When creating a comfortable interior in your kitchen, there is often a huge problem of finding suitable places for this or that household appliance. Its placement is not so obvious as it might seem at first glance. The microwave oven has become a completely familiar part of any kitchen environment. So where to put it?
The correct size of
The first significant problem is the specification of the sizes and functions that this device must perform. Now their models are so much in the market, and the available variety of functions exceeds the wildest expectations of any mistress! However, not all the possibilities of the "microwave oven" will really be used in everyday life.
Yes, and the physical parameters of such devices differ among themselves: in width, height and depth. It's just wonderful when a microwave oven is ideal for placing inside a kitchen cabinet. However, do not forget about some features of the operation and the necessary gaps, laid for safe and comfortable operation.
Easy access
Easy and quick access to the microwave is another aspect to consider. Of course, it can be placed under the table top, so that the top of the working area will be freed from any devices. In addition to the kettle and toaster. The only question in this case is whether it will be convenient for you? In many homes, microwave ovens are increasingly installed in cabinets - together with ovens.
This is a fairly convenient and acceptable option, however such products are often much more expensive than budgetary ones, which usually require warming up the morning portions of breakfast and nothing more. As you can see, there are many solutions. Therefore, already at the planning stage of the kitchen, it is worthwhile to think about where to put not only a microwave oven, but also other functional elements.
Such an approach will save you from unpleasant surprises with the further filling of the interior itself. In some cases, a microwave oven, simply and without embarrassment, is placed on the roof of the refrigerator. This is a simple and quite reliable, popular way of solving the problem. Most often, if the combined height of both devices allows, such an arrangement is functional enough and convenient. Practice shows that it is also safe, despite the different opinions of venerable experts and consultants.
Operating Rules
Picking up a place for a microwave, it must also be taken into account that, like a refrigerator, it needs technological gaps that allow the device to "breathe".And the same method of placing such a device inside the furniture elements of the interior creates an area in which excess heat accumulates, which adversely affects the surface of the furniture boards, from which harmful substances that enter the atmosphere of your kitchen begin to be released.
Most likely, if you do not have the additional means to purchase a microwave oven model combined with an oven in one housing, it's worthwhile to install this stand-alone device directly on the countertop, sill or the same refrigerator - based on the availability of free space. In extreme cases - indeed, equip a niche under the countertop. It will not be convenient to use, but you will not be able to interfere with such a useful device any more.