What hairstyles suit the owner of a full face

The main task of any hairstyle is to emphasize the dignity, and skillfully hide the flaws of the exterior. Therefore, full women should pay special attention to its proper selection. There are a number of strict rules that need to adhere to pyshechkam to look stylish, charming and do not be embarrassed by their round cheeks.

  • Hair styles
  • For short hair
  • For medium hair
  • For long hair

Hair styles

In case of a full face it is impossible to achieve success by smoothly fitting the hair or tightening it in a tight tail. In hairstyles for a full face, the main role is played by volume, lightness and moderate splendor, this applies to both long and short haircuts.

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For short hair

In order for a large face to become visually slimmer, the hairstyle should be selected in youth style, but without excess. Successful options for a full face will be asymmetrical forms of haircuts, simple and loose styling. Welcome a natural slightly careless dynamics of hair, multilayered, the variability in the creation of the fuses.

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It's better to choose hairstyles that will partially hide your cheeks, thereby visually stretching your face.

Holders of a full face in the shape of an oval or a triangle are suitable for haircuts to the shoulders, but from ultrashort options it is better to refuse.

An asymmetrical bean, whose front strands are slightly longer than the chin level, will decorate the round face.

To ensure that this styling looks like winning hair should be absolutely smooth and smooth.

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For medium hair

Cascading and volumetric haircuts at medium length will visually make the full face less round. In this case, straight hair, strict lines and symmetry will draw undesirable attention to the full figure. It is better to choose soft voluminous curls and side parting.

To balance the full face areas, you need to discard excessively short thick and straight bangs. It is better to give preference to profiled oblique strands, they will lengthen the face and take away unnecessary attention from the full cheeks.

Learn about modern techniques of hair straightening http://woman-l.ru/vidy-i-texniki-melirovaniya-volos/

Experiments with melioration and coloring are welcomed.

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For long hair

Long hair is an advantage for owners of a full face. Curly or straight, framing the face, they give it a more oval shape. A flat central part will visually make the face more elongated.

Do not wear a bang that falls on your eyes. They make the face shorter and even fuller.

When laying loose hair, you should lift the occipital area, while the front part can be left unshaved. As an evening or wedding option, high hairstyles such as, "Babette",

, curly hair, fleece or ponytail will fit the full face.

  • May 26, 2018
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