Diabetes and pregnancy. Gestational diabetes in pregnancy: treatment. Consequences of diabetes in pregnant women

Hormonal alteration, increased burden on the female body during pregnancy, changes in metabolic processes - all these factors can lead to the development of a disease such as gestational diabetes .

This dangerous condition can harm not only the woman, but also the child, lead to the development of pathologies, to severe childbirth and miscarriage.


  • Symptoms of diabetes mellitus in pregnant women
  • Causes of diabetes mellitus in pregnant women
  • Latent diabetes in pregnant women
  • Pregnant women with diabetes mellitus
  • Diagnosis of diabetes in pregnant women
  • Pregnancy test
  • Diabetes of pregnant women: implications for the child
  • Treatment of diabetes of pregnant women
  • Video:How correctly to enter insulin?
  • Diabetes and pregnancy: advice and reviews
  • Diabetes and pregnancy: advice and feedback
  • Video: Gestational diabetes mellitus

Symptoms of diabetes mellitus in pregnant women

  • Diabetes may even occur in in women who do not belong to the
    instagram viewer
    risk group and do not have a predisposition to such a complexdisease
  • It is extremely difficult to suspect the onset of gestational diabetes, since the is progressing slowly without showing obvious signs or acute
  • .a woman can write off the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy
Without the help of doctors diagnose diabetes in pregnancy is extremely difficult

Still some symptoms can be diagnosed alone: ​​

  • lethargy and drowsiness
  • constant thirsty
  • fast fatigue
  • frequent urination with a large wasteurine
  • appetite enhancement
Early registration will allow timely diagnosis of the disease

With the planned consulWith a doctor , leading a pregnancy, a woman is scheduled to take tests, among which is the blood donation for sugar and urine analysis .

These tests will show an elevated blood sugar level and the presence of ketone bodies in the urine, which indicate the onset of the development of diabetes, that is prediabetes .

Causes of diabetes mellitus in pregnant women

The specific factor that causes to develop diabetes in a pregnant woman is not reliably established. Among the scientists' assumptions, the most common is the belief that this disease is facilitated by the placenta release of special substances that block the absorption of insulin by the woman's body.


responds to the production of insulin. hormones cause a more dangerous process for the body. During pregnancy there is a real hormonal explosion, which entails adverse changes in the body of a woman.

Gestational diabetes develops under the influence of hormones

The risk group includes women who have:

  • excess weight
  • increased volume of amniotic fluid
  • hereditary predisposition to diabetes
  • ascertaining of elevated blood glucose level before pregnancy( upper limit of the norm)
  • The result of previous births was the birthdead child
  • in previous births a baby was born with a large weight
  • gestational diabetes occurred during previous pregnancy
  • age of the pregnant woman more 30 years
Addiction to fatigue and a constant feeling of hunger is one of the signs of diabetes

It is important, at the first suspicions for diabetes during pregnancy to consult a doctor.

It is also necessary to provide reliable information about your health status, to emphasize the presence of the hereditary propensity of to a particular disease.

Latent diabetes in pregnant women

Before the blood sugar levels rise, a pregnant woman can already start developing a diabetes, which in medicine is called by diabetic .

This stage of the disease is extremely dangerous, because it is extremely difficult to suspect hidden diabetes, while the body starts to suffer from the excess of sugar in the blood.

Primarily, diabetes harms the heart and blood vessels

The most pronounced negative effect of latent diabetes on vascular system , can cause heart failure and vision impairment in a pregnant woman. A baby in the womb can also suffer from excess sugar. This condition is fraught with development of pathologies in the early term and large fetal sizes at a late stage.

In 50% of cases of latent diabetes, there is a risk of its transition to the type 2 diabetes .

The course of diabetes in pregnant women

The occurrence of gestational diabetes a woman may not even notice. If it flows in the mild form of , then no signs can indicate it and the true picture of the health state is opened only by after the tests are submitted.

If diabetes is diagnosed in the urine,

will be detected. If such a diagnosis is made, the woman will be forced to donate blood and urine to for sugar before the end of pregnancy .

In most cases, if you adhere to the recommendations of a doctor, then the pregnant woman will not notice any accompanying changes in her body, since frequent urination and slight malaise of is common to all women in the situation.

After birth, diabetes usually passes

Before giving birth, the question is raised about the possibility of of natural delivery , because of the excess sugar that enters the baby's body, the child can be large. In most cases, passes after the birth of , but in some cases it flows into type 2 diabetes.

Nevertheless, a woman who is confronted with with gestational diabetes should further carefully monitor their health, since there is a risk of of type 1 or type 2 diabetes .

Diagnosis of diabetes in pregnant women

The basis for diagnosis of gestational diabetes in pregnant women are analyzes for the presence of sugar .If during the scheduled delivery of urine, which occurs at each visit to a woman, a diagnosis of the presence of sugar in the urine, the woman is sent for a blood test.

The pregnant woman must determine the sugar level herself with the help of the

blood glucose meter. By itself, such an indicator in the urine of does not indicate the presence of diabetes , but can only be the reason for the suspicion of such a disease.

Analysis for diabetes in pregnant women

The blood test for sugar is also not a true last resort, because if a woman ate blood, sugar level may be increased .

The normal blood sugar level for a woman in a position is from 3.5 mmol / l to 5.5 .

Regular delivery of tests will help to identify gestational diabetes

The most effective in detecting diabetes is the test for glucose tolerance .It consists in the fact that a woman is taken away the blood and examined to the level of sugar. After that the patient uses 50 g of glucose and after one hour the analysis is repeated.

Blood sampling for analysis of

Even if the test result does not determine the occurrence of diabetes, and the woman is at risk group, this test is repeated every four weeks until the very end of pregnancy.

Test results:
- up to 7.8 mmol / l - female healthy and gestational diabetes no
- 7,8-10,6 mmol / l - additional examination is scheduled( 3-hour tolerance test)
- 10, 6 mmol / L - the doctor diagnoses "gestational diabetes"

Diabetes of pregnant women: consequences for the child

Diabetes mellitus has a negative impact on the development of the child and delivery .Its appearance in the early stages has the most unfavorable outcome. During the period when the development of organs and systems of the fetus, may develop various pathologies of .

Gestational diabetes leads to the formation of various pathologies in the fetus

The appearance of diabetes at a later stage of pregnancy leads the to increase the size of the fetus , which do not correspond to the date.

In this case, the head of the child and the limbs have dimensions corresponding to the norm, and the shoulder belt and abdomen are significantly enlarged, which can become a serious problem in the birth of and the indication for cesarean section.

Cesarean section operation - sometimes the only possible type of delivery for gestational diabetes

If the delivery is positive, then the child requires special care for .Because of a sharp drop in blood sugar levels, hypoglycemia may occur, which requires the baby to be discarded with glucose.

Treatment of diabetes in pregnant women

In gestational diabetes, a woman should constantly monitor the blood sugar level of the .For this, tests are taken, as well as self-diagnostics with the help of a glucometer. To adjust the sugar level, is prescribed for insulin .

Insulin injection during pregnancy

If a woman has had diabetes before pregnancy, the dose of insulin is increased, to obtain compensation. Also, if a woman took bovine insulin, it is temporarily transferred to human insulin.

If a person can not independently monitor the diet and the state of the sugar, the woman is hospitalized. Being in a hospital, a woman receives a balanced diet, the necessary dose of insulin and seek compensation for diabetes.

Video: How to correctly introduce insulin?

Nutrition for pregnant women with diabetes - diet

The only methods for controlling diabetes are insulinotherapy and adherence to a specific diet of .Since a pregnant woman needs nutrients, there should not be any strict diets. The food should be non-caloric , but contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements .

Diabetes diet will help a pregnant woman to control blood sugar

First of all, it is necessary to limit the products that contain carbohydrates of rapid assimilation of .

These are:

  • various sweets and confectionery
  • flour products, in particular white bread
  • some fruits
  • fast food and fast food
  • sweet carbonated drinks
Fast food and carbonated drinks with gestational diabetes are prohibited

It is necessary to exclude from the diet and products, containing hidden sugar .Also, in view of the fact that the mass of the fruit is already close to excess, fatty foods should be excluded and the cooked dishes cooked on steamed and in the oven should be preferred.

Diabetes and pregnancy: advice and feedback

Gestational diabetes is a dangerous condition for the mother and child in her womb, but this does not mean that there will certainly be serious consequences. If the pregnant woman adheres to all the recommendations of doctors, follow a special diet and controls the sugar state, then the danger will be avoided.

Monitoring the status of a woman in a hospital

Reviews of many mothers who survived diabetes during pregnancy, show that most people manage to deliver the child before the due date and give birth to a healthy baby .After this gestational diabetes passes.

Gestational diabetes does not compromise the success of the

delivery To avoid the occurrence of such a disease it is necessary to follow the recommendations of physicians:

  • during pregnancy planning, it is necessary to adjust your weight
  • being in position, avoid eating sweets in large quantities, restrict the intake of carbohydrates
  • neglect the early registration of
  • do not ignore the delivery of tests and studies that are prescribed by the gynecologist

Not worth itdespair, if at the next reception of a gynecologist you will hear diagnosed as "gestational diabetes" .This is not a death sentence, your pregnancy has all chances to be successful, and the child - healthy .

Video: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

  • May 26, 2018
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