How to store cheese

Cheese refers to constantly developing living foods. If the conditions of its storage fail, this process starts to go wrong, and the product can dry up, becoming unattractive in appearance or even inedible.

Rules for storing cheese

Optimal storage of purchased cheese in a well-ventilated room, subject to:

  • air temperature of 6-8 ° C.When excessive cold, the cheese is killed - crumbles, and at high temperatures its structure changes;The
  • humidity level is about 90%.If this indicator is less - the cheese dries, if more - it spoils.

To keep the cheese as long as possible and you can enjoy its wonderful taste, you should observe several simple rules for storing this product:

  • You do not need to buy it in large quantities. It is better to take a little and often.
  • You need to store cheese, avoiding temperature changes. In the fridge, it should be on the bottom shelf, next to vegetables and fruits.
  • The cheese is kept closed so that it does not absorb any foreign smells and does not dry with the humidity of the air standing in the refrigerator. And do not store it just in paper, so it will dry quickly and become stale. To prevent molding and drying of cheese, it is stored in the refrigerator and in several packages: wrapped in clean parchment, tracing paper or ordinary food film and put in a plastic bag or syrnitsu with a lid. Do not store it in sealed containers.
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  • In the refrigerator, the cheese should be on the bottom shelf or in the vegetable box at 5-8 ° C.
  • If you plan to store cheese outside the refrigerator, then it should be wrapped in a linen napkin, pre-soaking it in salt water, and keep away from sunlight.

How to store different types of cheese

Hard cheese can be stored at home for up to 10 days, tracing the appearance of mold, but soft varieties age too fast, and they are stored no more than 3 days. The processed cheese is already stored for about two days, it dries quickly and loses all its qualities.

Pickle cheese is best stored for storage in a light brine on serum or water. In this case, before eating, it, like cheese, should not be poured with boiling water, thus reducing their nutritional value( during the scalding they lose fat, and the protein contained in the cheese curdles).To reduce the salinity of cheeses, cut into small cubes and put 10-12 hours into milk or boiled water( the temperature should be room temperature).

If you have a lot of cheese, it is better to use a freezer to store it( suitable only for hard or semi-solid varieties).Of course, after thawing the cheese will crumble, but it will not lose its taste. This product can also be stored for a long time in a vacuum package. Cheese, cut into small pieces, can be stored in a glass or enamel saucepan( in the refrigerator and under the lid), if desired, putting a small piece of sugar there, so that it absorbs excess moisture.

Store cheese correctly and enjoy its taste!

Storage of
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