Causes and methods of treatment of diarrhea in infants with breast, artificial and mixed feeding

The newborn in the house is not only a joy, but also an excuse for anxiety. And most of all the fears of parents are related to the work of the newborn's gastrointestinal tract. A signal that with the digestion of a child something is wrong with diarrhea. Diarrhea in the baby can be caused by completely different causes, both completely harmless, and quite serious. The manifestation of this symptom requires attention and a quick reaction of the parents.

  • Stool that does not cause fear
  • Causes of diarrhea
  • Symptoms of
  • Treatment of
  • When to call a doctor
  • Prevention

Stool that does not worry

To determine the "normal" stool of a newborn, modern pediatrics uses several evaluation criteria, for example: smell, color, frequency and consistency. Since the main indicator of a child's health is his state of health, a deviation from the norm for any of the above characteristics is not a sign of the disease.

Depending on the food, the following types of feces are distinguished in infants:

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  1. In children breastfed, the stool is liquid, the color is bright yellow with impurities of white "curd" lumps, the smell is lactic, unobtrusive. The frequency of "going to the toilet" at the baby is 5-8 times a day, but this should not frighten the young mother, as it fits within the framework of the norm. Starting from the second month of life, the gap between the filling of the diaper will increase, and the amount will be reduced to 2-5 times. From the third month, the feces look like a gruel of a semi-liquid consistency and can change color to brown, the frequency is 1-2 times a day.

  2. The artificial fecal consistency from the first week is more dense, has a yellow color and a characteristic odor. The frequency rarely exceeds 2-3 times a day, but the babies feel well and show no signs of anxiety.
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Reasons for diarrhea

A common situation is when in the first months of a child's life parents encounter diarrhea in newborns and do not know what to do. The baby fits, cries, and the frequency of the chair multiplies. The stool becomes liquid, has an unpleasant smell. Around the anus, you can notice a strong redness due to the constant irritation of the skin with the calves.

Diarrhea and fever temperature are usually caused by the following reasons:

  • Dysbacteriosis .This is the most common cause of disruption of the developing gastrointestinal tract. The slightest interference with the intestinal microflora, for example, after taking strong medications, can provoke a loose and frequent stool. This explains diarrhea in infants after antibiotics.
  • Accuracy of the diet .When a newborn is breastfeeding, the mother must adhere to the doctor's recommendations and use only approved products. Any error, too fatty or sweet food, smoked meat, reflects on the stool, as the enzyme systems of crumbs are still poorly developed to digest "heavy" food. In artificial animals, a failure in food is caused by a change in the mixture or by experiments of parents with early lure. Diarrhea with foam in the baby in this case should alert and become a reason for contacting a doctor and getting recommendations for further eating crumbs.
  • Intestinal infection , for example, rotavirus. It is caused by pathogens or bacteria, and diarrhea in this case is just one of the possible symptoms, including vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever.
  • Cold or inflammatory disease ( SARS, pneumonia, otitis media).

  • Bifidumbacterin for newborns - benefit, use, contraindications
  • Teething Teeth .Contrary to popular belief, according to which teeth appear in children not earlier than 6 months, many babies in this respect are early. Quite common is the situation where eruption processes in the gums begin at the age of 3-4 months. The kid tries to pull everything in his mouth that is within reach, hence the risk of infection of the intestines.
  • Food allergy. The immune response is not always a rash on the cheeks or a profuse rhinitis. Sometimes a delayed allergic reaction manifests itself in the form of a disorder.
  • Helminths is a rare, but possible cause of diarrhea. Infection can occur from pets in the house.
  • False or blocking diarrhea in infants. The main sign of this disorder is frequent urge to defecate with a poor allocation of stool of any consistency, but more often liquid. In fact, this phenomenon is closer to constipation, since it is one of its varieties.
  • Pediatric pancreatitis, caused by genetic disease of cystic fibrosis. It occurs after the transfer of bronchitis or pneumonia. The child is sluggish, does not gain weight, often coughs, skin is pale gray, but the temperature is absent.
  • Pathologies of the surgical profile .There is a group of diseases( peritonitis, curvature of the intestines, acute appendicitis), in which the disorder of the stool is a characteristic feature.
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Symptoms of

In infants who empty the stomach after each feeding, the frequency of stool is not the determining factor of diarrhea, but the following symptoms:

  • Stools have an unpleasant smell.
  • Feces of green or orange color.
  • The stool is thin, foamy or with a lot of mucus.
  • The child experiences abdominal pain, which is signaled by incessant crying and pinching of the legs.
  • The tummy becomes dense and increases in volume.
  • Increased temperature.
  • Diarrhea with blood veins( normally there are no blood inclusions in the kid's chair).
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Treatment of

The actions of parents should primarily be aimed at preventing pathological loss of fluid in the child's body.

The main signs of dehydration in infants with diarrhea:

  • Dryness of the skin.
  • The child cries, but there are no tears.
  • Rare urination or lack of it.
  • Concentrated bright color of urine.
  • Weight loss.
  • Drowsiness, loss of strength.
  • Westing of the big fontanel at the kid.
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If at least one of the signs of dehydration is observed, it is necessary to help the infant to urgently fill the moisture reserve. Ordinary water is not very suitable for such cases, so it is better to buy a special drug in the pharmacy that replenishes the minerals lost by the baby with diarrhea - Human Electrolyte or Regidron.

It is not recommended for diarrhea to stop breastfeeding or skip attachments to the breast. In addition, do not drink the baby boiled water or tea, since such a liquid has a very poor supply of minerals.

If malaise is accompanied by bloating and increased gas production, you can give a baby with diarrhea. Smectu is a medicinal product of natural origin. This drug has an absorbing effect and will quickly remove from the child's body all the bacteria and products of their vital functions.

To help the newborn, some mothers resort to traditional medicine and try to treat a baby with diarrhea from rice decoction. This method has proven itself in the fight against disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It also has no contraindications and does not cause allergic reactions. Rice broth gently envelops the intestinal mucosa of the crumbs, relieves irritation and gently cleanses the digestive tract from toxins.

Standard medication for diarrhea also includes the following drugs: Furazolidone, Nifuroxazide. But their use must necessarily be agreed with the pediatrician.

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When to Call a Doctor

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for parents to independently stop diarrhea in a babe.

Call an ambulance immediately if:

  • has a diarrhea with mucus in the baby;
  • observed frequent and profuse vomiting;
  • has all the signs of dehydration;
  • diarrhea with blood;
  • baby can not drink for more than a day;
  • temperature rose above 38.5 degrees;The
  • newborn cries without stopping for several hours.
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Prevention of

To avoid the appearance of diarrhea, it is sufficient to adhere to the following simple rules of behavior with infants.

  • Wash hands after visiting the street and keep out to the foreign child without this elementary hygienic procedure.
  • Boil the dishes of the baby and his pacifiers.
  • Do not administer complementary foods before the deadlines recognized by official pediatrics.
  • Nursing mothers adhere to the principles of healthy eating.
  • Observe the correct mode of storage of food intended for the baby.
  • May 25, 2018
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