Dream interpretation: a child. What do the children dream about? Interpretation of a dream about children

What does it mean to see a child in a dream? What do different actions with children mean in a dream?


  • Dream-child-birth
  • Why dream about walking with a child?
  • Dream interpretation - baptizing a child
  • Dreaming - saving a drowning child
  • Dreaming - killing a child
  • Why dream of becoming a child?
  • What does it mean to cut a child?
  • What does the dancing children dream about?
  • Dream Interpretation - unknown children
  • What does the children have to dream about: tips and feedback
  • Video: What do children dream about?

Interpretation of dreams is a rather old and interesting occupation. In ancient times many thinkers and fortunetellers tried to interpret the meaning of their own and other people's dreams.

Today, based on their work and conclusions, a large number of dream books have been formed, in which at any moment one can glance at a person who is persecuted by experiences about his dream. The most popular of them are the dream book of Miller, Vanga, Freud, Nostradamus.

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Children in a dream

Dream interpretation - the birth of a child

  • The birth of a baby to the light is a very expected and wonderful event for his parents. Because, as a rule, such an act in a dream will only promise happiness, luck in business and personal life. And for those who want to have a child in real life, such a dream can mark the fast replenishment of
  • . For business people, the birth of a child in a dream predicts success in their endeavors and a possible increase. For some, this may mean the arrival of welcome guests or the delivery of good news.
  • . If the baby was not born healthy, it is worthwhile to worry about the difficulties, illnesses and obstacles.
  • According to Miller's dream book, the birth of a baby can only symbolize positive changes. However, such a dream should alert unmarried girls, because their reputation and honor can be threatened. To pay attention to one's behavior and take care of the dignity of
  • . In Wang's dream book, giving birth to a child in a dream means getting a chance to be reborn. That is, a person should revise their lives and maybe change something in it. Taking births from someone means participating in a rather important matter, which in real life can seem completely and not significant. However, belonging to this process as a result can bring unexpected results and prospects.
  • . According to the dream book of Freud, to take part in someone's birth promises a quick meeting with your destiny. If a woman in a dream has seen her birth, most likely she will soon be in an interesting position. If in his dreams a man gives birth, he should be careful with extramarital affairs
  • Childbirth in the water for a young virgin promises a quick deprivation of innocence or marriage
  • For a woman aged to see the birth of her baby or the preparation for childbirth can foretell the disease
Birth of a baby in a dream

Why dream about walking with a child?

If a woman sees a walking single child in a dream, this indicates a woman's freedom and independence. She does not pay attention to worldly vanity and despises everyday vulgarity. Walking in a dream with a child, a woman feels comfortable and calm.

If a person in his dream leads the child's hand, it means that in the near future his most difficult problems will be solved in his favor. Do not be afraid of obstacles - you need to achieve your goal in any way.

Walking with a child in a dream

Dreaming - baptizing a child

  • As for the child's christening, then the thinkers and interpreters have radically different opinions. Some believe that the preparation or the process itself for the baptisms of your child in a dream promise wealth, luck and happiness. Becoming godparents means, in the future, to take part in a grand event or become a volunteer
  • Sonnik Miller advises witnesses of the sacrament of baptism in a dream to assert their opinion more confidently in front of others, thereby strengthening their authority and reputation
  • . Some sources to sick people present in their dreams on the ritebaptism of the child, promise death
  • It is also believed that if in a dream a person is present in the church at the christening and hears how the baby cries, the unhappy fate of the
  • awaits him But all the samethe majority of interpretations prophesy to a person who sees or participates in a child's baptismal ritual, only positive results - a valuable premise, an important event, unexpected joyful news or a sudden burst of happiness.
Baby's baptism

Dream-to save a drowning child

  • Miller's dream, along with many psychologists, believe that salvationin a dream a drowning child speaks of unspent love. That is, a person has an acute lack of care for someone. For example, such a dream can dream a woman long dreaming of becoming pregnant
  • Also these dreams are happy for young people trying to overcome their own complexes and shortcomings, proving their importance to the people
  • If a person dreams of dreaming that he saved a drowning child, it is possiblesome of his relatives or friends need help, and soon he will have to provide it.
  • Also, psychologists believe that if the baby was not able to be saved in dreams, then the eyewitness of such a terrible event had to get bogged downь in his problems, and he is no longer able to solve them
  • Wannie's dream interpretation prophesies only the material blessings to the sleeper who saved a drowning boy in a dream. But the girl, saved in dreams, promises good news or the approaching grandiose event
To save a drowning child

Dream-assassination of a child

It is believed that contemplating the murder of a child in a dream warns about bad events and losses in life, accompanied by negative emotions and stress.

If such a dream is a dream for a woman who has children, it can mean a lack of her attention to them and a lack of proper upbringing. If the girl does not yet have children, such a dream tells her that she is not ready for them yet and she should wait with motherhood.

Another murder of a child in a dream can talk about approaching a person of old age.

Killing a child

Why dream of becoming a child?

According to Wangi's dream book, a person who has become a child in a dream again lacks childish spontaneity, lightness and naivety in real life. He was tired of the routine routine and would like to once again be shielded from such a cruel and dangerous world.

The dreamer of Nostradamus also claims that if a person in his dreams again became a child, it's time for him to change something in life and revise its values. Such a dream indicates the achievement of a certain Rubicon and the need for change.

Becoming a child again

Why is it a dream to cut a child?

  • In Miller's dream book it is said that to cut hair to a crying child in a dream - to illness and difficulties. But if a child likes this process and he smiles, then such a dream promises only good luck in personal relationships.
  • According to Vangi's dream book, cutting his hair in a dream means soon to experience cardinal changes. If the baby is crying during the haircuts and the sleeper is trying to comfort him, this situation heralds the surprise and surprise of
  • . The same Tzvetkova opposite, says that cutting a child in a dream, a person in life is at risk of being deceived by the other half or friends.
  • According to the Islamic(Muslim) dream book, such a dream prophesies the poor for the gods, and the rich for loss and ruin.
  • Dream interpretation of Freud interprets the haircut of long hair in a child as a change in his personal life.
  • . In Lopff's dream book, cut off a good, Wasps means seriously and permanently quarrel with someone
  • Dream Interpretation Nostradamus promises shearers dream beautiful hair of the child boundless happiness. If the hair is very confused during haircuts, the sleeper should beware of troubles
Shave the child

What does the dancing children dream about?

If in a dream married people see dancing children, it is most likely either to add, or to harmony and family happiness. If the sleeper is not married, such a dream can promise him, as a carefree bachelor life, and a quick successful family life.

Dancing children

Dream interpretation - unfamiliar children

  • According to the Esoteric Dream Book, dreams with unfamiliar children reflect the attitude of those around to the sleeper. Thus, if a child is upset and sobbing in a dream, then someone's behavior causes the negative emotions of the sleeper
  • . If the kid is in the mood and actively plays, then the person has and has respect for himself. If a child laughs cheerfully, then love is felt for the sleeper. A weak, ugly child in a dream personifies a hostile relationship
  • A healthy and beautiful baby can reassure the sleeper - he can rely on others because of their boundless love and respect. Sometimes in a dream near an unfamiliar child you can see a familiar person. This suggests that the dream expresses exactly his emotions and feelings for the asleep
Unknown children

What does the children dream of: tips and responses

Sometimes people in a dream see children. Those, in turn, can do something, somehow look unusual or just catch a glimpse of a dream and disappear. But what does such a dream mean? What does he promise his eyewitness? What does he need to prepare for? In this article, the maximum amount of information about children in dreams will be given. All data will be based on the most authoritative and well-known dream books of the world.

That's all the information about dreams with children. However, do not blindly believe all the dream books - sometimes a dream is only a reflection of the inner experiences or joys of a person. Such dreams, as a rule, do not carry any semantic loads, but only reflect what a person had to endure for a day or a week.

Video: What do children dream about?

  • May 26, 2018
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