommended cloaks should be done by lifting the broaches between the hinges, after having crossed these broaches,
  • for twisting the braids use the auxiliary knitting needle then before, then at work,
  • if you picked up the yarn that is indicated for the model from the magazine, you will get 8-10 wedges. If the other is up to 14-16,
  • always wash the ready beret in a cool field and allow it to dry on a horizontal surface.
Detailed scheme of work and description of Gerda Beret's knitting are shown in the photo below.
detailed scheme and job description for knitting with berth berda Gerda

And several variants of patterns and patterns for them for Crochet Berd's knitting:

patterns of patterns for knitting with berth berth Gerda

How to knit three-dimensional knitting needles for a woman?

volumetric knitted beret with a pompon on a smiling girl
The volume of a knitted needles of a beret is given by a pattern:
  • with braids
  • with interlacing of loops
  • looseness of knitting of a rubber
And also the secret lies in the thickness of the thread. The more it is and the freer you sit on thick knitting needles, the looser and more bulky you will get.

There are two ways of knitting such a headdress:

  • vertically from the bottom up without a seam
  • separately a dome and a bake that stitch together
Let's consider the second variant for a head volume of 56 cm. It will be interesting for beginner needlewomen.
  • Carry out a test sample with an elastic band 1 face 2 purl and achieve a density of 13p.x 18r.,
  • Type hinges for knitting a dome in number 91 and knit with knitting needles 4-4.5 by elastic band 1x2 to a height of 23 cm. Use circular or line knitting needles,
  • Evenly cut 30 loops on the entire canvas,
  • After 5 cm repeat the reduction of the loops for another 30 pieces,
  • At a height of 30 cm from the beginning of the knitting, pull the thread through all the remaining loops and tighten them, cut the thread,
  • For the bake, type 13 loops and distribute them as follows: 1 edge, 1 purl,9 facial for pigtail, 1 purl, 1 edge,
  • CrossbonesIf the blade is equal to the girth of the head, connect the hinges of the last row to the first, or close them and sew them,
  • Baku sew to the dome, evenly distributing its hinges to give the same volume in a circle,
  • Finished productgently wash with warm water and leave to dry on a horizontal surface.

Description of one of the variants of three-dimensional women's berets is presented below:

detailed description of knitting with women's berets with cones

Takes braids with spokes: diagram and description

knitted needles with braids on blonde
Especially popular is a female beret with braids knitted with knitting needles. The craftsmen are so ingenious that they came up with a lot of variations with crossed hinges:
  • straight braids along the entire canvas in the amount of 9-12 pieces,
  • originating on the hinges of the rubber band,
  • with bifurcations and turns,
  • with extensions and narrowings of canvasses,
  • with vertical arrangement,
  • present only on the bake.
See the diagrams and descriptions of knitted women's berets with braids in the photo below.
description of the knitting of the female beret with braids, variant 1
description of the knitting of the female beret with braids, variant 2
description of the knitting of the female beret with braids, variant 3

Summer openwork with knitting needles: scheme and description

knitted summer open beret on the woman

In the roastthe time of year the female takes is also relevant. Choose for him an openwork pattern and tie with knitting needles from a natural thread, for example, 100% cotton.

Beku perform:
  • openwork elastic band
  • hook
The width and height of the beret dome can vary depending on your preference. Most likely you do not want to knit it too fluffy, because the rapport of the pattern is enough 6-8.

Detailed descriptions and diagrams of knitted women's berets, see below in the pictures.

picture and description of the work for knitting with the summer women's beret
view and the pattern of the openwork pattern for the knitted female beret, option 1
description of the work for knitting the women's openwork beret, option 1
schematic drawing for knitted women's beret
look andscheme of the openwork pattern for a knitted woman's beret, option 2
view and diagram of an openwork pattern for a knitted female beret, option 3
description of the work for knitting with knitting needles of a woman's openwork beretand Option 2

Mohair Beret spokes: a diagram and description of the female takes

ready mohair associated spokes
Mohair Beret turns warm, looks elegant and not boring. This thread gives the airiness to the product, but if you select an openwork pattern, it can get lost. That is, there will be an easy hint on him on the canvas.

Actual for a mohair beret is the easiest knitting - facial smoothness. Therefore, if you are only planning to pick up your knitting needles and tie your headdress, boldly take mohair threads.

The procedure is simple:
  • bind the beak with a 2x2 rubber band to a height of 5 cm,
  • in the last row increase the number of loops by 30%,
  • knit the straight blade to a height of 23-25 ​​cm,
  • divide the loops into 6-7 or 8 equal parts-wedges,
  • in eachor through a number, tie together 2 loops at the end of each wedge,
  • 6-7 or 8 final loops tighten the thread.

Takes with English rubber band knitting needles: description

knitted female takes with an English rubber band on the dummy
The English elastic band in knitting is simple, and the finished product with it turns out to be voluminous and cute. Another plus is the speed of knitting, which will be appreciated by beginners.

Feature of knitting beret by this pattern is a work on 2 spokes with the subsequent stitching of the product.

Prepare: 1-2 skeins of yarn for
  • .The smaller the footprint, the greater the consumption,
  • spokes in thickness equal to the diameter of the yarn and 1 set that is more by one and a half the size,
  • scissors
  • needle or hook
Description of work:
  • measuring the volume of the head and tying the control sample to determine the future dimensions of the beret,type the hinges and connect them to the rings by extending the penultimate loop through the outermost,
  • with an elastic band of 1x1 at least 3 cm,
  • add 25-30% of the loops in the last row of the rubber band so that there is no hole from the crochet. The best way is to pull out the lower rows of the hinges,
  • , continue working on the spokes of a larger diameter, drawing the pattern of the English rubber band,
  • , after 13-15 cm from the place where the skate goes to the dome, go to the knitting of the usual gum and gradually loosen the hinges,
  • final 7-10 loopsthread the thread,
  • the finished product with a needle or crochet.
The design of the English gum on the needles is lower.
diagram and detailed demonstration of knitting of English gum

Takes with leaves knitting needles:

blue-knitted crocheted knit card with berries and scarf
The leaf pattern looks pretty on a woman's beret and is suitable for both warm summer and cold autumn days.

From the nuances of choosing the leaves as the main pattern for knitting beret, note:

  • combine them with braids on the bake or as stems on the main beret cloth,
  • carefully calculate the number of loops so that each rapport of the pattern is visible on the finished product and does not suffer from a reductionhinges bottom,
  • if you like berets with a minimum volume, knit 7-8 repetitions of the pattern scheme, if with the maximum - 10-12,
  • when knitting the bottom go to the front loops or pick up the charts of smaller leaves,
  • looks the center of the bottom of the beret, made in the form of petals of a flower.
For inspiration, see several patterns of leaves patterns, shown below in the figures.
knitting pattern knitting patterns, leaves, option 1
knitting pattern knitting patterns patterns, option 2
knitting patterns knitting patterns, option 3
knitting patterns knitting patterns, option 4
knitting patterns knitting patterns, option 5
knitting patterns knitting patternsleaves, variant 6

Takes with knitting needles:

scheme, the bottom of a knitted knitted beret with handkerchief
Dress knitting is perhaps the most simple and clear for the needlewoman of any preparation and experience.

To make your beret look especially interesting, take jacquard yarn.

From the convenient features of knitting with handkerchiefs we designate:
  • work on two spokes
  • identical knitting loops of the base fabric
  • evenness of the edges without twisting
  • sufficient knitting density for the winter model
The scheme of work on creating a beret with garter stitch looks like this:
  • after tying the required number of loops of the rim, knit the first row with the face strips, and then with 5-7 cm with the elastic band 2x2,
  • the last row with the wrong ones, among which raise new 28-30 loops,
  • continue the work of garter stitching still 8-10 cm,
  • divide allloops into 6 equal parts-wedges and mark them with markers, for example, with a black thread,
  • at the beginning and end of each wedge, loop 2 loops together, reducing the total number of loops by 12 pieces,
  • repeat decrements every 2 rows afterwhich knitted the loops together,
  • final 12 loops knit a couple more centimeters without reducing the garter stitch,
  • pull them with a thread and continue to sew it from the crown to the rim.

Takes a knit with knitting needles: a schematic and description

female takes, knitted with a knitted pattern
The needlewomen often refer to the same pattern in their own way. For example, a fan in one - this is the peacock's tail for another. They have in common a picture on the product. By the way, the beret with such a pattern will suit you for warm spring or autumn.

Like the "leaves" pattern, "fan" has rapport - the number of loops on which it is tied. Therefore, be guided by it and carefully form the total number of beret loops.

The pattern of the peacock tail pattern is as follows:
patterns and patterns of the "fan pattern" pattern or "peacock tail"
The order of the beret's knitting is as follows:
  • tie with an elastic band 1x1 5-6 cm,
  • evenly increase by one third the total number of loops of the future beret,
  • continue to work with the "peacock tail" pattern, performing 7-9 rapports,
  • to reach the height of the product, when you tied 8 fans, break the blade into wedges and start decreasing at the end of each,
  • after completing 6 more fans, remove the remaining loops,
  • ifyou worked on 2 spokes, sew the crocheted cloth,
  • wash beret in warm water, put it on a plate and leave until dry.
Detailed scheme and description of knitting with knitting needles is shown below in the picture.
description of the job of knitting a beret with a pattern of "swirls"

Takes Nako( Nako) with knitting needles: description

a woman knitted with knitting needles takes Nako, decorated with a flower-brooch
The original appearance of the beret and the order of knitting will be liked by skillful needlewomen.

In Nako, you first knit the dome from the middle of the canvas, and then the rim, sewing it or lifting the hinges from the finished part of the headdress.

Description of work:
  • type 16 loops and knit except for edge 3 purlins, 8 facial, 1 facial, 1 purl, 1 facial,
  • all even rows - according to the drawing,
  • starting from the 3rd row at the end after the purl end add a cap,
  • Continue to knit the extension after the back loop at the end of the row until you reach 14 loops,
  • in parallel perform braids crossing every 8 rows,
  • large triangle from the facial smoothness gradually reduce by 1 loop in each face row by knitting a new triangle wedge,
  • all you need to tie the 6 wedges that flow nicely one from the other,
  • from the edge strips of the stripe with braids, type the hinges for the rim so that they are a third smaller,
  • knit with an elastic band 1x1 or 2x2 to a height of 7-8 cm,
  • readytake a wash in warm water and put on a balloon for complete drying.

Takes braid with knitting needles: a schematic and description

cute knitted needles draws a large braided pattern
A knitted pattern with a pattern "pletenka" will please you with warmth and comfort on cold winter days. It will especially be to the liking of needlewomen who like braids and weaves in their products.

The scheme of the pattern "braid" depends on the rapport. It is executed on 4, 6, 8 and so on loops divided in half for crossing.

The scheme of the braids is as follows:
knitting pattern for the "braid" pattern, variant 1
knitting pattern "braid", option 2
knitting pattern "braid", option 3
And the order of work depends on your preferences for knitting berets:
  • from the elastic to the top of the
  • from the crown to the rubber band
The models of berets that are connected in the first way are bigger, therefore we will consider it:
  • tie the bezel1x1 or 2x2 with a height of 7-8 cm,
  • increase the number of hinges by half,
  • the next 4 rows, follow the front,
  • , depending on the chosen rapport, cross the loops one way to the end of the row,
  • the next 4-6 or 8 rows,evymi,
  • cross your loop in the opposite direction to the end of the series,
  • Repeat the previous 3 steps to subtraction of loops. It is convenient to do this for 5 cm before the completion of the work,
  • after knitting a row with crossed loops, tie 1 row with facial,
  • , repeat * 4 faces., 2 together., 2 out. * To the end of the row,
  • next - 4 persons., 2 together out of., 1 out of.,
  • after - 2 persons., 2 together out of., 2 out.,
  • 2 persons., 2 together., 1 out of the way,
  • 2 persons., 2 together out of the above.,
  • all the loops knit 2 together face up until the canvas is reduced to 20 loops,
  • pull the loose thread of yarn through them twice and pull them well.
Additionally, if desired, decorate the finished one with large beads or a brooch.

And another description of the work on knitting with beret's knitting needles:

description of knitting with knitting needles of the female beret, variant 1
description of knitting with knitted needles by a pattern of "braid", variant 2

Takes the Pumpkin with knitting needles: a scheme and description

knitted needlespumpkin: view from three sides
An interesting variant of a female beret in the form of a pumpkin, or needles of a hedgehog.

For his knitting, take 2 colors of yarn, which are combined, for example, dark and light brown or purple and pink.

The main part of the beret is dark yarn, and light perform several rows before the bottom and all the bottom.

The scheme of the beret pattern is the teeth, consisting of 2 face and 1 purl loops. Around the last you will need to first add 6 loops, and then reduce them.

  • yarn with 2 colors wool
  • circular knitting nos. 3 and 4
  • scissors
  • tie a bezel of 90 loops with a double rubber band to a height of 6 cm,
  • distribute the loops for knitting 30 teeth and complete the row withoutadditions,
  • on both sides of each purl add 1 loop by pulling method from the previous row,
  • added in the previous row of the loop, knit with the backs and again raise on both sides from the facial ones along the loop,
  • is now an islet of purl and wreath from the pYes, perform the facial, necessarily adding more along the loop on both sides of the main facial patterns,
  • repeat the build-up of the loops of the canvas until the moment when they become 6 around the main backside,
  • is now gradually row by row, knit down the mirror pattern,
  • to achievethe initial number of loops - in this case 90, make 5 rows in the back, then the series with the front rows and again 5 rows with the wrong ones,
  • divide the blade into 6 sectors-wedges and reduce 1 loop at the end of each. Bind the knit with the facial,
  • the final 6 loops tie up 6-7 rows and tighten the thread.
To your taste, alternate the color of the yarn during the knitting of the pumpkin beret.

So, we have considered the nuances of knitting with women's berets by different ways, patterns, techniques.

Choose for yourself the model you like, buy yarn and spend the benefit of autumn evenings! Light to you loops!

Video: how to tie a female Gerda with knitting needles?

  • May 25, 2018
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